AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 9

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on your map, on 4/29 there were two "exposure/masturbating" at two different addresses, too.... wow, the pervs are running around those 10 miles lately...
In response to quoting me: With regards to the other children mentioned, I am aware of how they remained quiet and never spoke as well as threats from relatives, intruders, etc. to remain quiet etc., however, the older child challenged the intruder.

I guess, we will never know how she challenged the intruder.

That's true. And that's why he left, according to the article. She was likely about to scream or something. But the cases I cited evidence how it is possible three girls remained quiet until he left or until one finally decided to try to fight back.

It's really not hard to control kids.

I'm sorry to sound snarky but my question persists. I have never heard of actual, viable evidence of such a ring or industry. Conspiracy theories do not count. If there is, I would be interested to know about it.

I am not a conspiracy theory guy but I did 10 years of research, real research in to Franklin Credit Union Scandal and I am pretty sure it happened and being that many of our elected officials are/were involved I seriously doubt you will hear about it from the cia controlled MSM, but I understand being skepical, I am a skeptic myself, it took a lot of time and effort for me to believe politicians and other known figures were having sex with little kids. There is a lot of misinformation out there about it and for good reason, some of the stories told by some of the kids were lies to help cover it up and make it sound kooky, but there is zero doubt in my mind that Boys Town was used as a playground for elite wealthy pedophiles.
Tuscon may be close but it is not in Mexico. Why cross the border illegally, (or legally) search a town in the U.S. for what they want, break into that house, one with dogs and high walls, then go back across the border, one that is closed much of the night and which has surveillance, and take a kidnapped child across that border for purposes of a sex trade, all when there are tons of kids at the border running around unattended selling Chicle, or whatever who would make a much easier, undetected grab? It makes no sense to me.

Wow! I never said this is what happened, I just said maybe it's a possibility. I think I'll go back to the Trayvon thread now.
Wow! I never said this is what happened, I just said maybe it's a possibility. I think I'll go back to the Trayvon thread now.

I'm interested in everyone's opinion..anyway the police ARE working with authorities in Mexico..
I just think there are much less dangerous ways to grab children if wanted for some "ring" or need to go into an occupied house in a closely-packed neighborhood with businesses nearby and the probabilility of cameras...JMO

Unfortunately, there are orphanages and parents willingly selling their children for such things, and it is typically not this young of children. I also have never heard of these rings acquiring children through high-profile kidnappings in the US. They try to keep low key and away from the FBI. I think words like "rings" and "sex slaves" and "human sex trafficking" are media buzz words for ratings and sensationalism. Yes, there are groups of people that do things like this, but "three men bought two girls from a poor, alcoholic mother and set up a brothel" gets turned to "sex slave ring exposes human trafficking trade in Mexico"..we can't just accept everything we hear.
Wow! I never said this is what happened, I just said maybe it's a possibility. I think I'll go back to the Trayvon thread now.

No need to leave, to speak in terms of a case you are familiar with, "stand your ground."

Your opinion are as welcome as any, I think she is just a healthy skeptic, nothing wrong with that.
Wow! I never said this is what happened, I just said maybe it's a possibility. I think I'll go back to the Trayvon thread now.

I'm sorry for offending you. I question claims about sex rings involving young children in the United States (or even taken to other countries from here).

Theories are brought up in these threads and they are debated. I did not believe I was being rude or abrasive. My apologies.
Anything is a possibilty in Isa's case even going across the border into Mexico, especially since LE has made contact with the Mexican authorities.

ETA: Although, for me personally, I do not feel Isa was taken to be sold.
No need to leave, to speak in terms of a case you are familiar with, "stand your ground."

Your opinion are as welcome as any, I think she is just a healthy skeptic, nothing wrong with that.

did you just say Stand your Ground? :what:

But yes, we are all adults with a common goal, we can respectfully share opposing opinions freely, I hope. Especially when LE and the family aren't giving much to discuss.
hmmn let me block out the address I just noted
Someone asked why people would leave their windows open in Tucson, particularly now, after Isabel. This anecdote might be a clue. I mentioned the case to a friend in relation to letting preteen girls go to the mall alone. I was scoffed at, and the other parent's response was "Everyone knows her dad did it. My daughter is fine at the mall."

There may be an insulation idea that if I don't act like I could be the victim of a crime, then I won't be a victim of a crime. (If I lock my doors and secure my windows at night, I am admitting that I could be a target.) I don't know, I don't quite understand it, myself. :shrug:
did you just say Stand your Ground? :what:

But yes, we are all adults with a common goal, we can respectfully share opposing opinions freely, I hope. Especially when LE and the family aren't giving much to discuss.

Yes but trust me I am no Zimmerman fan, quite the contrary!
I think LE is stalling for time. It took a while before the video came out and then one person out of the five came forward. I believe it was two days after that when LE said it was the wrong video. I believe the first person that came forward would have told LE that right away but LE didn't inform the public till a day or two later that they screwed up. LE didn't know suspicious man but never mentioned for him to come forward, they only asked the five people too. I am sure they captured this man on other videos. Also LE has been so tight lipped I bet it took alot for them to bring out this video and now to renag saying wrong date. I think LE want to get things back to being tight lipped. JMO It seems LE was stretching for more time and trying to throw off the suspect as i am starting to think they have one. Just because LE said something along the lines "Tips are slowing down but the investigation is moving along". JMO

I wish I had the same faith in this police department. So far they have looked like the Keystone Cops, imo.

It was longer than two days before they realized they had goofed and released the wrong video. And I think LE lied to cover their own butts when they said they knew about the 'mystery' man on the tape. I dont think an experienced detective could have missed that man lurking around. Imo, I dont even think LE looked at that tape closely and may not have any other tapes they have had since the day after Isa went missing. If they had they would have immediately asked the sixth person to come forward.

I dont think this is some kind of Columbo bumbling strategy this LE is doing. I think they are clueless and have no idea where Isa is or who took her out of her bedroom.

It shows, imo, they are doing shoddy investigative work and that worries me immensely for that is one of the worst things that can happen to Isa and her family.

Look how long it took them to even realize their gross error of releasing the wrong tape? And where is the tape from that night? What is taking so long now?

Imo, this LE has gone at this willy nilly from the very beginning. They know nothing to say in their redundant PCs because they have learned nothing that would lead them to where Isa is or who took her.

IMO, if it is in the media the approximate address and the crime reported, I don't see why a screen shot of the area would be a problem. If it is, a mod will come along and remove it!

Thanks, Patty. Here you go.

* Please note disclaimer on this site
Someone asked why people would leave their windows open in Tucson, particularly now, after Isabel. This anecdote might be a clue. I mentioned the case to a friend in relation to letting preteen girls go to the mall alone. I was scoffed at, and the other parent's response was "Everyone knows her dad did it. My daughter is fine at the mall."

There may be an insulation idea that if I don't act like I could be the victim of a crime, then I won't be a victim of a crime. (If I lock my doors and secure my windows at night, I am admitting that I could be a target.) I don't know, I don't quite understand it, myself. :shrug:

Gee. I would never take that chance with my kid's life!
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