GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #4

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I notice HM is really re-writing the narrative in her latest interviews. I'm wondering when someone will ask her about the discrepancy between her current version of events and what she and TS allegedly confessed to and re-enacted.

IIUC, the current story is: TS had an 'altercation' with SWM, HM is completely innocent - and there's no proof that someone else didn't kill SWM.

My bold -
I think there was a time where they were plying this angle - and yet there is plenty of proof that no-one else - especially a gang - entered Sheila's room - only TS (HM was already in the room). CCTV anyone?
It would be ridiculous if she thinks thats still a plausible defense.
I dont know how HM can possibly think that she can be viewed as totally innocent - she is kidding herself. It is the worst possible scenario for her - the judges residing over these trials are more lenient if people confess - she is setting herself up a treat to go down all the way.
With the evidence coming in now - she cant back track either.
In light of the phone calls, the interview, skyping and so on, we know Heather's motive more likely than not for the calls to the judge was for attention and he was right...she knows better. I have to say that I was thinking that her behavior reminded me of what one of the few friends of hers we did hear from early on said about her relationship with SWM: "If Heather wants it, Heather gets it". I am sticking to my original analysis of a very beloved and over indulged only child whose behavior was never really checked until it was too late to have any real affect on the child whom had evolved into a very spoiled and entitled brat. Consequences mean nothing to her because there have really not been any consistent ones in her life. Throw in the chaos the family must have been plunged into once JM became ill and his subsequent death and the dynamics of the mother/daughter relationship, HM is a person that does not recognize or have any respect for authority, in any shape or form. She did not have to follow school rules and when in detention or expelled, she in the end did not have to attend school. With one exception she could commit crimes with impunity and I am willing to bet in her mind she has rationalized that her mother not only deserved her fate but actually caused it to happen by engaging in an "altercation" with TS. She is one sick ticket. I do have this she not allowed to have a cell phone? I know we read an article that described the confiscation of cell phones during a search at the prison but does that mean they are not allowed period?
My bold -
I think there was a time where they were plying this angle - and yet there is plenty of proof that no-one else - especially a gang - entered Sheila's room - only TS (HM was already in the room). CCTV anyone?
It would be ridiculous if she thinks thats still a plausible defense.
I dont know how HM can possibly think that she can be viewed as totally innocent - she is kidding herself. It is the worst possible scenario for her - the judges residing over these trials are more lenient if people confess - she is setting herself up a treat to go down all the way.
With the evidence coming in now - she cant back track either.

I thought the possibility of someone else being responsible had been ruled out, but it has come up again since the trial started. I think HM's thinking of US courtrooms and 'reasonable doubt'. I'm sure that conflicts between their police confessions and re-enactments and the current story will be explained away as police coercion.

No way of knowing if any of that matters or will come into play in an Indonesian courtroom. If the judges have been bribed, who knows what evidence could be disallowed? Take away all electronic media evidence (cellphone, hotel cameras) because it could have been tampered with, and what is left?
Amongst the outrage expressed in the comments section, guest100 seems to know hm and ts...or has been following the story as closely as we have.

Mack refused to comment on any specifics regarding her case. "I maintain that I am innocent of all charges against me related to the death of my mother," she said in the interview. "I believe my lawyer, who has worked relentlessly on my behalf, will prove this in court. I ask that the public reserve judgment on my case until the judge passes his verdict."

My Bold -
Very confident statement really considering the actual facts of the case are quite different.
I took a look at the average monthly salary for an attorney in Indonesia (figure is from a 2011 survey). It is 20,050,000 rupiah. Which converts to US$1,592.

This means that Ary should be able to work for HM for about 7 years, inclusive of a very healthy estimate (equivalent of 9 months wages) for court costs, admin fees, prison visits, etc.

The retainer alone should last for about 2 years' services - including that very healthy estimate for other costs.

Good luck justifying your US$150,000 fee, Ary.

And from an Indonesian attorney's website:

-Payment on Account of Costs (sometimes called a “retainer fee”): In this case, the lawyer is paid a set fee upfront, usually based on the lawyer’s estimate of the initial work cost (based on the hourly rate and work to be undertaken). The retainer is placed in your client account, and the cost of your lawyer’s legal advice is then deducted from that account as and when it accrues.

