Found Deceased AZ - Isabella Grogan-Cannella, 8, Bullhead City, 2 September 2014 - #4

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It really seems like the assult happened in grandma's bedroom? I could imagine a scenario where they really didn't know JR was with grandma all day smoking meth.Maybe JR threatened Bella's sister not to tell he was there or he would harm her as well?Maybe Bella's sister didn't admit to him being there until the police got there? But where was grandma? IMO Grandma and Bella's sister know what happened.I feel so bad for the little girl and all the trauma she has to live with.But this is just in case the other adults really did go to Walmart.If not than they all know what happened.Maybe they did not call the police for so long and did the clean up just because of the drugs in the house?I still can't imagine how he carried Bella's body on foot through the neighborhood? It just doesn't make sense.....
Despite who was or wasn't involved in the actual murder I believe the delay in calling 911 was to do a clean up of that house, get people straightened out and get a story together. One of the friends present before Bella went missing has stated she left at 11:04 and heard an hour later Bella was gone. That means at least a 1 hr and 15 mins before 911 call where they were "looking for Bella in the home. It's hardly a huge mansion. There is no good reason for a delay of that length.
Justin not being mentioned bothers me too. I just cannot believe no matter who says what that they did not know he had been in the house at the time of the 911 call. Maybe they didn't know when they left the house but they have to have known by the time they called police. Bella's sister must have told them so there is no good reason for him not to be mentioned.
At the very least the adults present in that house were more concerned about covering their own backsides than a missing 8 year old child. JMO
If they went missing when Bella's sister was in the bathroom, I can't work out where the thrown out clothes and bleached t shirt in the search warrant fit!
He can't have had time to do something to Bella then remove, discard and attempt to clean up, then leave with Bella in the time the sister was in the bathroom! All without Bella's sis and grandma hearing nothing unusual.
Rector reportedly told detectives that he smoked methamphetamine throughout the day in an upstairs bedroom the day the girl disappeared.

On September 1,2014 between 2100 hours and 2300 hours _______ and her husband Ralph Folster were present at their home along with Ralph's mother identified as Freddie Nicholson. ______'s friends Vanessa Passaneau, Rayvin Roquet and Fidel Castilla were also present and all subjects were located upstairs in the two story home.______'s two children identified as _______ (8yoa) and ________ (10yoa) were present downstairs along with Passeneau's daughter __________ (8yoa). Also present downstairs was ________ friend Justin Rector.
(Probable Cause - Certification9182014.pdf)

So he was upstairs, but he was downstairs, while all the other adults were upstairs when he was downstairs with the girls. Got it. Totally clears everything up.
Rector reportedly told detectives that he smoked methamphetamine throughout the day in an upstairs bedroom the day the girl disappeared.

On September 1,2014 between 2100 hours and 2300 hours _______ and her husband Ralph Folster were present at their home along with Ralph's mother identified as Freddie Nicholson. ______'s friends Vanessa Passaneau, Rayvin Roquet and Fidel Castilla were also present and all subjects were located upstairs in the two story home.______'s two children identified as _______ (8yoa) and ________ (10yoa) were present downstairs along with Passeneau's daughter __________ (8yoa). Also present downstairs was ________ friend Justin Rector.
(Probable Cause - Certification9182014.pdf)

So he was upstairs, but he was downstairs, while all the other adults were upstairs when he was downstairs with the girls. Got it. Totally clears everything up.

Lol, No,no he wasn't even there remember x
Lol, No,no he wasn't even there remember x

Oh yeah, I forgot that part. He was lurking outside the sliding glass door because no one even saw him. While he was upstairs, while he was downstairs. Good thing she didn't really know him that well while she trusted him with her life because he was only there for a BBQ since he'd been staying there for 2 days.
Oh yeah, I forgot that part. He was lurking outside the sliding glass door because no one even saw him. While he was upstairs, while he was downstairs. Good thing she didn't really know him that well while she trusted him with her life because he was only there for a BBQ since he'd been staying there for 2 days.

Brilliant lol. But it absolutely shows how much the stories change from one interview to the next. I wonder if TG and RF will make an appearance at court today.
Was it in MSM that Bella fought back and JJR's skin was under her fingernails? I know it came from TG, I'm just not sure where I read or heard it. The photo on the document, which I agree looks like JJR's bicep/forearm, could be scratches?
Brilliant lol. But it absolutely shows how much the stories change from one interview to the next. I wonder if TG and RF will make an appearance at court today.

This story and the relationship between TG and JR has changed so many times it's just incredible. If your child goes missing I can completely understand making a statement and then going "wait, that's not what I meant, *this* is what I meant" due to the stress level and anxiety and utter terror you'd be feeling not knowing where your kid is. That makes sense and I think every parent would understand that. This, however, is not that. Not by a long shot.

