AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #14

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Are these the type of campers that can be seen in the wash? Do these belong to the forensic unit?

That is a Mobile Command Office
Tucson is NOT El Paso/Juarez...

News 9 traveled to southern Arizona to see how big the problem with drug cartels really is and why we should be worried about it spreading into the metro even more.

"I wear a bulletproof best at night. I'm scared," said Arizona farmer Scott Blevins. His land is a mile off of Interstate 10 between Phoenix and Tucson. He says the Mexican drug cartels are so dangerous he has to protect himself. That includes a Glock strapped to his ankle.

All I'm saying, is that Mexican Drug Cartels are definitely making their way into the US.
But "ojos claros" means "light colored" not cloudy, or even clear in this use.

Nope, it definitely wouldn't mean cloudy. I'm just offering my opinion on why he might use the term "clear" for her eye color. As I mentioned English is my first language and Spanish is my second, but I can easily see how 'ojos claros' is translated into 'clear eyes' I say strange things like that in normal situations-for example: "get down from the car" or "open the light". It usually happens if I've been switching back and forth from Spanish to English. Anyway, just my personal take on the 'clear eyes' comment from the 911 transcript.
Tucson is NOT El Paso/Juarez...

Phoenix is not "El Paso/Juarez" either but it happens there and has many times. But I agree since it has never happened in Tucson it is impossible that it ever will, lets shelve this idea immediately.

Police confirm missing Tucson girl was abducted

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 2:05 pm


For the first time, Tucson police said that a 6-year-old girl who vanished from her home last month was abducted.

Investigators had previously characterized Isabel Mercedes Celis' disappearance as a "suspicious disappearance/possible abduction."

Police spokeswoman Maria Hawke said it was an abduction after investigators determined the girl didn't leave her home alone and they reviewed the evidence. She declined to comment further.
Co-worker said she arrived quite early that morning. It did not sound to me like he meant earlier than usual, just meant what he said.
I did not read anything into it like it seems most here did. To me, arriving at work anytime before 8 AM is quite early.

I agree. It didn't seem to me as if he way saying she had arrived early for her shift, simply that she was there early that morning. JMO
Whatever happened to the other case? Did they ever catch the perp?

I am behind's been hard to keep up since Friday.

I don't know if you got an answer, but a Pima County Sheriff was on NG last night. He would not comment at all on the Celis case.
He did say they interviewed the guy on the surveilance tape at Circkle K. He was cooperative and gave them what they asked for. They say that they will not rule hiim out until they have compared his DNA and fingerprints with what they have.

They have what they think is the perp's DNA, and they have what they think are latent fingerpriints. They are still following up other leads.

He would not in any way comment on the Celis case, except to say investigators are sharing notes.
Just a few thoughts and opinions in now having a moment to listen to the 911 calls that were released yesterday.. I would not have any issue whatsoever with Sergio's phonecall if not FOR ONE ISSUE.. I haven't a problem with his demeanor being extremely different than what we have seen thus far in their statements and interviews.. I hadnt a problem at all with his seeming flair of a dramatic nature that I believe we've all seen in recent weeks.. Nor do I have a problem with the fact that he also has a very calm demeanor at times as we've now seen/heard in his 911 call released yesterday.. Those do not bother me in any way, nor do they raise my "hinky meter".. I also do not necessarily take issue with his comment about his having watched the game at midnight and fell asleep on couch.. I, too agree with ocenablueeyes that IMO it quite likely was stated to emphasize that instead of being across the home in the master bedroom, that he was actually one room over that actually shared a wall with Isa's bedroom.. AND THAT HE STILL HEARD NOTHING AT ALL.. So, I was ok with that statement as well..

As far as the "get her butt home now" comment while I personally didn't very much appreciate it.. I still took no great issue with it.. His overall extremely calm, cool, and collected demeanor as a whole is A-OK with me and I could even understand his possibly being in this mode.. Or frame of mind as this literally was just right then, at that moment, beginning to unfold.. IMO I can absolutely find it believable that a parent would be in a state of mind that this still could quite likely not be a dire situation.. Fully thinking and believing that ok, at any minute someone was gonna show up with Isa.. Or call.. And find out it had all been some weird or strange situation and mix up and Isa was just with a family member or friend.. I totally get that and if I were not an active member here at WS I might be of that mindset in the beginning of a situation such as this(that BTW is absolutely not even a possibility for me at this point from being an active member here so without a doubt I wouldn't ever be of a mindset it's just a mix up.. I full well believe the fear would strike me immediately at just how dire the situation was).. But back on topic of Sergio and his frame of mind possibly being that of this is no big deal yet.. And Isa will turn up any second.. That to me is believable as well as that frame of mind would fit with the demeanor that I hear in this 911 call.. But here's the catch for me..

We however have Sergio's very own words out of his very own mouth THAT LEAVE US WITH ZERO DOUBT OR GUESSING AS TO WHAT WAS HIS FRAME OF MIND OR MINDSET AT THE TIME OF THE 911 CALL.. and be it not for his having stated it MORE THAN ONCE.. Had he not, I PERSONALLY WOULD HAVE HAD ZERO ISSUE WITH HIS 911CALL..

