AZ AZ - Mark Goudeau, Baseline killer & serial rapist, accused of 9 murders

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Beyond Belief said:

Dale Hausner's website

On the site is several photos, one captioned Comedian and TV talk show host
Randy Hausner
with two round card girls.

I wonder if this a relation to Dale Hausner.
wow, they took that website down in a flash! I looked at it while I was at work but by the time I got home it was ka-put!
Un freakin real what these two guys have done...
richandfamous said:
wow, they took that website down in a flash! I looked at it while I was at work but by the time I got home it was ka-put!
Un freakin real what these two guys have done...

when I did a search with his name, this website came up. I assume this is one of his websites. Judge for yourself.
SpongeBathHotPants said:
Ok so far, every person possible is going to speak today. Chief of police on now, funky voice, haven’t say much yet, just going over what we already know. 11:30 pm last night member s of the task force arrested two men and they are sure they ARE the serial shooters.

Mayor on now, didn’t vote for him, he is a grateful mayor(his words, not mine), made arrests of two monsters, not yet finished, not sure what that means. Phoenix is the city on the offensive, no one should question that. He is thanking people. Praising Arizona over and over and over. It is an election year. Oh for the love of Pete, shut up already.

Mesa police chief, he wants to talk about everyone that worked on this.

ATF guy on now, same old same old. The two fires in June of two Wal-Mart’s was when they came in. Didn’t say if they are connected. (The two fires were “my” Wal-Mart’s”, on other side of town, now it's personal!)

Scottsdale Police Chief, Claudia Cruz murdered in Scottsdale, ok, not sure what his point is. He is thanking people. Shocking!

FBI up, he is thanking people, sigh.

Some chick, her title is too long for me to catch. Thanking people, will prosecute these people, will end reign of terror

Asst chief of Phoenix police, here for questions, but has to thank people first.

What led them to the suspects?

All the law enforcement agencies and calls from the public.

When did you first become aware of these two suspects?

How to explain, whole lot goes into the investigation.

Not just calls from the public but from all over, came from every different direction.

Why didn’t they arrest them weeks ago?

Didn’t know who they were a few weeks ago. They has some information but not enough. Learned who they were Monday night. (Why didn’t they get them then???)

He really is being vague.

They arrested them without any problems.
Not sure what the motives were.
Not going to get into confessions but be are confident they are the right ones.
They have family and jobs but need more time before they follow up on that.
Not in the military.
Just two men involved, They are friends who lived in Mesa for a while and in Phoenix. They needed the week to develop the case of probable cause.
These are for sure, the right guys.
The Wal-Mart fires were a piece of the puzzle.
They were random victims.
Won’t say if they have a criminal record.
No relationship to the Baseline killer.

Keeping with the theme, I would like to thank all of those people who had the confidence to let me report this! I want to thank every one on the board, AZ Law, I want to thank you for having a camera phone and turning the job over to me. To all of the posters that felt that I should have my own talk show, my thanks, to the people reading this, thank you. This was a group effort and I want to thank you all. Thank you!
Spongebath (I hope you aren't offended by my calling you "Spongey") have exceeded my expectations as a minute by minute reporter. I reiterate my earlier suggestion that you replace Larry are THAT good!

Thanks again for your superior reporting! :lol:!

Good Morning,

Would you ever in a million years expect the serial shooter to look like these two guys? Every time I look at them I see two kind of average looking males a little worn by life.

The blondy guy did have an ominous look about him looking out that car window, but I don't see an evil look, like with Sirhan Sirhan or Dylenski! That is just what I expected.

So now that makes me wonder about the Baseline Killer and what he really looks like under his disguise. Probably like a regular all-American black guy. :banghead:

Runningwild said:
when I did a search with his name, this website came up. I assume this is one of his websites. Judge for yourself.
It looks like that site is owned by "Sue Tiger Lily Fox"
There are several interesting articles on this arrest in my local paper today, this is one of a reporter's odd chance encounter interviewing one of the killers:

Angela Pancrazio
The Arizona Republic
Aug. 6, 2006 12:00 AM


On the day I met Dale Hausner, police were hunting for a serial shooter who had killed four people over the previous 10 months.

Of course, I did not know on April 12 that he was possibly involved. No one had a clue at that time who the "Serial Shooter" might be.

