Baez' Statement Regarding DP News

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Ok I know this sounds really silly but everytime I watch that clip with JB talking about the evil forces I just keep seeing Patrick Swayze in my mind, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." Corny, I know but I just keep seeing that in my mind. I think it's my conscience just reminding me that I think he is too personally involved with the case and is looking at things with "rose colored glasses" for lack of a better term? They have no witness and no confession. I know he hasn't been practicing law for that long and I just sell advertising, but I believe cases have been won without a witness or confession. I know the detectives would like to think that all murderers run down to the police station and confess, but I'm thinking that doesn't happen too often. Maybe he needs to watch CSI or Law & Order to catch up on things.
Respectfully snipped & bolded by me. Some PLEASE TELL ME WHAT PLEA??

Ugh, sorry to yell, but this is so frustrating. KC wrote in on a document that the prosecution was angry at her for not accepting a plea deal. Now Beaz is mentioning it too. What plea? When, where, how? Who? Why?

Um . . . is the prosecution aware of this (imaginary??) plea offer? Or does it only exist in KC/Baez lala land?

Please don't take this as absolute fact, but the only recollection I have of any plea discussions to date were back in late September/early October (I think) when emails were published from someone in the SA.

In the emails it appeared as if JB had approached the SA to request a meeting to discuss a possible plea bargain. The emails showed that the SA appeared to try to follow-up with JB several times afterward and he never took further action.

If there is anything else known out there, I hope someone else will chime in because I am curious, too.

ETA: I have always wondered two things about this:
1. does KC know that JB didn't follow-up after his initial request?
2. did JB misrepresent the response to KC and that is why she wrote what she did on her affidavit about Ashotn trying to get her to plea?

There must be a missing piece of this and a further plea meeting/discussion for her to feel such venom towards Ashton specifically.
Ok I know this sounds really silly but everytime I watch that clip with JB talking about the evil forces I just keep seeing Patrick Swayze in my mind, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." Corny, I know but I just keep seeing that in my mind. I think it's my conscience just reminding me that I think he is too personally involved with the case and is looking at things with "rose colored glasses" for lack of a better term? They have no witness and no confession. I know he hasn't been practicing law for that long and I just sell advertising, but I believe cases have been won without a witness or confession. I know the detectives would like to think that all murderers run down to the police station and confess, but I'm thinking that doesn't happen too often. Maybe he needs to watch CSI or Law & Order to catch up on things.

All they need to do is look at the Scott Peterson case to realize that a jury will send someone to death row on MUCH less than what they've got on her!
Respectfully snipped & bolded by me. Some PLEASE TELL ME WHAT PLEA??

Ugh, sorry to yell, but this is so frustrating. KC wrote in on a document that the prosecution was angry at her for not accepting a plea deal. Now Beaz is mentioning it too. What plea? When, where, how? Who? Why?

Um . . . is the prosecution aware of this (imaginary??) plea offer? Or does it only exist in KC/Baez lala land?

I don't believe there is currently a plea offer in play. As I understand it, the defendant can ask her lawyer to approach the SA to negotiate for a deal though at any time. Some think the DP might be a bargaining chip (strong arm tactic) to get KC to tell the truth in exchange for a specific sentence that doesn't include the DP.
You guys are so entertaining. Then reality hits again and I think about Caylee.

So sad. So outrageous.

Does anyone else think that GR is financing some of this to get an 'exclusive'?
You guys are so entertaining. Then reality hits again and I think about Caylee.

So sad. So outrageous.

Does anyone else think that GR is financing some of this to get an 'exclusive'?

I am just so beyond frustrated with this case, I'm sorry. I don't mean to sound crass. I just think that she should have pleaded out a long time ago and let everyone start healing, including her parents. I have never seen such anger as the other day in the depositions and all I can think of is that they are holding on to the anger because it's easier than dealing with the reality of the situation.

As for GR financing some of the defense, I am not sure. I think there are deals in the works though. JB isn't doing this out of the kindness of his heart although I do think he is too emotionally attached to KC, he didn't sign on for that reason initially.
Yanno, Baez is a j*cka*s plain and simple.

