AZ AZ - Mark Goudeau, Baseline killer & serial rapist, accused of 9 murders

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this is going to be a very interesting trial, considering there is a possible other viable suspect for some of the murders who was investigated for a long time by LE, the state has to prove Goudeau killed all 9, if they can't prove he killed all 9 then the jury have to vote NG, as if the jurors think he killed 8 but find reasonable doubt for the ninth then all the G cannot be rendered as a verdict

as all 9 murders are tied together by ballistics, and the state is saying one man Goudeau did them all, all the defence has to do is show reasonable doubt on one of the murders and he has to be found NG of all 9
this is going to be a very interesting trial, considering there is a possible other viable suspect for some of the murders who was investigated for a long time by LE, the state has to prove Goudeau killed all 9, if they can't prove he killed all 9 then the jury have to vote NG, as if the jurors think he killed 8 but find reasonable doubt for the ninth then all the G cannot be rendered as a verdict

as all 9 murders are tied together by ballistics, and the state is saying one man Goudeau did them all, all the defence has to do is show reasonable doubt on one of the murders and he has to be found NG of all 9

The state has to prove he killed all 9, or he can't be convicted? Why is that? The state could have tried him individually for each case, there is no law the state has to try him for all 9 murders. And there is no reason why individual murder charges for each person can not be presented to the jury, even if they are all in the same trial.
The state has to prove he killed all 9, or he can't be convicted? Why is that? The state could have tried him individually for each case, there is no law the state has to try him for all 9 murders. And there is no reason why individual murder charges for each person can not be presented to the jury, even if they are all in the same trial.

even if they tried him individually one NG verdict would mean that he is not the baseline killer, to be the baseline killer all 9 murders have to have been comiitted by the same person, as ballistics show one gun is tied to all crime scenes, and as LE is saying the crimes were committed by 1 man with 1 gun then that man has to be convicted of them all,

if he is NG of one then he can't be guilty of any under the states theory,

a jury cannot convict him of only some of the murders if the states theory is 1 man did it all,
This article is a month old, but goes over the charges against him and how LE pieced it together. Pretty intense case. I would imagine there's going to be a lot of drama, especially seeing how it opened the first day.

I've seen his family, of course, believes he's innocent. I can't even imagine how his wife feels, living with him for 20 years and not REALLY knowing him. I'm not saying he's guilty, I haven't looked into the case that much, so I don't know.


'Baseline Killer' suspect hunted victims like a wolf, prosecution says

Goudeau, 46, is charged with 74 felony counts, including nine murders for which, if convicted, he faces nine potential death penalties:

- Georgia Thompson, 19, killed in an apartment-complex parking lot in Tempe in August 2005.

- Tina Washington, 39, pulled from a bus stop in south Phoenix and shot behind a store.

- Romelia Vargas, 38, and Mirna Palma Roman, 24, shot in a lunch wagon at a construction site on Lower Buckeye Road.

- Chao Chou, 23, the only male victim, and Liliana Sanchez Cabrera, 20, abducted from a fast-food sushi restaurant at 24th Street and Indian School Road and left a mile apart with bullets in their heads.

- Kristin Gibbons, 26, a prostitute shot and buried beneath plywood boards between a house and a storage unit on 24th Street in Phoenix.

- Sophia Nuñez, 37, killed in the bathtub of her home in west Phoenix.

- Carmen Miranda, also 37, pushed into her car at a car wash on Thomas Road, then shot to death less than a block away.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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there is hardly any media interest in this trial, it is very hard to find new updates from the trial and how it is progressing, even though he is charged with a multitude of crimes including 9 murders
trial is now on a break for 2 weeks

I don't remember ever hearing about a 2 week hiatus during a murder trial. I have heard of a day or 2 but never 2 weeks. Any idea what this is about?
I don't remember ever hearing about a 2 week hiatus during a murder trial. I have heard of a day or 2 but never 2 weeks. Any idea what this is about?

can't find any information on why they are having a break, but this jury is in for the long haul the trial will take months before it is concluded, possibly up to a year
Did the trial begin? I can't find anything on it and the things I do find don't have dates so I don't know if they are old news or new news......
there is little to no media coverage of this trial, even though there are numerous victims and horrendous crimes perpetrated by one man,

I keep checking but since it resumed from its break on Monday I can't find even one article on it,
there is little to no media coverage of this trial, even though there are numerous victims and horrendous crimes perpetrated by one man,

I keep checking but since it resumed from its break on Monday I can't find even one article on it,

That is unbelievable...........

I have found this blog, it has information on the trial from supporters of the defendant

Interesting. I have read quite a few blogs with people supporting Him. I wish they would put the trial out there. I'd like to form my own opinion. I wonder if that is true about the shoe and jewelry.

Since I don't know much about this I won't say LE planted evidence but I will say I believe there are "times" when they rush to judgement.

Did the baseline killings stop when MG was arrested?

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