AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #18

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Ok I'm just looking at the real video now, yes, whatever is there on the left isn't another room, because you can see Isa's arm keep being reflected in it, so could that actually be a sliding glass door on the left? Door closed of course and window reflecting Isa's arm?

It's another window, can clearly see it here on the video -


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Oh gee and I thought we were waiting for an arrest...any day. Now it looks like they don't know anymore than we do. Sad, very sad.

Be interesting to see what happens this week... IIRC, aren't the contents of the search warrant due to be released ? JMO
I really dont know but Sierra Lamar's family will not talk about the investigation in her case either. They say they do not want to impede the investigation.

So while LE may not have told them they may think it isnt a good idea to release what is known.

I sure dont think LE would want the evidence known though. They keep that close to their vest and if they wont talk about it then it makes sense they dont want anyone else to do so either.

I agree that evidence and such shouldn't be discussed.

But what about the CPS stuff? If it has a innocent explanation, what/who is stopping them putting the record straight?

RC and Sergio's sister strongly defended him at the vigil but didn't explain why or (for example) state that it was a completely separate minor issue that has nothing to do with Isabel being missing?

I also find it strange the neighbour is free to walk through her whole statement step by step on Nancy Grace but the parents haven't done similar.:waitasec:

I have followed closely 3 American cases and 1 UK case and never want to suspect the parents but so far, in all 4 cases, I suspect parental involvement.:(
Be interesting to see what happens this week... IIRC, aren't the contents of the search warrant due to be released ? JMO

I think it was only indicated as a possibility, not a certainty, that they would be released. JMO
The point about being away from the home that night has been made previously but not lately so thank you for bringing it to my attention again.

I find that uncanny. That the very night Isa was taken the entire family was away at the ball field for hours. More than ample time to enter the home, case the floor plan out, and hide and plenty of time to make friends with the dogs. I have never seen a dog that doesnt love treats.

Also I cant shake that all three dogs got out of the yard just one week before Isa went missing. I also agree with you about the dogs being in the home and that means nothing to me because dogs are unpredictable and we have seen dogs in the home (even supposedly aggressive ones) where other children were kidnapped right under the nose of the adults inside.

We know that someone could see inside Isa's bedroom because the neighbor said she looked in the window from where she stood on the outside of the Celis property wall. So had someone been coming in that breezeway to watch Isa's bedroom before they went in? They would even be able to see the set up of her room to be able to get around without bumping into something.

When my friend and her husband was robbed and pistol whipped LE told them they found evidence that the perps (3) had been casing the house out from the alley that sat right behind their home.

I am a very light sleeper but my hubby is like your hubby and when he goes to sleep nothing wakes him up but the blaring alarm clock in the morning! lol

Many criminals invade homes and the people inside dont even know they are there. That is why some of them are called cat burglars because they can creep around inside as quiet as a cat.

I remember in the trial of the main murderer of the Petit family they said he would enter homes at night and sit there and watch people as they lay there sleeping.:what:

Hi oceanblueeyes!

Oh WOW, the part bolded by me gives me the creeps and am def going to sleep w/my bathroom light on tonight, lol!!!!

I looked at the NG video of the neighbor showing Isa's room and I'm changing my opinion a bit. While I still think it is possible that the person who took Isa may have already been in the house, looking at how large and how low Isa's window is, it wouldn't be hard for someone to get in and out with her without alerting the dogs. I am still of the opinion that whoever took her knew of the family (from the baseball field perhaps) and became obsessed! The incident where the dogs got out was prob a failed attempt or a practice run....

Maybe I am on WS's too much, lol, but after looking at the NG video of Isa's bedroom window, I couldn't help but wonder why burglar bars weren't on Isa's window. My gut tells me the parents had nothing to do with this, and I am not one to judge, but I know from my perspective I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing my daughters window was so close to the ground.
I may be guilty of this.

I can't keep up with the posts in this case. Every time I check in on WS, it seems like there's 20+ more pages of posts.

So I read a page or two past any post I've made to try to catch any responses and then I skip ahead to about 5 pages from the end of the current thread. Sometimes I end up skipping as many as 30 pages.

