Backward State - Reverse Speeech Analysis of Ron and Misty

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So to be clear Karen, your husband was able to tell you that "reverse" speech analysis was helpful and considered in some cases, but was unable due to the private nature of the Grand Jury to give you any examples? Just curious :)

We spoke at length today about reverse speech analysis. He was very emphatic about the legalities and uses of it in law enforcement.

He never tells me details about the cases he presides over, but there have been a few nights when he has come home nearly in tears. When I have asked him what is wrong, he has only said that the testimony he has heard that day has involved crimes against children and women. He loves his job, but there are days when it breaks his heart.

Reverse speech analysis is only one of many tools that law enforcement has at their disposal and discretion.
I saw it, Shawn. Just more dancing with words, imo, not real answers. As the authors said, the rebuttal was incoherent.

I have nothing personal against you or anyone who wants to toy with RS. I would just hate to see anyone mislead about its validity and reputation, or about how seriously they should take it when they are told that "x, y, z" has been found in someone's speech.

Anyway, I think there are enough dots here for readers to sleuth out and connect on their own now. :)
I wanted to state why I'm interested in reverse speech analysis. It's not for the LE criminal element. When I first saw the words spirit, coming from the spirit, you guys prolly figured out my ears perked up like an elephants, they did.

Being what I know about scriptures, I can see some parrallels, also along with forensic astrology, dreams and visions. I will get a couple and post to show what I mean. I'm interested in comparing them, as I believe the "Holy Spirit" leds us into all "Truths" and thats why I'm intrigued. Then you throw in one of my favorite past times, "Real True Crime Elements" and viola~~

Thanks Tricia for not shutting down the thread. Seeing some of the titles of the recent links posted, tis the season for some good rainy day reading.
I saw it, Shawn. Just more dancing with words, imo, not real answers. As the authors said, the rebuttal was incoherent.

I have nothing personal against you or anyone who wants to toy with RS. I would just hate to see anyone mislead about its validity and reputation, or about how seriously they should take it when they are told that "x, y, z" has been found in someone's speech.

Anyway, I think there are enough dots here for readers to sleuth out and connect on their own now. :)

I agree with ya Muffet and at the same time I'm glad Tricia doesn't shut the thread down for those who are interested. That being said I'm very surprised at the condesending 'tone' that Shawn has with posters who don't believe in it..especially regarding the ones directed towards the OWNER of this forum, who allows him to post his beliefs even though they are contrary to her own. I wouldn't expect anything less from her, but she sure shouldn't have to deal with that carp! MOO
You know how when you look at clouds, your brain starts recognizing familiar shapes? well, this familiar searching that our brain does, happens with linguistics, as well... reverse speech and your brain picks up on the familiar sounds that create words. And just like seeing shapes in clouds is a personal interpretation issue, same goes with hearing words in reverse speech: majority of the time what you think you hear, someone will be hearing differently. And then there is the whole psychological aspect of hearing what you want to hear...

Just saying...
I have a very open mind, and I was interested in reverse speech in the Casey A. case, since I had never heard of it before. However, the more I listened to the supposed reversals, the less I could even think there was anything to this. I mean, Casey is guilty as sin. If she's saying things in reverse to contradict that, well, she is fooling you. And even in Hassani's case, the person who most people, even LE, consider the #1 suspect or POI based on several things, reverse speech shows he is truthful.

I know this is your passion Shawn, but you have to know that people are going to dispute your findings.
Gotta confess, it creeps me out to listen to reverse speech. I have to agree with Elphaba because I heard different things than what was interpreted.

Reverse speech analysis is only one of many tools that law enforcement has at their disposal and discretion.

Karen, you need to provide some sort of legitimate back up for this statement.

You can't assume that because it is available law enforcement uses it. Voodoo is available and I bet you won't find cops sacraficing chickens to help with a case.

Karen, please provide something solid to back it up. If this is an opinion then please say so. Please do not state an opinion as fact.
Karen, you need to provide some sort of legitimate back up for this statement.

You can't assume that because it is available law enforcement uses it. Voodoo is available and I bet you won't find cops sacraficing chickens to help with a case.

