GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #4

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Epic Fail by Daily Mail

The Daily Mail is so muddled about Heather's situation, that they think she has no one to defend her in Indonesia. They write in an article just posted:
A heavily pregnant teenager on trial for the murder of her socialite mother claims she has no-one to defend her on the resort island of Bali.

The 19-year-old reportedly made a desperate phone call to a US judge because she had no Indonesian attorney to represent her.​

Why do they write this crap? Because Anthony Scifo wants to resign. They don't even get that part right, because if they were up to speed they'd know that his leaving the case can't even officially happen until Feb. 27, when the judge rules on his motion.

Truly awful reporting.

We can of course continue to hope that Ary Soenardi dumps Heather. Stranger things have happened.

Gosh, no wonder Im getting confused :gaah:

My Bold: Im waiting for this to happen. For AS to say - I'm out.

Im thinking that HM did this interview and phone call ringing around without her Legals concent or knowing.
Who rings a Judge? (if it was her) Especially one overseeing aspects of her case.
I dont think any legal representative would encourage their client to do that.
HM seems to think she's in control - as opposed to being out of control as I think she is.
Take that phone away from her someone!
Im thinking that HM did this interview and phone call ringing around without her Legals concent or knowing.
Who rings a Judge? (if it was her) Especially one overseeing aspects of her case.
I dont think any legal representative would encourage their client to do that.
HM seems to think she's in control - as opposed to being out of control as I think she is.


Indeed. Remember what Judge Cohen is supposed to have said about those phone calls, according to the Chicago Sun-Times:

If it was Mack [who phoned his chambers three times], she could be “faulted for being ignorant of our legal system, but I tend to doubt it,” the judge said.​
Finally we get something in Aussie media! Nothing we don't know already, except this. (Or maybe we do know it already, and it is the first time I have noticed it.)

"The trials are expected to last several more weeks."

Yes, alas, we did know. At least as early as Jan. 20, when Judge Cohen made the $2,240 food and med disbursement order, this amount was based on a trial lasting four months. And I'm pretty sure that four-month figure has been mentioned multiple times.

So this newest estimate is actually more vague!

Why won't they give us news? I begin to despair and think you are right in your guess that there must be some kind of reporting restrictions. The AP was there yesterday, snapping pix. So why no article?? I can't bear the thought that we will go through the entire trial like this. But you have already warned us that something like this happened in the Schapelle Corby trial.
Too bad one of us cant call her and ask. KIDDING :blushing: "so , heather, watcha doing?"
Interesting .. this doco says that your SSI is suspended if you are in prison. Though, as newone said, the benefits should have ended by now anyway as she is now 19.

"No benefits are payable for any month in which you reside in a jail, prison or certain other public institutions. If you are receiving SSI, your payments are suspended while you are in prison. Your payments can be reinstated in the month you are released. However, if your confinement lasts for 12 consecutive months or longer, your eligibility for SSI benefits will terminate and you must file a new application for benefits."

That's true but I have wondered all along if they hadn't been banked in her own account prior to them ending.
Calling the media to provide interviews while in jail. And doing so against your lawyers advice, or without your lawyers knowledge. To the point that your lawyer files to be dismissed from representing you. Believing this is the way to control the outcome of things.

Who does this remind you of? Our state-side AZ resident psychopath............Jodi Arias!!!! Maybe HM is taking ques from her on how to behave?
Gosh, no wonder Im getting confused :gaah:

My Bold: Im waiting for this to happen. For AS to say - I'm out.

Im thinking that HM did this interview and phone call ringing around without her Legals concent or knowing.
Who rings a Judge? (if it was her) Especially one overseeing aspects of her case.
I dont think any legal representative would encourage their client to do that.
HM seems to think she's in control - as opposed to being out of control as I think she is.
Take that phone away from her someone!

Of course lawyers do not encourage it. However, lots and lots of people do believe it or not. They call, they write, they drop into would be amazed at the number of people that are not aware that judges will NOT read, talk, see or have contact with any party outside of the courtroom or other setting that could be interpreted as ex parte contact.
Phone Addict Heather Offers More Proof of her Desperation

Heather has confirmed that she called Judge Cohen’s chambers on Wednesday, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. How do they know? Heather called and told them! She’s on a spree, contacting everybody!

We learn from this story that Stella is the name of one of Tommy’s great-grandmothers. She repeats that she is “petrified.” (If she’s so good at learning Indonesian, you’d think she’d be even better at learning more words in her native language.)

Without naming them, she claims to be friends with Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran.

She claims Scifo has texted her and wants to be re-hired.

She says she’s in court two days a week, that there are 41 witnesses, and two witnesses have been heard so far.

From the S-T (My comments in italics):

Heather Mack … confirmed Thursday that she indeed called a Cook County judge several times on Wednesday to say she has fired all three of the Chicago-area attorneys who are representing her and her unborn child.

