GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #4

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Here is another case involving Eddy Arat Wijaya, and the murder of an Aussie girl in Bali.

"They sentenced him to 15 years' jail.

"We find the defendant Fahrul Rosi has been proven officially and convincingly guilty of committing burglary with violence, causing death," Chief Judge Daniel Palittin told the court.

"The defendant unintentionally committed murder against the victim.

"The defendant went to the victim's place to steal. During the burglary the victim woke up, the defendant panicked and blindingly stabbed the victim." (now we know where Tommy gets his version of events from)

The court noted Rosi's confession and the remorse he had expressed for his actions, including an apology to Ms Murphy's family.

But it also noted the inhumane nature of the crime, and the fact that Rosi, who had a lengthy criminal record, profited from it.

Prosecutor Eddy Artha Wijaya had demanded Rosi be handed a life jail term, describing Ms Murphy's slaying as cruel and bad for Bali's tourism industry."

I was so disgusted by this verdict but he wouldn't have gotten much longer here either. Disgusting.
Here is another case involving Eddy Arat Wijaya, and the murder of an Aussie girl in Bali.

"They sentenced him to 15 years' jail.

"We find the defendant Fahrul Rosi has been proven officially and convincingly guilty of committing burglary with violence, causing death," Chief Judge Daniel Palittin told the court.

"The defendant unintentionally committed murder against the victim.

"The defendant went to the victim's place to steal. During the burglary the victim woke up, the defendant panicked and blindingly stabbed the victim." (now we know where Tommy gets his version of events from)

The court noted Rosi's confession and the remorse he had expressed for his actions, including an apology to Ms Murphy's family.

But it also noted the inhumane nature of the crime, and the fact that Rosi, who had a lengthy criminal record, profited from it.

Prosecutor Eddy Artha Wijaya had demanded Rosi be handed a life jail term, describing Ms Murphy's slaying as cruel and bad for Bali's tourism industry."

This is such a disturbing case. The defendant stabbed his victim 37 times! The judges called his act sadistic and inhuman. Yet they could only find a way to sentence him to 15 years. The family of the victim was completely unsatisfied with the sentence.

The prosecutor, Eddy Arat Wijaya (Tommy and Heather's prosecutor, as SouthAussie has already told us), asked that the defendant be found guilty of intentional killing during a crime, which could have resulted in a life sentence, but the judges rejected that. How can you stab someone 37 times and not intend to kill them??

You can read more about this case by Googling “Heidi Murphy,” who was the victim.

I've got several citations about this case, but no time right now to hunt them down. Here's just one other citation to augment the account SouthAussie has so helpfully provided:

It is cases like this, and the “Lovebirds” murder that Quester drew our attention to in December, that make me think Tommy and Heather simply won’t be given the death penalty. And very possibly not even life. (The Lovebirds case involved a teenaged but adult couple who tortured the young man’s previous girlfriend for hours before murdering her and then dumped her body alongside a road. The judges found it was murder and that there was premeditation yet they were each sentenced to 20 years, not life and not the death penalty.)
This article speaks about the corruption in the Indonesia court system and talks about sacking judges involved with the Bali 9. I post it because I believe this tells us that we do not know what to expect with HM and TS. Without the media scrutiny from the Bali 9, I think they (HM/TS) could have gotten off, or at least gotten much reduced sentences. They still could. Or, things could go the other way.


Thanks for the link to a very informative article, Weezer Fan. I was struck by the remarks it quoted from Melbourne University Asia law professor Tim Lindsey, who said that corruption and "weak skills" among the Indonesian judiciary were "still a serious problem". And, notably: "The system is still surely too weak to be able to be allowed to apply the death penalty."

That article was very difficult reading for me, knowing that Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran are expected to be moved to their "Death Island" this week.
I wonder if there will be a court appearance for HM and TS this week? She's been strangely quiet.
I don't know what to make of the silence, either. There seem to be two things going on.

1) HM is suddenly quiet - by choice? Did Soenardi tell her to shut up, that Schappelle Corby's worst mistake was big outside-media publicity? Did the prison authorities take away her phone? Is she still in the hospital, stalling for time??

2) is there a general media shut-out because of MS/AC? I can't find anything about the Ellis trial, which is also going on right now. There were pics of the first appearances, just as there have been with HM/TS, but now....nothing.

I wonder how Judge Cohen feels about HM now. She told the court clerk that she had no legal representation, which was a lie. Her US attorneys are still on the job, even if reluctantly - apparently she told everyone but her attorneys they were fired. She said they weren't returning her phone calls, but that could also be a lie. They may be returning the calls but not giving her the answers she wants. Soenardi might have threatened to pull out if the money isn't forthcoming, but even if that did happen, she would still have access to the same free representation that TS has.

