AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #22

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Does anyone else find it interesting that it is stated in this article that:

"Investigators collected samples of what appeared to be blood on the missing girl's bedroom floor and on other items, and Villasenor says TPD is doing forensic tests on those items."

I do not recall reading/hearing that their was blood on other items as well as on the floor.

The reports that focused on Isa's room, one a report on photos taken, the other a report on evidence taken do mention two evidence numbers that are not detailed, so those evidence numbers could have something to do with "other items."

The report mentions
DJN1L and DJN2L both are latent fingerprints on sill

The report also mentions
DJN1 through DJN6

DNJ1 -- where fingerprint dust collected on part of the outside screen but no actual print visible -- sent in for DNA tests

DNJ2 -- where dust collected on the actual window sent in for DNA test

DNJ3 -- apparent blood in Isa's room

DNJ4 -- apparent blood in Isa's room

DNJ5 --included at bottom -- ? (other items?)

DNJ6 -- -included at bottom ---? (other items?)

ETA found the article you meant

Yes, I do find it interesting...


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Okay, I'll say it, Where's the fear? Where's the sorrow? I do not hear it in their interviews, esp this interview. It's like the interview is for donations and trying to make Isa a world sensation. They sure have let everyone know where to put donations, but we still know very little about Isabel. Not one time did they talk to Isabel in it, just in case...

Mom is absolutely sure she's alive and it's just a matter of time. That was resoundingly clear to me.

Dad is just squirrelly and very taken with himself/new-found notoriety. <--- IMO/JMO/ABC/FBI/ATF, et al.

The whole piece reeked of Infomercial to me.
Ignorance showing, sorry. There are no peeps being followed by BringIsaHome? <--- just a stab. LOL.

No, they do follow a bunch of accounts. I dunno cuz I'm not the original poster, but the only thing I thought was a little surprising is that the account was following some celebs. I don't know that that means anything. It just seemed like more of a thing a personal account would be for than a business or organization account.
Kat, great find!

Hmmmm, not tax-deductible?? Must be a for-profit arrangement. :what:

I believe as a 501 (c) (3), it is *generally* tax deductible. If it were for a fund raising dinner, for instance, they would indicate the value of the dinner as not deductible. I think the response about "may not be" defers to each person's tax status. As an example, if Joe Smith is told his $100 is deductible, but his accountant tells him it does not count unless he itemizes/meets criteria, etc.

I previously worked for a NFP (a Union local), so used this ^ site often.
No, they do follow a bunch of accounts. I dunno cuz I'm not the original poster, but the only thing I thought was a little surprising is that the account was following some celebs. I don't know that that means anything. It just seemed like more of a thing a personal account would be for than a business or organization account.

Toldja I was a Twitter dolt. :-) I saw no one being followed by the organization. I also saw a lot following that were media-related. I just don't understand enough about Twitter to make much sense of it. Thanks for you input, though... it is appreciated!
Turns out this is a family, the Butwins, from the Phoenix area who had been reported missing. It appears they were going through a bitter divorce.

Sometimes I feel we are starting to feel that all these point to cartel activity. I think most are, but we are starting to be quick to point to the cartel. Even the dumb sheriff of Pinal County made the claim before knowing the facts. Sickening the fear they are generating in our community!

As if Babeu doesn't have enough PR problems already. Oh my.
The reports that focused on Isa's room, one a report on photos taken, the other a report on evidence taken do mention two evidence numbers that are not detailed, so those evidence numbers could have something to do with "other items."

The report mentions
DJN1L and DJN2L both are latent fingerprints on sill

The report also mentions
DJN1 through DJN6

DNJ1 -- where fingerprint dust collected on part of the outside screen but no actual print visible -- sent in for DNA tests

DNJ2 -- where dust collected on the actual window sent in for DNA test

DNJ3 -- apparent blood in Isa's room

DNJ4 -- apparent blood in Isa's room

DNJ5 --included at bottom -- ? (other items?)

DNJ6 -- -included at bottom ---? (other items?)

ETA found the article you meant

Yes, I do find it interesting...

"and on other items" could refer to the car seat, potentially the vinyl shower curtain... No?
"and on other items" could refer to the car seat, potentially the vinyl shower curtain... No?

I originally assumed it meant blood was found on other items in her room...

But when I read it again, it was not specified that the other items were in the room.

You may be right.
Toldja I was a Twitter dolt. :-) I saw no one being followed by the organization. I also saw a lot following that were media-related. I just don't understand enough about Twitter to make much sense of it. Thanks for you input, though... it is appreciated!

Oh you're welcome, but please keep in mind that I totally made that up as the reason for the OP's interest. It was just something I noticed and really I have very little twitter experience myself.
I just listened to blogtalkradio piece and it just seemed like an advertisement for donations, IMO. I have such bewilderment after hearing this interview. I just don't get how they can be so non-chalant, there was just no DEPERATION in their tone, IMO. I'm a mother of two very young daughters and everytime I see Isa's picture, I think about how I would be BEYOND desperate if anyone ever took either of them. I probably could not eat or sleep until I knew where my daughter was. I would be on every stinkin TV and Radio station that would allow me 5 minutes to PLEAD to the public to help me find my daughter. The LAST thing on my mind would be donations!

