AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #22

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Has there been any other reference to the clothes that were found in the wash where the bedclothes were found (where NM was supposed to have been looking) and if they belonged to Isa?
I honesty believe that LE has good reason to get CPS involved in this case. We don't have all of the information that they have. There is a reason for everything and there may be an arrest pending. It's possible that the reason SC hasn't been arrested (if responsible) is because they need him out of jail at this time. There is also a reason that SC willingly agreed to be separated from his sons. He must know they have good reason. Maybe he has a time limit to get Isabel back? Maybe he is blowing smoke up LE's @** to prolong an arrest that he knows is coming. They know what they are doing. We just have to be patient and wait. Although it's very hard to do.

I totally agree.

Does anyone know if searches are still being done, and if so, where? Little Isabel is somewhere and it is so sad that she hasn't been found, no matter what the circumstances.

I think the only searches in the past 3 weeks have been for a body. There have been no organized foot searches and no waterway searches since the first week.

I think that says a lot about what LE might think happened to Isabel.
I feel certain this has been posted - somewhere here but thought it worth a second look. Does anyone know if ALL the neighbors have been interviewed?

*More at link*

I realize this is an old article but as I am looking for something that indicates progress in this case, I find only questions and most are about the ability of LE. Wow. Something has to break with all the potential info they have or should have.

I can only speak for myself, but we were interviewed at my house.
Has there been any other reference to the clothes that were found in the wash where the bedclothes were found (where NM was supposed to have been looking) and if they belonged to Isa?

No, but I think that information would have been blacked out if they belonged to Isa. JMO, but I can't see it.
Late here... I agree about the "beautiful" comment. I also take mild umbrage when people always say "A BEAUTIFUL girl..." or "Beautiful woman..." as if if the girl/woman were homely, maybe the press would not have interest in the case. I believe the PD would work the case, but I have always wondered why the press says "Who would take this BEAUTIFUL child/woman". It makes me think a plain girl/woman is not worth it. Just me.

Three years ago when my sister-in-law and neice were murdered in front of my 2 great-neices, I alerted JVM and Nancy Grace. Not even a note back saying, sorry, we are swamped with other cases. I sometimes wondered if they were too plain to feature on those shows. :waitasec:

"Thanks" wasn't enough. I used to have a morbid curiosity about whether, and if so how, my story would be told on 48 hrs or similar shows if I disappeared or was murdered. Like you said I am plain. I'm not deformed, but I'm no beauty either. I don't make friends easily. Not everyone who meets me is fond of me. I haven't overcome any u usual obstacles to become who I am, but I have hit a few bumps in the road and I wasn't really apparently destined for anything in particular as a kid. I'm not a star. Im just one of the millions of people who have some friends and some enemies...who take a while to figure out what they want from life and work hard at it ...who try to be respectful of all God's creatures but sometimes acts like a selfish b*tch (lol). like you said..wonder if I'm too plain. Your choice of words really resonates with me.

I think the only searches in the past 3 weeks have been for a body. There have been no organized foot searches and no waterway searches since the first week.

I think that says a lot about what LE might think happened to Isabel.

I don't know that it says anything other than they don't believe Isa is in the area.. IMO if they believed isa was murdered and disposed of in the area(as they have strongly believed Sierra LaMar was from the second week in) ..well we'd see them continually searching non stop the areas over and over due to their believing she was murdered and disposed of in the area...

So that not being the case nd in fact quite the opposite says to me that's its quite likely they do not believe Isa is anywhere in the area at all.
More from link . Sorry for the second post and I hope I am not the only one wondering what the H CPS is doing...
THIS statement makes me want CPS investigated!

EDITED to add I am NOT in any way suggesting SC has harmed Isa in any way at this point. The ppint of my post is to try to get some ffeed back on the circumstances where a jperson "volunteers" to stay away from their children (per CPS). As of now there is nothing I can find that makes this separation legal. There is no court date set and no attorney assigned.

WHO gave Cps so much power and why aren't they more efficient. Read the case load numbers and it seems too much is left to their discretion when many are just not qualified to make some decisions. MOO

The separation is legal and that is from personal experience. In my case it was a parent that was on drugs (think street heavy type) - they had to attend rehab and then it would be reviewed. There was no contact allowed, this was broken so CPS went to court and got an emergency order (once again it was only temporary) - Parent screwed up again ..... this started 5 months ago in my case. (I am the Nan)

I actually spoke to the CPS case worker today about Isabel's case and there are numerous reasons for doing it this way. SC is still a custodial parent.