Karen, please provide something solid to back it up. If this is an opinion then please say so. Please do not state an opinion as fact.
Just a quick question, is this for all threads on Haleigh or just this one? If people state something as fact, they need to have proof to back it up? TIA!
Wow, this thread got really hot really fast!
My experience in following crimes in the news with reverse speech (RS) has been that I can always count on a couple of things. In cases where the main person of interest’s RS indicates they may be involved, the supporters for that person come out of the woodwork bashing RS. When at the same time they haven’t spent one moment researching the phenomena. When the main person of interest’s RS indicates they are not involved, the haters of the person in question come out the same way. In this case, there is another dynamic where not only do the main people that seem to be of interest, Ronald & Misty, do not have any examples of RS indicating involvement, there appears to be someone who is. This is the first time I’ve been able to come across this.

My speculation is when after interview, after interview, of Misty has been reviewed there has been no indication of her involvement through her RS, this may have been an inconvenient stone in the shoe for the Misty haters. Now that the RS of her brother Tommy appears to indicate his involvement, this may have sent the Misty haters into a tailspin fighting tooth and nail to hold onto their beliefs. The Tommy supporters may be here as well.

On a side note to all: If there is nothing to reverse speech, why is it Electroencephalograph (EEG) tests have shown that brain activity alters significantly when RS occurs? Additionally, California State University published a paper that found the brain was able to decode speech backwards. If there is nothing to RS how could they have made that finding?

There are thousands and thousands of examples of true RS examples available that have been contributed by countless people from around the globe for the past twenty five years, so tell me how someone’s claim that there is nothing to RS could have any validity.

For those that claim there is no validity to RS please explain away the following;
- There was case I was following about Sam Parker where he had been suspected in the disappearance of his wife. After the culmination of more than 50 examples of RS it was clear that he was involved in the murder of his wife. And there were aspects of his reversals that came out in trial testimony. The case came to conclusion last month where he was found guilty of murder. My findings were posted about 15 months prior to his conviction.

- In another crime in the news. Gary Hilton confessed to murdering a woman, led authorities to her body, and was convicted in her murder. 5 out of 5 speech reversals from a portion of his confession tape clearly indicate his involvement in the crime.

- In The Lying Experiment over 16,000 people participated in a study to see if they could determine in which of 2 videos of a man that was claiming he liked different movies in was he lying about. The result of the study was that 70% of the people correctly determined in which video he was lying. The key is it didn’t matter if they watched the video or not the results were the same. If their clues were not visual, then what else could it be? There were 3 videos, movie A, movie B and the reveal of which one was the lie. Movie A was the lie. After my review of all 3 videos for RS, movie A is the only video where reversals could be found, and his RS indicated the lie.

- A man by the name of Andrew Haley went by the name Catchmekiller on You Tube. He posted a couple of videos claiming to be the killer of 16 women. In his “game” he was going to reveal clues that would lead people to their bodies in each video. I am following the case of Tara Grinstead who was one of the women he claimed to have killed. He sent me a message challenging me to find through his RS he was not the killer. I obliged. His RS from one of the videos clearly indicated he was not a killer. 4 months later he was indicted by a grand jury, and arrested for making false claims.
One more time with feeling

Give me ONE case where a police agency has used rs and it lead to the guilty party.

By the way, I don't "support" anyone and I don't appreciate that comment.

One more time . . . I was alerted to this thread and came to look.

Shawn, you are lucky I am letting you continue this "discussion." You are getting more hits on your website then you probably have ever received before thanks to Websleuths.

I need one paragraph with the information I requested. Not a long page with examples that show me nothing.

I am waiting for Nurse Karen to respond to my request as well.
I was only interested in the reverse speech for two reasons:

1. To compare, analyze to see how it aligned up with what scripture has to say about peoples speech, to actually see if it parralled in anyway

2. After we got some arrests and or convictions in this case, actually finding out what has happened to Haleigh, I wanted to go back in hindsight and compare the reverse speech analysis to the actual real facts once we get them and determine for myself if it was spot on or not, being the skeptic I am at heart.

I personally haven't gone to Shawn's website, nor any links provided herein, I was just gonna use this forum and thread as my personal own case study as I didn't want to be tainted by others and documentation. My own little personal investigation, hehehehehe Just wanted to see for myself kind of thing. I'm nosy and skeptical like that.
Just a quick question, is this for all threads on Haleigh or just this one? If people state something as fact, they need to have proof to back it up? TIA!

OK. I am not going to get into the obvious.

Karen stated this as fact. Like she knows LE has this tool at their desposal and they can use it. This is just not true. You will never EVER see LE say they use RS. Again, they have voodoo at their desposal too. Just because it is out there doesn't mean they use it.