I found this curious as well: according to the probable cause statement


RF's mom, Bella's sister, TG, RF, RR and FC were all at the home when that 911 call was placed. Right? Now listen to the 911 call again

Notice, there is NO other background noise on RF's end except for when he asks Bella's sister what she was wearing. There are a total of SIX people in that house and a child is missing, and he's on the phone with 911 and you can't hear anyone in the background, talking, crying, or saying "make sure to tell them she's afraid of the dark" or "she was wearing her green top and black shorts" or offering up ANY other information that might help? If that were my kid, and my husband was on the phone and there were 6 people in my house, you would most definitely be able to hear people in the background. Maybe it means nothing. It just stood out to me how quiet that call was and how calm RF seems.
At what point is the Medical Examiner's report made public in the U.S.? Specifically, time of death? Will we need to wait for trial or is it made public before that?

I can't hear any background noise either, certainly no sound of the distraught mother.
Why was she so distraught already anyway? I'd be in action mode first, things to do before falling apart.

It's awful to hear Bella's sister having to step up and help out when there's a houseful of adults.
And RF is way to calm.
Listening to that call again her sister is very calm also which makes me think she did not witness anything horrible.If she really just went to the bathroom there is no way the assault happened in the home,I think.
He must have quickly snatched Bella alive and assaulted her somewhere else?Maybe the clothes in the search warrant are not the ones Bella was wearing? According to the 911 call she had on drk shorts.
This story and the relationship between TG and JR has changed so many times it's just incredible. If your child goes missing I can completely understand making a statement and then going "wait, that's not what I meant, *this* is what I meant" due to the stress level and anxiety and utter terror you'd be feeling not knowing where your kid is. That makes sense and I think every parent would understand that. This, however, is not that. Not by a long shot.

I found this curious as well: according to the probable cause statement

View attachment 59311

RF's mom, Bella's sister, TG, RF, RR and FC were all at the home when that 911 call was placed. Right? Now listen to the 911 call again

Notice, there is NO other background noise on RF's end except for when he asks Bella's sister what she was wearing. There are a total of SIX people in that house and a child is missing, and he's on the phone with 911 and you can't hear anyone in the background, talking, crying, or saying "make sure to tell them she's afraid of the dark" or "she was wearing her green top and black shorts" or offering up ANY other information that might help? If that were my kid, and my husband was on the phone and there were 6 people in my house, you would most definitely be able to hear people in the background. Maybe it means nothing. It just stood out to me how quiet that call was and how calm RF seems.

It sounds rehearsed by a very bad actor who didn't anticipate some of the questions that were asked of him. As I said before this wasn't a huge house and there are nooo distraught noises in the background. Strange how TG was so distraught but can't be heard in the 911 call. JMO

I can't hear any background noise either, certainly no sound of the distraught mother.
Why was she so distraught already anyway? I'd be in action mode first, things to do before falling apart.

Everyone's different though. I wouldn't be too distraught if my kid was missing, to call 911 myself. I mean I'd be pretty upset, obviously but, I'd insist on being the one to call since I know my kids better than anyone else on the planet, and I'd want to make sure LE had every single piece of info I could come up with, to help them find her. I certainly wouldn't leave that call to my live-in/boyfriend/whatever he is, that doesn't know her the way I know her. Good gravy, he didn't even get her full name right the first time. That actually ticked me off.

Although I do know other people who would completely lose it if their kid went missing and would in fact be too distraught to call 911 themselves.
Brilliant lol. But it absolutely shows how much the stories change from one interview to the next. I wonder if TG and RF will make an appearance at court today.

I got lost in the fb pages of TG and some of her closest friends one day...did anybody else that went down that rabbit hole also see the links posted and shared about "Never talk to the police" and "Make sure your kids NEVER talk to the police"? What a scary underworld these people live in!
It sounds rehearsed by a very bad actor who didn't anticipate some of the questions that were asked of him. As I said before this wasn't a huge house and there are nooo distraught noises in the background. Strange how TG was so distraught but can't be heard in the 911 call. JMO

I still think the lack of emotion or background noise is because the caller (and perhaps the others in the house) were strung out or stoned or wasted or whatever it is called when you are in drugged haze. A zombie made that phone call. I could be wrong, but that's what it seems like to me.

I got lost in the fb pages of TG and some of her closest friends one day...did anybody else that went down that rabbit hole also see the links posted and shared about "Never talk to the police" and "Make sure your kids NEVER talk to the police"? What a scary underworld these people live in!

People who spend their lives engaged in criminal activity will naturally have this attitude towards cops. They also bring up their kids the same way. The worst part about this is, those kids will actually fear cops because of all the things they've heard their parents and parents friends say. Some years ago I knew a woman who was married to a crack-head and he bad-mouthed cops all the time. There was an accident and the 9 yr old son was the only one able to phone 911 and he was scared to because of what his step-dad & other adults were always saying about cops. He finally did call but he was bawling like a baby because he was so scared of the police and even hid, when they arrived. :(
Danielle Miller @DaniMiller86 · 3m
Justin Rector in court now #FOX5

Danielle Miller @DaniMiller86 · 15s
8 year olds mother just showed up to arraignment hearing for Justin Rector accused of killing Bella. #FOX5

Danielle Miller @DaniMiller86 · 40s
Mother visibly shaking and crying in courtroom. #FOX5

Danielle Miller @DaniMiller86 · 10s
Justin Rector pleads not guilty to every count #FOX5

Danielle Miller @DaniMiller86 · 57s
Justin Rector will remain in jail without bond #FOX5
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