Baez files yet another motion re: Video of Casey's reaction to remains found

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OK...I admit it. I thought this was going to be a case of making a mountain out of a molehill. But your all right. I found myself wondering halfway thru reading the motion if KC was dictating half of it, and ended up thinking that maybe she at the least typed it up. I'm not a lawyer or a secretary but there were several typos in it. And is it normal for the words "The defendant prays, the honorable court....." to be used in a motion? Doesn't seem that praying has a place in a legal document.

Yes that is correct however it should be ....
"this defendant prays the Honourable Court", however the rest of the "pleadings" do not TELL how the court should rule. But hey I'm from Canada and we still wear wigs and gowns for High Court.
Baez must have a very short memory. He's already been warned twice about contact with the inmate.

He knows he's being watched!! WHY do anything that you wouldn't want seen by the public?!! He's had ample warning regarding his inappropriate behaviour with his client.
Do lawyers cry with their clients often? I'd hope my lawyer would be more professional.
Wigs and gowns aren't bad. There are times I feel wigs, big floppy shoes and red rubber noses should be requirements in our courts :p

btw, I love canadians, my mom is one :)
Wigs and gowns aren't bad. There are times I feel wigs, big floppy shoes and red rubber noses should be requirements in our courts :p

btw, I love canadians, my mom is one :)

HA HA in this case the clown costumes would be most appropriate!

I bet your mom is wonderful :blowkiss:
OMG, I was going to mention this too. Who uses slang like that in a legal document. He also says "This Honorable court needs to understand". I'm thinking that is not the normal wording used to address a court.:waitasec:

It's not the normal wording, nor is it advised to address the Court with such disrespect.
OK...I admit it. I thought this was going to be a case of making a mountain out of a molehill. But your all right. I found myself wondering halfway thru reading the motion if KC was dictating half of it, and ended up thinking that maybe she at the least typed it up. I'm not a lawyer or a secretary but there were several typos in it. And is it normal for the words "The defendant prays, the honorable court....." to be used in a motion? Doesn't seem that praying has a place in a legal document.

Yes, it's very common to use such language.
Yes, it's very common to use such language.

It's just superfluous nonsense that the ego driven legal profession uses as another attempt to put itself above the common man...and they should be reviled for it.
He needs to hire an attorney to write his motions.
I say -- the judge will get a smirk then get irritated over the attention that JB is looking for with this one. Basically as I read it, JB is telling the judge, he the judge, needs to understand the constitution. As amended and written by JB.

Not a good thing to do, JB, not at all.

It sounds like to me that he is actually threatening the court? Can that be? If you do not rule as I deem you should then it is highly likely that I will sue the pants off of anyone and everyone around. Talk about not making any friends in the courts!

On a lighter note, I believe that the jumbled up mess that he presented as a motion just demonstrates how much a major in English might have been a good choice for his undergraduate studies if he planned to go into law. I mean, I am an ordinary Jane Doe citizen, and I think with very little thought I could hammer out something much more readable and understandable than that gobbledeegook that he presented as his motion. Over and over again he returns to the same point, only, that point is no point at all. I mean, come on JB-just because you do not have the sense that God gave a goose to KNOW that the POTENTIAL for them to SAVE these video tapings is a very real possibility-considering they take the video for a REASON. They can and will "save" it at any time that that feel is necessary and no matter if you write a ten thousand word motion about it and quote Constitutional law all day long it ain't gonna change a thing-don't you know that? And worse, why don't you>:waitasec:???

I would have posted sooner, but I had to go and have a migraine and clean the blood up from around my EYES!:eek: for a little while and let the memory of the horror of that document fade a bit. Perhaps JB needs to get himself a new paralegal. Isn't that who constructs most of these motions-the paralegal? If so then he needs a new one, and if not, I would suggest he take some night classes and polish up on the English language and its proper use. There should be NO errors such as spelling and grammar in a legal pleading...that is totally LAMO! and shows his level of professionalism.
Baez must have a very short memory. He's already been warned twice about contact with the inmate.

He knows he's being watched!! WHY do anything that you wouldn't want seen by the public?!! He's had ample warning regarding his inappropriate behaviour with his client.
Do lawyers cry with their clients often? I'd hope my lawyer would be more professional.

Attention span of a gnat apparently!:rolleyes:
It sounds like to me that he is actually threatening the court? Can that be? If you do not rule as I deem you should then it is highly likely that I will sue the pants off of anyone and everyone around. Talk about not making any friends in the courts!