If I read an interesting quote, then I use the little button to follow that quote back. Sometimes there's something in that previous quote that's interesting and I'll use the little button to keep following those quotes back.

But I'd guess that I'm only reading about half, if that, of the posts made. I try to remember to mention that at the beginning of any post I make but I often forget to do so.

I do the same thing. The threads move so darned fast and I can't spend that much time. I follow the little buttons, too. Sometimes they take me back 20 pages or more... but I just can't read every post on here. I'm lucky if I read 10 pages out of 40 sometimes. And that's how far it's usually progressed when I check back in.
Something else that's HUGELY different about this case and Sierra laMarr's case: Sierra's parents have worked tirelessly - TIRELESSLY - to find their daughter. They are at the search center all the time and have appeared on media countless times making the case for finding their daughter, even in the face of WITHERING crticicism that the boyfrend might be involved. They've held their heads high and stayed focused on what mattered.

Where are RC and SC?? Where are they? RC appears at one candelight event and along with her sister-in-law, end up defending SC.

When was the last time these two appeared at the search center set up to find their daughter??? I'll tell you when - TWO WEEKS AGO! They appeared one time during the first week and then two weeks later, and that was the last time anyone has seen them there.

I dont think it is the same though Lark. Early on Rick, the boyfriend, was cleared along with Marlene, and Steve. Now I know Sheriff Smith made a 180 turn one night on Grace's show but by then all the reporters and the public had already heard they werent involved in Sierra's disappearance, and no one in the press gave any weight to what SS said because not one other media outlet followed up on what she said. Reporters talk to the people who are in the know who are media officers who gets their info directly from the lead detectives working Sierra's case and that is who they trust.

I just think this case is completely different. These parents have been heckled from the get go even before they spoke out and took their time like Kaine Horman did when Kyron went missing. He didnt speak to the media until 8 days later.

Now that they have spoken out it has not quelled anything but the speculation has sped up in intensity.

I doubt Sergio will speakout due to his situation (it would become more about him from the reporters questions than about Isa, imo. and I think Becky thinks it is useless and will only add more fodder than clear anything up.

And that is happening. She spoke at the vigil and now that is something new many are chewing on now. I think she is damned if she does and damned if she doesnt and I dont think all the pleading in the world is going to bring Isa back after being abducted for over a month now.

question to all those who have scoured the house plans/googlemaps.

where are the air conditioners? the condenser units, outside. they're not on the east side (isa's window) nor in the back iirc. i assume they have central air (not window units). i don't live in the southeast...

This is a better picture to show the two openings, of which, appear to be doorways into rooms. IMO.

Perhaps the window, is the room that is being classified as a Den, but no clue why it would have a window opening into the living room or family room.

The other doorway could be Isa's room., of which, these two rooms are off either the living room or family room, depending if they have both.

I'm just sitting here staring at both the floorplan and that room and honestly, I can't see how it's anything other than possibly the den.
question to all those who have scoured the house plans/googlemaps.

where are the air conditioners? the condenser units, outside. they're not on the east side (isa's window) nor in the back iirc. i assume they have central air (not window units). i don't live in the southeast...


I think they are on top of the home, here is the floorplan map and also the home side by side.


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I'm just sitting here staring at both the floorplan and that room and honestly, I can't see how it's anything other than possibly the den.

You can see the kitchen in the video. That would make it the family room if
the floorplan we see is correct.
Agree, and it appears to be three units on the roof.

thank you...i don't recall seeing them.

a/c units are on the roof in arizona? i'm questioning where they are (and if they were running) as that may or may not have hindered noise travel that night/morning. someone said it was in the low 60's? so they wouldn't have been on, correct? or do most let their a/c run all night considering the daytime heat...i really don't know and i'm too tired to sleuth the weather channel, lol...

there don't appear to be units on the west side of the neighbor's yard, nor on the east side of the c' whatever the neighbor heard wouldn't have been hindered or muffled by the a/c fan...correct?

again, i don't live in the southeast. i'm on walden pond with gardenlady. ;)
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