Baez' Statement Regarding DP News

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Who in the name of Hades would TRUST JB with a "nod and a wink" type deal?

No one is trusting him. (I hope)

The deal between media and JB is a nod and a wink.
After sentencing WE get the movie/book/exclusive etc.

The team are being paid from pics already sold (JB isn't taking a cut of this and higher profile experts will bill for hours at the end of the case)

You are all making me think far too deeply about this theory - I'm beginning to believe I can think like a criminal :blushing::blushing:

CA's 'understanding' with DC is similar - at the end, we all get to sell our OWN story.

No-one is selling KC's story - they are all selling their own. Possibly being provided with footage and pics as a freebie.

JVM on her show just played the clip of Jose saying "she's fully aware of the forces out to get her" and Jane said "Hmmm, I'd bet the prosecution calls it justice." LOL

I bet KC calls it her family - from the way they are acting, they sure appear to be making sure she gets the DP.
:laugh: "aware of the forces that are out to get her"


Please tell me that Baez did not actually say that!!!!

Maybe he meant, "may the force be with her" ..

No, he meant, "The FARCE is with her, and that is me."
He reminds me of KC, me, me , me. Poor boy. He's got bigger problems than which lawyer is first chair. Like explaining why his 22 year old innocent client posted this cartoon after her baby "went missing", and the Judge's ethics complaint to the bar!
Pride is a terrible thing. It can get you killed. Both JB and KC should put aside their pride and think about the consequences and risk of taking this to trial with anger, arrogance and stupidity as your defense.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Pride comes before a fall and KC is going to take the biggest fall of her life. Literally. One can be stubborn but you have to know when to cut your losses and, JB is selling KC out.......
Surely you jest, Jose. "Sad day for justice?" Would not the saddest of days have occurred in mid-June of 2008?
Apologies for my random thought here.

I've been hung up on the payment of lawyers, experts, PI's in the criminal case, whilst declaring indigent in the civil case all day :rolleyes:

I think I may have had a lightbulb moment. It's purely assumption, so if you read this rambling please understand it is only 'personal deduction', not a backed up fact.

In the conflict of interest hearing with Strickland, it was shown there was no conflict of interest and that JB had no authorization from KC to sell her story.
KC also stated that no deal was in the works to sell her story.

I also figured that the photograph, video release money wouldn't last long divided between 11 or more lawyers and multiple 'experts'.

BUT (you knew there had to be one right? :crazy:)

No-one said JB can't sell his OWN story, defending the indefensible, insight into his client (without divulging details or breaking Attorney client privelage). How he dealt with the media - the mean SA and FBI- those pesky complaints - the dratted PI's - I see a book, a movie and promotional interviews galore. Plenty of $$$$$$$$'s ahead.
The book, mini series and movie deals can be made by Lee, or mom or pop, all day long. They already sold the video to ABC. Baez and the other lawyers and experts would pay to be on this case. It has international attention! His law firm has tripled already. This put him on the map, are you kidding me?
I think this is fabulous. Now the liklihood of KC being able to appeal based on Ineffective Counsel is out the window. Additionally, Marti M. needs to tell JB to stop talking. If she is the firm spokesperson, he should defer to her on all statements. His whining doesn't do anything to help his client. He did seem a bit dejected though.

Bolded by me. But Jose needs to seize every opportunity before he becomes 2nd/3rd fiddle and no reporter will give him a mike again. How do you all think that'll work when he needs to be replaced as you think another attorney will even want to listen to him opine re strategy? Maybe he'll just be kept on to be the in house historian. No question though that the ego's will clash........and if the new guy is the least bit cute then I really can see KC just movin right along to the next in line............C Ya Jose!
In order to keep this topic *hot* he has to have recognizable names on his team, LKB, HL etc and he has to look competent (failing miserably there) so PI's ala OJ, lawyers for the civil case, lawyers to do his lawyering, since JB is busy doing jail visits, he has to LOOK like a big important fish, so he needs all the accessories.

Some of the lower tier lawyers will be pro bono, the rest are JB's *team*.

The NY trip and sale (I mean licensing) of pics and videos is cash to keep the team afloat - no conflict exists - KC said sell them, he did and he deducts his costs from them. (just to tide him over till sentencing).

The conflict only exists if his payment was based upon future sales of a deal, for that may affect his advice.

The judge thinks the already collected pics/vid money is funding the defense.


Quite possibly/probably the case.

The only point I am reserving judgement on is the bolded one above.

