AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #12

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Does anyone know what time the dogs were reported being on the loose on 4/13? I'm going to download the scanner feed for that day and see if there was anything mentioned...I'll post in scanner forum if I find anything...but estimated time would help if anyone is in the know. Thanks!
I found it interesting that LE stated in todays pressor that they have requested the whole server. Not just video of that night so they can be sure they don't miss anything. I wonder if they are looking for who let the dogs out.
I found it interesting that LE stated in todays pressor that they have requested the whole server. Not just video of that night so they can be sure they don't miss anything. I wonder if they are looking for who let the dogs out.

I wonder if LE is thinking that the person who let the dogs out did so when leaving the house with Isabel? That would be logical. The perp opens the door to the back yard intending to leave quietly with the little girl. The dogs run out, and, of course, the perp is only interested in getting away. JMO

It's now been two and half weeks since Isabel Celis was reported missing.

As the days go by, the community volunteers are now asking for more help to keep Isabel's name out in the public eye.

Volunteers are planning more and more activities to continue to raise awareness and more money for their cause, and they are asking anyone who is interested in helping out to go to the volunteer center near the intersection of Craycroft and Broadway and lend a helping hand.
Are the fundraisers paying for the Celis family to stay in a hotel and eat all their meals in that hotel?
has anyone ever seen in any media that she was last seen at 10pm and not 11pm?
I found it interesting that LE stated in todays pressor that they have requested the whole server. Not just video of that night so they can be sure they don't miss anything. I wonder if they are looking for who let the dogs out.
I think they are investigating whether the Celis' house had a lot of traffic to and from it.
Since I can't mention here I don't think, check out my post in scanner thread. It should be one of the last ones posted tonight.

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express
Since I can't mention here I don't think, check out my post in scanner thread. It should be one of the last ones posted tonight.

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express

Not sure if it's me, but I don't see you downstairs.... Curiosity is killin' me!
Me again! :seeya:

In some ways, I think the Internet has also caused many predators to be bolder than they were before. If "you" (not you personally, but I can't type "a person" each time, so we are going with the generalized "you throughout) were a pedophile in the 1970s or 1980s, most likely you thought you were "rare" and you certainly didn't poll your pals to see if any of them shared your interest. Via the internet, you can easily find whole COMMUNITIES of people JUST LIKE YOU and you can do so anonymously.

Just as Websleuths helps us to unite and be stronger than we are alone, a group of CSOs can offer one another support, advice, etc., and after a while, maybe you DON'T feel you are so alone, so weird, so reviled. In fact, you hear other posters talking about how what you are doing (or want to do) is a form of LOVE of children, that you are NOT a predator, and that your acts should not be criminal... you are merely misunderstood. You start swapping photos, video, and helpful hints and before you realize what has happened, you feel you have enough information to successfully choose and groom a child, to do so without being caught.

The internet is like a support group for perverts. No matter WHAT your preference/fetish you can find huge groups who accept your behavior as normal and you may become emboldened by the rhetoric to act on your fantasies.

I have also wondered if clothing styles may have increased the activity of SOME pedophiles while simultaneously decreasing the interest of others. If you look at a 9 year old girl and she is in a ruffled party dress, patent leather shoes, and frilly ankle socks, you KNOW our society would think you are "wrong" for having sexual thoughts about her. But in the world of today, the same fashions available for adult women are also made in child sizes. A 9 year old can dress just like an adult, and many do. So someone who prefers a sterotypical child would be less likely to be interested in a 9 year old wearing makeup and dressed in a midriff-baring top, exposing a pierced navel, while men who NEVER thought of children sexually might find this attire to be "confusing" to them, as the little girls do not appear to be little girls at all.

Without any true statistics backing me up...
I feel the internet and improved technology is a double-edged sword.

While it helps the people search for, and find, the perps...
the perps also become more and more sophisticated, therefore, leveling the field so to speak.

I have told my granddaughter that if anyone tries to get her to go somewhere or tries to take her, to start screaming like crazy. Her mom told her to start screaming profanities, because she thinks most people would just ignore a kid screaming but would not ignore a child screaming profanities! What do you think.

Profanities just might work!

My daughter's and my school taught the students to scream out the clothes and color of the clothes of the person attempting to lure/abduct them!

...and unfortunately, incomplete. Near where I'm from, there have been a lot more attempted abductions (on the local news )just in the last couple of months than are reported on this map. I searched for 12 months. Scary.

What happened to the long summer days when a good day ended with being allowed to stay out AFTER dark playing kick-the-can, spotlight or whatever was popular at the time.

The days that children are given free reign to play all over the neighborhood - checking in at lunch and for dinner are gone... I feel sorry for the children that didn't, don't and won't ever have that freedom. That was social studies, citizenship, gym, science and the art of getting along 101 without any books. ahh, those were the good ole days.

So well said!

That is the BEST way of learning all the various disciplines!
Does anyone know what time the dogs were reported being on the loose on 4/13? I'm going to download the scanner feed for that day and see if there was anything mentioned...I'll post in scanner forum if I find anything...but estimated time would help if anyone is in the know. Thanks!

Joe...Thanks So Much for subscribing, paying for, and reviewing the scanner archives regarding the day the dogs got out (among other references)!
(Who let the dogs out :woohoo:)

I clicked on this link and checked out my state. There have been 10 attempted kidnappings in 1 month. All involving a white van.

DH and I went camping this past weekend.
Had a great time... but... there was a solitary camper at one site with a fairly large RV and a WHITE VAN!
I told my husband..that is someone to watch out for. White vans now, since reading WS, I have become even MORE suspicious of.
However, I couldn't think of why he needed BOTH, instead of an SUV and an RV.
And.. it looked like he was staying a while (like living there), because he was cleaning and raking.
I almost wrote down his van plate numbers!
I guess it depends on where you live. I have not witnessed an attempted kidnapping, but if it did, I think people around here would notice and do something, most of them anyway.
A few years ago, I saw a little boy in Wal Mart who looked to be about 2-3, crying and looking around like he was lost. I was going to keep my eye on him and look for an employee to help, but in about a minute a young woman with a baby in a carrier in the basket came rushing around the corner and he smiled, saying "Mommy!" so it was cool. I didn't want to pick him up, in case it scared him, or the mom might accuse me of attempted kidnapping, but I wasn't going to leave him crying in the aisle, either. I noticed several other people sort of hanging around watching, too. Maybe not everybody, but there are still some good people here who would step up and help.
But I have to think, those people in your case who went on about their shopping just may have been afraid to stop and try to talk to this toddler, for fear that mom or dad would pounce on them and think they were trying to take her. I would be very hesitant to approach a young child standing alone, some store clerk might call the cops on me!

A few years ago a little girl not even 2 years old, wandered away from her parents in a store.
People saw her... and were afraid they would be accused of trying to take her.
So they didn't intervene.

Not when she walked past the checkout.
Not when she walked out the first set of doors.
Not when she walked outside, through the second set of doors.

People in the parking lot saw her...
They watched her "toddle" past shopping carts.
Watched her pass parked and moving cars.

We are talking about a very large parking lot. Think Walmart.
This baby made it out the doors, through the entire parking lot and to the sidewalk.

How many people saw her by that point?
They didn't have to pick her up, or do anything except stand in front of her so she couldn't walk further.

But, they didn't. They were too afraid of being accused of a crime.

She went up onto that sidewalk.
Then, she walked right into the busy street with a 50mph speed limlt.

I would much rather have to deal with a misunderstanding, than have another baby run over in the road...
After that baby girl's funeral... I will NEVER think "I'm sure someone else is watching."
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