GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #2

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I'm tending to believe it was not a typo. JMO

Early reports indicated the assault happened in TS' room [616] or just confusion as to in which room the assault happened and I think it may have been due to the broken glass fruit bowl pieces reportedly found in TS' room [616]. Later it was revealed that LE believed the assault happened in the M's room [317] but reports have stayed consistent about broken glass found in TS' room [616].

Another explanation could be that LE just haven't corrected MSM about location of broken glass/handle. Perhaps they were indeed found in the M's room [317]???

Additionally and depending on the size of the intact fruit bowl, I have an easier time imagining TS trying to hide just a portion of the fruit bowl under his shirt rather than the entire, in tact fruit bowl. JMO

Here's what might be a photo of a part of the broken glass fruit bowl, aka the murder weapon. Dude on the right also looks like he might also be holding and ominously staring at a piece of the broken glass fruit bowl.:


And still one more explanation is to take out the brackets in that sentence...

At 8.40am, Mr Schaefer was seen leaving his room, 616, and going into Ms von Wiese-Mack's room. Mr Nengah said he appeared to be hiding something under his shirt.

"We suspect it was the fruit bowl … and that he used it to hit the victim," Mr Nengah said.

"We found broken glass and the metal handle [from the fruit bowl] in room 616. The fruit bowl was from room 616."

Mr Schaefer's fingerprints were found on the broken glass, and there was blood on his jacket that matched Ms von Wiese-Mack's, Mr Nengah said.

Read more:

So now by taking out the brackets it reads as "We found broken glass and the metal handle from the fruit bowl in room 616. The fruit bowl was from room 616."

By taking out the brackets, it looks like the quote is saying and re-iterating that the fruit bowl that they suspect TS was hiding under his shirt and that they found broken at the murder scene was originally from room 616.

It's all in the punctuation. LOL

Further thought ...

*IF* TS entered the M's room [317] while hiding a broken piece of glass fruit bowl, well he wasn't going in there to have a let's get to know my future in-law kind of discussion.

One can pretty much presume, if the above scenario/details are correct [and who knows since LE seems to be using media articles to encourage confessions] that TS entered the M room [317], most likely courtesy of HM by either opening the door or having given TS a room key, fully expecting to find a live SWM and had premeditated to ?threaten? / ?assault? / ?kill? SWM. JMO
I actually thought the middle bag with the dark object might contain the dark clothes TS is said to have been seen wearing and seen on CCTV slinking back and forth from rooms 317 and 616 on the morning SWM was said to have been assaulted. JMO

The first and third bags in the original photo looked to me to be parts of the broken glass fruit bowl. JMO
I honestly am not sure what to believe anymore. I'm real curious to find out if TS is the baby Daddy. If he is not I can imagine this might spur him to tell the full truth and story.
I actually thought the middle bag with the dark object might contain the dark clothes TS is said to have been seen wearing and seen on CCTV slinking back and forth from rooms 317 and 616 on the morning SWM was said to have been assaulted. JMO

The first and third bags in the original photo looked to me to be parts of the broken glass fruit bowl.

Agreed, only because you would not wrap a hard surface object with a fabric, thus possibly marring any prints in evidence gathering in my experience.
I honestly am not sure what to believe anymore. I'm real curious to find out if TS is the baby Daddy. If he is not I can imagine this might spur him to tell the full truth and story.

Agreed! - Maybe Bali LE should just tell TS they did a paternity test and he's not the father in order to elicit truth telling???
I actually thought the middle bag with the dark object might contain the dark clothes TS is said to have been seen wearing and seen on CCTV slinking back and forth from rooms 317 and 616 on the morning SWM was said to have been assaulted. JMO

The first and third bags in the original photo looked to me to be parts of the broken glass fruit bowl. JMO

Maybe so. Wasn't sure if the middle bag was a squared (and very deadly object) or bloodied clothing.
evidence bag1.jpg
Evidance bag 3.jpg
I honestly am not sure what to believe anymore. I'm real curious to find out if TS is the baby Daddy. If he is not I can imagine this might spur him to tell the full truth and story.

Considering that HM is such a notorious liar, it is entirely possible that TS is not the child's father.
:wave: I'm following along. Got to say, you are all so astute and focused on getting the details straight. Thank You. This feels like it is going to go a lot faster than a long drawn out US trial. Do you think HM will face trial while still pregnant?

No way do I believe SWM called TS the N word, nope, no way. He's mixed just like her daughter, so it doesn't make sense she'd say that. It reminds me of the KFC ruckus they pulled.

I hope they zero in on how both of them premeditated.

Okay, the room numbers are making me dizzy. My mind keeps going up and down those stairs, and I find it very strange to hide a fruit bowl under one's shirt for any reason.

3rd floor, 6th floor, no 3rd floor, no, yes, maybe :eek:kay:
Considering that HM is such a notorious liar, it is entirely possible that TS is not the child's father.

I thought she seemed pretty chummy with the other guy who was at the hotel in the videos posted to her vine account as well. Who knows. Maybe they need Jerry Springer to head over there and sort all this out. :rolleyes:

:wave: I'm following along. Got to say, you are all so astute and focused on getting the details straight. Thank You. This feels like it is going to go a lot faster than a long drawn out US trial. Do you think HM will face trial while still pregnant?

No way do I believe SWM called TS the N word, nope, no way. He's mixed just like her daughter, so it doesn't make sense she'd say that. It reminds me of the KFC ruckus they pulled.

I hope they zero in on how both of them premeditated.

Okay, the room numbers are making me dizzy. My mind keeps going up and down those stairs, and I find it very strange to hide a fruit bowl under one's shirt for any reason.