On a lighter note, I believe that the jumbled up mess that he presented as a motion just demonstrates how much a major in English might have been a good choice for his undergraduate studies if he planned to go into law. I mean, I am an ordinary Jane Doe citizen, and I think with very little thought I could hammer out something much more readable and understandable than that gobbledeegook that he presented as his motion. Over and over again he returns to the same point, only, that point is no point at all. I mean, come on JB-just because you do not have the sense that God gave a goose to KNOW that the POTENTIAL for them to SAVE these video tapings is a very real possibility-considering they take the video for a REASON. They can and will "save" it at any time that that feel is necessary and no matter if you write a ten thousand word motion about it and quote Constitutional law all day long it ain't gonna change a thing-don't you know that? And worse, why don't you>:waitasec:???

I would have posted sooner, but I had to go and have a migraine and clean the blood up from around my EYES!:eek: for a little while and let the memory of the horror of that document fade a bit. Perhaps JB needs to get himself a new paralegal. Isn't that who constructs most of these motions-the paralegal? If so then he needs a new one, and if not, I would suggest he take some night classes and polish up on the English language and its proper use. There should be NO errors such as spelling and grammar in a legal pleading...that is totally LAMO! and shows his level of professionalism.
And this man is teaching law?
Oooh...threatening a federal civil rights suit...maybe someone should file one on behalf of Caylee.
Right on! This motion is one of the worst written pieces of junk I've ever seen. Even taking out the bad legal arguments, it's still riddled with bad grammar and style.

Who says "booted out" on a motion?!
The subject and verbs don't agree on many sentences.
He shifts back and forth from third to first person.
He references a news story for case law!! In hyperlink form no less! Who taught him how to cite to news articles??
And what the hell is paragraph 11 saying?? Can someone interpret this?
I can't imagine that the court likes being told what they "should understand."
I could go on and on and on...

I am a law student, and this motion looks like something our legal writing teacher would give us as an example of what not to do. Ever.

By the way... what is "hornbook case law?" hahahaha


ooh. If you're still in legal writing class, you should totally bring this motion to class-- I think it would be a really excellent teaching tool! I really think that if someone had handed JB's motion in to my legal writing teacher, she would have returned it with No. in lieu of a grade. haha.

Also, I think JB says "booted" because it's borrowed from the headline of the Miami Herald article he's referencing, Broward judge boots murder case prosecutors over taped calls.

This motion really reads like JB woke up deeply hungover and made a mad dash to throw something together within an hour. It's amazing.

Ooh, also, sorry if your question was rhetorical, but just in case it wasn't-- I think paragraph 11 was attempting to communicate this general idea?
The prosecutors have been privy to the confidential medical information of Casey Anthony. Lt Tammy U.’s affidavit relays Lt. U’s synopsis of the private & privileged conversations between Anthony and her legal counsel. Information about the content of those privileged conversations could only have been obtained by surreptitious means. If any agent of the State (OCDS or SA’s Office) attempts to deny or downplay the significance of Lt. U’s surreptitious interception of these privileged conversations, the Court should commence a fact-finding hearing to determine how the privileged conversations were intercepted and the conditions under which they were relayed to the SA.

I'm becoming strangely fascinated by the inner workings of JB's mind. I think I'm slowly beginning to understand him haha. :martini:
Someone please clarify something for me. There is a video of KC reaction to the discovery on Suburban. Is the video of Baez and KC crying/not crying part of the same video or is it a different one?
And this man is teaching law?

Isn't that just BEAUTIFUL? He cannot even compose a coherent THOUGHT on paper and is TEACHING others the same...

Someone please clarify something for me. There is a video of KC reaction to the discovery on Suburban. Is the video of Baez and KC crying/not crying part of the same video or is it a different one?

There seem to either be 2 different videos-OR there is one LONG video and it begins with Casey hyperventilating and it ends with JB and Casey bawling together NOT according to him but who is going to believe HIM? I mean, he says Casey is
There seem to either be 2 different videos-OR there is one LONG video and it begins with Casey hyperventilating and it ends with JB and Casey bawling together NOT according to him but who is going to believe HIM? I mean, he says Casey is

Well that is the impression I was getting, but at times I wondered if it was one long video. So the most recent motion pertains to the crying video, right? The judge is to rule about the reaction video tomorrow?

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