Baez files yet another motion re: Video of Casey's reaction to remains found

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I know! It bodes poorly when one has to :waitasec::waitasec::waitasec: before moving onto the second page. Complete Sentence Patrol, JB!

I read and reread that part 3 times because I figured I was being dense. This reads like JB needs to get a lot more sleep, or something?? IMO this is his worst motion to date. Maybe just because it's the longest??

I don't know. I think filing that affidavit with his client testifying might have been his low point.
From the latest Motion:

"3. All meetings with client are protected by the attorney client privilege, even though the jail has done so in the past in the location they want us to meet in. Most times it has been in a vacant classroom."


"8. It is clear hornbook case law that every person who acts "under color of state law" that monitoring of such conversations violates this basis prohibition."

IMO JB should stop affecting this weird "ok let's dumb it down to basics, guys-- even a first year law student knows this!"- posture. Because it's embarrassing. Because he has demonstrated many times that he doesn't know the basics.

JB's latest emission is out of control! Dude needs help.

And as every first year law student knows, it's "hornbook law" not "hornbook case law" you nimwit JB!
I am about as sick of JB as I am KC. I wish they would toss him off the case, this man is a joke and has no business trying a case such as this.
I'll start out by saying I am not a lawyer and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

What I really want to know is who and when can someone in authority stand up and say "enough is enough". I cannot believe that JB is this inept an attorney. He has to be up to something.

My DW was asking the same question and the only thing that I could come up with is that her first trial will be declared a mistrial or overturned on appeal due to ineffective counsel. Is he betting that the state won't want to spend the money again to do a whole trial over again? That's a pretty gutsy move considering his client sits in jail all this time. I mean, according to you guys, he's missing stuff that a first year law student would catch. He's got LKB on board, she may not be a genious but she has to know better. I just feel this guy is playing a game. Maybe he is that stupid or blinded by lust to be effective counsel. Is there any way the court can step in and say "Look, you're an idiot and you better step down from the case or you're going to lose your chance to appeal on grounds of ineffective counsel".

Please, someone tell me that the Florida Bar isn't so easy to pass that someone like JB can get away with being a practicing defense attorney. Because, if it is, I'm on my way down there to hang up a shingle.
Okay, I wasn't going to even give Baez the pleasure of reading or commenting on his nonsense, but he used the word "booted" in this document? I had to rub my eyes on this one. Where does he think these cases remotely apply to what Casey's situation is?
Okay, I wasn't going to even give Baez the pleasure of reading or commenting on his nonsense, but he used the word "booted" in this document? I had to rub my eyes on this one. Where does he think these cases remotely apply to what Casey's situation is?

OMG, I was going to mention this too. Who uses slang like that in a legal document. He also says "This Honorable court needs to understand". I'm thinking that is not the normal wording used to address a court.:waitasec:
Okay, I wasn't going to even give Baez the pleasure of reading or commenting on his nonsense, but he used the word "booted" in this document? I had to rub my eyes on this one. Where does he think these cases remotely apply to what Casey's situation is?

Thank you!
in #10 he says "booted"
in # 11 he says "softball"

What does he think, he & Stan are big buds and just chattin' over a beer, after a round of golf, or what?
I am about as sick of JB as I am KC. I wish they would toss him off the case, this man is a joke and has no business trying a case such as this.

Just imagine how poor Judge Strictland feels.. I bet every time he sees one of JB's motions cross his desk he puts his head in his hands and groans...poor guy.

what time does this dramarama take place tomorrow??
I really don't know what to think. Hate to think it is something bad, like her throwing a fit or holding each other. But golly, come on awready.. I wanna see it------> N-O-W! I mean, it is the law. He knows that and so do we. If JB gets caught wid his britches down (no pun intended) so to speak---hey I wanna see it.
Looks like if it was really---really---really bad then wouldn't the bar pop him upside the head awready?
I'm surprised it took him 30 points to make 1.

Exactly, and the only point I see he has made is that the video must hold some mighty incriminating evidence as to his client's demeanor on the day that human remains were found (although as yet unidentified), not to mention his own questionable "professional" behavior.

Let's just highlight it and bring more attention to the heavy weight it must all carry, Baez. Good going!

From the latest Motion:

"3. All meetings with client are protected by the attorney client privilege, even though the jail has done so in the past in the location they want us to meet in. Most times it has been in a vacant classroom."


"8. It is clear hornbook case law that every person who acts "under color of state law" that monitoring of such conversations violates this basis prohibition."

IMO JB should stop affecting this weird "ok let's dumb it down to basics, guys-- even a first year law student knows this!"- posture. Because it's embarrassing. Because he has demonstrated many times that he doesn't know the basics.

JB's latest emission is out of control! Dude needs help.

Right on! This motion is one of the worst written pieces of junk I've ever seen. Even taking out the bad legal arguments, it's still riddled with bad grammar and style.

Who says "booted out" on a motion?!
The subject and verbs don't agree on many sentences.
He shifts back and forth from third to first person.
He references a news story for case law!! In hyperlink form no less! Who taught him how to cite to news articles??
And what the hell is paragraph 11 saying?? Can someone interpret this?
I can't imagine that the court likes being told what they "should understand."
I could go on and on and on...

I am a law student, and this motion looks like something our legal writing teacher would give us as an example of what not to do. Ever.

By the way... what is "hornbook case law?" hahahaha

I have never started a thread and hope this is the way to do it. If it isnt please feel free to delete or correct.

JB has filed an emergency motion trying to block the release of the Video of Casey's reactions. He also has many more "demands" listed. He also wants to stop any future monitoring of him and Casey together. :waitasec:

The actual motion is in PDF within the body of the article linked below

It's interesting. Check it out

Talk about asking for special treatment! This takes the cake. Why does JB act like the surveillance cameras at the jail are new news to him? I would think that any and every criminal defense attorney would make it their business to know the routine at the jail. IMO, no privilege is violated as long as there is no audio and no close ups of paperwork. I doubt if the film quality is such that one could lip read, but that's JMO.
OMG Baez this is not small claims court!

You have written a motion that any Joe off the street could have improved on.

:eek: :bang:
OK...I admit it. I thought this was going to be a case of making a mountain out of a molehill. But your all right. I found myself wondering halfway thru reading the motion if KC was dictating half of it, and ended up thinking that maybe she at the least typed it up. I'm not a lawyer or a secretary but there were several typos in it. And is it normal for the words "The defendant prays, the honorable court....." to be used in a motion? Doesn't seem that praying has a place in a legal document.

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