3rd floor, 6th floor, no 3rd floor, no, yes, maybe :eek:kay:

I thought it seemed strange that they could tell from video surveillance that he was hiding something under his shirt too. But if it was a large fruit bowl I guess it would have been noticeable on video that there was something under there I suppose. Hope we get to see all these videos eventually.

Yes, it's extremely strange to go around with a glass fruit bowl under your shirt. Ha, TS, try to explain that one. The only way to make it sound innocent is if it had some exotic fruits in it, but why would you hide it under your shirt. Oh, and it turned out to be a handy murder weapon you just happen to have with you. :no:
From an article by Ni Komang Erviani in The Jakarta Post, Fri, October 03 2014, 9:43 AM:

Police investigator I Nengah Sadiarta told journalists that the team had sent the case dossier to the Denpasar Prosecutor’s Office on Monday.

“We are in the process of completing the dossier,” he said.​

Sadiarta is quoted as saying neither suspect has confessed, going on to note that Tommy continued to deny any part in murder, while Heather told police that Tommy had murdered her mother and that she was only a witness to it.

He said the police could “complete their dossiers” even if the suspects did not confess:

“We have enough evidence that they were involved in the murder.”​

The article states that the CCTV footage shows no one entering 317, the murder room, other than Sheila, Heather, and Tommy.

Sadiarta also said that the police found broken glass and “pieces of iron” in both room 317 and room 616.

From this, I understand that prosecutors are now able to work on the case (having the dossiers) even though police continue to add to these dossiers.
Further thought ...

*IF* TS entered the M's room [317] while hiding a broken piece of glass fruit bowl, well he wasn't going in there to have a let's get to know my future in-law kind of discussion.

One can pretty much presume, if the above scenario/details are correct [and who knows since LE seems to be using media articles to encourage confessions] that TS entered the M room [317], most likely courtesy of HM by either opening the door or having given TS a room key, fully expecting to find a live SWM and had premeditated to ?threaten? / ?assault? / ?kill? SWM. JMO

I'm feeling a strong sense of premeditation. The cover-up doesn't help their cause.
From an article by Ni Komang Erviani in The Jakarta Post, Fri, October 03 2014, 9:43 AM:

Police investigator I Nengah Sadiarta told journalists that the team had sent the case dossier to the Denpasar Prosecutor’s Office on Monday.

“We are in the process of completing the dossier,” he said.​

Sadiarta is quoted as saying neither suspect has confessed, going on to note that Tommy continued to deny any part in murder, while Heather told police that Tommy had murdered her mother and that she was only a witness to it.

He said the police could “complete their dossiers” even if the suspects did not confess:

“We have enough evidence that they were involved in the murder.”​

The article states that the CCTV footage shows no one entering 317, the murder room, other than Sheila, Heather, and Tommy.

Sadiarta also said that the police found broken glass and “pieces of iron” in both room 317 and room 616.

From this, I understand that prosecutors are now able to work on the case (having the dossiers) even though police continue to add to these dossiers.

Great find Orange Tabby. So Tommy is denying any part in the murder and so is she. Although she is blaming him, he is not outright blaming her. And the broken fruit bowl pieces were found in both rooms. Not sure what to make of that.

"The victim called Tommy a ******. Tommy retorted, saying, 'Your husband was a "******" too'. Sheila then said, 'Yes, but a rich one'."

From the little bits and pieces we have, we know that there were sometimes problems in the Mack family: Sheila was accused of hampering the visitation rights of one of James Mack’s children. Sheila did not get along with James’s family and she may have been the reason he had little to do with his first five children. Sheila and James once complained about their accommodation on a cruise (even though they were told in advance of the stateroom’s problems) and received a $500 coupon for their efforts. Sheila called the police numerous times because of Heather’s behavior, including, as we all sadly know, batterings Sheila received from her own daughter. When Sheila was alerted by the credit card company of the $1,000 charge at the Conrad, she called police but did not press charges against her daughter.

So while there were some difficulties in this family, one thing I have never seen is any mention whatever of discord between Sheila and James. The two of them, in the few accounts we have seen, appeared to dote on their daughter and all three of them did many things together as a family. Sheila’s numerous efforts to help her daughter as well as her nonefforts to have her arrested or committed, I believe reflect her love for this child—a child with a black father (not, to Sheila, a child with a ****** father). We have no reason whatever to assume her marriage to James was anything but full of love and respect. No reason at all.

Thus, I find Heather’s account of this purported conversation between Tommy and Sheila to be utterly unbelievable. It is not truth.

It does tell us something about Heather. It reflects her belief that her mother married for money and her father tolerated that, thus showing no respect for either her mother or her father. It reflects her belief that racial biases are insurmountable even within a loving relationship. (Has she learned nothing from the life of President Obama, the child of a black man and white woman?) It reflects her belief that bi-racial Tommy is black and presumably that she, also bi-racial, is black and that Sheila’s “whiteness” is a fault. The underlying sentiment is clear: her father’s money should be Heather’s money and not Sheila’s. Her statement is unwitting evidence of her own racial intolerance as well as greed.

The idea that a black man could only marry a white woman because she was interested in his money is loathsome to me. This means that Heather Mack is loathsome to me, quite independent of the evidence that she committed murder.
[SBM]... And the broken fruit bowl pieces were found in both rooms. Not sure what to make of that.

Perhaps the police have reason to believe that the bowl was broken before it was concealed beneath Tommy's shirt. The fact that he enters Sheila's room with not merely a weapon but a concealed weapon, is evidence of premeditation, as has been argued persuasively by others on the board. But if Tommy had to effect some makeshift adjustments to the bowl first, in his room (make it small enough to conceal under his clothes? make it easier to wield as a weapon? create a cutting edge in the event blunt force trauma didn't work?) then this would be added evidence of premeditation.

Just a thought.
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