AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #22

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The volunteers said in the last article, RC and SC stop by together everyday while they're running around together in a day. Yes, the families do owe an accounting for money received and spent on a missing child. With Isa, there's no searches, haven't heard of any PIs, businesses and people from all over the area have donated, flyers and banners have been printed for free, also free billboards.

There's various events, walks, vigils, ballgames, carwashes and restaurants donating and I'm sure there's other things. Money is sent from all over the world and to discourage parents from hiding children or God forbid worse, parents of missing children should legally have to account for the money. For the safety of a child who's parents might consider doing this for financial gain, it's definitely owed to the children and the public. Not to mention the thousands spent by the county where it happens.

ITA. When DH and I make contributions to an arts entity, educational institution, or charitable foundation, we expect that our donation will be acknowledged and that we will be informed about how our contribution is used. The nebulous statement on the Bring Isa Home website that donations will be used "to assist the search for Isabel Mercedes Celis and to support the family" provides little information about how contributions are actually being utilized.

I am not aware of any searches that have been conducted other than those by TPD which is expected in a missing persons case. How are donations being used to assist the search for Isabel? Who is searching for Isabel besides TPD? Why should people make contributions to assist the search for Isabel when there are no searches taking place?

As for "supporting the family", what, exactly does this mean? I don't know whether either of the parents has returned to work, so does contributing to their "support" include making their mortgage payment, paying utility bills, buying groceries and/or clothing, making car payments, entertainment, etc.? Donations to "support the family" is far too broad a statement and does not provide specific information about how the money would be used.

I know that I'm repeating myself, but I could not and would not make a donation to the Bring Isa Home fund until I am certain that her parents had absolutely nothing to do with her disappearance. :moo:
The content of that writing, found and photographed on Isa's closet wall has not been publicly released.
Sadly people don't seem to learn from the crimes of others. If something happens to a child in the home, the parents have a choice: come clean about it to LE and deal with the consequences right away, or try to fake an abduction or some other kind of crime (like what the Ramseys did with JonBenet) to try and cover it up and not get caught.

I've never seen an otherwise sane parent come right out and admit to killing their child and not try to get away with it . (Andrea Yates, who was most definitely insane, didn't try to hide it at all).

Because most people don't harm their children and can't conceive of ever harming a child, parents who have harmed a child and are fabricating a story are given every benefit of the doubt by the public. That's not wrong, btw, it's perfectly natural. But we know it happens, has happened before and will happen in the future. Some will get caught, and some might never be prosecuted. There's a list that never seems to get shorter.

- JonBenet Ramsey
- Lisa Irwin
- Maddy Mccann
- Kyron Horman
- Zahara Baker

etc, etc, etc.
Sadly people don't seem to learn from the crimes of others. If something happens to a child in the home, the parents have a choice: come clean about it to LE and deal with the consequences right away, or try to fake an abduction or some other kind of crime (like what the Ramseys did with JonBenet) to try and cover it up and not get caught.

I've never seen an otherwise sane parent come right out and admit to killing their child and not try to get away with it . (Andrea Yates, who was most definitely insane, didn't try to hide it at all).

Because most people don't harm their children and can't conceive of ever harming a child, parents who have harmed a child and are fabricating a story are given every benefit of the doubt by the public. That's not wrong, btw, it's perfectly natural. But we know it happens, has happened before and will happen in the future. Some will get caught, and some might never be prosecuted. There's a list that never seems to get shorter.

- JonBenet Ramsey
- Lisa Irwin
- Maddy Mccann
- Kyron Horman
- Zahara Baker

etc, etc, etc.
These parents haven't shed a tear in public. I don't care how private you are it is not normal. I suspect IMOO that they will cry when they finally get caught. IMOO

I also know with the layout of the house there is no way that RC could not of heard dogs barking in the early a.m. I have thought about it and perhaps if your in a deep sleep- but not when your up and getting ready for work. I suspect a trip to the bathroom, kitchen ect. No way in MOO that the dogs would not be heard.
To my knowledge there were only rumours thrown around about the writings. Isabel sleeping with her brothers was started on NG and JVM - from sources. I am sure others have a better recollection than I do - I kind of dismissed both things until a later date. :)

SC mentions the writing on the wall starting at 10:25 in this vid. Still don't know the content of what Isa had written though.

Raw Video Part 2: Parents of Isabel Celis speak to the local media - YouTube
These parents haven't shed a tear in public. I don't care how private you are it is not normal. I suspect IMOO that they will cry when they finally get caught. IMOO

I also know with the layout of the house there is no way that RC could not of heard dogs barking in the early a.m. I have thought about it and perhaps if your in a deep sleep- but not when your up and getting ready for work. I suspect a trip to the bathroom, kitchen ect. No way in MOO that the dogs would not be heard.

