GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #4

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People magazine has a direct line to Elkin so they're always good for a quote...

"We are aware of Heather's interview," Mack's attorney Michael Elkin tells PEOPLE. "But to date I haven't received a disengagement letter."

Is that the royal "we"? :floorlaugh:

You can always count on the comments on People articles to gauge the level of sympathy for this pair as well. ;)
I believe the monthly stipend is above and beyond the $150,000. I would assume this months payment was put into the account at the consulate and the two Australian women get that money. And I believe the first $50,000 was probably sent there too. Elkin seems to have disappeared from this, Scifo wants out and there is a motion for Favia to be removed. I'd imagine that those three have submitted their itemized bills and they are being scrutinized by the trustee before they will be brought before the judge for more funds to be released. I think if the lawyers that HM claims she fired had taken a chunk out of AS's first installment, she would have mentioned that in her interview with the newspaper.

But no! Elkin hangs on, refusing to give up his little spot in the limelight. There's a new People Magazine bit, recounting Heather's Chicago Tribune interview. And who is their go-to guy for a quote? See for yourself:

"We are aware of Heather's interview," Mack's attorney Michael Elkin tells PEOPLE. "But to date I haven't received a disengagement letter."

Maybe Heather will send him a disengagement string.
Ah, as they say on another board: I was ninja'd by Kamille! (She had already posted the People rubbish.)
Ah, as they say on another board: I was ninja'd by Kamille! (She had already posted the People rubbish.)


Very interesting about the time difference. I never considered that. So when HM got back to Keroboken on Monday after court, where she obviously has a phone stashed somewhere, she had just found out that her trial would be going ahead, she probably had spoken with AS and he was not at all pleased with being short changed 100 grand and let her know that things were not going to go well if she didn't come up with the balance, so she went ballistic. Started calling her lawyers and likely ranting at their voice mail or answering machines because it was probably the middle of the night or very early morning and then waited until 9am Chicago time to try to get in touch with the judge. And I do think she called the wrong building and was likely transferred from there but was told she can't talk to the judge so then she called the newspaper and actually found someone there to talk to and give her "interview". I guess her attitude at the time was demanding that she be heard because they're trying to kill her over there. And she's innocent doncha know?

Truthfully, every single time I see those suitcases I feel sick to my stomach and angry.

Happy to hear Heather had to scramble making frantic calls. In some of those pictures it looks like she's fallen from her high horse. Neither TS nor HM seem to pay any attention to that poor Translator. I bet she gets real obnoxious when the "it" gets riled up.
That very much looks like a baksheesh signal to me (from HM to TS), South Aussie :)

What is a baksheesh signal? That picture mystifies me as she's giving Tommy such an intense look.

An hour later update -- looked it up and I think it's a signal asking for a money tip. Is that correct?
Well, if so, then I learned something new. :smile:
Welcome Weezer Fan! :welcome:

Great sleuthing! I see Ms Favia is trying to circumvent all kinds of legal boundaries to get her money. Or more appropriately, get at Sheila's money. Remember this is the same attorney who set up a crowdsourcing fund raiser site in the name of a Christian charity that is also in her name to provide funds to the mother of an unborn child who is currently up on charges of murdering her own mother. She's got ethics coming out the wazoo that one. ;)

Okay off to do some reading. But just by skimming, what attorney uses gmail as their official email account? :notgood:

Orange Tabby is going to have a field day with these. :)


My Bold - I had to double take on that as well!
Skipped through to the later part, but it's interesting to listen to them discuss the case. The reporter Christy Gutowski seems to have a good grasp on the case, IMO. She says Heather is surprisingly no dummy.

Heather Mack Speaks with the Tribune About the Bali Suitcase Murder Case
14:06 minutes long, Posted 6:29 PM, February 4, 2015

"Chicago Tribune Report Christy Gutowski had the opportunity to talk with Chicago native Heather Mack who is being charged with the murder of her mother in Bali. Listen to what Christy has to say to Roe about how skillfully she dances around the touchy topic."

Possible captions anyone?

"To make a really really great String Ring, you start by cutting a length this long... "
That very much looks like a baksheesh signal to me (from HM to TS), South Aussie :)

:yes: it sure does, doesn't it?

Curious Me, baksheesh is a bribe or inducement or tip.
It is almost as if TS has said “how are we going to get out of this?” or “what did you try to call the judge about?” and the hand signal was her response.

