GUILTY AZ - Shanesha Taylor leaves kids in car during interview, Scottsdale, 2014

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And let's not forget she agreed to the terms. She as happy to agree to the terms when it meant she did not face criminal charges for her crime of child endangerment. She was happy to remain out the courtroom and spending and reuniting with her ex. It was only when it was time to actually follow through that she decided she would rather remain in control of the money. Well her controlling the financial and physical well being of her kids has not played out so well so far before the fiasco of leaving the kids in the car so there was no reason to suspect she suddenly grew responsible simply because some good hearted soul raised a chit ton of money on her behalf and handed it over to her now was there?

Over 100,000 dollars. She was required to tuck away 30,000 in trust for kids general needs and 30,000 for education. So she spent in excess of 40,000 in the space of months that was not earmarked for the children and now wants to control the other 60,000 (which let's face it, is gone too according to some reports). I live off less than $40,000 per year and this woman blew through that amount in a matter of months?

Send her *advertiser censored** to jail and get those kids into the care of someone who actually cares about them and not self.
The best interest of the children is the crux of this case. It always has been and it should remain. Has ST not left them in the car that day, she would not have gotten herself into trouble. However, it led to a windfall and the wrong reinforcement of her actions.

Then, she squandered the money (K_Z's post sums it up better than I ever could) and her entitlement complex continued. Once again, ST is unable to place her children before herself.

I don't believe she has it in her. IMO she has proven she feels her best interests are primary. The courts must step in. Enough already. Her kids must be protected - by any means necessary.


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People foolishly decided to give this woman money. Probably they thought that, like most normal mothers, ST would use this money to get herself into a situation where she could work, look after her children and get out of the awful situation she was in. Had she done that, used a percentage of money to help initially and the bulk of it to go towards her children's futures, then she wouldn't be facing court again. However it's more than likely that she has wasted that money on expensive rubbish.

A third of that money should have given her a helping hand up. Instead she has abused the kindness of strangers and let her children down. She is extremely lucky her children did not die when she left them in that car and instead of grabbing her second chance with both hands she squandered it. She deserves to pay for her greed, stupidity and the neglect of her children.
Shanesha continues to "fight" and be oppositional.....or "protest".....or something. She has recruited a different, NEW social activist/ cheerleader/ supporter/ minister/ life coach/ writer/ public speaker to manipulate! Holy cow... the hubris is just jaw dropping here, IMO! (And segments below are BBM, while ROFLMAO.)

Watch carefully how the accused perpetrator of 2 counts of felonious child abuse, who defiantly reneged on her agreement with the prosecutor's more-than-generous offer to drop the charges, becomes the victim in her own mind, IMO. (Send this woman to jail, already!! Sheesh.) This is a train wreck you just can't look away from.

Can I just say Shanesha CONTINUES to metaphorically SPIT in the prosecutor's face? Whooooeeee. It's like she is getting BOLDER (and IMO, more stupid in her decision making) every day that goes by.

Government overreach claim in Shanesha Taylor case

"I do believe and I can say without a doubt that the facts present itself that there is serious government overreach here and I think that the state, the prosecutor, has taken liberties which he shouldn't have, including talking to the media about the case," Gregg Greer said.

Greer's website says he is a public speaker, minister, writer, life coach and social activist.

"There is no official agreement document or paperwork that can be produced and I charge the prosecutor to produce those," Greer said. "I think that you have no prosecution. You have no effective prosecution and the prosecution should actually subside any efforts to prosecute Ms. Taylor."

Read more:

At that same news conference on Tuesday, Taylor said, "There was an agreement that was signed initially that did not have the full details as to what was to transpire. I followed the letter of everything that I agreed to ... the trust was mentioned. The details of the trust were not mentioned."

"Apparently her memory of the terms of the agreement are as fleeting as her memory of her kids in her car," said Maricopa County Bill Montgomery.

Read more:

Shanesha Taylor meets privately with man she accuses of extortion

"There is a group that tried to extort money from Ms. Taylor," Greer said to the group of media gathered at the Puente Human Rights Campus on West Adams Street.

Greer would not reveal who the group was, but CBS 5 BNews uncovered a Nov. 16 statement Taylor gave to a website, The Daily Kos. It read in part:

"Jarrett Maupin tried to extort $4,000 from me as a donation to his political campaign. He was very angry when I threw him off my defense team in August."

