Baby Lisa's brothers to be questioned and DNA tested

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I totally agree that Deb's not having spoken with the children about the events of that night is an extreme positive that "if" the boys have any knowledge or memory of something that could help it's not been tainted by being discussed and their little minds influenced differently.. IMO this goes against a vast majority of what many believe to have happened to Baby Lisa.. Many many now say they do not feel it was an accident and that Lisa was murdered by Deb.. That means these boys would have to have knowledge, if even that they did not see Lisa at all on Monday.. They very likely would have a helluva alot more knowledge than just that and the fact that Deb has not attempted to speak with them about the events only further IMO lends credence to her NOT involved in the disappearance.. If that were the case this woman would not have allowed for these two boys to immediately have been interviewed by these highly trained individuals for fear of what the boys would say.. She allowed this already(both boys interviewed immediately after with these highly trained individuals, one for 50mins, and one for 30mins)<- THIS IMO NEEDS TO BE CLARIFIED AND UNDERSTOOD!!.. The two boys were interviewed, questioned, spoken with these highly trained individuals about their sister's disappearance.. One son for 50mins and the other son for 30mins.. The parents allowed this at the very beginning!!.. Therefor this latest interview will be the second time the boys have been interviewed..

If this woman murdered Lisa then these boys know it. There is no way they would not have some knowledge of what had occurred in their home.. She would have never allowed their to be questioned without parents present.. IMOO but Deb is not
Who disappeared Lisa.. I believe this reinterviewing of the boys is going to further strengthen that Deb did not kill Lisa..

On a completely different note someone upthread mentioned LE finding UNidentified DNA in the home and their suspicions it was Deb's brothers(whom she was seen buying wine with).. He has long since already given his DNA to LE.. So "if" LE were to have found some UNidentified DNA they'd already be able to match and/or rule out Deb's brother..
Baby Lisa update just on my local (Detroit) news station: The half-brothers of the missing baby will be interviewed tomorrow. Can anyone confirm this? Will the interview be tomorrow instead of Friday?
I have been watching her, and I don't have any problem accusing her.

She's lying big time...I can tell...I don't believe her blubbering or the break in story.

no no...the question I have is whether or not her brother saw Lisa that day, and who was the last person to see the baby.

Why did she change the bedtime?

Was her neighbor told Lisa was asleep when she came by at that time?

Is there a darker reason that Lisa's mother drank so much wine that night?

Did the boys ever see Baby Lisa that night? that day? after school?

did Lisa's drinking buddy see baby Lisa sleeping in her crib?

Did her mother evr go check on the baby?
I have been watching her, and I don't have any problem accusing her.

She's lying big time...I can tell...I don't believe her blubbering or the break in story.

no no...the question I have is whether or not her brother saw Lisa that day, and who was the last person to see the baby.

Why did she change the bedtime?

Was her neighbor told Lisa was asleep when she came by at that time?

Is there a darker reason that Lisa's mother drank so much wine that night?

Did the boys ever see Baby Lisa that night? that day? after school?

did Lisa's drinking buddy see baby Lisa sleeping in her crib?

Did her mother evr go check on the baby?

Bingo. I want to know who, outside of the family, was the last to see Lisa alive.

My biggest fear & the way I believe it's going ...nothing will ever become of this case.
Why is this news? Don't get me wrong, it's newsworthy. But why is it news? Did LE release this little tidbit or did the family? Either way, shame on whoever did it. The other kids need to be protected, and that means that even if they are re-questioned, what gives us, the public, the right to know about it? They are still kids, and they still deserve some anonymity, including in regards to what LE is doing with them. MOO.

The attorney, CS, mentioned it in an interview this AM.
From day 1, it is the parents and now their representatives that continue to refer to the boys in almost every interview, article or now press release. The family is doing this. LE has been very careful not to spotlight the children. Today, they were somewhat forced to respond to MSM inquiries as to whether or not the children would be re-interviewed. LE had to explain that the boys have not been questioned by police but by trained social workers/counselors.
Hemmer: "You have no objections, then, for these young boys to be interviewed again by, uh, by social workers?"

