Deceased/Not Found AZ - Jhessye Shockley, 5, Glendale, 11 Oct 2011 - #2 *J. Hunter guilty*

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Shirley and Jerice....let me introduce you to Cindy and Casey. You all have a lot in common.

I bet Caylee and Jahessye are playing together and having a great time....
I'm absolutely stunned by the information today. Someone posted how brave the teen is that disclosed what she saw in the closet. What a hero to be brave and step up!!!! Like the poster said she was the one abused in that resulted in the (mom) going to prison in CA.

I do believe the G mom and the mom were in cahoots as far as the monthly bread and butter are concerned with State checks and it makes me sick.

This case needs to be the poster case for a needed data base Nation Wide for CPS.
It's unforgivable that this happened and heads need to role.
I am so sorry for Jahessye and her siblings, these scars last a lifetime of generations.
It needs to very sad...just no words to describe without getting a TO
how many people had to step away from this "bleach, incense, dead body smells, abuse conversation?


this is HORRIBLE!

This is absolutely horrible.. I pray to God and all things Holy that these kids are protected as they most obviously will have to testify at some point.. I pray they know they are safe now and can continue to say what they know... knowing full well that the center of their nightmares is behind bars.

Thank you kids for speaking out and doing the right thing for your sister. It is NOT YOUR FAULT.
I did, too, Nurse. Just shut down the computer for an hour or so, something I rarely do when I'm home.

What is inside of a person who can carry out such a deliberate, sadistic and prolonged act against her own child? I only understand it as evil. May that beautiful little girl rest in peace, and may God help her brave siblings to have a better life.
I wish there was a "Make A Wish" Foundation for children who have survived something like this. I dont know why I cannot get away from the idea that these kids find some kind of joy-I think it is because I am so afraid they have reached the conclusion that no one will protect them. That they are being protected after the fact. Again.

AGAIN. How do you pull your 13 year old self together and realize that your sister didnt have the good fortune to survive what you experienced at the hands of the same person..the person you were all given back to.

What kind of hoops did mom have to jump through to prove that she deserved to have them back after her jail time was over? Apparently none...this is where it is hard for me not to believe that Hunter's mom hasnt played a role here, but I guess we will find out soon enough.
Wasn't sure if you guys had seen the probable cause statement yet: :(

God help What in the world, why? Why would she do this?
Now, I hope this helps some people understand why,..... people don't believe mothers, primary caregivers...when they scream..... yell and jump up and down..about knowing nothing..and "being innocent" esp. us here at WS. We are good people who care...but, who have also seen know when something is beyond hinky. Please excuse my ramblings...I'm so upset by this news. Killing her is one thing, but she also humilated her, beat and tortured her... what she did to Jhessye. I can't wrap my head around.
Has this type of crime (dumping and denying) just been more widely talked about and reported? Or is there actually a huge increase in this type of crime?

Maybe I'm bias..but I swear every since OCA got off....she created a template on, how to do it and get away with least here on earth. I know others feel the same way.:(
I just want to give you all a big THANK YOU for being here for this case (and others). DH can't bear to hear the details, yet I have a need to process all of this horrid info...

That evil piece of garbage kept her in her OWN bedroom closet? meaning she slept and perhaps had sex with her boyfriend while the poor baby lie starving (so she thought) and lay in her own feces in a dark 2x4 space? Someone please give this woman a dose of her own medicine in prison... please!
I'm so pizzed right now....
Ch. 12 news just had a story on this. Jerice has 7 kids from who knows how many baby daddies. She actually has a few supporters picketing for her outside the 4th ave jail, one being her father who is a Reverand. He says Jerice is a good loving mom. Wow this families definition of good mother is really screwed up. Kim Covington interviewed the missing girls great aunt..who broke down after reading todays reports. The aunt seems convinced that Jerice probably had something to do with the little girls disappearance. You are right this whole case is beginning to look hauntingly familiar. AKA Caylee Anthony right down to the enabler parents of this monster that appear to be totally clueless and supportive of their daughter.

BTW Jerice has the nerve to call her 5 year old daughter "a Ho". Well ain't that the pot calling the kettle black. How many baby daddies does she have?
7 kids....what the hell..where are the rest of them?
Well the baby she just had was #7 and was taken by CPS. I believe there is an older child that is close to 18 now. He/she does not live with mom. Not sure of the ages of the other kids but one appears to be 13 who has given police alot of info about mom. I believe 5 kids total were in the house when the girl went missing.
I do hope they search that landfill. It's not like she had a ton of options..since it seems... she didn't have a car. I really want them...... to find her little body and bury it properly.
Collect evidence too.
I don't think I'd trust any dad who would father a child with this woman. Hopefully they aren't with those men, probably, imho :(

She kept and cleaned up her shoes that were in the closet. What an absolute monster. She makes me physically ill.
So Jerice did not have a car? Who was she with on this supposed errand when the child supposedly disappeared? Did she get a ride from someone? If she did not havbe a car then that limits what Jerice did with her body unless she borrowed or rented a car.
So Jerice did not have a car? Who was she with on this supposed errand when the child supposedly disappeared? Did she get a ride from someone? If she did not havbe a car then that limits what Jerice did with her body unless she borrowed or rented a car.

Supposedly, she called a cab. I believe she threw her in a big box or bag like she was doing spring cleaning. I feel sick now.
Well the baby she just had was #7 and was taken by CPS. I believe there is an older child that is close to 18 now. He/she does not live with mom. Not sure of the ages of the other kids but one appears to be 13 who has given police alot of info about mom. I believe 5 kids total were in the house when the girl went missing.

I guess it goes like this:

Oldest child (~20)
Next oldest (~15)
New baby

ETA: According to these documents, when the 13-yr-old was the 7-yr-old who had been "tortured", Jerice had:

14-yr-old boy
9-yr-old girl
7-yr-old girl
3-yr-old girl
almost 1-yr-old girl
how many people had to step away from this "bleach, incense, dead body smells, abuse conversation?


this is HORRIBLE!

This is absolutely horrible.. I pray to God and all things Holy that these kids are protected as they most obviously will have to testify at some point.. I pray they know they are safe now and can continue to say what they know... knowing full well that the center of their nightmares is behind bars.

Thank you kids for speaking out and doing the right thing for your sister. It is NOT YOUR FAULT.
I swear I won't ever be able to smell bleach or incense without thinking about this. I am heartbroken and drained to elaborate further. That may be a good thing, because anything I have to say will surely be deleted by mods. I am pretty sure most of you feel the same way. Just when we think it can't get any worse, does! To say the least, I am disgusted with these who breed, and abuse their children. I'm a young professor (just finishing my Phd) who is teaching feminist theory this it takes a lot for me to say this, but I truly feel these monsters need to be sterilized. I know it is unrealistic, though. We all need to collectively put our heads together to figure out a way to stop this madness!!!! God bless this little angel, and all the other ones we may never know about...
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