After the press conference, CBS 5 asked Taylor whether she had written the quote, whether it was accurate and if Rev. Jarrett Maupin was the person who tried to extort money from her. She said he was.

Just 90 minutes later, CBS 5 cameras caught Taylor, Greer and Maupin meeting at a nearby restaurant.

When asked why they were meeting, Taylor said, "I don't really have a comment right now."

More video and articles related to STs accusations against Jarett Maupin:
I have no words in response to K_Z's latest post that will keep me from TO-Land....


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Another bullet for her resume: Shanesha Taylor makes USA Today top 10......

10 who had their 15 minutes in 2014

Shanesha Taylor – The 35-year-old homeless Phoenix mom was arrested March 20 for leaving two of her children in a hot car while she went to a job interview. Her teary-eyed mug shot went viral and prompted a national outpouring of sympathy: Strangers donated more than $114,775 to a fund set up on her behalf.

A judge cut a deal in which she could avoid felony charges by depositing $40,000 in trust funds for her children. Taylor failed to meet deadlines for depositing the money, telling reporters she disagreed with terms of the trust funds requiring that her children get the money only if they attended post-secondary education. She denied spending the money frivolously. She is scheduled to stand trial in February.
Shanesha Taylor is still on track for a Feb 24, 2015 trial, with a pre-trial conference scheduled Feb 17. (Case #CR2014-113297-001) Maricopa County. There is also a motion for withdrawal of counsel from 12-16-2014, though exactly which of her attorneys that entry refers to isn't specified (she has had several quit on her since Nov 2014). I think it was probably the privately retained attorney that said in an interview in December that he was quitting because she failed to pay him a retainer.

Currently, an attorney named Valeria Llewellyn is listed as representing her, who is listed online as a 57 year old Maricopa County Public Defender. IMO, this kind of confirms that the donated money almost certainly IS gone, otherwise, I doubt the judge would appoint a public defender to represent her. She would have to prove to the judge that she couldn't afford to pay for an attorney.

Here's a link to Shanesha Taylor's criminal docket:


Check out her video/ interview in this December article-- she talks about herself in the third person, as if she was an attorney describing her client. Strikes me as both arrogant and disconnected.

I'm hoping this woman gets some jail time-- the max possible. She needs a break from "her" reality, IMO.
re Shanesha's comments about "bringing the focus back on the issue at hand" which is apparently "a single mother who did not have a home, did not have a job and was trying to provide for her children on that day"

Um Shanesha dear, most would agree that the issue at hand is not you (the single homeless jobless mother) The issue at hand is the safety and wellbeing of your children and your deplorable decision in that regard on that day.

Just sayin.

So let's do that. Lets "bring it back to the things that matter in that case as opposed to all of the madness that's flying around right now" shall we dear?


The video linked above by K-Z states that Shanesha did put some money into a trust fund but that she has declined to reveal how much to the reporter. Anyone care to hazard a guess?
:censored: :censored: :censored:

Is she for real? That's a rhetorical question. The scary part is I know she is. Her children are in danger! Why does the Court not see that?????


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Agree, tlcya!

It's quite aggravating how Shanesha continues to play the victim and parse her words-- or maybe "lie" is more accurate. How exactly would Shanesha define "did not have a home"? As in, did not OWN her own home?? Or have her OWN name on a lease? But she did have a comfortable place to live-- a very nice middle class house in a nice neighborhood. So, is that really "homeless?"

It's been established she had been living with her 3 children with her married parents in her parents' home for more than a year at the time she left her kids in the car. And she had a part time job at the time. That's not homeless or jobless, even if she was trying to improve their life circumstances. It looks as if her parents were going out of their way to help her and her 3 kids, taking care of them, so while they are remaining silent and out of the media, they are probably very hurt and offended by her ongoing behavior, IMO.

She may have had some kind of disagreement with her parents that lead to her spending a few hours "homeless" in a Wal Mart parking lot, but she was not "homeless" or "jobless" in the sense that she wants people to believe. She is not the face of desperately poor, single, homeless mothers with young children and no support. She's harmed a lot of people on this defiant crusade of hers, not the least of which are her 3 young kids. And offended the public's sense of compassion.

I've lost any realistic hope that her behavior and selfishness can be fixed or rehabilitated. Frankly, I think she's a lost cause, and should lose all 3 of her kids. But I'll settle for her to pay her debt to society with as long a jail sentence as can be given. I also think she should have mandatory CPS monitoring until each of the kids turns 18, if she retains custody (after a jail sentence, hopefully).
Posted: 1:12 PM, Feb 17, 2015

A Phoenix woman who left her two young sons alone in a hot car while she went for a job interview is scheduled to stand trial on March 31.

