AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #23

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I am not in any camp. I think there are others who are here like me, but I could be wrong.
If I had to choose a camp, I would be in the very lonely fact camp, same as TPD as far as any public statement they have made in all of these weeks. JMO
Since there isn't any new information to work with, I've started looking back at reports from the early phase of the investigation. This is related to our earlier discussion about LE watching the parent's emotions.

I wasn't closely following this case during the first few days, but now I think LE was giving us clues at that time. I think the implication that LE wanted to watch the behavior of the parents was one strong clue.

I think another clue is that FBI behavioral analysts were called in immediately. If LE was watching the parent's behavior, and there were no other actual suspects at the time, don't we have to assume that LE and the FBI were actually analyzing the behavior of the family?

On the Wednesday following the abduction, it was reported that "Her bedroom window was open and a screen was off" but Villasenor said police "have never said that was a point of entry."

This report continued with:
"FBI profilers have completed work inside the Tucson home of the missing 6-year-old, and police are switching from a search to an investigative phase, Villaseñor said Wednesday."

"Of the FBI search team, Villaseñor said, "I'M HOPING THEY SEE THINGS DIFFERENTLY." He declined to disclose details of what the team found."

Villasenor said he hoped that the FBI saw things differently. That leads me to believe that local LE had a very definite opinion (even at that early date). IMO LE has continually directed public suspicion toward the parents, so I believe that the family was already the focus of this investigation.

I can't imagine that LE would immediately focus on the parents unless they believed that the abduction was staged or that the actual evidence did not match the Celis account.

If the window was not the entry point, that screen was removed for some reason. What other reasonable explanation would there be except some type of staging? By the time of the Today show interview, even Sergio seemed to be unsure that the window was actually the entry point (although the whole family directed attention to the window in the 911 calls).


I would be shocked if LE did not immediately focus in on those closest to Isa. That is SOP. LE starts with those closest to the victim and works their way outward to cover others which TPD has also done.

It has been done in about every case with these same set of circumstances. Just ask Mark Lunsford who LE was zeroing in on and it was his family that was in the home when Jessica went missing and it continued until LE finally got wind weeks later of the absconded sex offender, John Couey. But until then the Lunsfords were the bullseye target.

I see they had ANOTHER fundraiser yesterday. This stuff is now turning into a Reality Show. One case I was following, the parents got the donations after the child was found deceased. They bought a real nice vehicle..paid cash. Ever since the scamming Anthonys, I don't like what I see going on in these type cases.

Isn't $60,000 reward enough, FGS! Use some of the $60,000 money already collected for flyers (though they can be made for free many times).

When was the last time a reward was paid? The restrictions on receiving it are so strict that it seldom ever crosses anyone's hands. It usually states "Safe return"...well, that almost leaves out all chances of anyone collecting.

This reward will pay off if anyone knows any information concerning Isa's whereabouts.

I was reading old articles about the Jacob Wetterling case, and it mentioned that thousands (or maybe millions) of posters had been mailed out to homes across the US. This was in 1989, and I remember thinking that the world has changed so much this then. Nowadays, the best way to get your child's face out there is the media, and there's been so much discussion about why some children get news segments, and others just get a poster in Wal-Mart. So then I go on this forum, and see all this talk about getting out more posters, all I can think is...Am I back in 1989? If Isabel didn't get local and national coverage, no one in Tucson would know her name, no matter how many posters there are of her.
Can anyone please direct me to where I can find the conditions required to claim the reward?
I'm not sure if it's rumors or not but do remember reading that someone(s) weren't eligible for a reward unless they called Crime Stoppers in another case. They apparently called 911 to report the tip.

I don't know if it's rumor or not. jmo
I've always said to follow LE to see their clues. Where is LE spending their time? What about the FBI? It's been obvious from the beginning that authorities have been pretty tightly focused on the family and the house. No, not to the exclusion of following any other possible leads and interviewing everyone they can think of, but consider where they are (now).

LE has telegraphed in several ways they think the answers to this case lie inside the nuclear family, and probably with at least one parent. This is not rocket science. IMO.
This is the reason that I gave up following the Lisa Irwin case. Lisa's parents - Deborah Bradley and Jeremy Irwin - didn't seem to give a hoot or hollar whether anyone looked for little Lisa, and they sure weren't looking for their little one, so why should I care? I haven't quite reached that point with Isabel's case, but I'm getting close to throwing in the towel.

