AZ - Timothy Romans, 39, & Vincent Romero, 29, slain, St Johns, 5 Nov 2008 - #2

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Apparently the judge feels that freedom of information applies only to the media. It is hard on us to have to be spoon feed what the media knows. It seems like the kids game of "I know something you don't know! Give me your candy and I'll share it."
I guess we'll know more on Monday after the Status Hearing at 9:00 am.
That's right. He was left home alone for 1 1/2 hours. Still, the child stated he went upstairs to the bedroom and found his father suffering. So, he shot him to help him stop suffering.

What was the father suffering from? Maybe it passed over me. Could the roomate have done somthing to the father to hurt him and then the child shot the roomate in retaliation? My son is 10 years old and he just now can shoot a rifle and it still hurts his chest when he fires. I cannot believe an eight year old can do this, I have my doubts too.
"Mr. Romero was shot four times; once near the left elbow, once in the back and twice in the head, sustaining six wounds. One shot entered his lower jaw and came out through his hardhat. The other head shot went downward through his hardhat and entered his skull." (Was this the mercy death shot?). Two empty casings were found at the lower stairs and two in the hallway at the top of the stairs. It seems that the lower jaw shot would have come from the bottom of the stairs. The shot may have bounced from bone and teeth then existed further up his jaw and gone out thru the hardhat. These little bullets can rattle around some. In that case the spent bullet should have been found.
Is the boys final story true? Could the elbow shot have been his first, from nerves and fear, and the hardhat shot been his second? "To end the suffering", after he found his dad back shot and bleeding profusely from the jaw wound?
I suppose the Judge would want to cover all bases. He seems reasonable from the transcripts and audio available. Some Arizona taxpayers may object, but justice has a price. Just like freedom.
I don't know anything about the law, but it looks like Mr. Brewer is doing a great job! He's working for free.
I suppose the Judge would want to cover all bases. He seems reasonable from the transcripts and audio available. Some Arizona taxpayers may object, but justice has a price. Just like freedom.
I don't know anything about the law, but it looks like Mr. Brewer is doing a great job! Hope he can make some money when the book and movie come out. He isn't making any now from this case.

I hope not to read anything concerning a book or movie. I find, IMVHO, disturbing anyone would use a tragic case to make a buck. I know it happens, but I will have absolutely no respect for another who profits from a tragedy. That rates on the low scale of being, but I know, that's just me.
I suppose the Judge would want to cover all bases. He seems reasonable from the transcripts and audio available. Some Arizona taxpayers may object, but justice has a price. Just like freedom.
I don't know anything about the law, but it looks like Mr. Brewer is doing a great job! He's working for free.

You should let posters know that you edit or simply preview before you post. I quoted you before you did that....
Why Mr. Romans didn't hear the shots is a matter of debate. Sgt. Webb Hoyle of the Apache County Sheriffs dept. testified that .22 cartridges are sub-sonic, less than 1125 fps. And only make a loud 'pop' and would be muffled inside the house. Truth is that some .22s are sub-sonic and some aren't. High velocity 22s are in the 1600 fps range.
Anyway, a .22 produces about 126 db (decibels). A standard car horn produces about 120 db. Could you hear a car horn inside your house from around 50'? Oh, and the front door was open.

How do we know the front door was open when Vincent Romero was killed inside his home on the second section of the staircase? The door was open half way when police arrived and that does not mean it was open when his father was killed. It was in the 50s that day. Even Tim had a knit cap on so it is unreasonable to believe imo that when Romero enters his home that he would leave the main entry door wide open where the cold could come in leaving the screen door to hold out the cold when it too has perforations in it.

I'm always editing my post.Mostly for spelling or I think I did not word it right.
The tragic thing would be that the general public doesn't know all the aspects of this tragic case, good or bad. If someone is a key player like a defense attorney, who works hard (for free) to bring justice, and is honest, then that person deserves to be rewarded. I would like to believe that justice being served is enough, but the more this case becomes national the better. No matter how it ends. There are issues in this case that have never been covered, on a broad scale, by the average citizen. I don't mean to be crass. After trial stories about this case are inevitable.
I apologize if I offended you.
What was the father suffering from? Maybe it passed over me. Could the roommate have done something to the father to hurt him and then the child shot the roommate in retaliation? My son is 10 years old and he just now can shoot a rifle and it still hurts his chest when he fires. I cannot believe an eight year old can do this, I have my doubts too.

If I may ask what kind of rifle is your son using? A .22 rifle has no recoil. The youth model is extremely lightweight. I could hold it out away from me with one arm and fire the weapon. What position is your son holding his gun? I can't figure out why it would hurt his chest. Why does he have it up against his chest and not locked securely up against his upper arm and shoulder?

Is this a deer rifle? I am just curious as to what kind of rifle it is.

Well.I guess it is good to get the true story out there if they are not just trying to make money off a very sad story.
The door was open when police arrived on the scene. Mr. Romans head was stopping it from being closed. If Mr. Roman opened the door it means that all six shots he suffered were fired after he opened the door. From a single shot rifle?????????
I agree.I said before why would he go towards someone shooting him.Stupid is as stupid does.[/QUOTE]

Really? Do you realize just how close it was to the porch and his truck?

Do you know where he was struck first, which shot hit first and where he was each time? Do you know where he was when he was struck in the chest and then struck again in the chest? Do you know how far that may have been from the porch?

Do you know that there is a possibility that he had made it within a few feet of the porch before he was first struck in the chest and may have went down on one knee and was hit again and stumbled forward and collapsed onto the porch to have his head riddled with lead? Imo, he was not in a fleeing posture when shot in the chest. He was gravely wounded and was unable to flee and only able to stumble and pitch forward.

I thought you said you wanted to wait for all the information?

For none of us know any of these things at this time and it makes all the difference in the world. But the firearm re-construction experts and forensic firearm experts will know every minute detail.

Well isn't it the point of this blog for us average SHLs to speculate and converse? Isn't that what websleuths is about. If it was just for experts we'd all be out of a hobby.
I am waiting for all information.It's not in yet.I mean it is in my opinion stupid to keep walking towards someone shooting at you and that is what it apperas to look like for now.We shall see.We will see what the experts have to say.
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