A March 24 final pretrial conference also was set Tuesday for 35-year-old Shanesha Taylor.

Maricopa County prosecutors reinstated felony child abuse charges against Taylor after she missed two deadlines to fund a trust for her children.

*Will ask mods if this thread can be moved to "awaiting trial" forum.
Well, I guess she's doing the "best defense is a good offense" route. On her Twitter page she describes herself as a student, business owner and a mother. Business owner? What's that all about?

Yes, this would imply the possession of a business license and INCOME!

So, as Tom Cruise said so eloquently, SHOW ME THE MONEY!


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Ah, here's her new business:

She posted the link on her FB page yesterday. Whois shows the creation date of the domain to be January 28, 2015. I'm a little surprised msm didn't pick it up.
Ah, here's her new business:

She posted the link on her FB page yesterday. Whois shows the creation date of the domain to be January 28, 2015. I'm a little surprised msm didn't pick it up.

Well, hopefully, they're monitoring her hashtag / twitter handle & will pick up on the noise. Same for the Court, because accountability begins with self.

We've yet to see her actually show it with her actions.


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Ah, here's her new business:

She posted the link on her FB page yesterday. Whois shows the creation date of the domain to be January 28, 2015. I'm a little surprised msm didn't pick it up.
Wondered if she was ever going to promote her business over all the time spent promoting herself. Interesting "about us" section ... says she has been in business over a year and has 3 assistants, with a background in retail buying.
Wondered if she was ever going to promote her business over all the time spent promoting herself. Interesting "about us" section ... says she has been in business over a year and has 3 assistants, with a background in retail buying.

Yeah, that doesn't mesh with Shanesha's original story, though she (sneakily) doesn't specifically state whether she's the "owner" or one of the assistants. She calls the website hers on Twitter and FB but we all know how much weight to put on her statements.

It's an interesting business model but a little confusing. The site mentioned in the blog post goes to a website using the same canned interface and solicits "affiliates." Basically that's a referral deal which nets you a 10% commission for each sale you send their way. So the question is whether that's what Shanesha's setup is or is she acting on her own as an independent reseller.

If she's reselling it's not a bad plan as she doesn't need to warehouse any stock - she places the orders which are then shipped directly from the company. That's become pretty common. But given her history I don't see her investing even that much energy into doing real business and the bs stuff on the "about us" link makes me very suspicious.

I was tempted to make a purchase just to see the flow of the transaction but decided not to; the last thing I need is to have my info possibly involved in yet another scam where customer lists get sold around the Internet. IOW I think this leopard won't change her spots and it's best to stay far away from her schemes.

I can't wait to see how this business is presented in her upcoming trial.
Shanesha Taylor is still on track for a Feb 24, 2015 trial, with a pre-trial conference scheduled Feb 17. (Case #CR2014-113297-001) Maricopa County. There is also a motion for withdrawal of counsel from 12-16-2014, though exactly which of her attorneys that entry refers to isn't specified (she has had several quit on her since Nov 2014). I think it was probably the privately retained attorney that said in an interview in December that he was quitting because she failed to pay him a retainer.

Currently, an attorney named Valeria Llewellyn is listed as representing her, who is listed online as a 57 year old Maricopa County Public Defender. IMO, this kind of confirms that the donated money almost certainly IS gone, otherwise, I doubt the judge would appoint a public defender to represent her. She would have to prove to the judge that she couldn't afford to pay for an attorney.

Here's a link to Shanesha Taylor's criminal docket:


Check out her video/ interview in this December article-- she talks about herself in the third person, as if she was an attorney describing her client. Strikes me as both arrogant and disconnected.

I'm hoping this woman gets some jail time-- the max possible. She needs a break from "her" reality, IMO.

Bumping this post as it contains her case number and the Maricopa County criminal court link.

Shanesha appears to still be on track for a March 31 trial-- with pretrial conference March 24. BUT--- an entry related to a plea for this Monday. I hope she doesn't plead, personally. I think this case needs some more bright sunshine, and 12 jurors. I believe she needs some jail time.

3/16/2015 8:20 Change Of Plea
3/24/2015 8:30 Pre-Trial Conference
3/31/2015 8:00 Trial


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