Do you not use that signal in your country? If my brother said 'pick me up some beer while you are at the shops' I might use that signal, as if to say 'give me some money and I might'. (Not the best example, perhaps a better one would be if your partner was trying to get a better table at a restaurant, you might give him that signal to indicate that he should try tipping the host/hostess to get a better table.)
Skipped through to the later part, but it's interesting to listen to them discuss the case. The reporter Christy Gutowski seems to have a good grasp on the case, IMO. She says Heather is surprisingly no dummy.

Heather Mack Speaks with the Tribune About the Bali Suitcase Murder Case
14:06 minutes long, Posted 6:29 PM, February 4, 2015

"Chicago Tribune Report Christy Gutowski had the opportunity to talk with Chicago native Heather Mack who is being charged with the murder of her mother in Bali. Listen to what Christy has to say to Roe about how skillfully she dances around the touchy topic."

It seems that Heather has had access to money to some money all along - at 2:15secs on the recording

Because she has access to some money through her Trust Fund and through some Social Security Cheques from her deceased father, she's been able to get better food....

So she is still entitled to the SS Cheques while she is overseas (and in jail)?
How has this money been getting to Heather? Through her US Attorneys?
Does HM have access to a Bank Account - and if not, who is managing the money from the SS that is coming to her?
It seems that Heather has had access to money to some money all along - at 2:15secs on the recording

So she is still entitled to the SS Cheques while she is overseas (and in jail)?
How has this money been getting to Heather? Through her US Attorneys?
Does HM have access to a Bank Account - and if not, who is managing the money from the SS that is coming to her?

from her father - until the age of 18 or 19.....would have been receiving survivor benefits by virtue of her age now she won't be entitled to claim under either parent
Skipped through to the later part, but it's interesting to listen to them discuss the case. The reporter Christy Gutowski seems to have a good grasp on the case, IMO. She says Heather is surprisingly no dummy.

Heather Mack Speaks with the Tribune About the Bali Suitcase Murder Case
14:06 minutes long, Posted 6:29 PM, February 4, 2015

"Chicago Tribune Report Christy Gutowski had the opportunity to talk with Chicago native Heather Mack who is being charged with the murder of her mother in Bali. Listen to what Christy has to say to Roe about how skillfully she dances around the touchy topic."

I listened carefully to the interview and was truly ''heartened'' to hear comments that echoed so many of our sentiments here on this thread. She's fooling no one......moo
Very useful interview, Curious Me! There were many interesting things in it. Thanks for posting the link.

For those who don’t have time to listen to it, the radio host was Roe Conn of WGN and he interviewed Christy Gutowski of the Chicago Tribune, about Christy’s telephone interviews with Heather on Tuesday.

Some deets from this radio show (My sometimes dyspeptic comments indented and in italics):

Heather called the Trib at about 9:30 Tuesday morning. One reason that at least one of the communications included a video call was that Gutowski wanted to confirm that she was actually speaking to Heather Mack.

Gutowski says that Bali is 12 hours ahead of Chicago.

It's 14 hours ahead. Maybe she was just making the point that it’s a difference of night and day. Or maybe the mighty Google has been lying to me.​
Her communications with Heather consisted of a series of texts, phone calls, and video-phone interviews.

Gutowski mentioned that one source of funds for Heather is Social Security checks from her deceased father.

I wonder how she manages that in prison.​
During one of the interviews, Heather was “munching on French fries.”

Gutowski said something to the effect that Heather and Tommy are never in the courtroom at the same time.

So she clearly isn’t up to speed on what happened on Wednesday.​
Gutowski said James Mack has a Grammy or two.

Is that true?​
Gutowski said that James Mack “had some notoriety.”

I don’t think she meant that, but rather that he was famous in certain circles. I’ve never heard anyone say he was notorious.​
Gutowski said there were 86 “domestics between mom and dad” and Conn corrected her to say they were between Heather and Sheila. Gutowski then dialed it back to say that a few were unrelated to violence.

Pretty poor account of the 86 reports. Most were not related to violence, as there were gobs and gobs of them related to things like Heather running away. The vast majority could be reasonably described as domestic discord, but that includes things which aren’t violent.​
Gutowski said the taxi driver was one of Wednesday’s witnesses.

Conn spoke of people in Chicago saying about Heather that “she is not screwed too tightly” and mentioned her “ability to take no blame.”

Gutowski says that Sheila’s brother is a Colorado attorney.

If anyone’s interested, look for him in Denver.​
When Gutowski says that the trust was in control of the uncle until Heather was 30, Conn breaks in and says, “I would have done it until she was 60!”

Gutowski says that William Wiese consulted with experts in Indonesian law, the FBI, and the consulate. This is how he came to the conclusion that corruption could be a problem.