DH and I have a long weekend trip planned later this month for our anniversary (41st). We'll have TV but no internet access, so I figure that might be a good time to move on. Unless, of course, there's a major break in the case before then. That said, molds are especially bad this season: My asthma has flared up, so I won't hold my breath ;)


I'm one who will forever believe that the vows of marriage are one of the most important decisions made in our lifetime..and to keep those solemn vows made between husband and wife at the top of life's priorities and as important and meaningful even 10 .. 20 ..30 ..41 years later as they were to you on the day that you made them to each other.. marriage is work.. many times hard work...but IMO as with any other of life's decisions,choices, or path taken its the hard work that makes it into something beautiful...worthwhile.. and altogether an amazing journey through this life with your best friend.. your lover.. your lifelong companion.

Congrats to you and Mr. BDE! I think its wonderful and have noted along the way of posting alongside you these last couple of years that you and your hubby are very much a couple that are truly involved TOGETHER even in just daily life..some may think it silly for me to even comment about such but IMO sadly in so many marriages in this day and age there is NOT this same level of connection and involvement between husband and wife .. its these very issues that hubby and I are very much aware of and see in those around us and all the more reason that we find what we have and work for in our marriage to be something special and worthwhile...

Kudos to you and your hubby, BDE! Hope you guys anniversary get-away weekend will bring about new and special memories to have been made!
I am not in any camp. I think there are others who are here like me, but I could be wrong.
If I had to choose a camp, I would be in the very lonely fact camp, same as TPD as far as any public statement they have made in all of these weeks. JMO

Me too, Prof. Me too. :moo:
I'm not sure if it's rumors or not but do remember reading that someone(s) weren't eligible for a reward unless they called Crime Stoppers in another case. They apparently called 911 to report the tip.

I don't know if it's rumor or not. jmo

That's happened many times. :moo:
Can anyone please direct me to where I can find the conditions required to claim the reward?

Best I can do right now. Tired.

ETA: new flier

I spent most of today on I-25 and highway 285 posting Isa's fliers. I spent time on the Santa Fe Plaza giving tourists the flier and asked them to take it with them as they continued on their journey across this US. I'm not "fliered" out. I'll keep it up until Isa is found.
I'm not sure if it's rumors or not but do remember reading that someone(s) weren't eligible for a reward unless they called Crime Stoppers in another case. They apparently called 911 to report the tip.

I don't know if it's rumor or not. jmo

Well, drats. :Shoulda called Crime Stoppers: :banghead:

Best I can do right now. Tired.

ETA: new flier

I spent most of today on I-25 and highway 285 posting Isa's fliers. I spent time on the Santa Fe Plaza giving tourists the flier and asked them to take it with them as they continued on their journey across this US. I'm not "fliered" out. I'll keep it up until Isa is found.

Wow, I have never seen that before arrest (only) but no mention of conviction, etc. :jail:
I was reading old articles about the Jacob Wetterling case, and it mentioned that thousands (or maybe millions) of posters had been mailed out to homes across the US. This was in 1989, and I remember thinking that the world has changed so much this then. Nowadays, the best way to get your child's face out there is the media, and there's been so much discussion about why some children get news segments, and others just get a poster in Wal-Mart. So then I go on this forum, and see all this talk about getting out more posters, all I can think is...Am I back in 1989? If Isabel didn't get local and national coverage, no one in Tucson would know her name, no matter how many posters there are of her.

I became aware of Isa through the Media and Social Media. I hate shopping ( Hubby loves this) so, when I go to stores I am on a mission to get what I came for and get the heck outta dodge. "I" never look at fliers/advertisements/for rents posted in a store. jmo
Electronic media, social networking, and the Internet are the best tools for disseminating information quickly. I don't know anyone who doesn't have access to a computer and the Internet and everyone I know has at least a basic cell phone. Even my elderly mother and aunt both are online and have cell phones that get the Internet. Combine that with TV media and you've got a potent combo and the ability to reach target audiences in a highly efficient manner.
I am not in any camp. I think there are others who are here like me, but I could be wrong.
If I had to choose a camp, I would be in the very lonely fact camp, same as TPD as far as any public statement they have made in all of these weeks. JMO
Above BBM.. Nope, Prof you are NOT wrong.. you in fact are quite correct.. tho, I can only speak for myself in my being in no "camp"..but I, too suspect that there are many others as well..

