B. Conway Poll - Good Attorney or all spin

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Good Attorney or all spin?

  • I don't like the A's behavior during this, but I do like the new attorney

    Votes: 159 70.0%
  • B. He is only interested in legal spin and public exposure

    Votes: 68 30.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Not a lot of options here. I don't know enough about this guy yet to vote. He could be "well meaning" but he hasn't said or done enough for one to really determine one way or another. I'm suspect right off the batt because of what the A's have done to date but I don't think that MJ had evil intentions when he signed on...I think that he thought he was defending the "underdogs" before he realized that he was being "snowed". This guy could be in the same boat. If he's not, he's looking for fame and fortune...MOO
I just found this:

On "The Early Show," Conway said he wasn't hired to defend the grandparents.

"They have done absolutely nothing wrong," Conway said. "The Anthonys cooperated fully from the beginning. In fact, they gave evidence before any warrants were ever issued or signed by a judge. So if they are charged, I"ll be ready to defend them aggressively and throughly, and at this point, of course, I've got the concern because they [law enforcement] can do what they want, but I've been told by the state attorney's office and the Orange County Sheriff's Office that no charges are in the works."

Conway said that George and Cindy have not been in touch with their daughter.

"They have no privacy with her," Conway said. "Every conversation they have is taped or videotaped and then immediately released and on the media the next day."


So what was he hired for?

Just reading that above statement he made on the Early Show about not being hired to defend C&G says a lot.
They have done nothing wrong, but he will defend them? Double talking babble. This guy is very slick.
I like him and I'm hoping he will be able to convince G&C that it is time to face the facts relating to their granddaughter's murder and although it will be difficult, seek justice on behalf of their Granddaughter.

Conway has faced hardships of his own- losing his mobility in an accident as a very young man must have been devastating. Hopefully he will be able to relate to them regarding their loss and picking up the pieces to make the very best of a horrible situation.

I think I'd like to change my vote as well- *if* the rumors are true that G&C would like the public to help pay for Caylee's funeral- which apparently Conway said yesterday, I have lost all respect for him condoning and supporting this.

I understand that as Casey's parents they would like to hope for her innocence, but as their attorney, it is his job to help them to understand the volume of evidence pointing to her guilt and not permit them to continue pointing fingers at everyone on the fringe of their lives. Since he also supposedly said they are supporting Casey, I'm not sure that he is doing his job.
At least BC doesn't come across as badly as the rest of them and he has successfully put a sock in their mouths temporarily which is much more than MN could do. It shows he is doing a better job in some respects.

However, he is still a spin doc. He goes about it a different way than the others and I believe it is why he is coming off as more effective. I don't buy what he is selling, but his pitch is low-key and delivered with a hint of feeling remorseful on the A fam's part which had been lacking until now.

I agree SS. I was impressed at first. The A's message is slowly creeping in though.
I personally liked the A's first lawyer. He defended his clients but refused to spin for KC defense. This lawyer seems to be on the spinning the defense team IMO
None of the choices express my opinion.

I think he is a good and competent attorney, but that doesn't mean I like what he is doing in this case. He speaks well and seems to have the intentions of his clients as his focus. He seems to know the law and he is much better as a spokesperson than anybody else the A's have had.

That doesn't mean I think NeJame(sp?) was a bad representative, he just didn't have the same knack for public speaking that it sounds like Conway does. Conway has a slow, measured, sincere way of speaking. He still has a long ways to go in repairing any damage the A's have done to their own reputation. And I'm not sure he is going about that in the right way. Time will tell. He should avoid mentioning their daughter as much as possible.

Ten times better than anyone else involved in representing the A's in any way have been (NeJame excepted). And certainly a better lawyer than Baez.
So they should just sit out there and get dirty and rained on, instead of being used by a child who may not get anything else for Christmas? Sorry, but I disagree.

If they had thrown out the toys, they'd be criticized. If they had ignored them completely, they'd be criticized.

They aren't Caylee's next of kin, but how exactly is Casey supposed to do anything with the memorial?

These people can't do ANYTHING without being blasted.

ITA..Toys left in the elements are useless to anyone. Caylee can't play with them and what better way to honor her memory than to give them to children in need. They left the balloons,cards and letters...I think that was the most reasonable thing they have done!! Also, to ask them to clean out Caylee's room,possessions at this time, Whoah...that is way too cruel!
Article: http://www.wesh.com/news/21654855/detail.html

Former Meter Reader Found Remains Of Slain Toddler, Caylee Anthony
POSTED: 3:38 pm EST November 18, 2009
UPDATED: 4:19 pm EST November 18, 2009

His attorney told WESH 2 Thursday that Kronk has some things in his past he's not proud of, but none of that has any bearing on his discovery of Caylee's remains or that he's been truthful about how it occurred.


Anthonys Say They Only Want Truth From Kronk

The Anthonys' attorney (Brad Conway) said Kronk's personal life and the circumstances of discovering the remains are different things. George and Cindy Anthony's attorney said all they want is the truth from Kronk and not dirt about his past.

