Deceased/Not Found AZ - Jhessye Shockley, 5, Glendale, 11 Oct 2011 - #5 *J. Hunter guilty*

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I sat up and read some of the documents last night. Heartbreaking and infuriating. I had always suspected that jerice was hatefully jealous of Jhessye and the good upbringing that Jhessye had with the cousins and that she had been loved and pampered as a child should be. Jhessye was just a pawn in jerice's twisted way of hateful, greedy, lying cheating living.

She even beat Jhessye because Jhessye had said (at school) that she was a princess. Well, she was a princess, just like every little girl that age is a princess wanna-be and jerice wanted to beat it out of her.

But to us at WS we recognize beauty when we see it. We recognize a butterfly princess when we see one and Jhessye will forever be a beautiful butterfly princess in our hearts.

And jerice? Well, we all know a beast when we see one too (and we see too many of them) and jerice will always be a beast and is now locked up, where dangerous beasts need to be locked up.
I've been reading some of the documents. Jhessye, you beautiful girl, I am so incredibly sorry for what happened to you.

Jerice is pure evil and I hope she rots in jail!
Interesting. CPS previously reported that they had only received one prior report on Jhessye, in February 2011.

At the time, several media outlets suggested that this meant that the cousins on the "good" side of the family were lying about calling CPS around Easter (April 24) 2011. But I noticed that the CPS attorney told LE (Part 7, p. 833 in the new documents) that Mahogany H. had reported possible abuse in April 2011. So apparently CPS forgot to mention that complaint when they issued their statement.
You know, I remember Jerice saying that, and I remember her mother saying that, and I can't cogently express a response to their claims right now without using words I would regret later.

Speaking of Shirley, I wonder if she's had time to read the entire report yet? I wonder if she would even bother? Anyone know when was the last time she made any public comments?

BBM She's been too busy packing her bags and applying for a passport.
That is so sad imo... he left out all the most important things that make up the perfect mom. It's not just about the material stuff.

Yes, but I suppose he can afford to see things differently ... he made it out alive.
I sat up and read some of the documents last night. Heartbreaking and infuriating. I had always suspected that jerice was hatefully jealous of Jhessye and the good upbringing that Jhessye had with the cousins and that she had been loved and pampered as a child should be. Jhessye was just a pawn in jerice's twisted way of hateful, greedy, lying cheating living.

She even beat Jhessye because Jhessye had said (at school) that she was a princess. Well, she was a princess, just like every little girl that age is a princess wanna-be and jerice wanted to beat it out of her.

But to us at WS we recognize beauty when we see it. We recognize a butterfly princess when we see one and Jhessye will forever be a beautiful butterfly princess in our hearts.

And jerice? Well, we all know a beast when we see one too (and we see too many of them) and jerice will always be a beast and is now locked up, where dangerous beasts need to be locked up.

BBM While I was reading part of the report the other night, I noticed that several points that were brought out, e.g., Jerice's jealousy of Jhessye and the role of welfare fraud among other things, were discussed here by posters early in the case. You guys hit the nail on the head! I'm sure the judge/ jurors will see through Jerice and Shirley's ploys, too.
Yes, interesting that he managed to come up with such a long list of "perfect mom" attributes without mentioning love, affection, kindness, not killing your kids....

Sadly I think it's a case of "you can't talk about things you don't know"
It doesn't seem like Jerice was able to give her kids much of that sort of thing.
I am sure that young man has a skewed sense of what constitutes a good mother.

I can't imagine what growing up with Jerice and Shirley would be like for any child.
About jerice's child recalling her as a good mom....... It sometimes happens that the most abusive of parents will target one child and heap abuse on them while another child is favored. Some kids can learn to how to stay out of their parent's way and avoid the abuse while others will never be able to do anything right in their parent's eyes. Sometimes a sibling may even "help" the abusive parent by tattling on the target child or manipulating the situation to their favor.

Jhessye probably never bonded with her older siblings and she was never subjected to jerice ways of parenting until she was already a few years old. So Jhessye probably didn't have a protective sibling who was bonded to her and looked out for her. The kids knew better than to cross jerice.

I'm not saying the kids are at fault, they are just trying to survive and were completely raised without such emotions as sympathy or empathy. It was probably every kid for themselves. I would be very concerned about what kind of adults or parents they may turn out to be because they have been raised in such a abusive situation with little concept of how a loving relationship is with another person.

Even adults can bond with an abusive person and be brainwashed into twisted forms of loyalty or attachment to their abusers or captors. We've see many cases of that such as Jaycee Dugard or Colleen Stan. Their survival may depend on that bond.

I'd say all of jerice's children need to be very carefully evaluated and observed and given some form of therapy and help in developing emotional bonds and sorting out their emotions.

It will be very interesting to see what kind of witness testimony comes from jerice's children.
About jerice's child recalling her as a good mom....... It sometimes happens that the most abusive of parents will target one child and heap abuse on them while another child is favored. Some kids can learn to how to stay out of their parent's way and avoid the abuse while others will never be able to do anything right in their parent's eyes. Sometimes a sibling may even "help" the abusive parent by tattling on the target child or manipulating the situation to their favor.

