AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #11

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Sweet baby girl...
where are you???
Come home to your mommy and daddy and brothers...
So many people love you and are praying for you. <3

It's killing me to think she could be with some pedophile like Jaycee Dugard was. It's truly mind boggling to think a child can just dissappear out of thin air!! :banghead:
It's killing me to think she could be with some pedophile like Jaycee Dugard was. It's truly mind boggling to think a child can just dissappear out of thin air!! :banghead:

I know. I can't stand to think that she's suffering. I hope she is safe somewhere and her family gets a miracle and she comes back home.
It has been stated many times that fellow sleuthers feel the dogs were released by the abductor which leads me to these observations/questions.

IF the dogs running loose is connected to Isa disappearance.

Do you feel it was an accident by the predator? Possibly done on purpose? Why?

LE pretty much said this person covered their tracks so if the person let the dogs loose then they messed up.

Thinking out loud now**** If the predator planned this out well in advance then how would it benefit him/her to release the dogs causing SC to be ticketed? Would the incident ensure the dogs were kept inside at night so they could watch much closer to the home? It has been also stated how strange it was that the dogs didn't warn the family but is it possible the predator had come into the yard and made friends with the dogs beforehand?
This was a very busy family, they were not home much, IMO. Someone could have gone inside their home prior to the abduction and familiarized themselves with the floorplan so they would not need lights or maybe had the night goggles. MOO.
It has been stated many times that fellow sleuthers feel the dogs were released by the abductor which leads me to these observations/questions.

IF the dogs running loose is connected to Isa disappearance.

Do you feel it was an accident by the predator? Possibly done on purpose? Why?

LE pretty much said this person covered their tracks so if the person let the dogs loose then they messed up.

Thinking out loud now**** If the predator planned this out well in advance then how would it benefit him/her to release the dogs causing SC to be ticketed? Would the incident ensure the dogs were kept inside at night so they could watch much closer to the home? It has been also stated how strange it was that the dogs didn't warn the family but is it possible the predator had come into the yard and made friends with the dogs beforehand?
This was a very busy family, they were not home much, IMO. Someone could have gone inside their home prior to the abduction and familiarized themselves with the floorplan so they would not need lights or maybe had the night goggles. MOO.

I think if it was done by a kidnapper, it was done in the hopes that the dogs would just run away.
I think if it was done by a kidnapper, it was done in the hopes that the dogs would just run away.

Humor me please. I am trying my best to point my finger at someone AWAY from the family. IF it was an outsider, then they were taking a huge risk just 'hoping' the dogs would run and hide. Not very 'adequate' if you ask me.

The family is not going anywhere. LE knows who they are. What if it was not the family? Every day that goes by could be placing another child in danger.

Forgive me if I was wrong, but I thought this site was for sleuthing and for trying to figure these events out and possibly help catch the perpetrator NOT being fixated on one idea. I was trying to think outside the box and use my 'criminal' mind. lol
Here is the screenshot along with the link to look for anyone's self that is interested..
And search for yourself the document below.. The dogs were out exactly one week prior to Isa's abduction.(4/13/2012)..Not on 4/19/2012 as some have stated.

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
Humor me please. I am trying my best to point my finger at someone AWAY from the family. IF it was an outsider, then they were taking a huge risk just 'hoping' the dogs would run and hide. Not very 'adequate' if you ask me.

The family is not going anywhere. LE knows who they are. What if it was not the family? Every day that goes by could be placing another child in danger.

Forgive me if I was wrong, but I thought this site was for sleuthing and for trying to figure these events out and possibly help catch the perpetrator NOT being fixated on one idea. I was trying to think outside the box and use my 'criminal' mind. lol

I may be misunderstanding you, but I am not sure where you got me being fixated on one idea by what I posted, or that it was pointing the finger at the family. I have many scenarios in my head, one being she was kidnapped by a stranger. Involved in that scenario is the possibility that the kidnapper let the dogs lose in hopes that they would run away, and not bother the kidnapper. There is no risk in letting the dogs go.
Perhaps, if the dogs being loose IS related, it was in a trial run and the dogs got out by mistake and the perp was scared off, thinking the dogs would attract attention?

I still feel this is someone known to the family ,who had been inside the home. I don't buy that someone roamed through the house, looking for Isabel, I think he knew she would be be in either the room with her brothers, or her own room and where those rooms were. The only reason I think it is possible she did sometimes sleep with her brothers is because her mom said something about that room being of great interest to LE, as well as Isabel's room. So maybe that "rumor" from NG was true, about her usually sleeping in there.

I know that if, God forbid, my child ever went missing, I would have to return to work after a few weeks.

I simply do not have the financial resources to take an indefinite leave of absence.

And the Celises have not just themselves, but two other children to support.

There is alot I find hinky about this case, but the parents returning to work is, IMHO, not at all hinky.

Just MOO.