Until we know more about the complaint Judge Strickland filed against Baez, we won't know if he did indeed find a conflict in the financing once he obtained further paperwork, like copies of the retainer contracts he was waiting on from JB.

His complaint could be about that or about JB's possible 'don't call 911' or other instructions to DC.

So fence sitting on that for a few more weeks until details come out.

Otherwise, solid theory.

Where does the mystery benefactor fit in? The family from CT who paid for the PR firm, and IIRC there were also two account funds set up with donations from multiple unnamed benefactors.
No one is trusting him. (I hope)

The deal between media and JB is a nod and a wink.
After sentencing WE get the movie/book/exclusive etc.

The team are being paid from pics already sold (JB isn't taking a cut of this and higher profile experts will bill for hours at the end of the case)

You are all making me think far too deeply about this theory - I'm beginning to believe I can think like a criminal :blushing::blushing:

CA's 'understanding' with DC is similar - at the end, we all get to sell our OWN story.

No-one is selling KC's story - they are all selling their own. Possibly being provided with footage and pics as a freebie.


And, what if JB is recused? Especially if he is either temporarily suspended, or ultimately disbarred?

I would think that would make for a really bad day. Stock value in his story would plummet.

Forces are out to get her? OMG no wonder she's smiling every time she comes into the court room. She's living in lala land thanks to her attorney. Does he think this is a game and that Darth Vader is waiting around the corner to get her? KC has thought it was a game since the beginning. He needs to tell her to face realility and that the cards aren't in her favor. She needs to know that everyone doesn't buy her lies and how very serious this is.

I cannot believe how utterly unproffessional that statement is. Your client is charged with murdering her two year old daughter. The evidence and circumstances surrounding this case are "what's out to get her." Not the district attorney. Ridiculous. Absolutely!

I am against the death penalty. I don't believe in it but when it is put forward in a case, you better be pretty darn sure that you can prove your client innocent or plead them out. It's the client who is put to death, not the dream team that surrounds her. What a shame.

I can see her with this whole demented fantasy - "It's you and me against the world!" And "Love will conquer all"!
Too bad JB sees this as just a prosecution "tactic." He'd do better serving his client if he started focusing the defense on the merits of the case and realizing that the prosecution believes this case merits the DP. Dysfunctional people always try to re-create their circumstance around dysfunctional relationships instead of focusing on the realities of the task at hand. Forget about a plea deal. If KC doesn't want it she's the only one who will ultimately have to pay whatever the price is from the verdict and sentencing. Forget about disqualifying any counsel -- get the game faces on and start prepping for trial on the merits. Of course the prosecution is "out to get" KC -- but not because of the dysfunctional relationships -- SA isn't "playing" that game. SA is doing the job the taxpayers pay him to do -- try cases and get the criminals. Note to SA: Keep your staff from being drawn into primary roles in this dysfunctional relationship stuff. Defense is going to try to defend by pounding government staff so they need some back-up on this.

Bolded by me: I wonder if her position will change when a case assessment is provided to KC by the new lead attorney. I can't help but think that KC's current position has been molded by an attorney who sees a huge personal opportunity. Maybe she'll have a whole new attitude when presented the facts by someone more competent/experienced.
The court news announced that JB does not have the experience for 1st chair and may not be able to co-counsel .....dp will bring more conservative jury which is more likely to convict...

I heard the same thing on HLN this afternoon. Attorney said that FLA requires co-counsel to have tried 3 murder cases and JB has only tried one which he lost.
You know, just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you! :bang:[/QUOTE]
"anyone who thinks this will force Casey to plea is sadly mistaken. She won't." 1:07

Respectfully snipped & bolded by me. Some PLEASE TELL ME WHAT PLEA??

Ugh, sorry to yell, but this is so frustrating. KC wrote in on a document that the prosecution was angry at her for not accepting a plea deal. Now Beaz is mentioning it too. What plea? When, where, how? Who? Why?

Um . . . is the prosecution aware of this (imaginary??) plea offer? Or does it only exist in KC/Baez lala land?
The problem I see with both JB and Casey is that they truly believe that they are smarter than the legal system; and they are probably bolstering one another with undeserved praise whenever they come up with their new harebrained scheme of the week. It almost seems as though JB is Casey's puppet, since nothing he does appears to be "textbook". It is as if a highschool drop-out is lead counsel. Eventually this will blow up in their faces and I can only imagine that it would be quite entertaining to watch if it weren't for the fact that this whole fiasco has become a huge waste of time and money for the state. I bet the state could put hundreds of deserving 22-year-olds through college on the money that Casey and JB have forced the state to throw away.

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