Baez Visits Experts at Academy Meeting?

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The Great And Powerful Ssej!
Jan 12, 2009
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I absolutely apologize in advance if I shouldn't be starting a thread about this but I wanted to ask a few questions from folks, specifically about the Academy meeting at which Baez is planning to attend and meet with his experts on February 21.

What is this Academy Meeting specifically?
Who is allowed to attend?

Did anyone elses Hinky meter go off hearing about this?

I kept envisioning Baez showing up unannounced, crashing the Academy meeting and cornering these experts, hoping to talk to them about the case. It seemed fairly clear, from the hearing and what Baez said IN the hearing, that one of his experts, quite obviously (imo, and many others), is/was avoiding JB and his calls.

So I guess my question to you folks here at WS is, Is this Academy Meeting something that JB would be WELCOME to attend? Is it something you would need an invite to? Would JB be INVITED if you did need an invite?

I'm just trying to understand JB here (and that might be my problem !).

He states that he has been thwarted thus far in his attempts to contact one of his experts to talk to him. No secretary, straight to voice mail, no one calling him back. How then, has he made arrangements to meet with this expect AND the other two at the Academy Meeting? He can't get a hold of him. MY OPINION is that JB CANT get a hold of him because he doesn't WANT to talk to JB, so JB is going to go to him, knowing full well that this expert will be in attendance.

Anyone else have any thoughts?

Again, if this is not Own Thread Worthiness... please.. do as y'all see fit!

At this point it does not matter if Baez did meet up with the Experts (who are apparently avoiding him) at the conference, because Judge Perry has already put deadlines on the Defense to turn in the remaining Expert Reports - Logan and Reichs on Feb 15th at 4:00pm and Rodriguez by Feb 21st at 4:00pm.

The Judge said there will be no more extensions granted or entertained.
If the deadlines are not met and their is no Report and the Experts do not give an opinion through deposition, they will not testify at trial.

The dates of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting are Feb 21-26, 2011 in Chicago.
I'm more concerned that if any of the experts come up missing, that someone doesn't mess around and wait 31 days to report them missing ~ Cause, ya know that Baez will use that as his next excuse for not being able to contact anyone !!
And, it could just happen if he can't ambush someone and brainwash them in to his way of thinking.....
See the Irony is Rich post #81 - note the presenters!!hahahahaha

The AAFS is an umbrella group of the forensic community, rather well presented by the theme of this year's meeting (IMHO & voted on opinion!). Yep, interested parties may attend, in fact membership includes those of the legal community not just scientists and there are even a rare breed of hybrids that have BOTH backgrounds~


The American Academy of Forensic Sciences is a multi-disciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system. The objectives of the Academy are to promote integrity, competency, education, foster research, improve practice, and encourage collaboration in the forensic sciences.

He can't crash the workshops & seminars, costs $$$$ for those but as was mentioned in other posts >>>>>>> jumping out from behind potted palms/conifers, might be his style! :floorlaugh:

Here's a link to the general site:
I don't know if JB made any real attempt to contact his supposed experts but it's obvious he has entirely the wrong idea about how they are used. They aren't supposed to be bought together to collude on some ethereal defense solution they can all agree on.

They are there as independent experts to give their interpretation of the evidence that is presented to them, they don't sit in a big group concocting scenarios so someone gets a get out of jail free card. So what JB is trying to do probably has his experts beating a hasty retreat, they have reputations to consider.

HHJP has put the breaks on that now but what do you want to bet that Jose goes to the conference anyway, like his client he never gives an inch even when totally out maneuvered and outclassed.

The AAFS is an umbrella group of the forensic community, rather well presented by the theme of this year's meeting (IMHO & voted on opinion!). Yep, interested parties may attend, in fact membership includes those of the legal community not just scientists and there are even a rare breed of hybrids that have BOTH backgrounds~


The American Academy of Forensic Sciences is a multi-disciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system. The objectives of the Academy are to promote integrity, competency, education, foster research, improve practice, and encourage collaboration in the forensic sciences.