Like liltexan posted upthread I, too found it difficult to repeat the exact same circular path over and over and then Rinse and Repeat.. so, while I rarely post I do however check in here and several other places multiple times daily for updates about our precious Isa..

I made several comments in just this past week about this particular issue re: "camp" and there being such a focus on what camp each person posting in Isa‘s case is in.. sadly IMO Isa's case has been stripped down to what IMO is unjustly simple, basic, and altogether dismissive.. stripped down into 2 waaay too basic "camps" GUILTY parents vs camp INNOCENT parents..2 extreme polar opposite ends of the spectrum.. what IMO is glaringly obvious as missing from this IS THE VASTLY WIDE RANGE THAT IS IN BETWEEN those 2 polar opposite ends of the spectrum that have been made into camp GUILTY vs camp INNOCENT..

MOO is that there are likely quite many of us who are very firmly standing within that wide open range on the spectrum.. but that vast range is absent.. doesn't exist here..This entire portion of the spectrum that I'm speaking of, that is IMO obviously absent, this is ME.. I am not black, nor white, nor am I "on" the parents "side", nor its counterpart of "against" the parents "side".. I am just not that simple.. and not just me, none of us, or our thoughts, processes, views, etc are so cut and dry simple as what sadly I believe Isa's threads have been stripped down to.. and i hate that because IMO its just an injustice all the way around and IMO does no one any good by having drawn the line in the sand in such a simple, unrealistic manner..

Its as tho no matter what some state,express,point out,etc that its simply not heard..its as if the battle lines have been drawn and each of our personal, different, and unique vantage points are irrelevant and disregarded.. it appears that all that is taken away from what's IMO extremely relevant points of view is the fact someone does NOT jump head first with body, mind&soul into the PARENTS GUILTY camp.. not only is the persons stance being somewhere in the middle disregarded..more importantly is that the persons view is once again stripped down to if they are NOT in the "camp GUILTY parent" then they are in the "camp INNOCENT parent"... ridiculous IMO.. ridiculous..

IMO there is absolutely more to this than stripping it down to camp vs camp.. open up that huge, wide, gaping space that is IN BETWEEN those two polar, opposite ends of the spectrum.. and its exactly there that I truly stand and IMO truth be known the majority of my fellow posters that are in Isa's threads ARE HERE IN THIS WIDE OPEN SPACE IN BETWEEN AS WELL.. we've just sadly been lumped into this black vs white/guilty vs innocent simple, basic, boring battle that our little Isa's case has been unjustly categorized as. :sigh:..
I'm not in a "parents are guilty" or "parents are innocent" camp. I surely don't know which scenario is correct as I wasn't in that house at the time this all happened, but I do know that one of those scenarios is (correct).

What other "vast range in between" is there? Either the parents are involved in what happened to Isa or they are not (and by default that means someone other than the parents are involved).

I'm in a "look at LE for clues on where they're headed" camp.
Best I can do right now. Tired.

ETA: new flier

I spent most of today on I-25 and highway 285 posting Isa's fliers. I spent time on the Santa Fe Plaza giving tourists the flier and asked them to take it with them as they continued on their journey across this US. I'm not "fliered" out. I'll keep it up until Isa is found.

Bless your heart, Ransom!

I, too, like some other posters, am taking a break until a break in the case comes.....
I became aware of Isa through the Media and Social Media. I hate shopping ( Hubby loves this) so, when I go to stores I am on a mission to get what I came for and get the heck outta dodge. "I" never look at fliers/advertisements/for rents posted in a store. jmo


I am SOOO glad to find a kindred person who hates shopping!

I am "in and out" of the stores as fast as I can be!

But, like you said... hubby appreciates this... except when he wants us both to go shopping and I resist!:floorlaugh:
DH and I have a long weekend trip planned later this month for our anniversary (41st). We'll have TV but no internet access, so I figure that might be a good time to move on. Unless, of course, there's a major break in the case before then. That said, molds are especially bad this season: My asthma has flared up, so I won't hold my breath ;)

Happy early anniversary, lovely lady! I hope you and Mr. BDE spoil each other rotten and celebrate your 41 years together, in a big way!
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