AZ - New developments in the Cindy Monkman Apelt case

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katiecoolady, what a wonderful and extremely moving victim's statement you wrote and delievered. And you are so right that over time the victim does tend to be forgotten. I read every word you wrote with interest.

I cannot imagine the pain you have endured and will continue to experience over the horrible murder of your sister. I just want to say that I admire you for your strength and bravery in that courtroom.

You and your family are in my thoughts. Take care, and GB you.
That victim impact statement should have had some impact on that judge. I am so sorry for what you and your family has had to go through. Hopefully someone will read your statement that has the power to remove that judge! And hopefully, the other prisoners will take a great "liking" to him and he will get a taste of his own medicine. Is there any way that you could send your statement in to the local paper? I think people need to know whose side this judge is on. I just want to say that you greatly impressed me with your statement.
Katiecoolady - hugs to you. I really have no words to express how I feel after reading your statement. It was powerful and it brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry for the pain you and your family have had to endure these past 21 years.

My prayers are with you,

Thank you so much guys. The kindness of others will always outweigh the injustice in this situation and in this world. It's so important I think for people to know the reality of these cases. Sometimes when a killer is sentenced, it's just the many ways. We tend to think the whole issue is resolved but it just opens new doors of atrocity on some levels and guess what? We taxpayers PAY FOR IT.

Here's an article written on this today:
Thank you so much guys. The kindness of others will always outweigh the injustice in this situation and in this world. It's so important I think for people to know the reality of these cases. Sometimes when a killer is sentenced, it's just the many ways. We tend to think the whole issue is resolved but it just opens new doors of atrocity on some levels and guess what? We taxpayers PAY FOR IT.

Here's an article written on this today:

Thank you for posting that link, katiecoolady. That is a good article and I was so pleased to see that your victim impact statement was printed for so many others to read.

Kathy, I'm nearly speechless after reading this. I remember your katie hat being bandied about on a few forums during the Scott Peterson trial. I had no idea you were experiencing that same horror personally. Thanks so much for sharing so openly.
Interesting that as of today Rudi still has the privilege of being sponsored by an Anti Death Penalty website out of Canada displaying that he's still a Death Row inmate. Guess once on Death Row, always on Death Row with these folks....they're still offering him up like a sacrificial lamb as if he's still on the Row. Interesting, huh?
CCADP and the truth have had a difficult relationship over the years.

I posted on their message board and will keep reminding them of their CREDIBILITY issues. Wonder how they're gonna stand up to that one? Just cuz he was once on Death Row he still enjoys this celebrity? The do-gooders' Emporer has no clothes (yuk).
Rudi's singles ad still remains on the site as if he's still a DR inmate. His sentence was reversed months ago and he was officially released last week from DR. Yet on his ad, claims he's "innocent" even after years of admitting he slit my sister's throat but was mentally retarded as a child so shouldn't be held accountable. And that he is STILL on Death Row--uh huh. This site has serious credibility issues. Read my posts here:
Interesting that a moderator of the ccadp forum claims it's "separate" from the ccadp website. Um it's PART of that website, has that site as it's header and same format/layout/design. I found it from linking off the ccadp site calling this their message board. It's called the ccadp forum yet is "separate"?

Rudi's site is still showing up there too...I guess it's like the Presidency...he maintains that prestige for life since he was once on there. Interesting considering they have a whole section on those who have been released or resentenced. Yet he remains.....
Bless you KatieCoolLady and your family. I think your sister would be very proud :grouphug:
Bless you KatieCoolLady and your family. I think your sister would be very proud :grouphug:

This, 100%. I just read the thread and your story is so heartbreaking :( I hope that this has the most AWFUL time with his cell mates, he doesn't deserve ANY mercy!
Thank you for the support guys. Means alot. I'm holding this "organization's" feet to the fire now and in so doing will probably get banned from posting there. Maybe I'll start a blog exposing their blatant lies. L I E S. Note the last exchanges I've had on there. Looks like people are even volunteering to update the site to keep it ACCURATE but they are disinterested in THE TRUTH but rather keep false and outdated information published as fact. Here's the latest (before it gets deleted):

Aug 2, 2009, 6:15pm, victimsrights wrote:[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Thank you pumpkin pie.

I'm confused though...I found this forum through the ccadp site and at the top of this site says it's part of that organization. But it's not affiliated?

How do you know which inmates listed are actually ON Death Row vs. ones like Rudi Apelt who are being listed as being on Death Row falsely? One of the consolations for my family is that Rudi will no longer maintain the celebrity status like he has on the ccadp site and others where he gets the one thing we'd prefer he no longer have in prison: attention. International attention in fact, solicitations for donations, penpals, etc. Will he maintain that prestige even while in the General population and OFF Death Row just because he once was on it? Like a former President always being considered the President even when out of office?

How do your message board contributors know that a person being represented on Death Row is actually accurate considering this obvious and gross mischaracterization here? I would think you guys would be somewhat discouraged by that.
Yes, it's part of the organization, yes it's affiliated. No it isn't discouraging to me. If a person wants to write to an inmate and they are unsure if the contact info is up to date or not, they could probably call the prison to confirm if the inmate is still there before writing.

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Re: Rudi Apelt--you can get his ad off your site n
« Reply #8 on Aug 2, 2009, 11:58pm »[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]
Aug 2, 2009, 6:15pm, victimsrights wrote:[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Thank you pumpkin pie.

