GUILTY AZ - Shanesha Taylor leaves kids in car during interview, Scottsdale, 2014

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She received a windfall of $114,000 for placing her babies in danger. Her reason? She was homeless and had no other alternatives. Turns out that was a lie, she was never homeless, she was living with her mom. But hey, the lie worked for her.

She even had her $9,000 bail paid for by strangers!

She received several sweetheart deals from the court which she originally accepted, but later thumbed her nose up at with her lip curled in disdain. (Like, they SERIOUSLY for REALZIES expected me to DO that law stuff they were talking about? It's so UNFAIIIIIIIR! How will I support my *kids?)

*Baby daddy (rap doesn't write itself, plebs.)

Maybe she thought if she completely ignored all court orders that eventually the judge would cave and with a good natured grin say "Tell you what, Shanesha. Give the court a goat and a shot of cheap tequila and we'll call it even. Aw hell, we know you won't even do that. Just throw me one 'a your signature looks and we'll call it square. Ya know, where your lip sneeringly curls up and your eyes roll around, like you're summoning the devil? Yup, that's it!"

*Sound of gavel banging

"Court is adjourned!"
She received a windfall of $114,000 for placing her babies in danger. Her reason? She was homeless and had no other alternatives. Turns out that was a lie, she was never homeless, she was living with her mom. But hey, the lie worked for her.

She even had her $9,000 bail paid for by strangers!

She received several sweetheart deals from the court which she originally accepted, but later thumbed her nose up at with her lip curled in disdain. (Like, they SERIOUSLY for REALZIES expected me to DO that law stuff they were talking about? It's so UNFAIIIIIIIR! How will I support my *kids?)

*Baby daddy (rap doesn't write itself, plebs.)

Maybe she thought if she completely ignored all court orders that eventually the judge would cave and with a good natured grin say "Tell you what, Shanesha. Give the court a goat and a shot of cheap tequila and we'll call it even. Aw hell, we know you won't even do that. Just throw me one 'a your signature looks and we'll call it square. Ya know, where your lip sneeringly curls up and your eyes roll around, like you're summoning the devil? Yup, that's it!"

*Sound of gavel banging

"Court is adjourned!"

You literally took the words (and thoughts) out of my mouth (and mind) Snoods!

It's just NOT right :stormingmad:

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I just watched this :censored: on the clip!

She doesn't deserve to call herself a "mom"!
This is the look on her face when Dr. Phil asked her if she wishes she had just funded the trust accounts instead of being a convicted felon (she said No! She justified her ridiculous spending as "taking care of her children"!!!!!)

She does t get it - and she will never get it. K_Z said it - way upthread - $T needs to do jail time and lose custody of her precious children to get it. Even then, it probably won't be her fault, it will be "the system!"

The State of AZ blew it - repeatedly - with this case. Perhaps they are certain she will violate (after she delivers Baby #4) and they want to collect a few re$titution payment$. I'm betting they won't see one red penny from $hane$ha. $he is a criminal - alway$ ha$ been. It just took her darn near killing her kids for the world to find out about it! :banghead:
:cow: :moo: & all that jazz.....

Image via embedded video at:

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I thought I would bring forward a few "best of" Shanesha, but Kimi, your pic above from Dr. Phil wins everything! :takeabow:




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