"They have been vilified unfairly. They know what it's like to be under a microscope unfairly and they don't want that to happen to someone who found their granddaughter," attorney Brad Conway said."

This is such a barefaced, pointless lie from Brad Conway that it's not just disgusting, it's also a little insulting to the intelligence.

Based on a series of e-mails released in a recent document dump, Cindy has been vigorously digging for dirt on Roy Kronk's personal life, and has gone so far as to have Dominic Casey question Kronk's former brother-and-sister-in-law about Kronk's relationship with his dead wife! Brad Conway was copied in on many of these e-mails.


(Begins at hand-numbered page 8048)
Just where do the Anthonys get off thinking they are being gracious by 'stopping' the witch hunt against Kronk?
Just where do the Anthonys get off thinking they are being gracious by 'stopping' the witch hunt against Kronk?

I don't know that they want to stop the witchhunt, I have to wonder if BC has advised them to back off and that is the message he has chosen to put out there.
In BC's defense, though he has disappointed me in many ways, I see him trying to reign them in and I see how the A's just run right over him...Like in the LKL interview re: the diary.

BC has the option to walk away from these people, but he doesn't-Instead he slips things in to try to alleviate things and then the A's turn around and do exactly what he said they would not do. BC has culpability in this sense, is he so thirsty for money or pub. that he would continue to deal with this? I'm thinking he has also blurred the lines between friendship/sympathy for the A's and professionalism.
He's in it up to his neck....the BS that is. Never think for one minute he would try to spin anything the opposite way of the As
they don't want that to happen to someone who found their granddaughter

This is what I don't get, and I'm glad this thread was bumped because I wasn't sure where to address this.

So Kronk found their granddaughter but Caylee is still alive? Why can't they make up their mind? Half the time, what Brad says, and what the A's say are completely conflicting. He's stated numerous times about Caylee no longer being alive, but the A's don't think the body, which they had a memorial for and cremated, is Caylee.

What the hell is a matter with these people?

Btw, I know the poll is closed, but I think Conway is an awful attorney, and is no better than the clients he represents.
Since the day that BC said during a interview that "his clients have always told the truth and their love for their daughter will not change that", I have come to the conclusion that either:

He is incompetent
He thinks everyone else is stupid
He is a liar
He doesn't get cable and can't figure out how to work Youtube
This is what I don't get, and I'm glad this thread was bumped because I wasn't sure where to address this.

So Kronk found their granddaughter but Caylee is still alive? Why can't they make up their mind? Half the time, what Brad says, and what the A's say are completely conflicting. He's stated numerous times about Caylee no longer being alive, but the A's don't think the body, which they had a memorial for and cremated, is Caylee.

What the hell is a matter with these people?

Btw, I know the poll is closed, but I think Conway is an awful attorney, and is no better than the clients he represents.

Hopefully we will find out before too much longer. Bill Sheaffer's next Blog topic will be 'Will the Anthonys be charged with Perjury?'. I hope they will ,for Caylee. 'That child' deserves better than that family...
BC should know that anyone who's followed this case, knows better. The Anthonys have contempt for anyone outside their immediate family, and have no desire for the truth to be told. Their whole belief system is built on lies.

I don't know why they've even got an attorney, as they won't follow his advise. The Anthony's depos in the civil case showed how ineffective BC is as an attorney. He scored a zero in preparing them for those depos, and failed miserably in keeping them reined in.
They have humiliated him a time or two- he must be desperate or he would have done what Mark NeJame did- kick them to the kerb. In a way it's good they happened upon him, he has so little influence over them that they just say whatever the impulse dictates, so far they have made iidiots/perjurers of themselves on the record, so I think that is the silver lining..
By hinting that RK has something to hide and then stating that that his clients are simply on a mission to find the truth etc (despite their countless glaring inconsistencies and refusal to take polygraphs etc) BC is just doing his job. It's the people on the other side of the mike I take exception with. There's a common denominator in all of these interviews with the As and their reps that we definitely won't see at KC's trial - soft ball questioning, or often, no questioning at all.
While I am baffled and at times disgusted by the A's behavior, I can't put into perspective their point of view. VERY early on before any of the "soundbites" , media rounds, and "advocate at all costs" campaigns started they were "just parents". THe public judged them for allowing KC to come home while out on bail. People equated "support" for their daughter as "dismissing Caylee". I think MN realized early on that their actions may create issues down the road. I think he counseled them and they ignored his suggestions. Their "sleuthing" and attempt to find anything in anyones past that COULD "help" their daughter is behavior that I suspect any one of us may RESORT to in an effort to save the life of their child. If they state that they are doing so in order to "prove KC's innocence", I suspect they are just doing so in order to spare her life. This post may imply I am sympathetic to the A family OR believe some of their garbage. I am just trying to point out that they need counsel and if not BC, we would be discussing someone else.
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