Baby Lisa's Parents To Move Back Into Home

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To me, knowing the area like I do, I think a non-random intruder makes the most sense. It would take too many people to be involved for DB to do it and hide everything in the small amount of time needed. I mean LE was ALL OVER the place within hours and did not let up for days. The parents were with LE almost the entire time they were searching on the first wave. I am not totally discounting that they could have done it, but it is not as likely to me anyway. I see nobody in the neighborhood angry or anything like that since they returned. In fact, I saw many out consoling them today.

BBM - I'm not sure what you mean by hide everything in the small amount of time needed. IIRC DB went into her house at 10:30. Lights out at 11:30 and JI came home at 4:something? Why wasn't there enough time?
LE were all over the place in the Caylee case. It took 5 months to find Caylee's remains, eventhough, extensive searches had been done for days, weeks and months.
Is there an excuse/answer for everything DB/JI and their camps do? If the family is spewing on Facebook to use current photo's, there is no excuse for the parents of Lisa to wear old shirts. They should practice what they preach! JMO.

Today, I saw people who defend DB/JI and attack/question LE, back "some" things LE said, when it came to Dane, just to attack Dane and MW. I don't get it. If you trust LE, then you back them 100%, not pick and choose what you believe from LE in this case. Makes no sense to me. LE has done nothing wrong and have released nothing, but I believe what they have released.

I do not believe media. This guy RP is a joke! I called it tonight, total BS when it came to the phone call, interview and new information.

I don't understand how you have a mother, who is not cooperating with people, lose her child while drunk and passed out, defended, but throw LE under the bus. Then, back up LE today. It's maddening.

At the end of the day, I can't believe parents of a child would NOT cooperate, BEG FOR THEIR LITTLE BABY to be returned, at least wear updated shirts! Sorry for the little rant. Just don't understand these parents. Still trusting LE and praying they did their jobs, hoping they have enough to bring justice to little Lisa.

LE is not sharing any info with us except tidbits here and there. And yes I find some discrepancies in some of the things they say at times because they contradict themselves. I also question some things that D/J have said or done, but I don't need to post them because they are vehemently posted by others. I believe that D/J are being truthful and had nothing to do with their baby girl being missing. I have no problem with you believing otherwise and I can understand where you feel that way, but until proven otherwise, I will support and feel bad for parents that have lost their beautiful daughter.

As for the shirts, at least they have some. I don't know who paid to have them made, but it's very possible that DB is just grateful to have it and wear it. They may not financially be able to have new shirts printed. Since they have these ones already, food is probably more practical just now. All JMO of course.
BBM - I'm not sure what you mean by hide everything in the small amount of time needed. IIRC DB went into her house at 10:30. Lights out at 11:30 and JI came home at 4:something? Why wasn't there enough time?
LE were all over the place in the Caylee case. It took 5 months to find Caylee's remains, eventhough, extensive searches had been done for days, weeks and months.
But for the 31 days...still makes me sick to say that.
BBM - I'm not sure what you mean by hide everything in the small amount of time needed. IIRC DB went into her house at 10:30. Lights out at 11:30 and JI came home at 4:something? Why wasn't there enough time?
LE were all over the place in the Caylee case. It took 5 months to find Caylee's remains, eventhough, extensive searches had been done for days, weeks and months.

From 11:30 p.m. - 3:45 a.m. (or whatever time JI arrived home) is over 4 hours. IMO, that's plenty of time to do what needed to be done (if DB is responsible for whatever happened to Baby Lisa).

The proximity to the river would have made it rather easy to dispose of any evidence. Based on that, I'm afraid Lisa might never be found.
I see it differently. I am not sure why everyone is so convinced that the boys want to move back to that house. I would think they were pretty traumatized that morning.

When mine were little they woke up to the Northridge quake. There was a lot of chaos and panic that morning. First the loud rumbling and rolling, then the sound of breaking glass, and sudden darkness, and us picking them up from their beds and running through the darkness, out to the front, where there was the deafening sounds of burglar alarms and fire alarms all around us. They were terrified that morning. And they did not want to live in that house anymore.

Are we sure the boys were wanting to go back to that home? Do they know that Mom thinks of it as the 'Omen Home? '

MOO - I would think that the parents had discussed it with the children. The lawyer has said that they are doing this FOR the children, so I can't imagine that they didn't talk it over with them and that it was the boys wish.
I see it differently. I am not sure why everyone is so convinced that the boys want to move back to that house. I would think they were pretty traumatized that morning.