Jhessye probably never bonded with her older siblings and she was never subjected to jerice ways of parenting until she was already a few years old. So Jhessye probably didn't have a protective sibling who was bonded to her and looked out for her. The kids knew better than to cross jerice.

I'm not saying the kids are at fault, they are just trying to survive and were completely raised without such emotions as sympathy or empathy. It was probably every kid for themselves. I would be very concerned about what kind of adults or parents they may turn out to be because they have been raised in such a abusive situation with little concept of how a loving relationship is with another person.

Even adults can bond with an abusive person and be brainwashed into twisted forms of loyalty or attachment to their abusers or captors. We've see many cases of that such as Jaycee Dugard or Colleen Stan. Their survival may depend on that bond.

I'd say all of jerice's children need to be very carefully evaluated and observed and given some form of therapy and help in developing emotional bonds and sorting out their emotions.

It will be very interesting to see what kind of witness testimony comes from jerice's children.

Great post! I agree, those children will need some careful watching, in the future. I worry about them
I can see I've got a lot of catching up to do. Hello to all my long lost friends:seeya: it's good to see you all again.

WB lynnb, you've been missed. Glad to see you back :)
Oh man, since reading the doc dumps Jhessye has been on my mind all weekend. Saturday was absolutely beautiful and my youngest and I sat out back for hours. There was this gorgeous butterfly that stayed right next to me the whole time we were out. I couldn't help but think of Jhessye.

I have said before that I didn't follow this case closely because I was caught up in the Lisa Irwin case so I have a question. I thought I read in one of the documents that Tycora had custody or guardianship of Jhessye. If this is the case then how in the heck was Jerice able to snatch Jhessye away?

Its makes me feel horrible to think *and I can't imagine what Tycora and the rest of that side feel* that if Jhessye would've been allowed to stay with Tycora she would still be here today. *cry*
Oh man, since reading the doc dumps Jhessye has been on my mind all weekend. Saturday was absolutely beautiful and my youngest and I sat out back for hours. There was this gorgeous butterfly that stayed right next to me the whole time we were out. I couldn't help but think of Jhessye.

I have said before that I didn't follow this case closely because I was caught up in the Lisa Irwin case so I have a question. I thought I read in one of the documents that Tycora had custody or guardianship of Jhessye. If this is the case then how in the heck was Jerice able to snatch Jhessye away?

Its makes me feel horrible to think *and I can't imagine what Tycora and the rest of that side feel* that if Jhessye would've been allowed to stay with Tycora she would still be here today. *cry*

Tycora had some kind of power of attorney given to her by Jerice, I believe, but no custody rights. Shirley had custody of the other kids but not Jhessye. IIRC, Jerice still had parental rights to Jhessye at the time.

IMO CPS should have removed Jhessye after the cousins called. I assume Jerice gave them some lame explanation for the teeth being knocked out and for the burn mark, and told them that the cousins were just trying to keep Jhessye from her. The caseworkers seem to accept any explanation that could possibly be true, even if alarm bells are going off all around them.
FWIW, MOO is that Jerice coming to AZ, giving birth to Jhessye and handing her over to TyCora and the rest of the cousins, all while awaiting sentencing for the child abuse in California, was very calculated.

I feel she went to AZ to deliver Jhessye to the cousins in an effort to assist in making sure little Jhessye fell through the cracks and assure that her parental rights to Jhessye were not severed by the courts in CA.

Quiet frankly, I think CA either did not know about Jhessye (still in utero) or simply forgot about her and therefore, did not make any sort of plan for her, once born, in regards to who would have custody, etc.

ITA with AzLawyer. Jhessye should have been immediately removed from Jerice the moment allegations of child abuse were made in AZ. Given Jerice's history of founded, charged and jailed previous child abuse in CA, Jhessye should have been yanked out of there ASAP as soon as Mahogany's concerns came into CPS.

What worries me is that AZ acted like they had no clue about CA charges, conviction and the fact that not a single one of those siblings to Jhessye should have been in her care to begin with.

I suspect agencies between states are still not communicating properly or people within those agencies are not bothering to check other states for very available public records.
FWIW, MOO is that Jerice coming to AZ, giving birth to Jhessye and handing her over to TyCora and the rest of the cousins, all while awaiting sentencing for the child abuse in California, was very calculated.

I feel she went to AZ to deliver Jhessye to the cousins in an effort to assist in making sure little Jhessye fell through the cracks and assure that her parental rights to Jhessye were not severed by the courts in CA.

Quiet frankly, I think CA either did not know about Jhessye (still in utero) or simply forgot about her and therefore, did not make any sort of plan for her, once born, in regards to who would have custody, etc.