Sadly he tells us explicitly what his exact mindset and frame of mind were and he states it as "his".. As in his personal frame of mind.. Not a "we" as in some or all of us here.. Not a "I fear this".. Not even an "I think this".. No, Sergio owns it and states it more than once with certainty!!!..
"I believe she has been abducted from my home"

There is no guessing or speculating necessary.. Sergio directly tells us what exact frame of mind that he was in when he was on the phone with 911 dispatch.. He states he is of the mindset that Isabel, his precious little princess, the only little darling girl of their family, their baby girl, Isabel ..HE BELIEVES SHE HAS BEEN ABDUCTED FROM THEIR HOME!!!!!!!

He leaves no room for any excuses to be made or presented as reason or cause for his entirely different demeanor than we had seen thus far.. He leaves me no choice or opportunity to even attempt to make an excuse for this 180* turn about of his demeanor In my possibly assuming or speculating that the cause of such a drastically different demeanor was possibly because he was OF AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MINDSET AT THAT TIME.. AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT MINDSET THAN WHAT WE HAVE SEEN SINCE THEN.. Possibly due to the fact that IMO would be quite believable in that at the time of the 911 call he was in no way believing his daughter to actually, possibly be in dire straights, danger, and possibly even dead.. But rather be of the mindset this was just temporary.. A misunderstanding and his little princess would be walking through that door at any second..

Again sadly that just is not even a possibility due to the fact that he without doubt states his exact frame of mind, at that moment while on the phone with 911.. AND HE STATES IT MORE THAN ONCE!!!!

Therefor I cannot equate his drastically different demeanor being because he was NOT IN FEAR at that time.. His demeanor IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER CAN BE EQUATED WITH THE FRAME OF MIND THAT HE TELLS US HE WAS OF AT THAT VERY MOMENT IN TIME.. He believed at that time that his daughter had been abducted and I cannot offer up any cause or reason for why this man, this father is of an entirely opposite.. Drastically differing demeanor..

Of course and as always these are nothing more than jmo, tho!!

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:

Police confirm missing Tucson girl was abducted

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 2:05 pm


For the first time, Tucson police said that a 6-year-old girl who vanished from her home last month was abducted.

Investigators had previously characterized Isabel Mercedes Celis' disappearance as a "suspicious disappearance/possible abduction."

Police spokeswoman Maria Hawke said it was an abduction after investigators determined the girl didn't leave her home alone and they reviewed the evidence. She declined to comment further.

Been seeing this headline for the past hour yet haven't seen a statement or quote from LE saying that.

Isabel was abducted, police said

Isabel Mercedes Celis was taken from her midtown home by someone three weeks ago, said Police Chief Roberto Villaseñor — confirming for the first time that the case is an abduction.

"Someone played a part in her disappearance," Villaseñor said in an interview with the Star. "Some person is responsible for Isabel's disappearance. Isabel did not just wander off."

For weeks, police have labeled the case a "suspicious disappearance" and "possible" abduction.

The quote only says to me that Isabel didn't leave on her own.
The campers are confusing me. I haven't lived in Tucson for awhile, but I had to drive Golf Links to see my dad, and I took him shopping on the base frequently, so I drove that way quite a bit. I was reading both Golf Links/Swan and Golf Links/Alvernon so the section between is all desert, with a bike path. No RV/camping sites in that area. Am I thinking of the wrong place?

ETA: Unless they are law enforcement campers. I honestly can't tell from the photos.

To te best of my knowledge (driving by that are twice today) the search area was on the north side of golf links and west of Swan. Closer to alvernon, really. I saw quite a lot of activity in the morning around 9:30 and still some cones and vehicles but not as many on my way home around 2
She could have been 13 and he 19, that's still teenagers. Although 13 is a little young to date, many girls claim to be "going out with" certain guys when they're too young to actually date. Or they claim that they are "together" as a couple.
Maybe theirs was an arranged marriage and she was "promised" to him while they were both very young.
Heck, IDK. I do get your point. They were not in high school at the same time.

If he wanted to be with a 13 yr old, when he was 19, then I would be even more suspicious if him.
Phoenix is not "El Paso/Juarez" either but it happens there and has many times. But I agree since it has never happened in Tucson it is impossible that it ever will, lets shelve this idea immediately.

I really enjoy the way you put things. :floorlaugh:
JVM covering Isabel's case now.

Playing 911 tapes.
Jane Velez-Mitchell covering Isabel case on HLN now.

:furious: Every time I've heard the "get your butt home" remark from Sergio, I want to :puke: How utterly disrespectful!
Nope, it definitely wouldn't mean cloudy. I'm just offering my opinion on why he might use the term "clear" for her eye color. As I mentioned English is my first language and Spanish is my second, but I can easily see how 'ojos claros' is translated into 'clear eyes' I say strange things like that in normal situations-for example: "get down from the car" or "open the light". It usually happens if I've been switching back and forth from Spanish to English. Anyway, just my personal take on the 'clear eyes' comment from the 911 transcript.

Yes! I am bilingual since learning to speak, and I say close the light, clear eyes, 4 feet LONG instead of 4 feet TALL, "pass to me the keys" instead of "hand me the keys" and when spelling outloud, I screw up vowels because the letter E is produced just like A in English, and I like E. I know these are wrong and I know how to write and speak correctly in both languages, but when you are in causal conversations, the brain goes on autopilot and some strange language mixtures come out. I THINK in Spanish and sometimes when I vocalize my thoughs in English, its a mess.
30 officers south side of tucson with canines. No specifics. Just routine.
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