If it were criminal police would make an arrest. Drugs are often not criminal because the person doesn't have them on them at the time but it some how comes out (I had no idea this parent was on drugs and I am no idiot). So it is clean up time for the person and also gives CPS time to build a case against said parent if they feel the child would be in danger if returned.

The parent not in trouble was also given that time to get an attorney and fight for custody. They do mediation meetings etc all through the process
I honesty believe that LE has good reason to get CPS involved in this case. We don't have all of the information that they have. There is a reason for everything and there may be an arrest pending. It's possible that the reason SC hasn't been arrested (if responsible) is because they need him out of jail at this time. There is also a reason that SC willingly agreed to be separated from his sons. He must know they have good reason. Maybe he has a time limit to get Isabel back? Maybe he is blowing smoke up LE's @** to prolong an arrest that he knows is coming. They know what they are doing. We just have to be patient and wait. Although it's very hard to do.

An arrest? Its been almost 1-1/2 months and this man is still free to come and go as he pleases. He is seen going to the volunteer center with Becky. In fact LE had to know he was right there at the fence watching the vigil where the boys were and nothing was done about it or we would have heard about it by now.

I dont see an arrest of Sergio for anything. Yes, there is a reason why he agreed it is best he be away from his boys but no one has a clue what that reason is and it sure isnt criminal imo because there is no reason to let him roam free when they can lock him in a cell and squeeze him by taking away his freedom.

We seem to have so many nutjobs walking around today maybe someone has been threatening to kill Sergio if he didnt move out of his home. You know how some people wont even wait for evidence and thinks they just know someone is guilty whether they really are or not.

I have no doubt TPD knows what they are doing but that doesnt mean they have a clue who kidnapped Isa. Only about 64% of cases are ever solved and from what I heard from a local the Sheriff's department has a much higher rate of success and I heard that the Sheriff's department give much better PCs too.

CPS was already involved from the get go. They call them in to give advice to any parents with missing children. CV told us that in one of his PCs.
I have seen so many cases where I had wished the police would come out and set the record straight but it never happened no matter what was being said about the parent or parents. The parent(s) were left to twist in the wind until they got a reprieve when the real suspect was finally caught.


Ocean, why do you think TPD has made the decision to release so much information about the parents that reflects negatively on them and leaves them open to criticism?
Ocean, why do you think TPD has made the decision to release so much information about the parents that reflects negatively on them and leaves them open to criticism?

What information is that?

I do understand what got it all started is not being able to rule them out but that is understandable since all four were inside their home and no one can validate that.

I have seen so many parents torn to shreds and the police never came to their aide.

My 6 yr old is taking showers. She has been for a yr now. I'm teaching my 4 yr old son how to shower now. Of course Ill be in the bathroom with him since he still needs help getting soap out his hair and washing his body correctly. My 6 yr old stays by herself with the door open and I check on her but for the most part she is showering while I cook so I yell to see if she is okay. Isa is 3 months older then my daughter so I have no doubt in my mind that she would be capable of handling a shower.

I asked the same thing. It seemed to me like a bath would be more fun, and less water everywhere, but my sister and I were close in age so we bathed together at that age. In a shower we'd have been fighting over the water
I don't know that it says anything other than they don't believe Isa is in the area.. IMO if they believed isa was murdered and disposed of in the area(as they have strongly believed Sierra LaMar was from the second week in) ..well we'd see them continually searching non stop the areas over and over due to their believing she was murdered and disposed of in the area...

So that not being the case nd in fact quite the opposite says to me that's its quite likely they do not believe Isa is anywhere in the area at all.

This was poorly worded by me. Let me backtrack and say that the only searches I've seen localy are in landfills and washes, areas that would indicate they are looking for a body.
An arrest? Its been almost 1-1/2 months and this man is still free to come and go as he pleases. He is seen going to the volunteer center with Becky. In fact LE had to know he was right there at the fence watching the vigil where the boys were and nothing was done about it or we would have heard about it by now.

I dont see an arrest of Sergio for anything. Yes, there is a reason why he agreed it is best he be away from his boys but no one has a clue what that reason is and it sure isnt criminal imo because there is no reason to let him roam free when they can lock him in a cell and squeeze him by taking away his freedom.

We seem to have so many nutjobs walking around today maybe someone has been threatening to kill Sergio if he didnt move out of his home. You know how some people wont even wait for evidence and thinks they just know someone is guilty whether they really are or not.