I wonder if HM is running out the clock in the hospital while things get sorted out. At one point, Scifo was saying the $ had been sent but HM was saying Soenardi hadn't gotten paid yet. There was also a reference in one of our links that said the future installments would be paid out after Soenardi explains how the $ will be spent.

I suppose it's too much to hope Soenardi will decide this one is getting to be too hot to handle?

Also too much to hope for (outside movies), but it would be great if one of the judges got under HM's skin and she had a major meltdown. That sort of thing doesn't seem to go down well over there.
I noticed in an article I read about the upcoming executions that one of the people, the man from France I believe, is being reviewed now because of possible mental illness. I also understand Shapelle Corby seemed to get some favorable treatment due to perceived mental illness. Wonder how that will factor into HM's situation?
I noticed in an article I read about the upcoming executions that one of the people, the man from France I believe, is being reviewed now because of possible mental illness. I also understand Shapelle Corby seemed to get some favorable treatment due to perceived mental illness. Wonder how that will factor into HM's situation?

I've given this some thought. I wouldn't rule it out, but I think it might be unlikely for a couple reasons:

1) pride - I can't see HM wanting to admit she's got mental issues. It's the rest of the world that's the problem. :(

2) the child - if the courts accept that HM is mentally disturbed, that leaves an opening for someone to try to get custody of the child away from her - either in Indonesia or later, in the US.

3) it's remotely possible (our legal experts would have to weigh in here) that her uncle could use any claims/admissions of mental illness to keep tighter control over the trust.

I'm assuming we're talking about a claim of mental incompetence based on her prior history, including court-ordered treatment - not a single moment of 'temporary insanity' in room 317 that made her run and hide in a bathroom and then act like a robot.
I've been in more of a lurker mode mood. Upset, I think with these coming executions and seeing how weak and corrupt the legal system is over there, I'm a bit stunned by their idea of justice. :sigh:
I've been in more of a lurker mode mood. Upset, I think with these coming executions and seeing how weak and corrupt the legal system is over there, I'm a bit stunned by their idea of justice. :sigh:

I know exactly what you mean, Curious Me. :hug:

I couldn’t comment on this thread for a little while due to my feelings about Indonesia now. When you can see no justice in their very unequal form of ‘justice’ (which is also supposed to be rehabilitation-based … apparently) it just feels like :banghead: . It is almost paralysing, in a way.

So I decided to go the affirmative action route - jump online and sign the petitions, email the FM, and do the very little I could do to contribute to raising the profile (of AC and MS), and that made me feel marginally better and a teeny tiny tad less helpless in this horrible horrible situation.
This is such a disturbing case. The defendant stabbed his victim 37 times! The judges called his act sadistic and inhuman. Yet they could only find a way to sentence him to 15 years. The family of the victim was completely unsatisfied with the sentence.

The prosecutor, Eddy Arat Wijaya (Tommy and Heather's prosecutor, as SouthAussie has already told us), asked that the defendant be found guilty of intentional killing during a crime, which could have resulted in a life sentence, but the judges rejected that. How can you stab someone 37 times and not intend to kill them??

You can read more about this case by Googling “Heidi Murphy,” who was the victim.

I've got several citations about this case, but no time right now to hunt them down. Here's just one other citation to augment the account SouthAussie has so helpfully provided:

It is cases like this, and the “Lovebirds” murder that Quester drew our attention to in December, that make me think Tommy and Heather simply won’t be given the death penalty. And very possibly not even life. (The Lovebirds case involved a teenaged but adult couple who tortured the young man’s previous girlfriend for hours before murdering her and then dumped her body alongside a road. The judges found it was murder and that there was premeditation yet they were each sentenced to 20 years, not life and not the death penalty.)

My friends were friends with this poor lady...such a disgusting case. Eddy gave the ring he stole off her body to his girlfriend the day after the murder.
My friends were friends with this poor lady...such a disgusting case. Eddy gave the ring he stole off her body to his girlfriend the day after the murder.

Do you mean the prosecutor stole Heidi's ring for his girlfriend, tarjessi?? :thud:
Well, they went to court today.


Heather Mack (L), accused of the premeditated murder of her mother, and her co-accused and boyfriend Tommy Schaefer (2nd R) of the US walk to a prison van in Denpasar on the resort island of Bali on February 18, 2015.
Wow, it's so humid for them, I say with an evil snicker. It looks like Tommy kind of gives Heather the cold shoulder these days. Where's the love? After all, she's going to have his? baby in another month and a half.
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