GUILTY AZ - Shanesha Taylor leaves kids in car during interview, Scottsdale, 2014

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$ound$ rea$onable to me, Snoods & Hoosgirl!
Then again, I'm not holding my breath. If this is a term of $hifty $hane$ha'$ probation, I'm prepared to see her back before a :judge: for a probation violation, full of excu$e$ for why $he couldn't find or hold a job :violin:

Wait for it.....
This is $T's $OP!

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:laughcry: $ay it i$n't $o, $hane$ha!! I agree kimi, I don't believe for a hot New York minute that the often churlish and sometimes surly $hane$ha we have grown to know and continually look sideways at will abide with 18 years of probation without any problems.

K_Z I'm also pleased with her 18 years probation. At least her children will have someone responsible checking in on them periodically.
I am late to the conversation (again!), but I am so pleased with the EIGHTEEN YEARS OF PROBATION!!! Quite frankly, I suspect Shanesha is wishing she had just taken the 18 MONTHS of jail time.

I had hoped for TEN years of probation-- this is very comforting. Even the child she is now pregnant with, will be protected and supervised for its entire childhood, until age 18.

Shanesha will have to explain and justify a lot of things she does, and plans to do, for the next 18 years. And I'm glad of that. Just knowing she has to ask permission to travel, move, etc, is justice for her kids. I hope each and every one of her Probation Officers is a hard a$$, and ensures she complies with every aspect of her probation. I'm much happier to have law enforcement in her life and her business, rather than only social services (who will be there, too).

She is now a single mom of 4 kids on probation for the next 18 years. It's a given that taxpayers will be shelling out for this irresponsible woman's supervision and upkeep, but if it keeps her kids safe and supervised, and gives them a chance to grow up outside of a chaotic life, or criminal elements, then I'm guess I'm okay with that.

I hope she is made to pay restitution, as discussed upthread, too.

And I hope the deadbeat "aspiring rapper" dad is made to pay up for child support, too.

And I really hope Shanesha Taylor is never again in the news, or on any kind of television show.

And check this out, from the link upthread: (ST is apparently planning to move to Chicago.)

One more thing-- in the articles about sentencing, we finally get official confirmation that:


BBM Well won't you feel silly when the soft, sultry tones of the lyrical genius known as "deadbeat daddy" becomes a world famous rapper! I'm sure a record deal is in the works as we speak. Nondescript random people of indiscriminate talent from Arizona who decide they want to become rappers make it ALL the time! Oh, wait...

Yes, I saw that about the homeless thing too, what a liar. I know we've always suspected that to be the truth, but to see it in black and white is a whole other thing. She is something else.
$ay it isn't $o ... $igh.

Appearing on Dr. Phil on Thursday.

$ob $tory, I'm $ure.


Little about the case is "Mom misunderstood." The former Air Force woman and — reportedly — college graduate isn't a typical "criminal," either. But now she's a criminal, on paper, anyway. Future employers will likely ask about that felony child-abuse conviction. Most egregiously, her bad decision-making may have made life tougher for her three kids.

Whoops — make that four kids. According to recent court records, her fourth child will be born "any day" now.

For a time, the jobless Taylor was spending $4,172 a month, with more than $1,000 each month spent on "non-essential" items like clothing, records state.

In her sentencing memorandum, Valeria Llewellyn, Taylor's attorney, asked for 10 years' probation gives a hint of the "woe is me" mentality we'll probably see on Thursday's Dr. Phil Show. Llewellyn wrote the court that the scrutiny, criticism and "vilification" by the news media and some members of the public have been enough of a "penalty."

Everyone's been focused on "the money," Llewellyn complained in the memo. The six-digit fortune "should have been a private matter from the beginning," she wrote.

A preview of her interview with Dr. Phil (kimi _SFC note: see link below) depicts Taylor suggesting that if she had funded the trusts, she would have "risked not being able to take care of my children.... I think I'm better off having the means to be able to take care of my children."

Attorney Benjamin Taylor, no relation to Shanesha Taylor, says he did what he could for the woman during the negotiations with Montgomery.

"We worked hard to get her children back, and we got them back," he says. "We were happy to be able to give her the opportunity to her get her felony charges dismissed, so she'd have no record, and happy to work pro bono."

Shanesha Taylor now has to adhere to a long set of probationary rules for the next 18 years.

We'd like to be optimistic. For the kids' sake.


