GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #4

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Just when I think this can't get any more blatant, it does. I'm starting to consider things I once would have dismissed as impossible.

Soenardi is presumably working with the prosecution and the judges. Is it just coincidence that the defense's opening gambit is to try to dismiss on a technicality, one so obvious and trivial that frankly, a dismissal on those grounds would be criminal - the room number confusion.

That's less plausible with the hotel room tapes, but they're going to have to disqualify (or disappear) those pretty shortly.

SouthAussie, I don't see TS's mom in that photo. She's completely bald and comfortable with it. Particularly in Bali, I can't see her wearing a wig. I wondered if the blonde woman sitting next to her in the other photo might be a friend who came to Bali with her.

HiandMighty, SouthAussie, I think TS looks very bad. I would not be surprised in the least if he tries suicide or just completely snaps. Perhaps he should be grateful he doesn't have access to enough money to be getting drugs. Sadly, this would be great with HM. They'd have her case wrapped up and shut down so fast it would be incredible.

I read criticism of Schappelle Corby, saying that she faked a mental breakdown that allowed her to leave Kerobokan and go to some kind of rehab/recovery for a week or two. It was light years better than 'Hotel K'. I think she'd already been in prison for a few years before that happened.

Here's HM, 19, never been to Bali before. In 5 short months, she's already gotten three out-of-jail breaks by my reckoning. Is this girl scary clever manipulative or what?

(the laryngitis episode, a 'depression' episode and an 'early contraction episode')
I just had a bad feeling that he is going to kill himself.

He's fine IMO. You have to remember that he is the one who committed the actual murder and he's likely not a psychopath. So he's feeling emotions about all this. That's normal. What's not normal is HM's smugness. Love to see a psychiatrist file on her. And I bet there's a large one.

We can see from this pic that Tommy's rubber band ring is gone. I guess only Heather has to pretend that she is not an unwed mother-to-be.
His hair has grown in a bit since last week too - so we know the photo is from this week.


Does that mean the "engagement" is off? Is that why he's crying? What'll we do with the wedding presents???
Does that mean the "engagement" is off? Is that why he's crying? What'll we do with the wedding presents???

LMAO :floorlaugh:

And I was just gonna start the collection for some KFC as a nice wedding dinner. :giggle:
LMAO :floorlaugh:

And I was just gonna start the collection for some KFC as a nice wedding dinner. :giggle:


I guess they have cancelled the lavish reception and honeymoon at Hotel Kerobokan too. :noooo:
He's fine IMO. You have to remember that he is the one who committed the actual murder and he's likely not a psychopath. So he's feeling emotions about all this. That's normal. What's not normal is HM's smugness. Love to see a psychiatrist file on her. And I bet there's a large one.


bbm: is it possible she's on some heavy duty Rx medication for her ''disorders''? wasn't she under psych care in US?
Tell me why she isnt the killer (sorry, im tired). I think she maimed mom and maybe he finished the job, but i tend to not believe that this is the one time she didnt beat her mother when there is an established history that beating her mother is something "it do"...
Further to FigTree's post #323

HM's recent day out reminds me of this article - very interestiing:

Read more:
They won't execute me, says Bali's Mr Big, as the British granny at the centre of 'his' £1.6m drug plot is sentenced to death... so why is he so curiously relaxed?
Brash Londoner saunters round notorious jail seemingly unworried.

This article is indeed interesting and gives some insight into how those with money and connections escape justice in Indonesia, and what conditions are like inside Hotel K if you are willing to pay.

The article also talks about a book about drug smuggling which was due to be published. The author of the book mentions a Brazilian man who snitched on fellow drug dealers and received a death sentence for his trouble, due to the "influence" of said drug dealers. I wonder if this was the Brazilian guy who was executed last weekend?

I have no doubt that HM will manage pretty well in Kerobokan, but I'm not so sure about TS.
Tell me why she isnt the killer (sorry, im tired). I think she maimed mom and maybe he finished the job, but i tend to not believe that this is the one time she didnt beat her mother when there is an established history that beating her mother is something "it do"...

Well apparently his fingerprints are all over the murder weapon and he has confessed. But the truth is we'll never really know exactly what happened and who did what. I'd really like to know if TS's confession includes HM cowering in the washroom and if the lawyers worked together to get the stories straight.

bbm: is it possible she's on some heavy duty Rx medication for her ''disorders''? wasn't she under psych care in US?

I guess it's possible if she already had a prescription with her?
We can see from this pic that Tommy's rubber band ring is gone. I guess only Heather has to pretend that she is not an unwed mother-to-be.
His hair has grown in a bit since last week too - so we know the photo is from this week.


Well, the ring was there last week, as we can see in this pic. And it is gone this week. Maybe his mum is getting through to him.
Maybe he and HM are having a few string-ring-marriage problems.

(Welcome to the forum, whatthewhat! :seeya: )


Does that mean the "engagement" is off? Is that why he's crying? What'll we do with the wedding presents???