Short: "Well, you know, it's been a balance in terms of understanding the, the needs of these children and the best interest of these children and the need for law enforcement to have as much information as they can possibly get. So that is a, umm, that's a balance we've had to consider."

It has taken me a long while to realize why the above exchange bothered me. I finally figured out that I kept expecting Short to say, ". . . and the need to find Lisa," rather than saying, "the need for law enforcement to have. . ."

For me, it's an example of the "us against them" mentality that has developed; it's so very disheartening!

(at about the 00:50 minute mark)
I'm not hopeful that these interviews will yield anything. Being that I do not believe a word DB has stated and in fact on some occasions I suspect the opposite of what she stated. Example she stated something to the effect of "I haven't spoken to the boys about it" I believe to be a lie, in fact I bet in her own manipulated way she steered this boys to believe what they heard or saw was something totally different then what it was. Like you were dreaming, like if you say that, no more mommy and daddy. If you tell them I said that to you, no mommy and daddy.

I don't trust her one BIT and these interviews will be too short and not extensive enough to cut through that shield she was able to put up with the boys. MOO
OMG! People Magazine outed the boys' names.
"Until Wednesday, the couple also had declined to let their other two children &#8211; (I striked the names) be interviewed a second time in the investigation. Both boys were questioned, one for 50 minutes and the other for about 30 minutes, on the morning of the day their sister disappeared. Police now say the parents have agreed to bring the boys in to meet on Friday with a child services professional &#8211; not detectives &#8211; and submit a Q-Tip swab for DNA to clear them from any evidence collected in the home, says Kansas City Police Officer Darin Snapp.",,20540037,00.html
I dont know much more of this I can take. I have been physically sick to my stomach every single day for over two weeks thinking about this case. My heart aches so badly for little Lisa and those innocent little boys. Big thanks to the men and women who deal with these horrific situations on a daily bases, my heart and mind would not survive the details they encounter.
Please dear God, bring this baby home and offer some sense of peace for all who are hurting for her.
I'm not hopeful that these interviews will yield anything. Being that I do not believe a word DB has stated and in fact on some occasions I suspect the opposite of what she stated. Example she stated something to the effect of "I haven't spoken to the boys about it" I believe to be a lie, in fact I bet in her own manipulated way she steered this boys to believe what they heard or saw was something totally different then what it was. Like you were dreaming, like if you say that, no more mommy and daddy. If you tell them I said that to you, no mommy and daddy.

I don't trust her one BIT and these interviews will be too short and not extensive enough to cut through that shield she was able to put up with the boys. MOO
I am thinking these child interview professionals can weed through it just fine if it is there. They've seen it all!
Yep, they will start out by asking how they are. How they are feeling, what a typical day is like now and what is different for them, now that they are staying with relatives. They will gently ease in to the events surrounding the the few days before Lisa was reported missing, that day and the days that followed. They may even ask them if they have discussed their sister and how they feel about the changes that have occurred. Hopefully, they will be able to get them to speak of those two significant days...Monday and Tuesday.

(These poor kids have been totally uprooted by this...their lives turned upside down.)
The attorney, CS, mentioned it in an interview this AM.

Whether or not, the parents have the best interests of all the kids involved here, it seems apparent that the attorney doesn't! JMO.
Whether or not, the parents have the best interests of all the kids involved here, it seems apparent that the attorney doesn't! JMO.
Yes, it does seem as if she is thinking only of her client/the parents.
Please keep in mind that WS does not allow sleuthing of minors who are not victims or named suspects in crimes.

Where this post lands is random.
Yep, they will start out by asking how they are. How they are feeling, what a typical day is like now and what is different for them, now that they are staying with relatives. They will gently ease in to the events surrounding the the few days before Lisa was reported missing, that day and the days that followed. They may even ask them if they have discussed their sister and how they feel about the changes that have occurred. Hopefully, they will be able to get them to speak of those two significant days...Monday and Tuesday.

(These poor kids have been totally uprooted by this...their lives turned upside down.)
JMO but Sunday as well. Something may have happened after they got home from the birthday party. JMO.

And I agree...those poor little boys. :heart: :heart:
Show of many people feel this case will go the way of Sabrina closure?
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