Baez' Statement Regarding DP News

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I see where you are coming from. But we need to remember that every person in this country is entitled to a fair trial - no matter how horrible their crime. And I may be wrong about this, but I don't think he could have ever just jumped ship. I don't know a whole lot about the law, though!

So true and I will be so glad when this "fair trial" starts and ends.
Yes, you are absolutely right, that's exactly what he said Lookylou:

"It changes absolutely nothing. For people to be out there saying I'm going to be off the case or I'm going to be in the background, they really don't know what they're talking about," Baez said.

And this comes, mind you, from a man who can't even file his motions in the proper manner. Perhaps those Forces are already at work in his office?

They make me sick. I cannot understand why they think everyone should just drink the Kool-aid and feel sorry for PoorMissPantsOnFire.

Bolding added. So his client's life is on the line for murdering her baby girl and Baez thinks this statement is pertinent? Really JB? Is that really important right now? :waitasec:
Why am I having visions of Casey coming into court with her hair wound up on the sides in those big bagel things covering her ears?


Perhaps a flashback to what I think was one of the cutest pics of Caylee...the one with the Princess Leia costume on. Crazy how this case just keeps spinning in on itself.
OT but kinda on topic.
On JB and KC's dream team. It amazes and disgusts me that KC gets all these people helping her, but the lady in the recent SC case, which is just as appalling has a public defender.
They should both have a P.Defender.
Perhaps a flashback to what I think was one of the cutest pics of Caylee...the one with the Princess Leia costume on. Crazy how this case just keeps spinning in on itself.


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OMG! I'm so glad I found this thread! I just heard the whole "forces out to get her" comment and I'm about to blow a gasket! Exactly who and what are these forces out to get KC? Uh, maybe the SA just wants a murderess to be put to death or spend the rest of her life in prison for the heinous murder of her own 2 yo daughter. Maybe the duct tape around the skull makes them a "force" to be reckoned with. Is JB actually trying to imply that the state of Florida has nothing better to do than to frame KC? That rather than ACTUALLY find the person that committed this crime, they just don't want to expend the energy and so have decided to grab the innocent, grieving mother and pin it on her? GMAB! Hey, JB, get your head out of there and look at the REAL truth! You ARE defending a murderer! This IS a murder trial! Geesh! Sorry! Just had to get that off of my chest! That has to be the most ridiculous remark I've heard in a while, and this case has been filled with ridiculous remarks! :mad:
Now we just need Cajun to update us with the next chapter to the saga of Imaliarants. :woohoo:
How does he do that? Even when he sounds like he is about to cry he has a smirk on his face.
The court news announced that JB does not have the experience for 1st chair and may not be able to co-counsel .....dp will bring more conservative jury which is more likely to convict...
:laugh: "aware of the forces that are out to get her"

Forces = FBI, Orange County Sheriff's Department, the State of Florida

But not the family of the child she is accused of murdering....kinda makes you go hhhhhmmmmm.......=(

Even worse, she's got Karma going against her and there's plenty more heading her way.
KC must get her paranoia from George. :crazy:
Hearing all the nonsense about "forces" out to get his client......I swear I am hearing him say...."May the farce be with you." Maybe I am just crazy....
Apologies for my random thought here.

I've been hung up on the payment of lawyers, experts, PI's in the criminal case, whilst declaring indigent in the civil case all day :rolleyes:

I think I may have had a lightbulb moment. It's purely assumption, so if you read this rambling please understand it is only 'personal deduction', not a backed up fact.

In the conflict of interest hearing with Strickland, it was shown there was no conflict of interest and that JB had no authorization from KC to sell her story.
KC also stated that no deal was in the works to sell her story.

I also figured that the photograph, video release money wouldn't last long divided between 11 or more lawyers and multiple 'experts'.

BUT (you knew there had to be one right? :crazy:)

No-one said JB can't sell his OWN story, defending the indefensible, insight into his client (without divulging details or breaking Attorney client privelage). How he dealt with the media - the mean SA and FBI- those pesky complaints - the dratted PI's - I see a book, a movie and promotional interviews galore. Plenty of $$$$$$$$'s ahead.

Great theory.

But, (I keep a few on hand, too)

Why would JB want to share those earnings with so many other attorneys that would take a fair slice of the profit pie? I mean to say I could see him bringing in a few high profile lawyers to assist with the case to make it more marketable, but why so many when the outcome is likely to be a loss?

I'd love to see this transaction tracked back to August. Recall that KC's parents visited her when JB was away in NY, "Doing business for her"
I don't think the deal is signed or that a paper trail will be found.

I'd bet a handshake, a nod and a wink is how this contract will work for now.

Being paid when the job is finished (after sentencing in this instance) is not unusual, and goes some way to explain a cashflow problem meanwhile.

DC wasn't paid.
Henri Lee piggybacked his examination of the remains onto another Fl visit.

Excellent points, NSS.

In a loose way, this can be further supported by CA's statement that they have an 'understanding' with DC and that no money has yet changed hands. In addition to the defense team, the A's and their investigator get a cut of the pay0out at the end?
JVM on her show just played the clip of Jose saying "she's fully aware of the forces out to get her" and Jane said "Hmmm, I'd bet the prosecution calls it justice." LOL
Excellent points, NSS.

In a loose way, this can be further supported by CA's statement that they have an 'understanding' with DC and that no money has yet changed hands. In addition to the defense team, the A's and their investigator get a cut of the pay0out at the end?
Who in the name of Hades would TRUST JB with a "nod and a wink" type deal?
Baez's spokeswoman just said on HLN that the "timing" of this announcement that the SA decided to seek the death penalty was to overshadow the story of Deputy Cain's firing.
On JVM, McKenzie was speaking (JB's new mouth piece). OMG, she was blinking the ENTIRE time she talked! :) Guess he can't find anyone that's real!! I would not want her to be my spokesperson!!
Great theory.

But, (I keep a few on hand, too)

Why would JB want to share those earnings with so many other attorneys that would take a fair slice of the profit pie? I mean to say I could see him bringing in a few high profile lawyers to assist with the case to make it more marketable, but why so many when the outcome is likely to be a loss?

I'd love to see this transaction tracked back to August. Recall that KC's parents visited her when JB was away in NY, "Doing business for her"

In order to keep this topic *hot* he has to have recognizable names on his team, LKB, HL etc and he has to look competent (failing miserably there) so PI's ala OJ, lawyers for the civil case, lawyers to do his lawyering, since JB is busy doing jail visits, he has to LOOK like a big important fish, so he needs all the accessories.

Some of the lower tier lawyers will be pro bono, the rest are JB's *team*.

The NY trip and sale (I mean licensing) of pics and videos is cash to keep the team afloat - no conflict exists - KC said sell them, he did and he deducts his costs from them. (just to tide him over till sentencing).

The conflict only exists if his payment was based upon future sales of a deal, for that may affect his advice.

The judge thinks the already collected pics/vid money is funding the defense.

The only "force" out to get her is............


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