In my opinion....I cry about every damned thing. Happy, sad, sad movies, commercials with puppies, something that really makes me laughs brings tears streaming down my face. Many in my family are like this as well. I wish I wasn't like that but I am. I have a sister who I have never seen cry....our entire lives. We have had a few major tragedies in our lives and also the things people go through in life, losing a parent, etc. She is just as sad about the circumstances but she does not cry, at least not in front of anyone. She expresses that she feels horrible about the situation but it just isn't in her "make up".
We have talked about how it would be nice if we each could be a bit more like each other.
Also, I have a neighbor whose dogs bark constantly....I don't even hear them anymore for the most part. If they had dogs that are barkers maybe they have become immune.
If my own dog barks during the night, early morning I pay attention. Although if I had an intruder my dog would probably just think it an opportunity to make a new friend and the dogs next door would have to jump the fence and give the intruder a bite.

I still am on the fence about the parents.
In my opinion....I cry about every damned thing. Happy, sad, sad movies, commercials with puppies, something that really makes me laughs brings tears streaming down my face. Many in my family are like this as well. I wish I wasn't like that but I am. I have a sister who I have never seen cry....our entire lives. We have had a few major tragedies in our lives and also the things people go through in life, losing a parent, etc. She is just as sad about the circumstances but she does not cry, at least not in front of anyone. She expresses that she feels horrible about the situation but it just isn't in her "make up".
We have talked about how it would be nice if we each could be a bit more like each other.
Also, I have a neighbor whose dogs bark constantly....I don't even hear them anymore for the most part. If they had dogs that are barkers maybe they have become immune.
If my own dog barks during the night, early morning I pay attention. Although if I had an intruder my dog would probably just think it an opportunity to make a new friend and the dogs next door would have to jump the fence and give the intruder a bite.

I still am on the fence about the parents.
Understandable for sure.
I was on the fence but not anymore. Being local I would say the tone is not good. moo
MOO Repeating yourself more than once is only to convince. MOO
whoa what a salesman
Understandable for sure.
I was on the fence but not anymore. Being local I would say the tone is not good. moo

I read thru a lot of the document dump but not all and will admit that I haven't been able to follow the thread that closely this past week.
I would think you have insight being a local but also know how people love to gossip and spread rumors.....
I also would have to admit I am a bit of a Pollyanna (Hoping that I am using that correctly). No matter how many times I get let down, hurt, etc., I want to believe the best in people. I want to believe that no parent would harm their child.
I read thru a lot of the document dump but not all and will admit that I haven't been able to follow the thread that closely this past week.
I would think you have insight being a local but also know how people love to gossip and spread rumors.....
I also would have to admit I am a bit of a Pollyanna (Hoping that I am using that correctly). No matter how many times I get let down, hurt, etc., I want to believe the best in people. I want to believe that no parent would harm their child.

Yet there are new examples every day here at WS of parents doing atrocious things to their children...

As far as this case...I guess I don't have the gene that would allow me to just stay quiet if my child was missing and hope LE would sort it all out...I would be making an eternal pest of myself, trooping back and forth from the local TV station to LE HQ all day long, every day...I can't imagine doing anything else.
Yet there are new examples every day here at WS of parents doing atrocious things to their children...

As far as this case...I guess I don't have the gene that would allow me to just stay quiet if my child was missing and hope LE would sort it all out...I would be making an eternal pest of myself, trooping back and forth from the local TV station to LE HQ all day long, every day...I can't imagine doing anything else.

I know there are examples all the time. Just as a human and a Mother....I can't get it.
Catching up. Is this in reference to the parents? A poster?
Hoping it isn't me....
Oh my gosh, so sorry I was not clear. SC seems to repeat everything said- sorta like a parrot.:panic:
Oh my gosh, so sorry I was not clear. SC seems to repeat everything said- sorta like a parrot.:panic: didn't direct it at me...I think you understand via our PM's and I am sorry I overreacted
RUMOR ALERT RUMOR ALERT He was overheard at one of the baseball games, discussing things of a delicate nature RUMOR ALERT RUMOR ALERT
This told to me by a fellow Nurse who I questioned up and down till her head spun, she stnds by it. RUMOR
And YES it was reported to le.

Delicate nature? Like in?
RUMOR ALERT RUMOR ALERT He was overheard at one of the baseball games, discussing things of a delicate nature RUMOR ALERT RUMOR ALERT
This told to me by a fellow Nurse who I questioned up and down till her head spun, she stands by it. RUMOR
And YES it was reported to le.

WOW....and as much as I say I hate gossip am curious. Hope the authorities took seriously.
When I take the other side it is no insult to anyone....just me examining everything....I am a Libra....LOL
RUMOR ALERT RUMOR ALERT He was overheard at one of the baseball games, discussing things of a delicate nature RUMOR ALERT RUMOR ALERT
This told to me by a fellow Nurse who I questioned up and down till her head spun, she stands by it. RUMOR
And YES it was reported to le.

I think at this point the parents are just trying to make this all go away, get their daughter back and end this nightmare.

The question is are they behind this nightmare?

If so, the plot slipped away from them. It's somehow still being held together. Can they make it end and avoid legal repercussions.

I'd imagine the repercussions of a hoax would be far more serious when you consider what a girl like Isabel will live with for the rest of her live. If my parents did something like this to me I wouldn't want them to be my parents. What a lack of compassion!

I wonder who will look after the kids if both parents are in on this?
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