When mine were little they woke up to the Northridge quake. There was a lot of chaos and panic that morning. First the loud rumbling and rolling, then the sound of breaking glass, and sudden darkness, and us picking them up from their beds and running through the darkness, out to the front, where there was the deafening sounds of burglar alarms and fire alarms all around us. They were terrified that morning. And they did not want to live in that house anymore.

Are we sure the boys were wanting to go back to that home? They probably experienced a similar feeling of fear and chaos that horrible morning. Being woken early from a deep sleep to sirens and police and crying scared parents. Do they know that Mom thinks of it as the 'Omen Home? '
You make some good points. Were do you think the boys would care to live now?
MOO - I would think that the parents had discussed it with the children. The lawyer has said that they are doing this FOR the children, so I can't imagine that they didn't talk it over with them and that it was the boys wish.

I take everything the lawyer says with a huge grain of salt. Just because he says they are 'doing it for the boys,' it does not mean it is true, imo.
You make some good points. Were do you think the boys would care to live now?

I think they are more concerned with being with mom and dad alone than with WHERE they are living. They were probably sick of living with other relatives and having the cameras around and stuff/

And moving 'back home' is probably really a deeper wish of going back to when they were all together, with their baby sister and everything was normal. So going back to that home may just be a big letdown. imoo

And if they believe that an intruder broke in and kidnapped their sister, wouldn't they be pretty scared at night?
MOO - I would think that the parents had discussed it with the children. The lawyer has said that they are doing this FOR the children, so I can't imagine that they didn't talk it over with them and that it was the boys wish.
Those boys are 5 and 8. Even if they have asked the children what they wish, doesn't always mean it's in their best interest. Even if the boys say they would like to be at the home, doesn't mean it's the best place for them, or the boys are being truthful. Unless, independent professionals have assessed the boys, I do not believe a defense attorney.
I think they are more concerned with being with mom and dad alone than with WHERE they are living. They were probably sick of living with other relatives and having the cameras around and stuff/

And moving 'back home' is probably really a deeper wish of going back to when they were all together, with their baby sister and everything was normal. So going back to that home may just be a big letdown. imoo

And if they believe that an intruder broke in and kidnapped their sister, wouldn't they be pretty scared at night?

Ok. I think I get you now. For the boys it's more important to be with mom and dad no matter were their staying. That makes perfect sense to me.
LE is not sharing any info with us except tidbits here and there. And yes I find some discrepancies in some of the things they say at times because they contradict themselves. I also question some things that D/J have said or done, but I don't need to post them because they are vehemently posted by others. I believe that D/J are being truthful and had nothing to do with their baby girl being missing. I have no problem with you believing otherwise and I can understand where you feel that way, but until proven otherwise, I will support and feel bad for parents that have lost their beautiful daughter.

As for the shirts, at least they have some. I don't know who paid to have them made, but it's very possible that DB is just grateful to have it and wear it. They may not financially be able to have new shirts printed. Since they have these ones already, food is probably more practical just now. All JMO of course.

OK, so you think LE has discrepancies and contradict themselves, but you think DB is being truthful and has been consistent. :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec: Furthermore, you think DB/JI are worried about food right now, but can't have shirts updated or donated. FGS, they have the best defense team, ABC exclusive interviews, they can get shirts, food is obviously not an issue. They got new costumes for Halloween, they can afford food.

We will just have to agree to disagree. I'm putting my trust and faith in LE/FBI, not an admitted drunk who loses their child when passed out. JMO
Good point 4Jacy.
Some of us are concerned about the boys safety.
I would say, almost everyone on this forum cares about the boys safety. I don't believe any of us here would wish any harm on a child. We all differ in our opinions, thoughts and some of us conclude a little too soon. But, I have never thought any of us would wish ill will on a child or anyone else. Although, this forum is a place to share our thoughts, opinions, sleuth, and follow the evils of our world, the people here, IMO, aren't evil. They only wish the best for those boys and justice for Lisa.

Is there an excuse/answer for everything DB/JI and their camps do? If the family is spewing on Facebook to use current photo's, there is no excuse for the parents of Lisa to wear old shirts. They should practice what they preach! JMO.