“I kind of caused a ruckus,” Mack said in a telephone call and video chat with the Chicago Sun-Times. “No one really knew if it was me. That was me.”

“He [Tommy] has not confessed to the killing. He has confessed to having an altercation with her,” Mack said.​

Boy, I wonder what that fairy tale is gonna sound like!

“… I believe she [Stella] has the right to know her parents and we deserve the right to know our daughter. …The firing squad is very real. ... I have friends in here that are going to be executed in two weeks.”

“As you guys know from the 86 police calls and everything, it was a complex relationship,” Mack said.

"A complex relationship?" Disgusting.

There is nothing more she can say at this point about her mother’s death, Mack said.

“I have been deliberately obstructed from information and funds to pay my lawyer … thus denying me a fair chance of defending myself so all of the above people can benefit from my trust,” [apparently referring to her American attorneys].​

In addition to the telephone call and video chat, she also emailed the Sun-Times. Who knows when she'll start posting YouTubes.
Listed in the link above. OK I'm confused, who filed the motion on Monday re: the condo sale?

Eta is this the same Atty who wants off the case?
Wow...just when you think it can't get any crazier, well it does. I said long ago that she reminds me of Arias, Weezer Fan. I just didn't think she'd be able to manipulate from way over there. But apparently she can.

Where are the Bali news reports about THIS stuff. Where is the prison guard confiscating her phone? Then again she's smart. She'll only say good things about the prison so they are okay with her having one. Although it wouldn't hurt if they knew she was transmitting pictures and video from inside the prison. I think they do have a problem with that. I believe 100 percent that AS is aware of what she is doing. He wants his money. He is not going to provide an "itemized statement". The problem is hers and she can do anything she wants to make it happen. He doesn't care one way or the other. Especially if he's already got 50 grand. In no way do I believe this guy is any kind of lawyer other than a corrupt one. Have we even seen him in the pics from inside the courtroom? Dressed up in the robes? Who are all those people in the courtroom dressed in the robes on either side of the "big chair"? Why does it appear that HM and TS only talk to the translator. Don't any of these lawyers speak English? You'd think AS would considering he deals with a lot of foreign prisoners.

All the stories about the hard life in Kerobokan prison...pulleeze. She's having a slumber party, calling her "squad" friends in the US, doing hair and nails, relaxing in the shade, ordering take out, playing Candy Crush, surfing the net (probably reading here...hi Heather :wave:) and meeting all the famous "foreigners" as well as hanging with TS during the day likely. She obviously had her own bank account where the SS checks were being deposited and she probably had a bankroll in there before this happened since she was stealing from her mother at every opportunity so why spend her own cash when she can just take it from her mother's wallet. And all it took was for her lawyers to set her up with the Australian women and withdraw her funds and put them in a trust acct with the US consulate that those women are obviously able to draw from to make sure that her needs were being met. And all this would have been done in September when Elkin and Favia were over there. And if for any reason the SS benefit has not been cut off, there would be a seamless transfer of funds from her bank account to the consulate trust account I'm sure. But likely it has been cut off as of her birthday last October and so by November she was demanding money from her uncle as well as having Favia set up a crowd source fundraiser for her.

Remember that every time we see them at the holding area before court they've got their "friends" from Australia and the US consulate people plus their lawyers all crowding around them taking orders and passing information back and forth. We've seen pictures of all of them talking to HM and TS before court. Plus they are able to have visitors every day at the prison, which they do. So there is no lack of information or manipulation opportunities for HM. And now it appears she's found another pipeline, the Chicago media.

Meanwhile, Sheila's family continue to grieve and be thrown under the bus by "well meaning" attorneys and judges all the way around. Unreal. :notgood:

Its only a matter of time before she sets up an account here and starts posting.

Sounds like she is having a blast in a prison in indonesia! Like scott peterson and his "historic" prison.:)
What is a baksheesh signal? That picture mystifies me as she's giving Tommy such an intense look.

An hour later update -- looked it up and I think it's a signal asking for a money tip. Is that correct?
Well, if so, then I learned something new. :smile:

"baksheesh" more commonly means offering or taking a bribe, or asking for charity by beggars, as in crying 'baksheesh, baba!' - in this case HM seeing as she is suddenly short of dough :happydance:

Indeed. Remember what Judge Cohen is supposed to have said about those phone calls, according to the Chicago Sun-Times:
If it was Mack [who phoned his chambers three times], she could be “faulted for being ignorant of our legal system, but I tend to doubt it,” the judge said.​

It does sound to me as if HM is DEMANDING that her legal team do as she says or wants - as in Get Me My Money Now!
I think if Scifo got out by the skin of his teeth because HM decided that she was going to do the ringing around anyway.

