Baez' Statement Regarding DP News

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And you can also take that as, she's not a serial killer but he didn't say she wasnt a killer either. Did that make sense? I know what I mean.

I totally get what you mean. Its like hes saying "oh well, she just killed ONE person, its not like she's Eileen W. or anything!"

JB sure is good at his lawyerin'!
And you can also take that as, she's not a serial killer but he didn't say she wasnt a killer either. Did that make sense? I know what I mean.

Quite frankly, I think the above is the only way you can take what he said. He's not very bright.
It must be worrying for JB. When he loses this case that's two clients convicted for killing their child. One more and he is officially a
And you can also take that as, she's not a serial killer but he didn't say she wasnt a killer either. Did that make sense? I know what I mean.

:wave: You made perfect sense, love. I think that Mr Baez should leave the media to fend for itself and concentrate on the criminal trial. He does his client no favours with his remarks.
"She's not a serial killer"

Jose can't possibly know that because she is behind bars. How many serial killers have been jailed before their second kill? We don't know, because they were stopped in their tracks. If she had not been caught, who knows who else might have become "inconvenient" to have around. Mom? Dad? Lee? Grandma? Grandpa? Her attorney? If she felt she might benefit from any one of their deaths, who knows what she would do? If you can kill your own child, no person around you is safe.

Therefore, she needs to be stopped now. She should never be allowed to breed again. Cold-blooded murderers should never be allowed to walk among us only to be determined at a later date that they are, in fact, serial killers.
JB says some of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Not being a serial killer, is what, a PLUS?? OMG, seriously, JB?

I believe with 100% certainty that he will NEVER give up this case. He wants it completely for selfish reasons. Did anyone know who he was before, besides maybe some hookers or low end drug dealers? I'm not being facetious here. I'm serious. he had one murder case and his client was convicted. It also sounded to me as though, he's staying no matter what. Heck, he probably hasn't even asked KC if she wants him to stay. LOL! Sounds like he is running this circus and I bet KC approves everything afterwards. I mean who else would do for her what he has? Not many, I wouldn't think.

Also, I'm ok with this case being delayed a couple more years. All the longer KC sits in jail just awaiting her fate. I love the thought of that!

i wish her ex friends would all send her photos of them partying and signs saying "glad you're not here. Instead of the "wish you were here". LOL!
JB says some of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Not being a serial killer, is what, a PLUS?? OMG, seriously, JB?

I believe with 100% certainty that he will NEVER give up this case. He wants it completely for selfish reasons. Did anyone know who he was before, besides maybe some hookers or low end drug dealers? I'm not being facetious here. I'm serious. he had one murder case and his client was convicted. It also sounded to me as though, he's staying no matter what. Heck, he probably hasn't even asked KC if she wants him to stay. LOL! Sounds like he is running this circus and I bet KC approves everything afterwards. I mean who else would do for her what he has? Not many, I wouldn't think.

Also, I'm ok with this case being delayed a couple more years. All the longer KC sits in jail just awaiting her fate. I love the thought of that!

i wish her ex friends would all send her photos of them partying and signs saying "glad you're not here. Instead of the "wish you were here". LOL!
I'm happy with where KC is for now so any delay not a problem in that regard, but I'm keen to get the trial done so that I can be released from semi house arrest, chained to my computer?
I swear this whole thing has been a game to the entire A family and to apparently to Baez as well. CA with her winks to her attorney during depo, GA with his smirking during his depo, LA with his CMA references during the memorial, and obviously, to the ultimate gamer, KC. Maybe now some in the A camp will start to see this is not a game, now that the beautiful KC's life is on the line. I want to spit.
"Forces out to get her" ? Yes, Jose those "forces" are the people and the state of Florida ! Jose said that the state is sadly mistaken if they are trying to get a plea from Casey, have you thought that maybe, Jose, the state and the people of Florida just want to put Casey to death for what she did to her daughter ?

I am so glad this thread was started. I have been busting at the seams to address his statement "Forces out to get her". Are you kidding me? The woman committed cold blooded murder, IMO. The olny force out to get her is justice and justice is a powerful force. JB is very qualified to be her attorney since he thinks just like her obviously. Does he really believe that all of these people got together and created this huge conspiracy against KC? Grrrrrrrr, I cannot believe these types of statements are still being spewed by the defense. I would say 95% (probably a low guess) of the country knows she did it. I hope the prosecuters do not accept any type of plea deal from them. She had her chance months ago to fess up and chose not to take it and I say to little to late.
JB says some of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Not being a serial killer, is what, a PLUS?? OMG, seriously, JB?