Diamonds are forever, but string-rings not so much.
The guard behind Heather should be making happy commercials about having good bowel movements. What a smile!

Heather does look smug. Not to be mean, well maybe alittle, I want to see her cry really hard some day.

LOL I feel the same way, can reality please just hit her in the face really bad and can she not have things go her way at least once?

Thank you all for the warm welcome!
From the daily mail article:

"Now that they have been formally charged during a brief appearance last week it is understood they have been allowed to make brief contact with one another by phone. Among the mouthed messages she made to her boyfriend she could be distinctly seen saying: 'Call me - we can talk about anything'


They can just call each other whenever???!!!!

What happened to HM's 'Shut Up and say nothing' directive - she's got a big mouth.
Phones are not allowed - but corruption is on a grand scale here - looking at some of the reports phones and communication devices are common in the jails.

Swords, Smartphones & Laptops Seized in Kerobokan Prison Raid

Aug 19, 2014
Huge haul of contraband found in Jakarta prison shakedown destroyed

December 20, 2014
At least 213 mobile phones were destroyed along with 19 weapons and two laptop computers. “We’ve also eliminated 65 cellphone chargers, a stove, a power bank, an internet modem, two televisions, a DVD player and a music box,” director general Handoyo Sudrajat said as the items were being destroyed in Cipinang, East Jakarta, on Friday.

Govt Investigating Cipinang Prison Mafia
Prison officials and well-connected inmates are believed to cooperate to offer sex, drugs and gambling on site
The former girlfriend of a death-row inmate has reinforced the image of the country’s prison system as corrupt by reporting to an online media outlet about how she was able to enjoy drugs and sex three times a week with her inmate boyfriend.
another drug lord on “death row” — Jerry Wong, also known as E Wee Hok*z — has been running a drug ring worth Rp 22 billion ($2.1 million) from inside the prison. Jerry, a Malaysian national who was sentenced to death last year for distributing 350 kilograms of narcotics, is known to have had operations reaching Iran, Malaysia and Indonesia.
“The death-row inmate has repeatedly engaged in [the drug business from jail]. This is the umpteenth time [he’s been apprehended for the activities] while in jail. When we searched him, he had five mobile phones in his cell,” Jakarta Police deputy chief Brig. Gen Sudjarno was quoted as saying by in Jakarta on Monday.
Kerobokan clean of drugs, is it possible?
Wiratna declared that there would be no more cell phones in the inmate blocks. Nonetheless, he acknowledged that eight mobile phones had been found in Block H during a raid just a few days ago.

But there does seem to be a phone/s available - yet I dont believe for a minute that their calls are going through the right channels.

A prison telephone facility has been made available in the form of a telephone booth large enough for one person at a time to use.
Five Nokia cell phones are available for use by the inmates. These mobile phones were purchased from the prison’s budget at around Rp 200,000 (US$20.6) each.

Inmates who use the phones must pay for the phone call, according to its duration.

“All inmates can use these cell phones, even the foreign inmates too,” said Wiratna. The phones are only available only during working hours.

Although inmates are not supposed to have any cash, Wiratna admitted he had not been able to find a solution for the matter. Thus, inmates in Kerobokan Penitentiary can still freely carry cash in their pockets.

Both money and cell phones are usually obtained by the inmates from their visiting relatives.

Beyond the articles - have a scroll through this FB page: Hotel K
Just when I think this can't get any more blatant, it does. I'm starting to consider things I once would have dismissed as impossible.

Soenardi is presumably working with the prosecution and the judges. Is it just coincidence that the defense's opening gambit is to try to dismiss on a technicality, one so obvious and trivial that frankly, a dismissal on those grounds would be criminal - the room number confusion.

That's less plausible with the hotel room tapes, but they're going to have to disqualify (or disappear) those pretty shortly.

SouthAussie, I don't see TS's mom in that photo. She's completely bald and comfortable with it. Particularly in Bali, I can't see her wearing a wig. I wondered if the blonde woman sitting next to her in the other photo might be a friend who came to Bali with her.

HiandMighty, SouthAussie, I think TS looks very bad. I would not be surprised in the least if he tries suicide or just completely snaps. Perhaps he should be grateful he doesn't have access to enough money to be getting drugs. Sadly, this would be great with HM. They'd have her case wrapped up and shut down so fast it would be incredible.

I read criticism of Schappelle Corby, saying that she faked a mental breakdown that allowed her to leave Kerobokan and go to some kind of rehab/recovery for a week or two. It was light years better than 'Hotel K'. I think she'd already been in prison for a few years before that happened.

Here's HM, 19, never been to Bali before. In 5 short months, she's already gotten three out-of-jail breaks by my reckoning. Is this girl scary clever manipulative or what?

(the laryngitis episode, a 'depression' episode and an 'early contraction episode')

BBM. Yes. And it absolutely sickens me that she is likely going to be able to get away with this and that some ridiculous judge in the US is aiding and abetting her. Oh, her life is at risk if she doesn't get access to her mother;s funds, the mother she murdered? Actually, her life is at risk because she committed murder. That's why.

