Found Deceased AZ - Isabella Grogan-Cannella, 8, Bullhead City, 2 September 2014 - #4

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Just read the documents that ChuckMaureen shared. I'm just speechless over this whole case. I am still mind boggled at her being found with no underwear or pants on and there not being a sexual abuse charge on there. WHY did this little girl not have anything on is my big question right now? I feel so repetitive because its all I keep posting. I just don't understand the fact that he randomly strangled this little girl for no reason what so ever. Also what I mean by no reason is usually in cases where you hear of the child's body being found with no clothing on the bottom half of her body the reason for that is they SA them and then get rid of the body after so they can't talk etc about what happened. Unless he did just molest her and that was it & that was why she was found. Maybe he didn't go all the way because of DNA? I hope that no one here thinks I'm an idiot I am just trying to understand that's all. I'm not trying to sound ignorant at all when it comes to this because I know there were other ways he could have done it but there is not charges of even molestation on there. Something is not adding up.. and if she was SA/raped there would be signs of it. Unless like I said he could have just molested her and that was it. Would there be DNA on here if there was just molestation? I'm with everyone else who is saying they wonder if the 10 year old little girl's story is accurate because something is not adding up here. I think a lot of the reason I am just going WTF here is because even if he just had this sick joy of killing things by strangulation her pants would have been on as there would have been no reason to remove them.
Thanks Chuck for posting the link for the document. I saw it and read it on my phone but couldn't get the link to copy and paste so I logged onto computer to do it and you beat me to it. Thank you for doing that.

It seems (IMO) that the 10 y/o sister was the only one who admits JJR WAS there (when others left to go to Walmart). That poor girl, I feel so so sorry for her. It's so sad.
It also seems (IMO) TF's name is (purposely) about the only adult name blanked out. Why is that? Anybody?

ETA. I meant TG and not TF.
Thanks Chuck for posting the link for the document. I saw it and read it on my phone but couldn't get the link to copy and paste so I logged onto computer to do it and you beat me to it. Thank you for doing that.

It seems (IMO) that the 10 y/o sister was the only one who admits JJR WAS there (when others left to go to Walmart). That poor girl, I feel so so sorry for her. It's so sad.
It also seems (IMO) TF's name is (purposely) about the only adult name blanked out. Why is that? Anybody?

Could be because TG is considered a victim but I'm not sure.
The cousin left at 11:04 and said she got a call an hour later stating Bella was missing. They all knew Rector was there, the sister was only gone a short time in the bathroom, when she came out Bella and JJR were gone. When they called 911, TWO hours later, even knowing Bella was with Rector, they still never mentioned his name. Also, it doesn't explain who cleaned up with bleach, nor why TG called her Mom and said, "they took her".
Thanks Chuck for posting the link for the document. I saw it and read it on my phone but couldn't get the link to copy and paste so I logged onto computer to do it and you beat me to it. Thank you for doing that.

It seems (IMO) that the 10 y/o sister was the only one who admits JJR WAS there (when others left to go to Walmart). That poor girl, I feel so so sorry for her. It's so sad.
It also seems (IMO) TF's name is (purposely) about the only adult name blanked out. Why is that? Anybody?

identifying TG would identify the redacted minor.....MOO
Noteworthy on booking sheet:

- No gang affiliations
- Under the influence of a substance other than alcohol
- Homeless
Since the names are public, are we allowed to mention any criminal records that are public on any of the names?
Since the names are public, are we allowed to mention any criminal records that are public on any of the names?
No, not unless they've been named as suspects or arrested in this case.
It is difficult to assume to a history of sexual abuse of Isabella if one views the many pictures presented of Isabella. Almost always smiling or mugging to the camera .. I do not recall an outright 'depressed' sad appearance. On the other hand, I am not sure we could say the same for the 10YO....

Speaking of the photos of Bella, Am I the only one who can't help but notice how many times she is wearing makeup? I have three daughters, ages 16 11 & 5, and at that age, I only let them wear lipgloss on occasion, unless they're playing dress up or something. It is just something that irked me I guess. It seemed as though she was made up like a grown woman sometimes.
Has anyone read the whole thing its here under transmittal certification

Is that his arm he is showing in one of the pictures? Wonder if there's scratches on it. Also it said he tried to hide his clothes at (blanked out but assuming Walmart) in the company of also blanked out. Was someone with him at Walmart?
Going to read more.
Has anyone read the whole thing its here under transmittal certification

Is that his arm he is showing in one of the pictures? Wonder if there's scratches on it. Also it said he tried to hide his clothes at (blanked out but assuming Walmart) in the company of also blanked out. Was someone with him at Walmart?
Going to read more.

