GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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The person HM has been photographed with is a young woman who lives in her block. I don't think their relationship is anything more than friendship, although I could be wrong.

Kamille, I don't think the comments you refer to are bad translations. Some younger folks talk like this - you hear it even in the US. Stuff like "I totally wanted to shred her eyeballs and eat them when I caught her looking at my boyfriend".

I am curious. Both TS and HM have said that someday the 'real truth' will come out. That would suggest that the 'truth' didn't come out at the trial. Does that mean HM/TS are admitting that they lied at the trials? What is stopping either one from telling the 'truth'? TS said he can't talk until it's 'safe' - what does that mean? 'Safe' from who or what?

If the 'truth' will exonerate either or both of them and it hasn't come out yet, what are they waiting for? Who sits in a jail cell when the 'truth' would establish their innocence?

For that matter, I'm surprised neither TS nor HM have contacted someone to produce an exclusive book/movie telling the truth. The money they'd get from that could fund an appeal. In fact, I'm particularly surprised that neither TS nor his mom have chosen to go this route, since TS doesn't have $ and even if HM gets her trust fund back, she'll still have to work through the trustee until she's 30, meaning she's unlikely to be able to demand the money for TS's appeal.
Looks like the show about SVW on "Passport to Murder" already aired. I might see if I can watch it online. From the description, it seems they pretty much figured everything out.

I still find it rather unbelievable that Sheila is referred to as a wealthy widow. And all the hullabaloo about all the money. The lawsuit awarded Sheila and Heather was about $800,000 total. When SVW died, her estate was valued at $1.5M. That included her condo.

Obviously Heather thought there was a lot more money. Not that one and a half mill is anything to sneeze at, but I wonder if HM would have asked TS to kill her mom if she knew the true amount? I remember TS telling cuz Bibbs he expected Heather to inherit $11M. He was off a decimal point.

We've covered all this before, but I was thinking of it again while reading the article about the show.

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Looks like the show about SVW on "Passport to Murder" already aired. I might see if I can watch it online. From the description, it seems they pretty much figured everything out.

I was easily able to find and purchase it from Amazon yesterday to watch on my Kindle Fire. It was also up on youtube but the video quality was not the best. I appreciated the show's emphasis on Sheila, her sister, her brother, and her friend.
Hi Everyone! :blowkiss: It's hard for me to come here and read how this has turned out. I do appreciate the updates though. Glad to see Stella is looking healthy. It's just infuriating to see these pics and read what's going on in what I thought was a rough prison. Wow, eating and drinking whatever they want and having threesomes is a far cry from the firing squad. Thot's letter to her dead mother reveals her ugly, MOO. HM is just a disgusting human being. See, that's why I don't post here often.

Remembering Sheila and the real love she had for her daughter.
Curious Me, this case is far from over.

Don't be fooled. HM and TS aren't having the time of their life over there. There are ways in which it's easier than a US prison - mostly cellphone/internet access and, if you have the money, the occasional outing. They're a long way from home, so there are no visits from family and friends. They can develop friendships in prison, but keep in mind how burdensome the language barrier can become. I don't know if it makes it easier or harder to have instagram and skype and to be able to talk regularly to folks back home. After all, they're all getting on with their lives, going to school, making careers, starting families, etc. HM and TS are stuck in a holding pattern.

I think HM posts images that suggest life is a party just to aggravate her haters. She'd like nothing more than for us to believe it's one big party. Think about it - day after day after endless day, you're surrounded by people who don't speak your language fluently, it's hard to have privacy, and generally you spend your evenings and nights confined to your cell. Day after endless day, the same thing, all the while watching people back home moving on with their lives. Endless hot and steamy weather, always feeling sticky and slightly sweaty.

No, it's not a party. Even a party would get old after a few days or weeks, and this is no party.

It doesn't make it any easier that the great love affair has hit a rocky patch.

I think in recent weeks, HM was pretty pumped by the hope that the court rulings would go in her favor - she's not subject to the slayer statute, she can have her inheritance and her appeal and get out of jail. It's easy now to get upbeat, because she's thinking she can put up with Hotel K for a few more months, that she'll be out before Stella turns two. She's very strong, but I don't think she's ready to face the possibility that she might still be in there next year, but without Stella.

I keep following because Stella's fate is still very much up in the air.
Thanks for the link. Still following this case since it isn't over. Slayer statute to be settled, Robert Bibbs trial in Nov. Stella.

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Looks like TS has deleted all Bali pics and info from his IG account. The account is still there but the last post is now from Aug 2014, before SWM's murder. Not sure what, if anything, that is supposed to mean. :waitasec:
All of Tommys are gone too. Something must be going on.
I think most of TS's have been locked down/deleted for a while now. I think he's keeping a low profile because of his cousin's upcoming trial. HM appears to have deleted a lot of hers since the Daily Mail article. It's possible Elkin told her it might be better for everyone if she kept a lower profile for a while. Stella's future is clearly being considered in court, and the Daily Mail portrait of HM, based on her IGs, doesn't make her look like prime mother material.

A couple months ago, HM sounded really upbeat, talking about coming back soon. I was guessing that Elkin told her it looked like the court ruling on the 'slayer statute' was going to go her way. Perhaps that hasn't happened yet.
They were both posting last week.. with HM doing a bunch of videos with Stella. SOMETHING had to have happened very recently.
I thought it was stupid (for them) they were posting all this stuff while the slayer statute conclusion is still ongoing in court. If we can see it, you know WW and his lawyers can see it as well. It is so obvious that money buys freedom there.

Stella is around 16 months old now. She is suppose to only be allowed in prison until she turns 2. That is about 8 months from now. Wonder if all the delays are related to this fact? This poor little girl will be taken from the only thing she knows. At least TS wanted Stella to be raised elsewhere. Of course, for HM, Stella is her ticket in too many ways so she would never willingly let her go.