He can't crash the workshops & seminars, costs $$$$ for those but as was mentioned in other posts >>>>>>> jumping out from behind potted palms/conifers, might be his style! :floorlaugh:

Here's a link to the general site:

He'll be "trolling" and playing Big Man on Campus. Whipping out his imiation gold money clip, with a hundred dollar bill on the outside, ones inside. Ordering up drinks, and slyly sneaking the drinks from the other tables to offer up....:floorlaugh:

The man is so broke, he can't even pay attention anymore.:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Joypath - I have a question for you. How common is it for an attorney to be chasing down experts at a convention? Have you ever even heard of this happening before? To a layperson like me it just seems like one of the most preposterous things I have ever heard! I can't get the image of Baez hiding behind the potted plant out of my head...:floorlaugh:
Joypath - I have a question for you. How common is it for an attorney to be chasing down experts at a convention? Have you ever even heard of this happening before? To a layperson like me it just seems like one of the most preposterous things I have ever heard! I can't get the image of Baez hiding behind the potted plant out of my head...:floorlaugh:

I keep picturing him dressed in a maids outfit and going in their rooms with towels and acosting them as they get out of the shower!

The AAFS is an umbrella group of the forensic community, rather well presented by the theme of this year's meeting (IMHO & voted on opinion!). Yep, interested parties may attend, in fact membership includes those of the legal community not just scientists and there are even a rare breed of hybrids that have BOTH backgrounds~


The American Academy of Forensic Sciences is a multi-disciplinary professional organization that provides leadership to advance science and its application to the legal system. The objectives of the Academy are to promote integrity, competency, education, foster research, improve practice, and encourage collaboration in the forensic sciences.

He can't crash the workshops & seminars, costs $$$$ for those but as was mentioned in other posts >>>>>>> jumping out from behind potted palms/conifers, might be his style! :floorlaugh:

Here's a link to the general site:

TY Joy for Chiming here. I have been perusing the AAFS website and found it rather informative.

Although, I did read your post on the "Irony" thread just now and wasn't sure if you were making a funny or being serious. about the Two experts doing a lecture together? I got lost there.

Although, I did gut LOL out loud when I read your "jumping out from behind potted palms/conifers, might be his style!" Comment. Cause that is kinda the idea I got. Seeing as JB is welcome to attend the Meeting, does it seem far fetched that, Prior to HHJBP "thwarting" his attempt at delaying the experts further and meeting with them AT this AAFS Academy Meeting, JB might have only been attending this conference to FINALLY get in contact with these experts that he is trying SO hard to contact?

It doesn't seem likely (TO ME) that JB would drop the 400$ attendance fee, and fork out the $ to fly to Chicago to attend this conference because he is so totally engrossed with the Forensic Sciences and wants/needs/must be there for 2011!

What reason would he have to attend OTHER than meeting (read - cornering) these Dr.s? He has a hard enough time doing the minimal work on his desk, let alone adding FORENSIC SCIENCE to his plate.

I just can't see him putting in the time and money to attend for any real reason.

Are you going JOY? Can You ask why Baez is there? :p
joypath - i have a question for you. How common is it for an attorney to be chasing down experts at a convention? Have you ever even heard of this happening before? To a layperson like me it just seems like one of the most preposterous things i have ever heard! I can't get the image of baez hiding behind the potted plant out of my head...:floorlaugh:

ty ty ty ty!
Oh, I SO want to give the Academy a "heads up" on their FaceBook that Baez is going to be blowing in to town and to have secruity ready for him.

Can't you just see it.
Little "Wanted/Watch Out for Baez" posters hung up and passed out at check in time??
LOL ~!!
Joypath - I have a question for you. How common is it for an attorney to be chasing down experts at a convention? Have you ever even heard of this happening before? To a layperson like me it just seems like one of the most preposterous things I have ever heard! I can't get the image of Baez hiding behind the potted plant out of my head...:floorlaugh:

Or more like this..... :couch:


IMO, it's one thing to show up with a meeting room booked and AV presentation all set up and confirmed RSVP's from all your experts for a set time. I don't get the impression JB has even spoken to most of these folks in months, maybe years. So good luck with that JB.
:twocents: This is based on information I've :innocent: experienced/been told/heard about/read/possibly done (there, I've covered all the bases!)!

When one becomes involved in a medico-legal situation, ATD is the by-word of the day. One reverts back to an "anal retentive" school girl/boy in making sure that EVERYTHING is perfect so your paper gets a gold star or an A+, NOTHING less is good enough! One drives one's support staff NUTS with details and frequently micromanages regarding analytical testing and data retrieval (but of course not the author!:innocent:):floorlaugh:~ In the beginning of one's experience in the field of choice, one MIGHT "toss away" scraps of paper after transcription, one experience with a lawyer like LKB educates one to NEVER do THAT again! Memory is great for computers not so much for humans and heck, even CPUs FAIL! so I'm not buying that NONE of the defense gang's scientific experts/specialists/consultants neglected to memorialize his/her findings or impressions in some manner!