As far as your question I will assume you didn't mean to come across as a bit snitty because you know the rules apply to everywhere on the forum unless otherwise stated or understood.

In case there is any question on how it works on WS; If you state something as fact like "LE uses RS" you have to be ready to back it up. If you say, "I bet LE uses RS" that is an opinion.

Don't not nitpick please and create more work for our moderators.
OK, here is the deal.

I need one clear cut example of where RS was used to apprehend and convict a criminal. Used by Law Enforcement. Not by a private detective.
This needs to be a case where LE stated they used RS to help them.

If you can't provide one simple paragraph (not a whole page) then I will shut this thread down.

However, I am more the willing to keep the discussion going if anyone can provide the info I requested.

If you can provide one case where reverse speech was used as a tool then I will take a second look at this topic

Hi Tricia.

I searched for a little while online last night, but have not yet found what I am looking for. I don't want to give a link or refer to a web site where the information is coming from someone who does reverse speech analysis. What I want to be able to give is some news articles, such as might have been posted on news web sites.

I will look again this evening. Thank you for letting us have this thread.

One more time with feeling

Give me ONE case where a police agency has used rs and it lead to the guilty party.

...I need one paragraph with the information I requested. Not a long page with examples that show me nothing...

...You will never EVER see LE say they use RS....
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]"This new frontier can be used as an exciting and new investigative tool ... the police department in Australia did verify that [Reverse Speech] located a murder weapon in the basement."
The National Private Investigators Journal. April, 1991.

You did emphasize ONE case, right?
I've got to go to the Doctors, got bronchitis darn it, when I get back. I'm going to look to see if I'm able to come by any info referencing the subject Tricia has brought up as I know somewhere down the line I was going to have to do it anyway to determine myself the questions in the back of my mind I've been holding off on til we got some kind of arrest and or conviction of the actual perp in this case so I could go back to Shawn's speech reversals that he has done on that particular person, if he's provided one for them and compare to see if any accuracies existed.

I think we've requested and provided just about every player in this case with links for Shawn to use in answering our questions concerning the reversals and possible hidden clues. I wouldn't be so "clue hungry" if we had it going on like in Caylee Anthony's case. Document dumps galore. Pressers all the time. We get practically nothing confirmed from LE and have very little to work with which is frustrating sometimes for me.

I think Tricia has brought up the most important thing we need to consider, we do need to know, one way or the other. Thanks Tricia too for keeping the discussion open, it's interesting to me, even this aspect. It's what makes websleuths stand out, we look at everything. Peace.
I was only interested in the reverse speech for two reasons:

1. To compare, analyze to see how it aligned up with what scripture has to say about peoples speech, to actually see if it parralled in anyway

2. After we got some arrests and or convictions in this case, actually finding out what has happened to Haleigh, I wanted to go back in hindsight and compare the reverse speech analysis to the actual real facts once we get them and determine for myself if it was spot on or not, being the skeptic I am at heart.

I personally haven't gone to Shawn's website, nor any links provided herein, I was just gonna use this forum and thread as my personal own case study as I didn't want to be tainted by others and documentation. My own little personal investigation, hehehehehe Just wanted to see for myself kind of thing. I'm nosy and skeptical like that.

Hiya Kool! One more thing and I'll leave this thread since it's just not my 'cup o tea'! Obviously I don't presume to speak for Tricia (or anyone else) but some of the reasons you have posted above are probably why this thread has been left open. Just like the dreams and astrology threads, info posted there is never stated as fact (that I have seen) but as beliefs and opinions. We can all read and decide for ourselves and I am all for that, even though I am a skeptic by my very nature. :crazy: This information however has been stated as fact with no proof that 'I' am able to see. (or hear) Since you have been here much longer than I...I feel sure that you may agree with me (?)that by being the owner of Websleuths, one of the few reputable crime websites around, that Tricia has an obligation to question and ask for proof of such claims. This is not speculating on a case as we all do here so it's just not the same as the 'IMO' stuff. Anyway, I am rambling now, but I hope that you know what I mean...that I understand why Tricia HAS TO protect 'Her Baby' and our favorite place to be! :blowkiss:

btw Kool~ Just want you to know that while we may disagree on this case, you are one of the most SPECIAL peeps here. You have such a good heart..a very rare quality indeed!
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