(And, remember, this is for Sheila's money to be covering his entire salary - there would also be other income from other clients, which I haven't considered at all, other than lumping those fees into a pile and saying that they could be used for other staff wages and office overheads.)
Good investigating SA :tyou:
I have been wondering what the general fee was - and it is alarmingly small for a professional - but, it certainly highlights the discrepancy.

It makes me very sad indeed to think that not only did Sheila lose her life - but the hard earned money that Sheila should have been retiring on is going to help defend HM and more than likely grease the palms of the corrupted.

I hope some how those itemized receipts that should be coming in to the verify the money handed over for HM's defence and her health & wellbeing somehow make a public appearance.
Amongst the outrage expressed in the comments section, guest100 seems to know hm and ts...or has been following the story as closely as we have.

I've noticed over the past six months that no people from her past, not even her squad homies, family members, school buddies, or church members, have ever made a favorable comment on Heather's character as a decent human being. Why is that? You'd think somebody had one good thing to say about her. :shakehead:

(I don't count any attorneys making nice press statements while awaiting payment or casual, hardly-knew-her acquaintances.)
I do have this she not allowed to have a cell phone? I know we read an article that described the confiscation of cell phones during a search at the prison but does that mean they are not allowed period?

The reason I'm asking this rather obvious question is that clearly the prison authorities know she has the use of a phone. So is it covertly allowed for a price? Or is it a matter of keeping your phone well hidden from the authorities to avoid confiscation and if it is confiscated is there no penalty? Lol, I know this is not really important but it is bugging me.
I wonder how they plan on explaining away the re-enactment photos (and possibly video)? If they are even asked to explain them.

"He is alleged to have smashed her in the face and as she lay on the bed, he hit her again with the steel handle before holding her hand and calling her name to check if she was dead.
Mack later sat on the suitcase with her mother’s body in it to make it close."

Schaefer called out for Heather Mack to come out from the bathroom. The couple allegedly hugged and Schaefer said: "Sheila is dead".

"During the argument, as Schaefer was standing by the bed, von Wiese-Mack had her hands around his throat as if to strangle him - a scene that was re-enacted and photographed as part of Monday's reconstruction."
I've noticed over the past six months that no people from her past, not even her squad homies, family members, school buddies, or church members, have ever made a favorable comment on Heather's character as a decent human being. Why is that? You'd think somebody had one good thing to say about her. :shakehead:

(I don't count any attorneys making nice press statements while awaiting payment or casual, hardly-knew-her acquaintances.)

So true Curious. Additionally, something I noticed very early on was this was not someone that seemed to have any friends, we've seen only two guys from her "hotel" romp days saying mundane things such as "she's good peeps", "my homie" and the like, as if they have not known her long. No one from her OP days talking about what close friends they were, things they did together at school or out of school, and no warm and fuzzy recollections. We did hear about lavish birthday parties "that her Mom would throw for her" not how much fun we had with her type things. Even her activity with acting, all we have is a pic of what appears to be registration and we know per one girl, she was kicked out of dance for some reason. Very telling overall...
The reason I'm asking this rather obvious question is that clearly the prison authorities know she has the use of a phone. So is it covertly allowed for a price? Or is it a matter of keeping your phone well hidden from the authorities to avoid confiscation and if it is confiscated is there no penalty? Lol, I know this is not really important but it is bugging me.

Short answer: yes.

HM has been making calls outside working hours, however, so I suspect she's using an illegal phone or getting special permission from the prison authorities. I wonder if Soenardi has connections at Kerobokan?

A prison telephone facility has been made available in the form of a telephone booth large enough for one person at a time to use. Five Nokia cell phones are available for use by the inmates. These mobile phones were purchased from the prison’s budget at around Rp 200,000 (US$20.6) each.

Inmates who use the phones must pay for the phone call, according to its duration.

“All inmates can use these cell phones, even the foreign inmates too,” said Wiratna. The phones are only available only during working hours.

Although inmates are not supposed to have any cash, Wiratna admitted he had not been able to find a solution for the matter. Thus, inmates in Kerobokan Penitentiary can still freely carry cash in their pockets.

Both money and cell phones are usually obtained by the inmates from their visiting relatives.
Short answer: yes.

HM has been making calls outside working hours, however, so I suspect she's using an illegal phone or getting special permission from the prison authorities. I wonder if Soenardi has connections at Kerobokan?

