AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #5

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I just found a little "insider" info on going to and from Mex. illegally. You may not need a passport going onto mexico if you are Walking in! They rarely stop the walker iners, LOL, but walking out yes. there is some walkway next to the bridges??
It is not uncommon at all, to pay someone you do not even know to take a baby or child either way! There are actually people that specialize in children only, not adults! For the most part it is for a good purpose, as in reuniteing children with their parents that are already here in the states.
Also, "personal info and paperwork" can be bought real cheap, 2-300 bucks to "borrow" ones info. people sale theirs and their childrens info for this purpose regularly.
The thing that is really interesting IF there is a mexico connection(Let's hope not!) San Antonio is a "checkpoint" of sorts, for coyotes(people that get you over) to drop off immigrants. Victoria will sometimes be used under certain circumstances, as other towns between here and there. BUT San antonio is a "key player". Keep in mind, these "transports" work both ways.

EJ was here in SA for a week? she paid for a week in advance. I do not think it is some coincidence, that her time was up, and she just happened to find a couple in a park. The park she speaks of, is on the other side of town. the side she was on, is not the best. IMOO she was here that long for some reason. Did she leave early from AZ because of the court date? and the handoff was not until a later date? If she was too ask a coyote the best way out of dodge, they would have pointed to one of the bus stations like she took. They require only cash. no ID.

Hopefully, all this is not worth the time it took to type, and baby Gabriel, is somewhere safe, here in the states, ready to be found. If he is in mex. I fear he will never be found.:(

that was certainly worth my time to read
very interesting
thank you!
The Smiths insist that their POI status means nothing, that it isn't a serious issue, and that they are POI because they might have cognitive memories. To hear them, the Smiths, explain it: being a POI is nothing more than being extra sugar sprinkles on gumdrops in Candyland... ya know, nothing of significance...

What kills me: if they want to find the baby, why is it they never talk about him? They talk about Elizabeth... they ran Logan into the ground... but when it comes to Gabriel they refer to him as "this baby" and give no description of him. "Lets find this baby", Jack said, yesterday on tv... yet if you had taken the whole interview for what was said, the interview was not about the baby, it was them talking about themselves.

I've noticed that and found it quite strange. This poor little cutey-patooty baby is called "it", "thing", "this baby", "the baby", etc, by everyone who "supposedly" LOVES him.....mother, grandfather, adoptive hopeful parents, etc.....everyone except his father, that is.

That's NOT how people who love a baby talk about him. And they don't STOP talking about him. "Gabe did this, and Gabe did that, and my little Gabriel has this look he'll give me, and OMG, he makes the cutest little noise when he sleeps.......etc, etc....". But I haven't heard one person, besides Logan, speak with any love in their voice about this poor little guy.

It would not surprise me if he has issues all his life with love and trust and bonding, even if he doesn't consciously remember what happened to him as an infant. He needs to be found, found SOON, and returned to his Daddy (bio or not), who seems to be the only person in his life to care more about Gabriel than he does about himself.

I don't see anything about the presser. KPHO is due to carry the State of the State address from the Governor here at 1:45, so unless it's a quick presser, they don't have much time.
What time is it in Arizona? Are they PST?

MST, except they don't observe daylight savings time.

Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time (March through November). We do not "spring Forward" in Phoenix -- we always stay on Mountain Standard Time. During Daylight Saving Time (DST) most of Arizona is at the same time as California (Pacific Daylight Time or PDT).
I don't see anything about the presser. KPHO is due to carry the State of the State address from the Governor here at 1:45, so unless it's a quick presser, they don't have much time.

Can you take your laptop and run over to the Tempe PD and post everything they're saying and everything they're doing with detailed notations of body language?

just a thought... but on the today show video the reporter said it was going to be a press "briefing" so could that mean it will not be live??? The reporter also described it as a going to be another plea for information with Logan there as well...
Any presser folks? I'm on the East coast, so I don't know if there is any local coverage.
Can you take your laptop and run over to the Tempe PD and post everything they're saying and everything they're doing with detailed notations of body language?


Hahaha....I wish :)

I live in Tucson, so it would take me about 1 1/2-2 hours to get there. I'm sure I would miss everything by then ;)

(I know, you were only joking---or at least half-joking)
If this press release ends up being TPS with a karaoke amplifier and mic, I'm going to be pissed! :snooty:
just a thought... but on the today show video the reporter said it was going to be a press "briefing" so could that mean it will not be live??? The reporter also described it as a going to be another plea for information with Logan there as well...

hmmmm....might just hand out a statement to the media. The Smiths act like they set this up. Saying that LE would now be having daily updates so they, the Smiths, can get back to their "normal" lives. Like getting a enemas....trashing dads....quoting the bible....trolling for babies.....:sick:
Can you take your laptop and run over to the Tempe PD and post everything they're saying and everything they're doing with detailed notations of body language?


Excuse my ignorance but is that the same thing as BODY TALK? or is it something different?
It's 1:08 here now. We are on Mountain time.

that's right sorry, when i called my sister in law during daylight savings it different because az doesn't do daylight savings sorry
just a thought... but on the today show video the reporter said it was going to be a press "briefing" so could that mean it will not be live??? The reporter also described it as a going to be another plea for information with Logan there as well...

It could be. I'm sure that more info will be posted a little bit later. There are a lot of news outlets in Phx, so I'm sure they will all be running themselves ragged to be the first to put out this supposed new information.

BTW, I was watching EJ's court appearance earlier and WHEW!!!!!

She is as dumb as a box of rocks!!!!!!!

"When do I get a lawyer?"

Now THAT would look cool as a signature!
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