She's aware of the forces out to get her? What the heck does that mean? Oooh poor KC, so misunderstood by the entire nation. I mean jeesh, what did she do wrong?! She has absolutley NO REMORSE for whats shes done, which I think will play a huge factor in the DP sentence. If all evidence points to one person, all motive, and then top off all the lies and deception going on with her... and she still sticks to that Zanny story? Confess it KC! We all know what you did! Save yourself. But she won't, she plays the victim. She's done it her entire life.

I don't believe that they are doing this to make a plea. I think KC just deserves to be put to death, and the state thinks so as well.
KC -- Thanks to JB acting in your best interests, WS'ers would like to bid you....

Auf Wiedersehen, Ciao, Buona sera, Au Revoir, Hejdå, Shalom, Sampai Jumpa, Adios, Paalam, Zai Jian, .....
Baez's spokeswoman just said on HLN that the "timing" of this announcement that the SA decided to seek the death penalty was to overshadow the story of Deputy Cain's firing.

Oh Fer GAWD'S sake! :rolleyes:
I heard the same thing on HLN this afternoon. Attorney said that FLA requires co-counsel to have tried 3 murder cases and JB has only tried one which he lost.

Here is what the FLA Supreme Court has laid out as requirements for lead, co, and appellate counsel in capital cases via the link here:

I'm not sure JB qualifies. If he does, it's by the hair of his chinny-chin-chin.
Baez's spokeswoman just said on HLN that the "timing" of this announcement that the SA decided to seek the death penalty was to overshadow the story of Deputy Cain's firing.

I have always thought the reason for having a spokesperson was so that the messages to the public would be professional, non embarassing, and intelligent. I guess I had that wrong, eh?
Please don't take this as absolute fact, but the only recollection I have of any plea discussions to date were back in late September/early October (I think) when emails were published from someone in the SA.

In the emails it appeared as if JB had approached the SA to request a meeting to discuss a possible plea bargain. The emails showed that the SA appeared to try to follow-up with JB several times afterward and he never took further action.

If there is anything else known out there, I hope someone else will chime in because I am curious, too.

ETA: I have always wondered two things about this:
1. does KC know that JB didn't follow-up after his initial request?
2. did JB misrepresent the response to KC and that is why she wrote what she did on her affidavit about Ashotn trying to get her to plea?

There must be a missing piece of this and a further plea meeting/discussion for her to feel such venom towards Ashton specifically.

It also kinda makes you wonder if JB is just stringing her along, telling her "Aw! They just want you to take a plea!" But not telling her that there isn't ACTUALLY a plea being offered!
What? Forces out to get Casey. Biaz is right. It's the Police Force that's out to get her.
Apologies for my random thought here.

I've been hung up on the payment of lawyers, experts, PI's in the criminal case, whilst declaring indigent in the civil case all day :rolleyes:

I think I may have had a lightbulb moment. It's purely assumption, so if you read this rambling please understand it is only 'personal deduction', not a backed up fact.

In the conflict of interest hearing with Strickland, it was shown there was no conflict of interest and that JB had no authorization from KC to sell her story.
KC also stated that no deal was in the works to sell her story.

I also figured that the photograph, video release money wouldn't last long divided between 11 or more lawyers and multiple 'experts'.

BUT (you knew there had to be one right? :crazy:)

No-one said JB can't sell his OWN story, defending the indefensible, insight into his client (without divulging details or breaking Attorney client privelage). How he dealt with the media - the mean SA and FBI- those pesky complaints - the dratted PI's - I see a book, a movie and promotional interviews galore. Plenty of $$$$$$$$'s ahead.

JB absolutely cannot sell his story. It is a huge legal ethical deal. In particular he cannot sell it as a form of compensation for his casework in a case like this. The story is not his to sell. Ever. Legal ethics mandate that he be an agressive advocate for his clients interests, and to not bring his own interests into the equation. This is why Criminal Lawyers are paid up front, and cannot be paid via contigency fees of any sort. It isn't some act of greed. That process of paying the lawyer is there to insure that the lawyers personal needs (ie feeding his family, keeping a roof over his head, maintaining his business etc) are met up front. This in turn frees the lawyer from conflicts and enables to be a strong advocate for the clients interests without fear of any conflict.