I'm confused though...I found this forum through the ccadp site and at the top of this site says it's part of that organization. But it's not affiliated?

It is. I've offered to update the web pages but so far no interest. C'est la vie.

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Re: Rudi Apelt--you can get his ad off your site n
« Reply #9 Today at 2:14am »[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE] This is blatant "false advertising". Inmates are listed *as if* they are on Death Row when they have been removed. Are numbers important here?

If this site chooses to bald faced lie about who they list as Death Row inmates, how can you believe anything that is being posted here as fact?

I guess pumpkinpie you believe it's up to the readers here to "investigate" whether the information posted and published on this site is accurate and true. I prefer to visit sites that are publishing information I can trust without having to verify.


I would question the veracity of each and every inmate posted on this site and accuracy of the information. In the case of Rudi Apelt, not only is it totally false that he remains a Death Row inmate but the information listed on his ad is directly contradicted by the most recent hearing that took place over the last several years. It's false within false. Seems like someone's interested in manipulating their readers on this site. In to believing something that is 100% inaccurate...for what reason? What is there to gain by advertising inaccuracies for this cause?
« Last Edit: Today at 2:20am by victimsrights »

I'm so glad that you changed your mind and went to court and gave your very thoughtful victim impact statement. I really believe it helps us heal to give a statement besides saying things that you have been thinking but were unable to say in court until then. Twenty one years is a long time to wait for justice. I had to wait for 9 years and it seemed like forever. How well I remember all of the crap the defense pulls and gets away with.

The devil in my daughter's story was the Pros himself. That is another story but I will just say that he was up for re-election right after the sentencing and me and my family made it a point to make sure he wasn't re-elected! When my oldest daughter was giving her victim impact statement she looked the Pros right in the eyes and told him what we were going to do. The whole courtroom laughed and the judge just said..."let's get back on track now!"

Personally I believe the judicial system stinks. It needs an overhaul from top to bottom. Some of the judges need to lose their throne. Some Pros and attorneys should lose their licenses. The laws need to be changed. I believe that if you run after murdering someone and get caught years later you should be tried by the laws of the year you get caught in...not by the laws of the year the murder took place. My daughter's killer only got 27 years because of that wonderful law. The eight years on the run were given to him as a gift!

I can so relate with what you said about wanting to be able to remember your sister's life and not her death. The murder is like a black cloud hanging over our heads as long as everything is up in the air and justice hasn't been served. I hope you are able to focus on your sister's life now. Hopfully this is the end of this terrible tragedy. I hope that guy has nothing but problems in general pop. Bless you and your dad for all that you have had to endure.
Thank you Bobbisangel...your story is just horrific. It's one horrific story after another in a system that favors killers over victims in so many ways. Unless someone has been THROUGH it , up close and personal, they have NO IDEA how hard it is to convict a clearly guilty killer in our justice system. And how the Death Penalty is actually a preferred sentence now and the worst of the worst stand the greatest chance of being released from prison--all at taxpayer's support!

I just created a blog to expose this hideous organization that not only glorifies killers and makes them the victims, but knowingly publishes false information and lies about these "victims", including serial killers, baby killers, wife murderers, etc. etc.

I just created this blog right here and let people find it when they search on this organization. Feel free to click on it every day. ;)

Thanks again for your support and for sharing. I guess if they are gonna keep dragging me back in to the process the consequence they get is I will shout to the rooftops the dirty little secrets no one wants to be heard/known.
"happyhaddock" on the message board is Dave Parkinson, they guy who runs the CCADP site with the personal ads for the inmates. So without a doubt the one person that could fix it knows about it, but won't do anything.

Well the plot thickens then . How interesting. And "happyhaddock" posts as if his hands are tied about the "updating".

So the CCADP is INTENTIONALLY manipulating readers to believe certain inmates are on Death Row who are not...and who knows what else?

How do they cherry pick who gets to keep the celebrity status and wonder what they get out of that other than inflating numbers erroneously?
We better watch our P's and Q's . They might list *us* as Death Row inmates :behindbar yet tell people to send us hate mail.

These people are entirely nuts (in addition to being liars).

PS. They've now banned me over there. What a surprise. And just when I was gonna give them an invite to my new blog.
I would irritate happyhaddock by using names like flatulentflounder or psychoticcoelacanth. Doesn't matter, they ban anyone who isn't anti-American and pro-murderer.

How unbelievably sick.

But what's a coelacanth? lol
OMG that does look psychotic and so does the swimmer somewhat! :eek: lol
Michael Apelt, one of my sister's killers, was granted a new trial last year on an ineffective counsel appeal nearly 30 years after killing her. THANKFULLY, the 9th circuit shot down that decision last at least for now, we don't have to relive the nightmare of a new trial for this death row inmate. Here is an article on it:

In other news, a new show, which premiers tonight on Investigation Discovery, called True Conviction, will highlight Cindy's case in a one hour episode airing sometime in February. Right now, it says Feb. 13 but that's not firm. I will keep everyone here posted. But the 6 episode series does premiere tonight (Jan 1). It was a very healing experience to be involved with it (I saw many of our detectives for the first time in decades, as well as our prosecutor who is highlighted). I will post more about it closer to the time.

Edited to add: tonight is being called a "sneak peek" but the series premieres later this month. One episode will air tonight. Here is more info...Anna Sigga Nicolazzi was amazing to meet.

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