Today, I saw people who defend DB/JI and attack/question LE, back "some" things LE said, when it came to Dane, just to attack Dane and MW. I don't get it. If you trust LE, then you back them 100%, not pick and choose what you believe from LE in this case. Makes no sense to me. LE has done nothing wrong and have released nothing, but I believe what they have released.

I do not believe media. This guy RP is a joke! I called it tonight, total BS when it came to the phone call, interview and new information.

I don't understand how you have a mother, who is not cooperating with people, lose her child while drunk and passed out, defended, but throw LE under the bus. Then, back up LE today. It's maddening.

At the end of the day, I can't believe parents of a child would NOT cooperate, BEG FOR THEIR LITTLE BABY to be returned, at least wear updated shirts! Sorry for the little rant. Just don't understand these parents. Still trusting LE and praying they did their jobs, hoping they have enough to bring justice to little Lisa.
I love reading a truth filled post. :grouphug::yesss:

Repeating for those who missed it!
Today, I saw people who defend DB/JI and attack/question LE, back "some" things LE said, when it came to Dane, just to attack Dane and MW. I don't get it.
I would say, almost everyone on this forum cares about the boys safety. I don't believe any of us here would wish any harm on a child. We all differ in our opinions, thoughts and some of us conclude a little too soon. But, I have never thought any of us would wish ill will on a child or anyone else. Although, this forum is a place to share our thoughts, opinions, sleuth, and follow the evils of our world, the people here, IMO, aren't evil. They only wish the best for those boys and justice for Lisa.


I'm jumping in because I think there could be a misunderstanding of Rosemarie's post. Rose didn't say anyone was UNCONCERNED for the boys.
It looks like some are possibly more concerned with defending DB than stating support of the kids. At least thats the jest of the post after reading pages of this thread.
OK, so you think LE has discrepancies and contradict themselves, but you think DB is being truthful and has been consistent. :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec: Furthermore, you think DB/JI are worried about food right now, but can't have shirts updated or donated. FGS, they have the best defense team, ABC exclusive interviews, they can get shirts, food is obviously not an issue. They got new costumes for Halloween, they can afford food.

We will just have to agree to disagree. I'm putting my trust and faith in LE/FBI, not an admitted drunk who loses their child when passed out. JMO

What I don't understand Angelwings is the ever present fault finding of LE, Cpt Young and the media on one hand. While on the other hand Deborah and Jeremy are defended ad nauseum.
When it is obvious DB is at least a neglectfull mom. :maddening: moo
They could be afraid to sleep anywhere. Hopefully their getting any necessary counseling.

How can that be stated as fact though?
The boys may feel extreme safety at a grandmother's house or other relatives home.
They very likely would feel fear in the house where the sister VANISHED. moo
I didn't state any reason why at all, just for that reason, I have no idea. However, I do know that she has not seen her son in 'a couple (few) years'...why not? Does that mean her family has not seen him either? No one insisted that they get to see their grandchild/nephew etc... If that was court ordered, then there is bigger issues, but if she had visitations but didn't follow through with them, then I think her actions now are purely selfish and spiteful ....selfish on her sons part and spiteful on JI's part.

I think the boy's mothers actions are protective and caring. This mom doesn't know who 'took' the sister of her son. moo

watched the video and it's odd to see DI arranging flowers around that one memorial in the yard, almost eerie like decorating a grave. MOO

Eerie! Like the picture of a grinning Patsy Ramsey kneeling beside JBR's grave.:bang:
LE is not sharing any info with us except tidbits here and there. And yes I find some discrepancies in some of the things they say at times because they contradict themselves. I also question some things that D/J have said or done, but I don't need to post them because they are vehemently posted by others. I believe that D/J are being truthful and had nothing to do with their baby girl being missing. I have no problem with you believing otherwise and I can understand where you feel that way, but until proven otherwise, I will support and feel bad for parents that have lost their beautiful daughter.

As for the shirts, at least they have some. I don't know who paid to have them made, but it's very possible that DB is just grateful to have it and wear it. They may not financially be able to have new shirts printed. Since they have these ones already, food is probably more practical just now. All JMO of course.

Le contradicted themselves and it's duly noted and criticized.

DB contradicted herself (a lot more than LE) ------------and that's acceptable right?

While some find DB and JI truthful (cough), some find DB's 'mistruths and story changing' enough to put her high on the sho made Lisa disappear list. That's exactly where she should be. moo

I just cannot defend someone (DB) who likely, very likely caused their child's disappearance.

I will never understand those that defend her. moo

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