I have no doubt TPD knows what they are doing but that doesnt mean they have a clue who kidnapped Isa. Only about 64% of cases are ever solved and from what I heard from a local the Sheriff's department has a much higher rate of success and I heard that the Sheriff's department give much better PCs too.

CPS was already involved from the get go. They call them in to give advice to any parents with missing children. CV told us that in one of his PCs.

Well they did let the Sierra LaMar suspect run free for almost two months knowing that he was Guilty. They had their reasons. I'm not saying that SC is guilty (although IMO he is guilty of something), there may be other arrests pending and SC may lead LE to those arrests. My guess is as good as yours.
It seems in that case, Josh Powell not wanting anyone around his boys was for control. IMO SC wouldn't just agree to no contact if he really was afraid that they would say something incriminating against him. Still not sure the reason CPS is keeping them apart though...It must be very hard to not be together during all of this.That being said CPS must have good reason to do so? IDK:confused:

Maybe the parents could not see eye to eye as far as how much freedom to let the boys have to run around the neighborhood after Isabel was taken. And CPS felt it would be best to make as few changes as possible to help the boys and removed the overprotective parent from the equation? Especially if it was leading to arguments between them.


Maybe the parents were feeding on one another's fears and it was creating a stressful homelife for the boys that was ultimately going to affect their own sense of safety.

I honesty believe that LE has good reason to get CPS involved in this case. We don't have all of the information that they have. There is a reason for everything and there may be an arrest pending. It's possible that the reason SC hasn't been arrested (if responsible) is because they need him out of jail at this time. There is also a reason that SC willingly agreed to be separated from his sons. He must know they have good reason. Maybe he has a time limit to get Isabel back? Maybe he is blowing smoke up LE's @** to prolong an arrest that he knows is coming. They know what they are doing. We just have to be patient and wait. Although it's very hard to do.

I would be very troubled if we did have all the information. No case should be tried in the public arena. CPS is not the supreme end all to these situations. IF someone is a threat enough to their children that they entered into an agreement with CPS to stay away from their children then there must be some legal step that makes this binding. I have found nothing to suggest there is anything "legal" about this move. If SC is such a threat then why isn't the police envolved? From everything I am reading and hearing from police in their pressers, CPS has more jurisdiction than them.
*I cannot find the press conference but I know the police said this issue is with SC family and CPS. I am just trying to understand how is this so in this missing person case and WHY Cps trumps the LE.
Well they did let the Sierra LaMar suspect run free for almost two months knowing that he was Guilty. They had their reasons. I'm not saying that SC is guilty (although IMO he is guilty of something), there may be other arrests pending and SC may lead LE to those arrests. My guess is as good as yours.

Yes, you are right your guess is as good as mine.

ETA: But I dont recall Sierra's LE team ever coming out and saying they are still looking into all possiblities and have no suspects was said recently by TPD.

In this case, I think they used the word "apparent" as opposed to "latent". It was definitely blood, but was visible to the naked eye and did not need Luminol in order to be seen.

At least that is how I interpret it. :)

For fingerprints the ones you can see are called patent and the ones that you dust and lift are latent. Not sure if that applies to bloodstains.
This was poorly worded by me. Let me backtrack and say that the only searches I've seen localy are in landfills and washes, areas that would indicate they are looking for a body.

"Tucson police and sheriff’s deputies are searching the desert north of Davis Monthan Air Force Base for anything of “evidentiary value” related to the Isabel Celis case." May 15

I would be very troubled if we did have all the information. No case should be tried in the public arena. CPS is not the supreme end all to these situations. IF someone is a threat enough to their children that they entered into an agreement with CPS to stay away from their children then there must be some legal step that makes this binding. I have found nothing to suggest there is anything "legal" about this move. If SC is such a threat then why isn't the police envolved? From everything I am reading and hearing from police in their pressers, CPS has more jurisdiction than them.
*I cannot find the press conference but I know the police said this issue is with SC family and CPS. I am just trying to understand how is this so in this missing person case and WHY Cps trumps the LE.

I totally agree. All I see is the potatoes ........where is the meat? It doesnt seem to be there and that is why I think the reason is very different than any other situation. He may have agreed in order to protect his boys..........not because he hurt them or threatened them in any way.

It sure doesnt make sense. He was right there at the fence during the vigil. What happened? Nothing and he is seen going to the volunteer center to take supplies.
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