ITA with AzLawyer. Jhessye should have been immediately removed from Jerice the moment allegations of child abuse were made in AZ. Given Jerice's history of founded, charged and jailed previous child abuse in CA, Jhessye should have been yanked out of there ASAP as soon as Mahogany's concerns came into CPS.

What worries me is that AZ acted like they had no clue about CA charges, conviction and the fact that not a single one of those siblings to Jhessye should have been in her care to begin with.

I suspect agencies between states are still not communicating properly or people within those agencies are not bothering to check other states for very available public records.

I have been involved with the AZ child welfare system for 15 years and this is absolutely true. CPS caseworkers do not check beyond what shows up in their own systems--they will not use public records websites or even Google.
I have been involved with the AZ child welfare system for 15 years and this is absolutely true. CPS caseworkers do not check beyond what shows up in their own systems--they will not use public records websites or even Google.


Wow...this has to change, seriously.
I have been involved with the AZ child welfare system for 15 years and this is absolutely true. CPS caseworkers do not check beyond what shows up in their own systems--they will not use public records websites or even Google.

Thanks AZlawyer. As always, so glad to have your expertise and personal experience.

BBM This MUST change. If Jhessye's case does not shine a spotlight on the very real problem of district, county and state hopping that is frequently committed by abusive parents to stay one step ahead of CPS, then I don't know what the heck it is going to take.

We see it all the time but this case was glaring in the shortfalls of current systems of investigating abuse. A simple five minutes to check could easily have led to Jerice's very relevant criminal background and could have been the only difference between this baby girl beaten repeatedly, tufts of heir ripped from her scalp, dying alone, frightened in a closet and her being alive and dancing today.
I have been involved with the AZ child welfare system for 15 years and this is absolutely true. CPS caseworkers do not check beyond what shows up in their own systems--they will not use public records websites or even Google.

When they are called to testify, I'm sure the heads of CPS will try to make it sound like Jhessye just accidentally slipped through the cracks. But imo, CPS in AZ has been messed up for a long time, at least since the days that Symington was in office (if not Evan Mecham back in 1988.)

I would love to honor Jhessye's memory by doing something to effect change, but beyond writing letters and voting, I don't know what else the public can do to make sure CPS does its best to see that no more children are killed. I just wonder if there is another precious little soul like Jhessye out there, on the radar of CPS, but CPS will fail to protect them, and once again, the headlines in the papers will tell about another Arizona child murdered at the hands of a parent or caregiver.
About jerice's child recalling her as a good mom....... It sometimes happens that the most abusive of parents will target one child and heap abuse on them while another child is favored. Some kids can learn to how to stay out of their parent's way and avoid the abuse while others will never be able to do anything right in their parent's eyes. Sometimes a sibling may even "help" the abusive parent by tattling on the target child or manipulating the situation to their favor.

Jhessye probably never bonded with her older siblings and she was never subjected to jerice ways of parenting until she was already a few years old. So Jhessye probably didn't have a protective sibling who was bonded to her and looked out for her. The kids knew better than to cross jerice.

I'm not saying the kids are at fault, they are just trying to survive and were completely raised without such emotions as sympathy or empathy. It was probably every kid for themselves. I would be very concerned about what kind of adults or parents they may turn out to be because they have been raised in such a abusive situation with little concept of how a loving relationship is with another person.

Even adults can bond with an abusive person and be brainwashed into twisted forms of loyalty or attachment to their abusers or captors. We've see many cases of that such as Jaycee Dugard or Colleen Stan. Their survival may depend on that bond.

I'd say all of jerice's children need to be very carefully evaluated and observed and given some form of therapy and help in developing emotional bonds and sorting out their emotions.

It will be very interesting to see what kind of witness testimony comes from jerice's children.

IMO, the other children often learn to thrive by fawning on the abusive parent, ignoring abusive outbursts toward the unfavored child, and even participating in the abusive behavior themselves. Children subconsciously learn that if Mom takes everything out on Susie, she won't hurt me. They rationalize such thinking by convincing themselves that Susie deserves the punishment; she's always misbehaving.

Remember Christian Choate, the boy who was kept in a cage? Christian's sister helped beat him to death, but she was the one who later reported his death, IIRC to her mother who hadn't seen the children in 6 years.,0,3895741.story

I've even seen this type of behavior in the workplace, where verbal and emotional abuse is involved rather than direct physical abuse. If there are employees, especially those with a lot of authority or seniority, who are abusive to certain coworkers (e.g., those with disabilities or experiencing personal crises), other coworkers will tease and criticize the abused coworkers. Anyone who is kind to the targeted coworker is treated poorly, too. Even managers and executives learn that they can thrive and advance in the company only by ignoring the abuse and gaining acceptance of the abusers.

Really, it's a misplaced loyalty based on fear. Unfortunately, it's all too common in human nature. I hope the trial will be very cathartic for Jhessye's siblings, in helping them to recognize that what their mother did was wrong and that Jhessye didn't deserve the abuse. I'm sure it will also take a lot of counseling to help them to understand why they reacted the way they did.
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