JB selling his story would be viewed as a contingency arrangement. The state would not allow it. The Bar would not allow it. The judge probably would not allow it. He would be disbarred and disgraced. He may be civily liable for whatever story he puts forth.

The only strong exception to this, is if the major players and principals of the case are known to be dead.
"Forces out to get her" ? Yes, Jose those "forces" are the people and the state of Florida ! Jose said that the state is sadly mistaken if they are trying to get a plea from Casey, have you thought that maybe, Jose, the state and the people of Florida just want to put Casey to death for what she did to her daughter ?

You bet he has, cause even if he is not allowing himself to realize it, it is the truth. And that is what makes him such a good lawyer for Casey. He is a nobody and he tries very hard and does a convincing job of making it look like he is doing this pro bono because Casey doesn't have the money. But it doesn't matter to him, he is not some lawyer who is paid huge amounts of money to lie, to be the polished charming shark who can make a catchy rhyme into freedom for this woman who has done nothing wrong. He is doing this because it is the right thing to do. Her family in there grief is overwhelmed by the tragic loss of their grand-daughter and lashes out in anger at the same people who have framed Casey.

Ya right. We know it is BS. We know it is for the money, because even if he does lose, he has done a damn good job looking like believes in Casey, looking like he knows what he is doing, looking like he is filled with confidence because is just so confident that Casey is innocent. How else could a lawyer so inexperienced stand up in such a critical moment? What a crock, he's doing it because he will look like a master persuader. Because even the "innocent" won't admit it they know as well that that is how they could win.

The more they throw at Casey the more opportunities he will have to scrap it out for her. Doesn't matter if that end arrive because he's DP approved or it arrives because Casey has won her freedom. Those opportunities give him a shot to show his powers of persuasion outside to courtroom even if not inside it. He just has to show it off to the next "innocent" criminal will consider him. He's a lawyer for goodness sake he does a better job at "doing denial" because he is cold hearted snake, unlike CA, GA and LE who have been deeply affected by Caylee's death.

Does that make sense?
Ok I know this sounds really silly but everytime I watch that clip with JB talking about the evil forces I just keep seeing Patrick Swayze in my mind, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." QUOTE]

Yeah, but Patrick Swayze is hot-- and Hosey is not...

However, I see future movie casting ability in your quote, so I nominate you to keep your eyes open for who should play JB & KC et al- or rather, ad nauseum.
Please don't take this as absolute fact, but the only recollection I have of any plea discussions to date were back in late September/early October (I think) when emails were published from someone in the SA.

In the emails it appeared as if JB had approached the SA to request a meeting to discuss a possible plea bargain. The emails showed that the SA appeared to try to follow-up with JB several times afterward and he never took further action.

If there is anything else known out there, I hope someone else will chime in because I am curious, too.

ETA: I have always wondered two things about this:
1. does KC know that JB didn't follow-up after his initial request?
2. did JB misrepresent the response to KC and that is why she wrote what she did on her affidavit about Ashotn trying to get her to plea?

There must be a missing piece of this and a further plea meeting/discussion for her to feel such venom towards Ashton specifically.

Tater, I think what you're recalling is the time-limited partial immunity offer that the SA offered, and the defense didn't respond to by the deadline.

Last I checked, no plea deal has ever been filed in this case by the SA. (The time I last checked was when KC added that handwritten '#7' note to the motion in response to the SA's motion to disclose how the defense was being paid. I believe it was Kathy Belich who checked to see if a plea deal had ever been filed and reported her findings (nada).)

I would imagine there could very well be informal discussions of possible immunity, partial immunity, and plea bargains between the SA and the defense, but it's not official, and the defense can neither accept nor reject, until the SA files it officially, and it is clear what is being offered and the terms of the offer.
I'm searching my posts and found it was March 11 when I researched whether any plea deals had been filed. In one post, I reference that it was the day before (March 10) when it had been checked by a news organization and found that no plea deals had been filed.

I'm looking for the linkety-link!

ETA: Found it! March 11 by the Orlando Sentinel (not Kathy Belich):

The State Attorney's Office has no record of a formal plea offer in Casey Anthony's case, Tavernier said.

Casey Anthony case: Baez files objection to request for financial disclosure,0,4353127.story

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