Looking back, I would like to be able to say that I had a premonition or some uneasy feeling when I interviewed Hausner for an innocuous story on the closing of Terminal 2 at Sky Harbor International Airport, but that would not be true. My memories of him, however, are vivid, which is surprising given such a brief encounter and the number of people a reporter interviews.

Hi Katie, and thanks for the link to those interesting swtories.

I am so thankful they protected that little girl and didn't scare the wits out of her. I hope they sent in a nice lady from Child Welfare to talk to her first and explain they needed to take her to a safe place. Lord, what would you say to this little one. I wonder if she had heard them talking and had ideas about what they were up to>

Hausner sure slipped in life. I saw a picture of him as a photo journalist, sitting there in a beautiful silk shirt. What a difference to the photo I saw on Fox of these two guys walking side by side down that WalMart aisle. That's who these guys really are. They looked like two burly terrorists to me, rough, tough and really narly as can be. They are really Bad to the Bone sickos, and so glad they are off the street!

I'm still thinking a lot about what the Baseline Killer will really look like, and I think we will be surprised in that he will look very average to where one would never guess what his passion in life is.

Well, let's all hope these fellows get some intensive counseling. Meanwhile, let's examine our own behavior to see how we forced these gentle souls to cry out for help in the manner that they did. It's not their fault, it's ours.
You are one of my favorite people here at WS. :D
Wow. That guy sure has all the answers doesn't he. He just happend to live with me....we just happend to be at Wal Mart that night.....we just happend to be driving in the area of the shootings..... One too many coincidences me thinks.

And he is just throwing the other guy under the bus. Not a smart move if he is involved. There is no way the other guy would sit still and keep his mouth shut now.
curious1 said:
Wow. That guy sure has all the answers doesn't he. He just happend to live with me....we just happend to be at Wal Mart that night.....we just happend to be driving in the area of the shootings..... One too many coincidences me thinks.

And he is just throwing the other guy under the bus. Not a smart move if he is involved. There is no way the other guy would sit still and keep his mouth shut now.
Not only is he throwing the other guy under the bus, he's DRIVING IT! Very interesting dynamic. Especially since several of those articles interviewed people who said he (Dale Hausner) virtually dropped off the face of the Earth a year ago. (The sniper attacks began a little over a year ago.)

, I recommend you, with your special brand of compassion, to go to the jail and "counsel" these poor fellas. ;)
I would pay to see that on Pay Per View Fight Night.:p
Unfortunately he hasn't noticed the rope around his leg that's caught in the wheels of the bus...

I'll have to drive, since my co-counsel is hard to bring on the plane. I could be there by morning if you can arrange the meeting.
:eek: Skeered of YOU!

As far as the meeting...I'll see what I can do! ;)
So do we know for sure that Hausner was the shooter? And I guess I lost something here, but Curious, you said you lived with him. By that I assume you lived with the fear of what he could do. Youi were actually shopping at Wal Mart the day they were there?

Call me nieve, but I'm curious! LOL

Oh gosh no Scandi. :eek: I was saying he seemed to have all the right answers like.....That guy just happend to live with me, etc. Go back and read it. I may not have been clear. Sorry.
Oh thank goodness! I just mis-read it. LOL

No problem. You had me rolling with that one. I had to recover long enough to type back. I know how it goes though, I have had to take a second look at a few posts now and then. It happens to the best of us. I just thought you were getting back at me for the Minnesota crack on the 'Egyptian' thread. :p

Not at all sweetie,

My folks moved to Detroit Lakes Minnesota from the old country, and my one visit there in the summer of '55 was very memorable. The bugs so thick around the street lamps at night you could hardly see the glow of the light! And you don't want to swim in a Mn lake if you don't want to get the heebie-jeebies! LOL

Oh, don't be. I wouldn't hurt you! I'm also kind to children (note same coat!).
Oh! What a cutie! Is he your son? So sweet and tiny...:heart melts:
Well, you must be trustworthy, I have seen a photo of you cradling a vulnerable infant in your arms! ;)

As for the Sniper Twins ("We're not twins"), I think they won't find you so cuddly and non-threatening!
That's our little Conner, born 2/13/03. As my daughter told her entire class, "My mother almost had a love child" since he almost was born on Valentine's day. She goes to Catholic school. We got a call about that one.

OH MY GAWD!:eek: Poor Mrs. ! lol

That's *almost* as bad as my cousin's son telling his class his "dad sells drugs". (He's a pharmacist.)

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