of course I can't find the source now -- but he has a couple of tattoos

one says 420 -- tat on leg.....
and one ''indecipherable'' name above left breast pg 8 of transmittal
I am trying to come up with what I consider to be a plausible theory on this case. One moment, I'm sure there's a huge cover-up, and the next, I think Rector acted alone. I can't even decide whether these documents lean more to one side or the other! At a minimum, I feel like TG has some accountability for having her children exposed to the criminal element, and assuming he was truly smoking all day in "grandma's" room, drugs as well. I think I'm back on the fence with regard to her having actual involvement in the murder or concealment though. It IS possible that the adults were getting ready to leave, and not seeing Rector before they left, assumed him to be gone. Then, as soon as the adults left, he could have walked into the room where the girls were, and convinced them to play a game of hide and seek with the specific intention of stealing away with Bella. My only problem with this theory is that I don't understand what the purposes of the "I have Bella, what are you going to do about it" text messages were for. I swear I'd read on one of the MSM articles that a neighbor said it sounded like there was loud arguing gone on at the residence that night. Perhaps there was an argument in which Rector was kicked out, and in his high as a kite and angry state he was doing it to get back at them? Ugh. The whole darn situation just makes me so upset to think through!
This case has caused me to delve into the nefarious addiction that faces this crew and the ugly truth is the ''sex'' obsession factor....any port in a storm kind of thinking....on the part of both male and female addicts who cannot get ''enough''. There were adults at that house and am thinking that someone may have felt left out.....
of course I can't find the source now -- but he has a couple of tattoos

one says 420 -- tat on leg.....
and one ''indecipherable'' name above left breast pg 8 of transmittal

Wonder if it's his leg showing then. I thought it looked like his arm but I can't quite make it out.
So I don't know where I am after reading this. There's no mention of the text message and if all the people in the house stay with the story told to LE that night it would appear he acted alone. I still have trouble with that though just a few details not adding up in my opinion.
The adults said they didn't see him downstairs but no mention of the possibility he was upstairs in another room. He must have acted super quickly getting Bella out and away from the house while her sister was in the bathroom which doesn't match with the items being found at the house. JMO
Has anyone read the whole thing its here under transmittal certification

Is that his arm he is showing in one of the pictures? Wonder if there's scratches on it. Also it said he tried to hide his clothes at (blanked out but assuming Walmart) in the company of also blanked out. Was someone with him at Walmart?
Going to read more.

I know I'm quoting myself but I reread the report and I think the Walmart thing I was talking about is actually he hid the clothing he was wearing at the house while in the company of Bella.
this is one time where I am hopeful that the accused does plead ''not guilty'' so that there is a lengthy trial --
I am trying to come up with what I consider to be a plausible theory on this case. One moment, I'm sure there's a huge cover-up, and the next, I think Rector acted alone. I can't even decide whether these documents lean more to one side or the other! At a minimum, I feel like TG has some accountability for having her children exposed to the criminal element, and assuming he was truly smoking all day in "grandma's" room, drugs as well. I think I'm back on the fence with regard to her having actual involvement in the murder or concealment though. It IS possible that the adults were getting ready to leave, and not seeing Rector before they left, assumed him to be gone. Then, as soon as the adults left, he could have walked into the room where the girls were, and convinced them to play a game of hide and seek with the specific intention of stealing away with Bella. My only problem with this theory is that I don't understand what the purposes of the "I have Bella, what are you going to do about it" text messages were for. I swear I'd read on one of the MSM articles that a neighbor said it sounded like there was loud arguing gone on at the residence that night. Perhaps there was an argument in which Rector was kicked out, and in his high as a kite and angry state he was doing it to get back at them? Ugh. The whole darn situation just makes me so upset to think through!

I completely agree.I just can't make up my mind whether or not he acted alone.Looking at the pictures on myspace however really made me realize that TG and co. really do not know any other way of raising children and I do believe she still doesn't even realize why people are so outraged.I also realize that the children in fact grew up around JR and they have known him all their lives so I do believe he was trusted.I still don't understand why JR wasn't mentioned in the 911 call unless they were trying to cover for him.
Read the new report. I'm still not sure who was involved in what!
The 911 call where RF failed to mention JR at all still bugs me. Even if I were to believe JR wasn't seen at the time of everyone leaving for Walmart, they knew he'd been there just before. I don't see why his name wasn't at least mentioned. Then there is still the delay in calling 911, we have reports of neighbours saying the first they knew Bella was missing, was when LE knocked on there door. No reports of the family searching the area in the car either.
Doesn't sound like anyone was outside shouting Bella's name and asking neighbours for help!
So why the delay?
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