Knowing this, I begin to question how well attorney Eric Dorkin has served William Wiese.​
Gutowski says there are allegations of bribery in Bali but notes she’s not sure if it’s true or if it’s substantiated.

Conn about Heather: “certainly not a sympathetic character.”

Conn: “She may try to buy her way out of this.”

Gutowski described Heather in the holding cells before the various trial sessions to date: “She’s sitting on his [Tommy’s] lap, she’s well groomed, she’s got lipstick on, her hair’s done, her nails are manicured.”

Gutowski said she asked Heather about Elkin’s claim that she had been sexually abused and Heather didn’t want to comment and Gutowski that the Tribune wasn’t able to substantiate that allegation.

She didn’t actually name Elkin, so he didn’t get yet another plug in the media. Thank you, Christy Gutowski!​
Conn : “Did she sound as nutty as we all think she is?”
Gutowski: “No, she didn’t. … She was more knowledgeable about the American and Indonesian customs and law than I expected her to be.”

A rather naïve observation by Gutowski. Heather’s been incarcerated in Indonesia for over five months. She’s learned a lot, as most prisoners do, from other prisoners. And if you're up for murder, of course you are going to try and learn as much as possible. As to the American side of things, she’s seen a bit of law enforcement even in her tender years. Heather was even following that creepy Chicago guy who thinks busting up convenience stores is just a bit of fun while she was in Kerobokan. The only thing surprising here is that Gutowski is surprised.​
Gutowski describes the video phone call and says that at one point Heather was speaking to another inmate. “She was speaking what appeared to be almost fluent tongue.”

Really stupid remark. Unless Gutowski speaks Indonesian, she can’t have any idea of how well Heather speaks. Has she never been with a friend who sounds like she speaks perfect French until you hear a Frenchman reply in English, “I can’t understand a word you’re saying.”?? I have no doubt Heather can make herself understood, but that’s a far cry from “almost fluent tongue.”​
Part of the video interview included Heather showing Gutowski her cell and some of the other women waved to Gutowski. “They were doing each other’s hair and she was eating French fries.” Conn’s hilarious deadpan reply: “Wow, good nails done down there, I bet.”

Conn: “She’s been described as very smart but very manipulative. Did you get a sense she was trying to spin her story with you?”
Gutowski: “She definitely had an agenda. She wanted to get this money out … That’s why she called the Tribune, to say that she’s lost faith in her American attorneys.”

Gutowski: “I said to her, ‘your mother is dead. You appear in these photos to be upbeat and smiling and kissing your boyfriend. Are you aware of that image?’ And she said something to the effect of ‘my smile is a disguise…’”

Tears of a clown, blah-blah-blah.​
Gutowski: “She was smart enough not to answer the pointed questions.” Gutowski asked about Heather hiding in the bathroom or sitting on the suitcase to help close it and even though Gutowski kept going back to these questions, Heather wouldn’t answer. “She’s no dummy.”
Interesting .. this doco says that your SSI is suspended if you are in prison. Though, as newone said, the benefits should have ended by now anyway as she is now 19.

"No benefits are payable for any month in which you reside in a jail, prison or certain other public institutions. If you are receiving SSI, your payments are suspended while you are in prison. Your payments can be reinstated in the month you are released. However, if your confinement lasts for 12 consecutive months or longer, your eligibility for SSI benefits will terminate and you must file a new application for benefits."
Interesting .. this doco says that your SSI is suspended if you are in prison. Though, as nowone said, the benefits should have ended by now anyway as she is now 19.

"No benefits are payable for any month in which you reside in a jail, prison or certain other public institutions. If you are receiving SSI, your payments are suspended while you are in prison. Your payments can be reinstated in the month you are released. However, if your confinement lasts for 12 consecutive months or longer, your eligibility for SSI benefits will terminate and you must file a new application for benefits."

her gravy train was ending ............but then again becoming a single mom she could climb aboard another train with benefits
Epic Fail by Daily Mail

The Daily Mail is so muddled about Heather's situation, that they think she has no one to defend her in Indonesia. They write in an article just posted:

A heavily pregnant teenager on trial for the murder of her socialite mother claims she has no-one to defend her on the resort island of Bali.

The 19-year-old reportedly made a desperate phone call to a US judge because she had no Indonesian attorney to represent her.​

Why do they write this crap? Because Anthony Scifo wants to resign. They don't even get that part right, because if they were up to speed they'd know that his leaving the case can't even officially happen until Feb. 27, when the judge rules on his motion.

Truly awful reporting.

We can of course continue to hope that Ary Soenardi dumps Heather. Stranger things have happened.
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