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Shanesha Taylor on Dr. Phil show - 3TV | Phoenix Breaking News, Weather, Sport
Direct link to embedded video of preview to Dr. Phil show can be viewed here:

I see the same non-verbal communication on first glance. With her fourth child due any day now I am more concerned than ever that $T will fulfill her de$tiny - based on Dr. Phil's own standard.
How does the saying go?
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior?
May these children remain under the watchful eye of SOMEONE who cares more for their best interests than their own! They aren't an ends to justify a means. They are treasured gifts, to be cherished, and protected at all costs. :please:
If that had been done from the beginning, by a mother who was truly capable, we wouldn't be here, worrying about them. :no:
I will worry about them for the next 18 years! How can we not? :gaah:

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Little about the case is "Mom misunderstood." The former Air Force woman and — reportedly — college graduate isn't a typical "criminal," either. But now she's a criminal, on paper, anyway. Future employers will likely ask about that felony child-abuse conviction. Most egregiously, her bad decision-making may have made life tougher for her three kids.

Whoops — make that four kids. According to recent court records, her fourth child will be born "any day" now.

For a time, the jobless Taylor was spending $4,172 a month, with more than $1,000 each month spent on "non-essential" items like clothing, records state.

In her sentencing memorandum, Valeria Llewellyn, Taylor's attorney, asked for 10 years' probation gives a hint of the "woe is me" mentality we'll probably see on Thursday's Dr. Phil Show. Llewellyn wrote the court that the scrutiny, criticism and "vilification" by the news media and some members of the public have been enough of a "penalty."

Everyone's been focused on "the money," Llewellyn complained in the memo. The six-digit fortune "should have been a private matter from the beginning," she wrote.

A preview of her interview with Dr. Phil (kimi _SFC note: see link below) depicts Taylor suggesting that if she had funded the trusts, she would have "risked not being able to take care of my children.... I think I'm better off having the means to be able to take care of my children."

Attorney Benjamin Taylor, no relation to Shanesha Taylor, says he did what he could for the woman during the negotiations with Montgomery.

"We worked hard to get her children back, and we got them back," he says. "We were happy to be able to give her the opportunity to her get her felony charges dismissed, so she'd have no record, and happy to work pro bono."

Shanesha Taylor now has to adhere to a long set of probationary rules for the next 18 years.

We'd like to be optimistic. For the kids' sake.


Tweet announcing preview
Shanesha Taylor on Dr. Phil show - 3TV | Phoenix Breaking News, Weather, Sport
Direct link to embedded video of preview to Dr. Phil show can be viewed here:

I see the same non-verbal communication on first glance. With her fourth child due any day now I am more concerned than ever that $T will fulfill her de$tiny - based on Dr. Phil's own standard.
How does the saying go?
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior?
May these children remain under the watchful eye of SOMEONE who cares more for their best interests than their own! They aren't an ends to justify a means. They are treasured gifts, to be cherished, and protected at all costs. :please:
If that had been done from the beginning, by a mother who was truly capable, we wouldn't be here, worrying about them. :no:
I will worry about them for the next 18 years! How can we not? :gaah:

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And... she's still confrontational with an attitude that says she isn't likely to learn and grow from this experience.

Thanks for the links, Hoosgirl and Kimi!
And... she's still confrontational with an attitude that says she isn't likely to learn and grow from this experience.

Thanks for the links, Hoosgirl and Kimi!

I just watched this :censored: on the clip!

She doesn't deserve to call herself a "mom"!
This is the look on her face when Dr. Phil asked her if she wishes she had just funded the trust accounts instead of being a convicted felon (she said No! She justified her ridiculous spending as "taking care of her children"!!!!!)

She does t get it - and she will never get it. K_Z said it - way upthread - $T needs to do jail time and lose custody of her precious children to get it. Even then, it probably won't be her fault, it will be "the system!"

The State of AZ blew it - repeatedly - with this case. Perhaps they are certain she will violate (after she delivers Baby #4) and they want to collect a few re$titution payment$. I'm betting they won't see one red penny from $hane$ha. $he is a criminal - alway$ ha$ been. It just took her darn near killing her kids for the world to find out about it! :banghead:
:cow: :moo: & all that jazz.....

Image via embedded video at:

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O. M. G. That pic is something else. I hope Dr Phil does a split screen with THAT arrogant, defiant look on her, next to the teary mug shot. If she had done THAT face for the mug shot, none of us would ever have known her name. What a :censored:

Sonjay, you're right. I'm giving in to pie-eyed optimism. This woman will never, ever, ever put her children first.