IF you are getting paid for your services by anybody be it a private contract or by the glorious taxpayers of the State where one resides, one MUST live with deadlines as set by another party! (for heaven sake, THAT IS COMMON SENSE!) One of the first questions asked to the contracting party is "WHEN DO YOU NEED THIS" (I always get the answer "yesterday" but "whatever")!

SO...unless the individuals mentioned in the motion submitted & argued by Baez are working in a "unique" universe......I'm thinking he's a bit lax in the communication department and BTW, it is NOT the specialist's responsibility to monitor HIS court case to dig up the due date!:banghead:
Joypath - I have a question for you. How common is it for an attorney to be chasing down experts at a convention? Have you ever even heard of this happening before? To a layperson like me it just seems like one of the most preposterous things I have ever heard! I can't get the image of Baez hiding behind the potted plant out of my head...:floorlaugh:

:twocents: I :innocent:doubt that it's a common experience :waitasec: ! I will testify :rocker: that I have never been tracked down at any meeting I have ever attended....Weightwatchers, AAFS. NAME, CAP,Girl Scouts, ASCLS, ASCP, Junior achievers.....:floorlaugh:
:twocents: This is based on information I've :innocent: experienced/been told/heard about/read/possibly done (there, I've covered all the bases!)!

When one becomes involved in a medico-legal situation, ATD is the by-word of the day. One reverts back to an "anal retentive" school girl/boy in making sure that EVERYTHING is perfect so your paper gets a gold star or an A+, NOTHING less is good enough! One drives one's support staff NUTS with details and frequently micromanages regarding analytical testing and data retrieval (but of course not the author!:innocent:):floorlaugh:~ In the beginning of one's experience in the field of choice, one MIGHT "toss away" scraps of paper after transcription, one experience with a lawyer like LKB educates one to NEVER do THAT again! Memory is great for computers not so much for humans and heck, even CPUs FAIL! so I'm not buying that NONE of the defense gang's scientific experts/specialists/consultants neglected to memorialize his/her findings or impressions in some manner!

IF you are getting paid for your services by anybody be it a private contract or by the glorious taxpayers of the State where one resides, one MUST live with deadlines as set by another party! (for heaven sake, THAT IS COMMON SENSE!) One of the first questions asked to the contracting party is "WHEN DO YOU NEED THIS" (I always get the answer "yesterday" but "whatever")!

SO...unless the individuals mentioned in the motion submitted & argued by Baez are working in a "unique" universe......I'm thinking he's a bit lax in the communication department and BTW, it is NOT the specialist's responsibility to monitor HIS court case to dig up the due date!:banghead:

Sooo... In laywomans terms.... You are suggesting that, as legal and medial and forensic professionals, these expert's would have a good solid working memory of any theories or opinions that they had formed on any evidence that they had worked with because they were most likely thorough and Anal about the work they were doing. Additionally, they are not likely to be avoiding JB because they haven't "done their homework". So it is likely that they most certainly would recall their findings and most likely very well?

Joy you are a smart cookie, but too smart for me some days... :p TY again
Bring Your Own Slides
Purpose: To enable guided but spontaneous discussion and instruction related primarily to challenging death investigation cases
involving forensic pathology and other related forensic science issues. Presented cases are used as a focal point for improving
diagnostic methods and interpretation of pathologic findings and related evidence, and for presenting case-related information on
previously unreported or rarely occurring cases which may alert forensic pathologists and scientists to information useful in future
death investigations.
Educational Objectives: Attendees will be able to: a) discuss issues of importance regarding interpretation of selected wounds,
diseases and evidence, b) provide arguments for and against opinions raised during specific case discussions, and c) recognize when
consultation with other experts may be indicated.
CE Credit: Designated for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours.

Speaker...Cyril Wecht, Henry Lee, Michael Welner
It is not the least bit surprising that many of the most egregious examples of these kinds of biased forensic scientific endeavors have
occurred in cases that acquire much prominence and notoriety, either because of the celebrity of the people involved or because the
case for whatever reason captures that attention of the national news media and the general public. In these instances, the stakes are
high for everyone directly involved or intimately concerned. Hence, the greater need and likelihood of all kinds of pressures being
brought to bear upon the forensic scientists on both sides
sooo... In laywomans terms.... You are suggesting that, as legal and medial and forensic professionals, these expert's would have a good solid working memory of any theories or opinions that they had formed on any evidence that they had worked with because they were most likely thorough and anal about the work they were doing. Additionally, they are not likely to be avoiding jb because they haven't "done their homework". So it is unlikely that they most certainly would recall their findings and most likely very well?

Joy you are a smart cookie, but too smart for me some days... :p ty again


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