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I imagine that I would have to return to work, regardless of $$$. As it is now, I feel like what i do at work is valuable and most of the time I really enjoy and take pride in what I do. When I have personal problems, it is a relief to go to work and immerse myself in what I am doing. Parents aren't supposed to search for missing kids, even if there are volunteer searches, right? So (probably this is wayyy oversimplifying matters, but) I don't know what they could do all day, day after day, but go nuts from all the emotions. (Or maybe that's just what I would do.) IMO, MOO, and all other disclaimers.
I may be misunderstanding you, but I am not sure where you got me being fixated on one idea by what I posted, or that it was pointing the finger at the family. I have many scenarios in my head, one being she was kidnapped by a stranger. Involved in that scenario is the possibility that the kidnapper let the dogs lose in hopes that they would run away, and not bother the kidnapper. There is no risk in letting the dogs go.

I did not mean you personally are fixated on one idea. I have read your previous posts and am aware of some of your thoughts. I apologize if I upset you.
When you said the hope was for the dogs to run away I thought you meant run away for the perp (hide) on the night Isa disappeared. I think maybe I need a nap since upon reading your post again I can see clearly what you meant.

Again, I am sorry.

Would a person who painstakingly planned the abduction take the chance the dogs would not run away?
I imagine that I would have to return to work, regardless of $$$. As it is now, I feel like what i do at work is valuable and most of the time I really enjoy and take pride in what I do. When I have personal problems, it is a relief to go to work and immerse myself in what I am doing. Parents aren't supposed to search for missing kids, even if there are volunteer searches, right? So (probably this is wayyy oversimplifying matters, but) I don't know what they could do all day, day after day, but go nuts from all the emotions. (Or maybe that's just what I would do.) IMO, MOO, and all other disclaimers.

I think if I were Isabel's parents, I would ask for desk jobs for a while...both of them have very high-stress jobs. Personally, I don't know how they could concentrate, I couldn't. But maybe the opposite is true, and they can work without thinking if they are doing their usual routine work.
OK. I am going to go there... Isas' family has had legal council for a while, imo. There is no way this family would be able to tip toe soooo carefully thru this mess. While I think it is someone close to the family and not Isas' parents that abducted/disapeared Isa, there is a hinky stink here. jmo

There is no evidence that Isa's parents have an attorney. In fact they answered that question just a few days ago when asked and said 'no' they did not have a reason to have an attorney.'

So I dont think they do have one or need one either.

I dont think it is a family member of Isa's.

With other children taken from their bedroom in the dead of night this way with adults in the home and dogs too........I do think it could very well be a stranger or someone the parents dont know well.

Moo of course.. I find the documented dog charges, specifically the date that the offense occurred, 4/13/2012 to be of huge importance.. To each their own if they believe it to be unrelated and coincidence.. But most know from following homicide/abduction cases that the chances are so very great that the "coincidence" is absolutely not only NOT a coincidence but many times related to the homicide/abduction itself..

Sergio, himself made known at the court appearance that they were not the ones who'd intentionally or unintentionally allowed the dogs to get out.. I believe it to be very much within the realm of possibilities that the reason that the dogs had gotten out was a result of the perpetrator making an attempt at the abduction and for whatever reasons left out in haste in which allowed a gate or fence to remain open or partially open.. Or not securely fastened/closed.. Thus allowing the Celis dogs the opportunity to get out of the Celis yard/property and resulted in the multiple charges we now see are pending..

One week prior.. This is definitely no coincidence and that I will continue to stand firm on..

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
The two cases about the dogs was filed April 19, 2012, the very day/evening or night before Isabel disappeared.

The citation (when the dogs were loose) was given on the 13th. Charges (misdemeanor)
were filed in court on the 19th.
I did not mean you personally are fixated on one idea. I have read your previous posts and am aware of some of your thoughts. I apologize if I upset you.
When you said the hope was for the dogs to run away I thought you meant run away for the perp (hide) on the night Isa disappeared. I think maybe I need a nap since upon reading your post again I can see clearly what you meant.

Again, I am sorry.

Would a person who painstakingly planned the abduction take the chance the dogs would not run away?

BBM - I have to think about all the other options:

Distracting the dogs (might not work)
Killing the dogs (Might be too loud)
Leaving the dogs alone (Might get caught)

So, I think letting the dogs loose would be an alright first try.

Ps - No hard feelings, I just wanted to make it clear that this is just one scenario :fence:
I think if I were Isabel's parents, I would ask for desk jobs for a while...both of them have very high-stress jobs. Personally, I don't know how they could concentrate, I couldn't. But maybe the opposite is true, and they can work without thinking if they are doing their usual routine work.

I was talking to another poster today who lost her son due to a tragedy and she said what kept her from losing her mind was staying busy at work.

So I do think it may be better for both of them to return to what they were doing.

I hate not hearing from LE every day...I know they are working and probably don't have much new to say...but still :(
Uhh...this is hard to post.but there is a story in the news recently about Facebook pages dedicated to kids being .......abused horribly-I can't even bring myself to put the words here. It is a 4 part article which has just come out over the weekend I believe. You can google certain words and it will come up.
I am not sure how far I can go with this-just wanted to bring attention to it. If my post needs deleting-then please do that.

Also-what a beautiful voice Sergio Celis has-I am overwhelmed.

The story has certainly shocked me..........
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