This whole thing sickens me. I can't believe the incredible injustice of a mother, abused and battered by her own kid, then murdered by her and then her own funds are used to bribe her murderer daughter's way out of trouble!

It is beyond comprehension. What a Banana Republic. Drug dealers are executed but sullen, arrogant, manipulative, violent, evil murderers can bribe their way out of justice.

Geez. Way to go Indonesia.
BBM. Yes. And it absolutely sickens me that she is likely going to be able to get away with this and that some ridiculous judge in the US is aiding and abetting her. Oh, her life is at risk if she doesn't get access to her mother;s funds, the mother she murdered? Actually, her life is at risk because she committed murder. That's why.

This whole thing sickens me. I can't believe the incredible injustice of a mother, abused and battered by her own kid, then murdered by her and then her own funds are used to bribe her murderer daughter's way out of trouble!

It is beyond comprehension. What a Banana Republic. Drug dealers are executed but sullen, arrogant, manipulative, violent, evil murderers can bribe their way out of justice.

Geez. Way to go Indonesia.

I think you are spot on the money.
Is there some Political wrangling or influence going on here at a higher level? I was just as stunned that over the course of the weekend that suddenly the decision was made to approve the Trust Funds to be made available to HM.
To me its sets a precedence over future trials of Americans convicted in Bali of murder of another Americans.

and I want to hear from someone who is speaking up for Sheila in this! Where on earth is the Voice of Justice for Sheila von Wiese Mack?!
Will no one in an Official capacity speak out for this poor murdered tortured woman :(

From Indonesian MSM ... a bit of detail about what happened when Tommy arrived in Bali. Seems that 'murder planning' texts happened after he arrived (as well as previously). Reading this makes me feel so sad for Sheila. Taking her daughter on a holiday, and her daughter's intention was never to be on a holiday with her mum. Poor Sheila. :(

On Aug. 12, early in the morning, Schaefer arrived in Bali from the US without the victim’s knowledge. Schaefer checked into the Nusa Dua hotel in room 616, booked by Mack. The couple went for a walk along the beach.

Von Weise-Mack could not find her daughter and a member of the hotel staff witnessed her crying in the lobby when she realized her daughter was not in their room.

When Mack returned, the mother and daughter argued when Von Weise-Mack found out Schaefer was in Bali.

The young couple apparently continued to communicate by text message planning the murder. “In the text messages between them, Heather Lois Mack and Tommy Schaefer agreed to take the life of Sheila Ann von Weise-Mack by smothering her face with a pillow and making it look like a suicide attempt on the beach,” Eddy said.

Prosecutors said the couple plotted the murder ....... and Mack once suggested that Schaefer hire someone to kill her mother for $50,000 before their visit to Bali.
Is there some Political wrangling or influence going on here at a higher level? I was just as stunned that over the course of the weekend that suddenly the decision was made to approve the Trust Funds to be made available to HM.

RSBM: The thing that happened on the weekend was the executions, FigTree. From this Chicago article, it seems they may have made the difference.

"Death by firing squad is making a comeback in Indonesia, according to experts and local media accounts.
The archipelago nation executed six people last weekend — following an unofficial moratorium in 2014.

“The relevance to the case involving the Chicagoans is that Indonesia does carry out its death penalty from time to time and the pattern is irregular,” said Northwestern University Professor Jeffrey A. Winters, who specializes in Southeast Asian politics. “So the threat is real.”

Last week, Cook County Judge Neil H. Cohen, noting the potential peril Mack faces, authorized the release of $150,000 in trust-fund cash to help pay for the teen’s defense."

(Illinois apparently abolished the death penalty in 2011 ... .)
Just for comparison, two Indonesians have been sentenced to 15 years for murdering a Prosecutor’s Office intelligence division head. The prosecution had asked for life - not the death penalty.

They were charged under Article 340, and there's some specific discussion about premeditation.

Both defendants have been proven guilty of violating articles in the Criminal Code on premeditated murder, and are thereby sentenced to 15 years,” said presiding judge Supraja.

In the ruling, the panel of judges did not agree with the defendants’ lawyer who maintained the murder was unintentional.

“Elements of intent and premeditation, in accordance with Article 340, have been proven according to law because the defendants had prepared a machete and had stabbed [the victim] in the stomach, thigh, waist and had hit the victim’s head with a blunt object,” said Supraja.

Is 'preparing a machete' anything like 'bringing a fruit bowl under your shirt'?

I now think HM called TS to come and kill SWM while she slept. They screwed up, woke SWM up, tried to follow through with the plan anyway.

I don't think it ever occurred to either of those idiots that hitting her violently might make a big, bloody mess. I think the idea was one blow to knock her out as she slept, finish the job with a pillow, then...drag the body to the beach at low tide to make it look like suicide? Would HM weep and talk about how her mother always liked midnight solo swims and it always worried HM?
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