I know this reveals what a horrible person I am, but I hope she has enormously huge, miserable, bleeding hemorrhoids. For the rest of her life. And maybe a great big 4th degree tear when she delivers, too. (If I can't rip her a new a$$hole, I can hope she rips it herself, right?!)

I am utterly, completely unable to muster up any small crumb of compassion or sympathy for her.

I can still hope her PO is a hard a$$. Maybe she will still lose the kids. Could be the best thing to happen for them. This woman is beyond selfish, arrogant, and awful. She is a horrible, awful excuse for a human being.


Good grief. I just realized she was probably PAID to do Dr. Phil. :stormingmad:
O. M. G. That pic is something else. I hope Dr Phil does a split screen with THAT arrogant, defiant look on her, next to the teary mug shot. If she had done THAT face for the mug shot, none of us would ever have known her name. What a :censored:

Sonjay, you're right. I'm giving in to pie-eyed optimism. This woman will never, ever, ever put her children first.

I know this reveals what a horrible person I am, but I hope she has enormously huge, miserable, bleeding hemorrhoids. For the rest of her life. And maybe a great big 4th degree tear when she delivers, too. (If I can't rip her a new a$$hole, I can hope she rips it herself, right?!)

I am utterly, completely unable to muster up any small crumb of compassion or sympathy for her.

I can still hope her PO is a hard a$$. Maybe she will still lose the kids. Could be the best thing to happen for them. This woman is beyond selfish, arrogant, and awful. She is a horrible, awful excuse for a human being.


Good grief. I just realized she was probably PAID to do Dr. Phil. :stormingmad:

Agree 100%. Including the hemorrhoids.
Was just taking a peek at her online boutique to see how that was going, and got this message. Guess that didn’t last long.

Store Unavailable

This store is currently unavailable due to maintenance. It should be available again shortly.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Watching this on DVR
$T accusing her former attorney of advising her to inflate her budget in order to justify only placing $40K in her children's trust accounts (instead of $60K). Then she says Mr. Taylor released the inflated budgets to the news media. She called him a "dirtbag" in the introductory segment.

They are sitting down with Dr. Phil now.
IIRC, this was the attorney who negotiated the sweetheart deal that she failed to comply with. $T has no credibility in my book.
The fireworks begin (I'm pausing to paraphrase/post).

She makes me sick. She justifies her dissatisfaction with the State wanting to hold the funds in trust, because more than likely at least one of her three kids wouldn't go to college :facepalm: - and she totally deflected the Childcare trust issue by throwing Attorney Taylor under the bus.


I wish I had a #TVBrick handy - and I'm only 15 minutes into the show! :slap:


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More from Dr. Phil:
Mr. Taylor first clarified that he is speaking with $T's authorization (waived attorney client privilege) - and that he doesn't want to speak ill of her (paraphrase)

BT states he did not release the transcripts.
BT: "The budget was attached to a motion. I never released anything. I had to give the budget to the Prosecutor, because the Prosecutor's wondering, 'Where's this money going? Where was this money?' So I wanted to show good faith that she was spending the money properly, in order to help support herself. Unfortunately the media got it, and they put it on the news.
(I wish y'all could see the look on $T's face as he's speaking) :eek:
Dr. Phil: and so people thought that was too much
$T: right
Dr. Phil: and this is what the Court released
(holy bleep - that sorry excuse for a "budget" on the BIG (no, make that HUGE) screen in the studio!!!!! :eek: )
Dr. Phil: did he tell you to inflate the numbers?
$T: yes
Dr. Phil: (to BT) did you tell her to inflate the numbers?
BT: no, I told her to show an accurate description of the budget, so that way we can negotiate. That's how I was able to get it from 60 to 40!, to benefit her and her kids. But the big thing about this case is, we got the deal, the deal of a lifetime, ' cause it got her her kids back, I was able to you know, dismiss those two plus felonies. So she had her felonies dismissed. She had her kids back, and I still don't know to this day, why didn't she just fund the trusts.

Wow! The non-verbal communication ($T'a facial expressions) are incredible.
No doubt her current coun$el has her on an extremely $hort lea$h. I hope this full episode will be viewable on youtube or
I'm transcribing for my fellow WSers because I'm impatient and wanted y'all to at least be able to read what I'm watching!

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Was just taking a peek at her online boutique to see how that was going, and got this message. Guess that didn’t last long.

