AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #10

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I actually did a bit of reading on this... this is from memory from many years ago, so a bit of salt applies... As I recall, the theory is that people are genetically programmed to have an aversion to sexual activity with those they are raised with. This is why we, as humans, even have the taboo of incest... it avoids genetic inbreeding. So if a boy and girl are raised together, in close proximaty, it is unusual for there to be any sexual activity as they get older. It's not blood relation, it's the proximaty. So this would hold for a brother/sister, if they are raised together. If they are raised apart, it is more likely for an incestuous relationship to develop. If cousins are raised in close proximaty, the same thing holds.

I ran across this in an article discussing the Jewish Kibbutz (sp?), as many of them had problems when the (unrelated) children grew up in such close proximaty they later didn't want to marry. It "felt" incestous to them.

Not sure if there are stats out there, but I suspect most of the blood relative molestations occur where the relative did not spend years growing up in the same household. Of course, there are ALWAYS exceptions, but I do think the exceptions to this are rare.

I find it absurd that people are insinuating that there is some risk in having a little girl sleep in the same room as her 14-year-old brother. Yes, teenage boys have a lot of sexual curiosity, but that does not mean they are going to be sexually aroused by a 6-year-old sibling. Good grief. Get a grip, people. Not every person in the world with access to a young child is going to sexually abuse the child. The vast majority of people do not do that sort of stuff. If you're keeping a little girl away from her big brother, who is probably her hero, because of irrational fears, you are doing that child a disservice.

DH and I discussed this evening, while watching Nancy Grace, a very sophisticated-looking photo of 6-year-old Isabel that has been shown repeatedly on HLN. The little girl is wearing purple lipstick, appears to be wearing eye makeup, and has a purple flower in her hair. I don't want to repeat what we said about the picture of the missing little girl; suffice it to say that she doesn't look like "innocence personified".

In his somewhat rambling statement to the media, the "uncle" suggested that Isabel was "wise". Very unusual to use "wise" in reference to a 6-year-old, and I couldn't help wondering what he meant by that word choice. Wise beyond her years? Precocious? Prodigiously gifted? Or, perhaps, knowing about things that were "adult" activities and not intended for children... :moo:
BBM, they do have sexual thoughts at that age. I speak from experience. It is not a good idea to have girls sleeping with boys, IMO.

They are not girls sleeping with boys, they are brothers and sisters. There is a difference at least where I come from. jmo
DH and I discussed this evening, while watching Nancy Grace, a very sophisticated photo of 6-year-old Isabel that has been shown repeatedly on HLN. The little girl is wearing purple lipstick, appears to be wearing eye makeup, and has a purple flower in her hair. I don't want to repeat what we said about the picture of the missing little girl; suffice it to say that she doesn't look like "innocence personified".

In his somewhat rambling statement to the media, the "uncle" suggested that Isabel was "wise". Very unusual to use "wise" in reference to a 6-year-old, and I couldn't help wondering what he meant by that word choice. Wise beyond her years? Precocious? Prodigiously gifted? Or, perhaps, knowing about things that were "adult" activities and not intended for children... :moo:

So what are you insinuating? tia
Consider that the "many" who are molested by family who some posters are referencing here are either here posting in WS, or are outside of WS, but are still around to tell the story.

This seems a different population than a missing six year old girl.
I understand abuse. And I certainly am familiar with molestation by priests. That is not what I am addressing. I am speaking to the fact that from early on the 'uncle/cousin' was being profiled here on this site because he was an 'uncle'. With no other proof or incidents, but only because he was an uncle. And he was the only one who came forward and spoke so he was really the only other person we knew about except the parents. Or the brothers. And surely no one is suggesting one of the brothers did something. I am sorry for your experiences, I really am. But, I think we as responsible people need to hear all the facts. And I don't or haven't seen that happening. jmo

He was profiled for many reason other than just being her 'uncle.' One of the reasons is that he was so present at the start of this process. First to search, first to be the family spokesman, but then rambled on about HIS OWN inner confusion and feelings, never mentioning Isabel. It was thought he might have been sleeping there that night. And then we saw his record of 3 recent DUI's and drug busts. And turns out he might not really even be her uncle, but might be a cousin by marriage instead. So, really, my personal experiences were not really at the forefront of my suspicions.

And it seems like maybe LE is interested in him as well.
Just before noon, Sergio Celis , Isabel's father, was brought to the house. He was accompanied by Tucson Police detectives and stayed inside the house for about an hour.

Sergio Celis was quickly whisked away by the investigators. Minutes later, Rebecca Celis, Isabel's mother, showed up with the same detectives. She stayed in the house for about 45 minutes, and then left. Then, detectives brought in this young boy, believed to be Isabel's brother.