All the talk about the bracelets, billboards, and RC mentioning "election coming" was very strange. Again, if my #1 concern is the safe return of my daughter, I would not be thinking about how much money is being generated. Also, the word "awareness" was brought up so much and I felt like I was attending a benefit for a person with a disease, not a missing child.

When RC said she DEFINITELY felt like Isa was alive and coming home soon, I had a deja vue and I don't even know to what. The last time I heard that type of statement, the ending was not good.

I know there has been some mention of a possible financial hoax and I certainly :please: that's the case here.

Isa where are you?
I agree with you ocean and tho, there definitely are cases where we have been on opposing sides of the fence.. or one of us on the fence and the others feet firmly planted on one side or the other.. even in those cases I have always read your posts and respected your point of view.. even more so than respecting your point of view about any specific case above all i respect your kind and patient replies that many a time were a rebuttal of an opposite opinion than what is/was my own.. i admire your patience and kindness that are always present in your posts(even when there at times has only been yourself that was still standing firm on what you believe to be most likely to have occurred to a particular victim.. and that being the minority or unpopular opinion or stance)..even then when the snark is at peaked levels you still remain patient and kind and if nothing else just reiterating why it is that you are of the particular opinion about the case.. i believe sometimes your ability to remain steadfast, yet patient and kind is unfortunately mistaken as shark.. i know ill admit years ago that I at one point had mistaken your patience and kindness as passive aggressive snark:blushing: but after having posted alongside of you for several years i quickly realized that it never was anything but you firmly standing your ground and at risk of being a broken record.. well.. when all else failed you would just patiently reiterated why it is you were at that particular conclusion at that present time in a case..

No matter how many times your opinion may be drawn into question as to how/why your firm stance is what it is.. your kind soul replies with exactly what are the issues, details, evidence, or lack thereof that had led you to form your opinion.. i appreciate that and its definitely NOT due to the fact that we happen to be of similar opinions on aspects of our little Isabel's case.. because just over the course of these last few months in following Sierra LaMar 's case you and I could have not been on more opposite ends of the spectrum as far as our opinion as to who was the likely perp responsible for Sierra's abduction/murder(also on total opposite ends of the spectrum in the Shacknai case) ..but in the Lamar case while i was very very disliking of Marlene LaMar and felt she was a pathetic liar that not necessarily was responsible for her daughters disappearance but was very much responsible for turning a blind eye and after the fact continuing to turn a blind eye that i personally believed was hindering her daughters case being resolved and finding her youngest daughter and bringing her home.. and i was very vocal about my opinions(as I'm known to be:blushing: )

But all along you were kind and patient with my ranting and raving so to speak about Sierra's mother and tho, you strongly felt that i was wrong you still always replied with patience and kindness reiterating to me and others why it is that you felt this mother was an absolute innocent victim who did not deserve the harsh criticism she was being dealt(especially here at WS and specifically by me, myself) .. tho, i thought you were just wanting to see "the good in everyone" and were failing to see the signs that i felt so very sure that Marlene was displaying.. even tho, i still always read your posts and appreciated them as we'll as noted your continued patience..

So, as we all now know I could not have been more wrong about what it is that i saw in Marlene.. I can/will always immediately admit when I have absolutely barked up the wrong tree and was even waaaaaaay off base as I obviously was in sierra's case.. i was absolutely wrong.. wrong.. wrong! ..and have tried to atleast step back and reevaluate the entire case along with Marlene deameanors to see what i could take away and learn from my being wrong.. i now strongly believe that i allowed my personal dislike for Marlene to possibly cloud my judgement along with a history of other parental involvement in missing children cases ..these two combined over shadowed everything IMO and had me totally missing the mark where Marlene is concerned..

I am now very sorry for my extremely harsh criticism i had for this victim, Marlene and tho, she may not be someone who in real life i would befriend or "like" and could easily find issues in her parenting skills or lack thereof that i do not personally agree with.. but the fact remains that i was very wrong and she in no way whatsoever deserved the harsh criticism that i was selfishly doling out onto her from my comfortable armchair sleuth position several thousand miles away..

Anyhoo my intent was not to drone on but rather to say that in all cases that i follow along side you(ones where we agree and ones where we STRONGLY DISAGREE). that I greatly appreciate you, your posts, and your patient and kind nature that beam through your words on the screen of my phone or tablet or laptop.. i think your one smart cookie, with years of experience and wisdom that I look up to and learn from.. and altogether you're one helluva woman that id be proud to call a friend in real life..

Thanks ocean for your patience and kindness that you show all of us no matter what side of the fence or end of the spectrum we may happen to be on.. :hug:


OMG! Your post brought tears to my eyes because I have always had such high respect for you no matter which side you were on concerning any case.

I am almost speechless and so very humbled by your kind generous words, Smooth.