Oh, I'm so surprised! :facepalm:

My DVR's set to record Dr. Phil in about an hour. Somebody keep me from smashing the TV...
Oh, I'm so surprised! :facepalm:

My DVR's set to record Dr. Phil in about an hour. Somebody keep me from smashing the TV...

I had to stop watching. That B. Cayenne Bird lady is actually there, in the flesh - wearing the same teal color as $T and $upporting her 110%

Her squawk is as unbelievable to hear as it has been to read. When I quit watching, they were all still lying. - saying $T was living in her $UV full time when she was arrested. Oh the cajones on this one ( on them both). :slapfight:

Dr. Phil was letting BCBird lady have it. I hope they call them all out on what we now know is the foundation - the cornerstone - of this whole house-of-cards scam of a lie - told by this lying liar who lies!

Now we get to watch her and her birds of a feather friends on likely paid appearance on The Dr. Phil Show as she/they bash the people who helped her, refuse to any responsibility whatsoever for her own mistakes, all while make sour-puss faces at the camera (and I haven't even finished watching the show yet!).....



I'm not sure I have the intestinal fortitude to finish watching. I am certain I will throw my poor iPhone across the room before a successful transcription could be completed. I know my limits.


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wonder how much she was paid for her appearance ????
Shanesha Taylor appears on Dr. Phil show - 3TV | Phoenix Breaking News, Weather, Sport
While on the show, Taylor expressed confidence in her ability to find a job despite her criminal record.

"Felons go out and get jobs every day. It's all based on your effort," she said. "Me having a felony on my record does not mean that stops my drive to find what I need to take care of my children."
But Dr. Phil challenged Taylor, asking, "If that's true, wouldn't that have been exponentially more true if you weren't a convicted felon?"
Results of AZFamily online poll:


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:gaah: :thud: :pillowfight: :facepalm:

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Thanks for taking one for the team and reporting back, Kimi!

Little about the case is "Mom misunderstood." The former Air Force woman and — reportedly — college graduate isn't a typical "criminal," either. But now she's a criminal, on paper, anyway. Future employers will likely ask about that felony child-abuse conviction. Most egregiously, her bad decision-making may have made life tougher for her three kids.

Whoops — make that four kids. According to recent court records, her fourth child will be born "any day" now.

For a time, the jobless Taylor was spending $4,172 a month, with more than $1,000 each month spent on "non-essential" items like clothing, records state.

In her sentencing memorandum, Valeria Llewellyn, Taylor's attorney, asked for 10 years' probation gives a hint of the "woe is me" mentality we'll probably see on Thursday's Dr. Phil Show. Llewellyn wrote the court that the scrutiny, criticism and "vilification" by the news media and some members of the public have been enough of a "penalty."

Everyone's been focused on "the money," Llewellyn complained in the memo. The six-digit fortune "should have been a private matter from the beginning," she wrote.

A preview of her interview with Dr. Phil (kimi _SFC note: see link below) depicts Taylor suggesting that if she had funded the trusts, she would have "risked not being able to take care of my children.... I think I'm better off having the means to be able to take care of my children."

Attorney Benjamin Taylor, no relation to Shanesha Taylor, says he did what he could for the woman during the negotiations with Montgomery.

"We worked hard to get her children back, and we got them back," he says. "We were happy to be able to give her the opportunity to her get her felony charges dismissed, so she'd have no record, and happy to work pro bono."

Shanesha Taylor now has to adhere to a long set of probationary rules for the next 18 years.

We'd like to be optimistic. For the kids' sake.


Tweet announcing preview
Shanesha Taylor on Dr. Phil show - 3TV | Phoenix Breaking News, Weather, Sport
Direct link to embedded video of preview to Dr. Phil show can be viewed here:

I see the same non-verbal communication on first glance. With her fourth child due any day now I am more concerned than ever that $T will fulfill her de$tiny - based on Dr. Phil's own standard.
How does the saying go?
The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior?
May these children remain under the watchful eye of SOMEONE who cares more for their best interests than their own! They aren't an ends to justify a means. They are treasured gifts, to be cherished, and protected at all costs. :please:
If that had been done from the beginning, by a mother who was truly capable, we wouldn't be here, worrying about them. :no:
I will worry about them for the next 18 years! How can we not? :gaah:

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BBM AHHHHH! By her own admission she has no means to financially support herself and the three kids she already has! Why? Why? In what messed up world does it make sense to bring another child into the world when you can't support the ones you already have?


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