We understand the detectives did this to recreate the scene to help them create a better timeline before little Isabel disappeared.
Remember the TOS of WS, attack the "post", not the "poster". The use of "you" can be form of attacking the poster.

Post lands at random.
This does not at all sound good for recovering Isabel alive. It's been almost 2 weeks now?
Someone knows something, but I'm afraid the police are spending far too much time talking about her immediate family and taking them over the house again.
I know it's where they usually look first, (family) but what if she's over the border already day one?

Any Videos down there, like with the missing family from Califronia? A video right at the border crossing looked to be similar to the family.

Yet any word on Videos and border crossings with Isa?
I don't think anyone said there was a danger allowing her to sometimes sleep in the same room as her 14 yr old brother. The issue is whether it is a good policy for an every night thing. Little girls stop walking around naked when they have older brothers, mostly for the sake of the older brothers themselves. It is just very hard for a 14 and 15 yr old to begin dealing with their sudden onslaught of hormonal influences. So having a young girl walking around naked, or sleeping in their bed every night, is best avoided.

nd my kids slept on the same bed under various circumstances, like vacations, camping etc. But as a general rule, girls and boys deserve privacy once puberty encroaches, imo.

Has it been said Isa was walking around naked near her brothers? Link please as I feel this is so degrading to a missing child.
They are not girls sleeping with boys, they are brothers and sisters. There is a difference at least where I come from. jmo

There is supposed to be. But if there are other circumstances in a child's life, then confusion reigns. And puberty is confusing and stimulating. When a little boy starts feeling the normal feelings of the hormones of puberty,and feels aroused, it is better if there are no little girls sleeping in his bed, relatives or otherwise. imo Why put him through that kind of confusion and temptation?
Has it been said Isa was walking around naked near her brothers? Link please as I feel this is so degrading to a missing child.

NOOOOOOO. We were just discussing a child's need for privacy during puberty.
They are not girls sleeping with boys, they are brothers and sisters. There is a difference at least where I come from. jmo

There's a difference where I come from too. I'm sure you are not implying that where I come from we don't see a difference. You're certainly entitled to your opinion on the subject, as am I.
Has it been said Isa was walking around naked near her brothers? Link please as I feel this is so degrading to a missing child.

No, it has never been stated. There is a discussion going on with regards to brothers and sisters sleeping in the same room, teens reaching puberty etc., etc. On this one, need to go back some posts to see how we all got here!
There is supposed to be. But if there are other circumstances in a child's life, then confusion reigns. And puberty is confusing and stimulating. When a little boy starts feeling the normal feelings of the hormones of puberty,and feels aroused, it is better if there are no little girls sleeping in his bed, relatives or otherwise. imo Why put him through that kind of confusion and temptation?

You said it so much better than I could. Thank you, Katydid.
Family involvement or stranger abduction time is not on Isa's side right now and with every minute that passes the outcome becomes more bleak. I hope and pray that some tip pans out and she is found safe and alive, it has[ happened and I wish for it to happen for her, but the odds are not in her favor, that is for sure.

I wish that life was such that we would never have to wonder whether or not a sibling, cousin, uncle, or father would harm or molest a family member but it happens. I pray more than anything that no matter what Isa is found and the perp is brought to justice... that is my wish and for peace for the people who love her.

Please let their be answers. I just can't hardly bare the thought of another child disappearing without a trace (seemingly forever).

I appreciate everyones opinion here, no matter what, I think we all want the same thing.
There's a difference where I come from too. I'm sure you are not implying that where I come from we don't see a difference. You're certainly entitled to your opinion on the subject, as am I.

I understand and of course I was not implying anything. But, for now I am going to bed and I am sleeping with my dog. But, I think we can all agree that is okay.
1. NG says she has a source who says the cousin/uncle is of interest to LE.
2. We have no evidence that this uncle was the first to search.
3. I have not seen any evidence to suggest he slept at the Celis home that night. I have seen LE state that only immediate family were there.
4. His interview when Isa first went missing mostly used second person, as my students do to mean humanity in general. Aside from that, all media interviews are cut and much is taken out of context. IN the context I heard he was answering direct questions about how the parents were doing. He was explaining how they were doing.
5. We have heard many posters come forward to say that sometimes young children are told to call their older adult cousins "uncle" out of respect. We also do not have confirmation that he is not an uncle.
6. The court records show many charges that were completely dismissed by the court. The only charges that stood were a DUI in Pima, and a DUI in Cochese. There are no criminal charges, and certainly not charges related to violence or sexual assault.

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