I believe with 100% certainty that he will NEVER give up this case. He wants it completely for selfish reasons. Did anyone know who he was before, besides maybe some hookers or low end drug dealers? I'm not being facetious here. I'm serious. he had one murder case and his client was convicted. It also sounded to me as though, he's staying no matter what. Heck, he probably hasn't even asked KC if she wants him to stay. LOL! Sounds like he is running this circus and I bet KC approves everything afterwards. I mean who else would do for her what he has? Not many, I wouldn't think.

Also, I'm ok with this case being delayed a couple more years. All the longer KC sits in jail just awaiting her fate. I love the thought of that!

i wish her ex friends would all send her photos of them partying and signs saying "glad you're not here. Instead of the "wish you were here". LOL!

Yes, that statement was ridiculous. I had no idea serial killers had the monopoly on death sentences.:rolleyes:

I agree~ Baez thinks he will excel in this case and be on the list for defendents seeking high profile defense attorneys.
JB says some of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. Not being a serial killer, is what, a PLUS?? OMG, seriously, JB?

I believe with 100% certainty that he will NEVER give up this case. He wants it completely for selfish reasons. Did anyone know who he was before, besides maybe some hookers or low end drug dealers? I'm not being facetious here. I'm serious. he had one murder case and his client was convicted. It also sounded to me as though, he's staying no matter what. Heck, he probably hasn't even asked KC if she wants him to stay. LOL! Sounds like he is running this circus and I bet KC approves everything afterwards. I mean who else would do for her what he has? Not many, I wouldn't think.

Also, I'm ok with this case being delayed a couple more years. All the longer KC sits in jail just awaiting her fate. I love the thought of that!

i wish her ex friends would all send her photos of them partying and signs saying "glad you're not here. Instead of the "wish you were here". LOL!

I wish at times that they would just show up and take a stand for Caylee at some of the hearings.....
I wish at times that they would just show up and take a stand for Caylee at some of the hearings.....

You're right.
Not in one depo or video have I heard any one of the friends do anything but try to distance themselves from KC. None of them speak about the child.

The only ones to ever really discuss the baby are the grandparents and they're not talking about her now, they are in "Save KC" mode.

So so sad.

Who in this world truely loved that little girl enough to put aside their own ambitions to see that she's granted respect and dignity?
I can only think of strangers...
You're right.
Not in one depo or video have I heard any one of the friends do anything but try to distance themselves from KC. None of them speak about the child.

The only ones to ever really discuss the baby are the grandparents and they're not talking about her now, they are in "Save KC" mode.

So so sad.

Who in this world truely loved that little girl enough to put aside their own ambitions to see that she's granted respect and dignity?
I can only think of strangers...

I suppose that's why KC thought she could just dump her like that - she's probably surprised anyone noticed. I don't see any real love from anyone in that family and her friends are as superficial as she is.

Poor little Caylee - it just breaks my heart . . .

So by saying she isn't a serial killer - he's leaving open the possibility that she is...a killer...? This guy needs to shut his trap! He hurts his client further with ever word that escapes his lips - he and KC deserve eachother...
More from Baez:

Death Penalty For Women Rare In Fla.
Baez: Casey's Not A Serial Killer

"Very few women are put to death in Florida," defense attorney Jose Baez said. "She's not a serial killer."

Ummm... thanks for that, Jose. :rolleyes:

Okay, who said KC was a serial killer??!!??

If KC is not a 'serial killer' is that an admission that at least she is a 'killer' then? Not a good comment JB, stick with 'innocent' or ..... not guilty is preferred.
I swear this whole thing has been a game to the entire A family and to apparently to Baez as well. CA with her winks to her attorney during depo, GA with his smirking during his depo, LA with his CMA references during the memorial, and obviously, to the ultimate gamer, KC. Maybe now some in the A camp will start to see this is not a game, now that the beautiful KC's life is on the line. I want to spit.

Do you mean beautiful, gorgeous, princess, sweetheart CEO KC?
I'm searching my posts and found it was March 11 when I researched whether any plea deals had been filed. In one post, I reference that it was the day before (March 10) when it had been checked by a news organization and found that no plea deals had been filed.

I'm looking for the linkety-link!

ETA: Found it! March 11 by the Orlando Sentinel (not Kathy Belich):

The State Attorney's Office has no record of a formal plea offer in Casey Anthony's case, Tavernier said.

Casey Anthony case: Baez files objection to request for financial disclosure,0,4353127.story

Thanks BeanE
I was about to post asking if a Formal Plea had been offered to Casey because the only one I remembered is the limited Immunity that was offered back in August or September.

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