Looks like they are contraband devices, but it'scommon in Kerobokan. Here's what prisoner Paul Conibeer had to say on the matter:

"But he also reveals a jail where international inmates - known as ''bules'', the Indonesian word for Westerners - can live a lifestyle he calls ''luxury, Kerobokan-style''.

Such prisoners are readily able to access contraband smartphones, internet, secreted laptops and plasma televisions."
So true Curious. Additionally, something I noticed very early on was this was not someone that seemed to have any friends, we've seen only two guys from her "hotel" romp days saying mundane things such as "she's good peeps", "my homie" and the like, as if they have not known her long. No one from her OP days talking about what close friends they were, things they did together at school or out of school, and no warm and fuzzy recollections. We did hear about lavish birthday parties "that her Mom would throw for her" not how much fun we had with her type things. Even her activity with acting, all we have is a pic of what appears to be registration and we know per one girl, she was kicked out of dance for some reason. Very telling overall...

The only warm and fuzzy "friend" message that I have EVER seen was from someone at Heather's 18th birthday party. I think it was a vine or re-vine. Also, back in August, HM appeared on a friend or two's FaceBook profile picture(s), mugging and posing pretty. Now, those pics have all been scrubbed. And not a word has been said in open from anyone on her behalf...except from the "squad." Now, squad member, VonMar, may have to figure out how to vouch for his friends from behind bars as he had taken to trashing stores and shouting "Put 'em in a coffin." LE and the court were not amused.

ETA- There were also some somewhat supportive comments about HM posted in a high school-ish forum that I cannot re-post here. Will try to find if you PM me.
The Daily Mail has updated their most recent story. They still make the stupid and incorrect claim that Heather has no Bali lawyer. They actually say it twice in the first 89 words of the article.

But now in an effort to expand the story, they contradict themselves. Deep into the piece the Mail concedes that Ary Soenardi is still working for Heather.

From the outrageously appalling article:

Bali lawyer Ary Soenardi said that he was still acting for her and was continuing to work on her defence.

A court spokesman in Bali said no notification had been given that he had removed himself from the case, which has been adjourned until next week.

Among the [witnesses to be called next week] will be staff from the St Regis Hotel - where the murder occurred - police and forensic experts.
I wonder how they plan on explaining away the re-enactment photos (and possibly video)? If they are even asked to explain them.

Splendid question.

As I posted a few days ago, Bali trial procedure includes asking defendants to comment on the testimony of witnesses. If that evidence comes in as part of testimony, it seems that the two of them would be asked to say something.
Concerning the three calls to Judge Cohen's chambers which appeared to originate from across the street:

i wonder if it was the switchboard of the court whose number showed up??? Or she called the Cook County switchboard and they transferred her?


I just wanted to highlight Hiandmighty's post, which didn't completely convince me at the time. (In my feeble defense, I did note it made no sense for a prankster to use a Cook County office number which could potentially be traced.)

Since we know Heather has admitted to making the calls, Hiandmighty's explanation must be correct.

Well done! has some new info on the Lawyer Wars. It's worth looking at the entire piece. Here are the highlights:

Scifo said he has wired $50,000 to her Bali attorney, Ary Soenardi. He could not confirm that Soenardi is still Mack's attorney. He said the second and third payments of $50,000 will be released after he receives appropriate billings stating the basis of the additional payments.

He said he also has received $2,240 from the trust for the support and maintenance of Mack's unborn child, Stella, and less than half of those funds, used for food and medical expenses, have been distributed.

Scifo … was reluctant to send all of the support and maintenance money at one time for fear that she could be robbed in prison …

Neither Favia nor Elkin could be immediately reached for comment, but Elkin issued a press release, Thursday afternoon, stating that, due to the allegations against Mack, "responses to her apparent allegations will not be provided to the media as it is not the proper forum; however, they will be self-evident from filings presented to the Honorable Judge Neil H. Cohen."

Elkin also noted that Mack is charged with premeditated murder, which carries the death penalty; murder, which carries a 15-year prison sentence; violence causing death; which has a maximum 12-year prison sentence; hiding a criminal, which carries a nine-month prison sentence; and domestic violence, which carries a 15-year prison term.

Mack also is being investigated by U.S. officials and could face indictments back home.
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