The calls came the same day as attorney Anthony R. Scifo filed a motion saying he wanted out of case, citing a “substantial breakdown in communication” with Mack.
I'd say the 'substantial' bit was HM having one of her angry ranting outbursts.
This time she cant just run away like she did on her mother so many times, so she is getting rid of anyone she see's that's in her way to get to that money. Sounds like a familiar tactic of hers actually. :thinking:

I hope there is some enquiry as to if it was Mack who rang or not - that would not be hard to find out - and I think they should.
Soon Favia may not be there either if the ruling goes ahead that she be removed for conflict of interest.
Listed in the link above. OK I'm confused, who filed the motion on Monday re: the condo sale?

Eta is this the same Atty who wants off the case?

From the link...

On Monday, Mack filed another motion, arguing that her uncle, who was appointed trustee of the fund by her mother, was acting against her interests by selling her mother’s condo and shipping her belongings to another relative in St. Louis.
It does sound to me as if HM is DEMANDING that her legal team do as she says or wants - as in Get Me My Money Now!
I think if Scifo got out by the skin of his teeth because HM decided that she was going to do the ringing around anyway.

I'd say the 'substantial' bit was HM having one of her angry ranting outbursts.
This time she cant just run away like she did on her mother so many times, so she is getting rid of anyone she see's that's in her way to get to that money. Sounds like a familiar tactic of hers actually. :thinking:

I hope there is some enquiry as to if it was Mack who rang or not - that would not be hard to find out - and I think they should.
Soon Favia may not be there either if the ruling goes ahead that she be removed for conflict of interest.

I believe she has confirmed that it was her who made the calls to the judge.

And her demands for this money are making it VERY clear that it's for a bribe. Not that it wasn't clear before but it appears as though the judge was trying to give AS the benefit of the doubt. Seriously? I think WW did provide evidence to suggest that attorneys in Indonesia don't have those kind of "retainers" on average. Even the 50 grand is way above and beyond IMO.

And Favia was hedging her bets. Assuming that HM might get out on that bribe so she'd get her money from her or in the event that she is convicted of something relating to her mother's death, she would use the baby to get her fees. Despicable. But I assume she's going to choose, when that motion comes before the court, which one she's hedging her bets on. Although Elkin was still in the running at the time for HM. So between the two of them they figure they've got it all covered I guess. They just screwed up with who was submitting what.


And Heather has a Skype Account, or is using someone else's Skype account from Bali jail at all hours of the night - that's how she managed to talk to the Chicago newspaper.

View attachment 68830​

Heather Mack is shown on video chat from her Indonesian jail. | Screenshot via Skype

She obviously hasn't learnt from her texting experience yet - let the Skype calls roll!
I wouldn't be surprised if they are monitoring any phone she and Tommy are using.

Source... it is worth noting that Skype data can be requested by law enforcement and security agencies.
So, if you’re using Skype, make sure you’re not doing anything that might be considered illegal in your own or the territory of the people you’re communicating with.

I have tried to edit this post to get rid of the attachment numbers - no success :gaah: though I did manage to resize *sigh


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Here's what I find interesting about the $150K figure.

Originally, HM agreed to pay Elkin $150K for her defense. I have no idea how they came up with that figure or if it included expenses.

Soenardi asked for $300K. IIRC, 'cultural' issues and the death penalty were the reason for the high price. I believe he doubled it because he and HM agreed that HM would pay for TS's defense too.

When there was pushback, Soenardi dropped his price to $150K. Now if it was OK to pay US lawyers (who can't even practice in Indonesia) $150K, then I guess I can understand why Soenardi thinks he should get at least as much.

I think Cohen moved too fast, made incorrect assumptions about Wiese, and managed to put himself and Mackoff (new trustee) in a very awkward position. He can't very well turn around now and do exactly what Wiese was trying to do.

Given the circumstances, I hope Soenardi keeps coming back for more $ and getting it. I hope that HM at last gets enough time that she wants to appeal and I hope Soenardi keeps bleeding her for $ as long as he can.

SWM's granddaughter will never see any of that inheritance anyway. Better it go to Soenardi and a bunch of crooked prosecutors and judges than to HM.

Yes, she reminds me of Jodi Arias. She's just getting started. It's been clear from the footage that she likes the cameras, likes thinking she's a 'rich *****' giving orders to her 'legal team'. She's managed to put her uncle and a judge and three lawyers in publicly embarrassing positions and she's forged links with the media.

We can only hope the FBI is waiting with 'murder-for-hire' charges when she comes back.
I notice HM is really re-writing the narrative in her latest interviews. I'm wondering when someone will ask her about the discrepancy between her current version of events and what she and TS allegedly confessed to and re-enacted.

IIUC, the current story is: TS had an 'altercation' with SWM, HM is completely innocent - and there's no proof that someone else didn't kill SWM.
Just a question - is Judge Cohen male or female?
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