Baby Lisa's brothers to be questioned and DNA tested

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DB and JI's actions and/or lack of actions, "admissions" and changing stories are what is making it hard to have faith in their innocence. The discussion about CPS started this morning when one MSM misrepresented the Social Service workers who conducted the first interviews with the children. Many of us prefaced our comments with "IF CPS" is involved...and went on to discuss how this organization comes to be involved in family issues. No one is bandying about the term to make DB or JI look like anything. None of us has any idea what actually occurred in that home or to Lisa Irwin and that would include the legal representatives for DB & JI as well as the media and the PI.

ETA: Innocent to what degree we don't know either...anyone associated with that home could be involved but to what extent we are not privy.

You are right about that. When I woke up this morning it was to an entire thing about CPS being involved now with the kids and CPS and the CAC are 2 different things. I know how CPS in NY and FL work very well, I can tell you anything about them in these states but the CAC is entirely different. I feel bad that I talked about it so much without it being confirmed, though what i said I still stand by, what I said is what actually would happen. I am glad the CAC is involved though. I have a very dear friend who is a social worker for them.
It is beyond belief that Deborah has not talked with these boys. Living with relatives, I would think an adult in that house would have discussed the situation. You know at their ages, the boys have to have many questions as well as fear.

As adults do sit around and talk, let's hope they remember these little guys are hearing every word that is being said and that is not a situation these boys need! In Deborah being so adamant that "they know nothing", is it because they were asleep OR it occurred while they were at school so they absolutely know nothing??

Its not only stupid to think that DB didnt talk to her kids about this, but these kids are school age, someone in school would have said something to them and they would have come home asking questions. What are DB and JI doing, ignoring them. Kids are cruel in school, we all know it has to be hard on these kids in school right now. I cannot imagine mom and dad sitting down with them and talking with them. Whatever it is they would say, they had to say something..
Lots of very good posts here from members who have experience with CPS. I want to make sure this information is available to all:

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If you weren't there this morning you wouldn't understand the running dialogue. It's just irksome to be taken out of context even after you provide links and clear explanations about forests and trees. It is never about the straw that broke the camel's back it is about all the straws before that and the one that breaks the back.. Now, I will take my degree in Social Services Administration and my years of experience working with children in foster care ...the great majority of whom were removed from there families and placed in residential treatment after an effort to maintain them in foster homes failed and I will go watch TV.
I am glad to hear that the boys are going to be interviewed by an independent agency. Hopefully they can clear up some questions for LE.

But I do worry about the time that has gone by. Children can be so suggestible. If they have a memory about an event, and someone tells them they heard/saw wrong, usually they will go with the corrected version.

And these boys have had to have been exposed to the parents version even if the parents haven't discussed it with them. They would have heard the adults talk, the story told over and over. Then they may have gone to school and heard other versions. Either from kids who are taunting them or even kids who are trying to be kind or who are curious. That can cause a child to become protective of the parent. And to practice the version of a story they heard at home.

So yeah, the time lapsed has me concerned.
As one of only 4 KNOWN people to be in the house that night (excludes Debbi and Jeremy), I have been wondering if LE was given consent to have a Child Services social worker question the neighbor's 4 year old right off the bat. Hope so. 4 is young, but old enough to answer basic questions that might help shed light on something very recent that happened in the house while the moms were allegedly out on the stoop. IMO.

Not sleuthing a minor, just wondering if ALL of the children in the home that fateful night were questioned right away.
Its not only stupid to think that DB didnt talk to her kids about this, but these kids are school age, someone in school would have said something to them and they would have come home asking questions. What are DB and JI doing, ignoring them. Kids are cruel in school, we all know it has to be hard on these kids in school right now. I cannot imagine mom and dad sitting down with them and talking with them. Whatever it is they would say, they had to say something..

Yes and they are bound to be asking what happened, where she is.
As NG said tonight, her little boy woke up this am - didn't see his sister and first thing he said was "Where is Lucy?" They are naturally going to be asking. Sayng she hasn't discussed it with them is ridiculous..
I'm still waiting to see if an animal services counselor interviewed the kitten the appropriate cat-friendly setting, of course. We could send the family dog and neighbor dog off for hypnosis first. ;)

Actually, let's just cut to the chase with a round of truth serum for all the adult humans.
Oh geez.... when you watch the footage of JI walking and then go and watch the video from the gas station.... is the gate similiar... the way the arms move?

So little to go on... but it made me uncomfortable.

Wouldn't you think the man walking down the street with a baby would come forward and say, "hey, that was me with MY baby."? Unless, of course, it was the kidnapper or JI himself getting rid of the body? Personally, I could not tell anything at all about this walking man, couldn't even tell it was a man nor whether he had a baby in his arms or not. But I find it odd that if it was innocent, the person wouldn't come forward if he has seen the video. He knows if it was him and if he was carrying a baby that night.
As one of only 4 KNOWN people to be in the house that night (excludes Debbi and Jeremy), I have been wondering if LE was given consent to have a Child Services social worker question the neighbor's 4 year old right off the bat. Hope so. 4 is young, but old enough to answer basic questions that might help shed light on something very recent that happened in the house while the moms were allegedly out on the stoop. IMO.

Not sleuthing a minor, just wondering if ALL of the children in the home that fateful night were questioned right away.

In most states that I know, three is the youngest age they will interview a child (I know because my step daughter was six weeks shy of turning three when we found out about her abuse and they refused to interview her - we had to fight in court for a year to finally get her interviewed). So four is definitely old enough.
The parents have just said they will not be interviewed by LE. I'm guessing, and I hope I am very wrong, the interview with the boys will not happen on Friday, or ever. :maddening: Just another day in the media for the "rents", not a care in the world about their beautiful daughter, who is missing. :twocents:
The parents have just said they will not be interviewed by LE. I'm guessing, and I hope I am very wrong, the interview with the boys will not happen on Friday, or ever. :maddening: Just another day in the media for the "rents", not a care in the world about their beautiful daughter, who is missing. :twocents:
No they did not just say that. That was a rehash of old news. The CNN title was misleading.
From the SAME article
The couple's attorney disputed the police account and said Jeremy Irwin and Deborah Bradley, parents of 11-month-old Lisa Irwin, are not opposed to separate interviews. But they will not do what police requested, an unrestricted interview with no attorneys present, the attorney said.
From the Twitter thread:
Irwin Attorney Cyndy Short: "all appointments in Kansas City today and tomorrow are being postponed until next week."
[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Twitter index of reporter & news station info & links - Lisa Irwin Case[/ame]

May include the boys appointment, too. Guess we'll know tomorrow.
I'll believe it when it has already happened, as far as any interviews, with children or parents.
Maybe the interviews with the half-brothers of little Lisa will have one or both of them squealing on their parents like the Heene son did in the "Balloon Boy" saga :innocent: Out of the mouths of babes...

I have a grandson that's just a year older then the oldest boy in this case. I can tell you that my grandson is 9 going on 40. He is very aware of things going on around him, and is very articulate about his feelings and musings about other people and their actions.

I also know that he knows how to keep secrets. I remember one day he was heard to say that "something" was something just between his mom and dad and him.

Soooooo, I think the older boy would be more susceptible to coaching from his parents about what to say and what not to say.

I also do not believe DB when she says she has not discussed the case with these boys. They must have a lot of questions about where their sister is. What kids wouldn't?
fox4wdaf FOX 4 News
Attorneys of Lisa Irwin's parents cancel interview scheduled for tomorrow with her two older brothers.

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