As long as Stella has money attached to her, HM will want a piece of her.
I'm kind of sorry Daily Mail ran that story and HM stopped using her IG account. The clips and photos gave us a rare view into what life is like for Stella and how she's doing.

No reason for WW to want to hurry things up. The longer things drag out, the more desperate HM will become, particularly if things aren't resolved before Stella turns two.

It looks to me like HM's stuck between a rock and a hard place. If the US courts decide that her Bali conviction doesn't disqualify her under the 'slayer statute', the good news is that she can ask for $$$, pay her bribe, and get out of prison in Bali. The bad news is that she can then be charged in the US for murder, because there will be no double jeopardy. If Bibbs is found guilty, that would be a bad sign for her.

The other alternative is that she's disqualified under the 'slayer statute'. She has no access to $$$ to fund her Bali bribe/appeal, she can't stop Stella from being removed from her care in 8 months, and she has to serve out her entire sentence in Bali. When she gets out, she'll be free, but with no $$, not even a high school diploma, and no family waiting in the US to help her restart her life.

Tough transitional times ahead for Stella. I hope that guardian who's overseeing her in Bali has a spine and is willing to fight for Stella.
There is a possibility that HM's phone got confiscated after the Daily Mail article. It was confiscated once before, but she had easy access to $ at the time, and bragged that she would just buy another one.
HM will do just fine if Stella is removed from her care when she's two. HM has a lot of "friends" in Indonesia and continues to make more every day she has access to the Internet and the people who are allowed to visit the jail in the name of "humanitarianism". She's established herself as a rich American so everyone caters to her. Her FB account has 357 friends, many of whom are Indonesian, including representatives from the family that will likely be taking on Stella for the $ she will continue to provide.
HM will do just fine if Stella is removed from her care when she's two. HM has a lot of "friends" in Indonesia and continues to make more every day she has access to the Internet and the people who are allowed to visit the jail in the name of "humanitarianism". She's established herself as a rich American so everyone caters to her. Her FB account has 357 friends, many of whom are Indonesian, including representatives from the family that will likely be taking on Stella for the $ she will continue to provide.

I didn't realize she had another FB account, thanks! She started using her old one as well.

I believe her last post on IG was 07/25, but it looks like she was on this FB as recent as 07/31. I wonder what's going on there. Even Vonmar is looking for her lol
I'm kind of sorry Daily Mail ran that story and HM stopped using her IG account. The clips and photos gave us a rare view into what life is like for Stella and how she's doing.

No reason for WW to want to hurry things up. The longer things drag out, the more desperate HM will become, particularly if things aren't resolved before Stella turns two.

It looks to me like HM's stuck between a rock and a hard place. If the US courts decide that her Bali conviction doesn't disqualify her under the 'slayer statute', the good news is that she can ask for $$$, pay her bribe, and get out of prison in Bali. The bad news is that she can then be charged in the US for murder, because there will be no double jeopardy. If Bibbs is found guilty, that would be a bad sign for her.

The other alternative is that she's disqualified under the 'slayer statute'. She has no access to $$$ to fund her Bali bribe/appeal, she can't stop Stella from being removed from her care in 8 months, and she has to serve out her entire sentence in Bali. When she gets out, she'll be free, but with no $$, not even a high school diploma, and no family waiting in the US to help her restart her life.

Tough transitional times ahead for Stella. I hope that guardian who's overseeing her in Bali has a spine and is willing to fight for Stella.

All good points you make. I agree that dragging this out is better for team WW. The $ doesn't matter to him. He is not out by taking his time. Except emotionally. This is a nightmare that never ends for him.
HM will do just fine if Stella is removed from her care when she's two. HM has a lot of "friends" in Indonesia and continues to make more every day she has access to the Internet and the people who are allowed to visit the jail in the name of "humanitarianism". She's established herself as a rich American so everyone caters to her. Her FB account has 357 friends, many of whom are Indonesian, including representatives from the family that will likely be taking on Stella for the $ she will continue to provide.

Kamille, this is a rare occasion when I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you!

HM's FB 'friends' are about as real as Paris Hilton's FB 'friends'. They're groupies hanging around, hoping for excitement and crumbs from the rich *****'s table. If she loses her money, her Balinese 'friends' will disappear.

Did you catch the posts on her FB page from Nikki Butler? That was interesting - one fame wh*re giving 'advice' to another. For those who don't recall, Nikki Butler is a UK banker, divorced, two young kids, in her early 30's, attractive. Years ago, she met Scott Rush, youngest of the Bali Nine, currently serving a life sentence. She met him for a magic day on the beach before he got arrested and never forgot him. Years later, she saw something on the news and recognized him. She swanned off to Bali (lots of press notice, of course, the tabloids loved it) to visit Scott in Kerobokan. She professed her 'crazy' love, the tabloids ate it up, Scott, of course, fell head over heels. He's struggled with addiction almost from the beginning in Hotel K. The last I knew, he had been moved to a much more remote prison to try to get him away from the easy access drugs in Kerobokan and Nikki had moved on. Now she's posting on HM's FB, giving advice?

I think HM has genuinely bonded with Stella. She'll use her as a pawn, sure, but I think there's more to it than that. I've posted before - it's like having a puppy or a kitten around. The hardest part about doing time in Kerobokan is the endless hours of mind-numbing boredom, particularly when you are surrounded mostly by people who don't speak your language well, if at all, and who are culturally completely different. Stella provides company, entertainment, always something new. I think HM is going to have a very hard time when she has to give her up - just like she'd have a hard time giving up a pet puppy or kitten she'd grown attached to.
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