I am going to copy your post and keep it.:) It really means so much to me.

Thank you for understanding who I really am and have been since the first day I joined MBs.

My intentions are never to offend anyone. It bothers me greatly if I think any poster is upset with me because my opinions are in the minority as it is here in Isa's case. You are right, its darn tough to hold a minority view point, but I just plod along like always trying to state clearly why I feel a particular way. LOL!

Again thank you from the bottom of my heart.:heartbeat:

It would be great to be friends with so many posters here. We would never be without something to talk about I tell ya!:giggle:

That's how I feel too, oceanblueeyes. If you are suspicious of the parents, I guess don't give, it's your choice. BUT, like you, once I give someone money, it is theirs to do with as they wish. Just like if I give someone begging for change or holding a sign (will work for food) $10 or $20- I HOPE that person uses it for food, but if they use it for booze or whatever, oh well, that is their choice. If I was concerned about it I wouldn't give it.


That is exactly the way I look at it too, melissasmom.

Ignorance showing, sorry. There are no peeps being followed by BringIsaHome? <--- just a stab. LOL.

Actually, the Twitter account for BringIsaHome is following 364 Tweeters. It looks like they began with random celebrities (hoping that the celebrities would "ReTweet" their posts about Isa). "ReTweeting" is big on Twitter, it's a form of a compliment. And celebrities have so many people (tens of thousands) following them, it increases the chances of THEIR followers seeing the "Missing Isa" stuff, which then they would hopefully ReTweet (RT).

After the random celebrities, it seems like they added the media personalities, law enforcement, etc.
"and on other items" could refer to the car seat, potentially the vinyl shower curtain... No?

The "other items"

in the article might have referenced something else such as items in the car, but I was speaking of the reports on Isa's bedroom; the reports that mention testing sent for items 1 through 6 does not reference items in the car. It was one suggestion for possible other items, since the report did not detail what items 5 and 6 sent in for testing from Isa's bedroom were.
Re: Twitter

clueless yet conniving . . . (ouch)
ummmm . . . gee, it's been a long day . . .
I'd make something of the fact that they subscribed to some Tucson hunting and wildlife or some such account, except they seem to subscribe to ANYTHING Tucson, I mean if there was a Tucson Trannies account, they'd probably subscribe. Not that there's anything wrong with Trannies. We NEED a few Trannies with attitude!

Actually, the Twitter account for BringIsaHome is following 364 Tweeters. It looks like they began with random celebrities (hoping that the celebrities would "ReTweet" their posts about Isa). "ReTweeting" is big on Twitter, it's a form of a compliment. And celebrities have so many people (tens of thousands) following them, it increases the chances of THEIR followers seeing the "Missing Isa" stuff, which then they would hopefully ReTweet (RT).

After the random celebrities, it seems like they added the media personalities, law enforcement, etc.

Ahhhhh I guess I forgot all about the retweeting thing. Then it doesn't seem too outa place for a non-personal acct.
Turns out this is a family, the Butwins, from the Phoenix area who had been reported missing. It appears they were going through a bitter divorce.

Sometimes I feel we are starting to feel that all these point to cartel activity. I think most are, but we are starting to be quick to point to the cartel. Even the dumb sheriff of Pinal County made the claim before knowing the facts. Sickening the fear they are generating in our community!

I think many things are drug and money related but More often then not stuff isn't cartel related, more small-mediim time drug related. That stupid sherriff reallllly irritated me

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The "other items"

in the article might have referenced something else such as items in the car, but I was speaking of the reports on Isa's bedroom; the reports that mention testing sent for items 1 through 6 does not reference items in the car. It was one suggestion for possible other items, since the report did not detail what items 5 and 6 sent in for testing from Isa's bedroom were.

This is something new...blood not just on the floor ? A while back some posters mentioned how strange it was that the dresser had no prints on it, and there was speculation that it had been wiped clean... And maybe it had..along with many other surfaces in that bedroom... MOO Just not all the surfaces, apparently... MOO

re: the Twitter account

I'VE GOT IT! They're following ClassyClosetsTucson!


Stay Classy, Tucson!
The reports that focused on Isa's room, one a report on photos taken, the other a report on evidence taken do mention two evidence numbers that are not detailed, so those evidence numbers could have something to do with "other items."

The report mentions
DJN1L and DJN2L both are latent fingerprints on sill

The report also mentions
DJN1 through DJN6

DNJ1 -- where fingerprint dust collected on part of the outside screen but no actual print visible -- sent in for DNA tests

DNJ2 -- where dust collected on the actual window sent in for DNA test

DNJ3 -- apparent blood in Isa's room

DNJ4 -- apparent blood in Isa's room

DNJ5 --included at bottom -- ? (other items?)

DNJ6 -- -included at bottom ---? (other items?)

ETA found the article you meant

Yes, I do find it interesting...

I read in the attached snipped document to state...
"Views of gel lifts over the footwear patterns on the electrical box (items DJN5 and DJN6). "

Are those the missing items you are referring to?
(maybe I'm reading it wrong!)
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