GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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Kamille, this is a rare occasion when I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you!

HM's FB 'friends' are about as real as Paris Hilton's FB 'friends'. They're groupies hanging around, hoping for excitement and crumbs from the rich *****'s table. If she loses her money, her Balinese 'friends' will disappear.

Did you catch the posts on her FB page from Nikki Butler? That was interesting - one fame wh*re giving 'advice' to another. For those who don't recall, Nikki Butler is a UK banker, divorced, two young kids, in her early 30's, attractive. Years ago, she met Scott Rush, youngest of the Bali Nine, currently serving a life sentence. She met him for a magic day on the beach before he got arrested and never forgot him. Years later, she saw something on the news and recognized him. She swanned off to Bali (lots of press notice, of course, the tabloids loved it) to visit Scott in Kerobokan. She professed her 'crazy' love, the tabloids ate it up, Scott, of course, fell head over heels. He's struggled with addiction almost from the beginning in Hotel K. The last I knew, he had been moved to a much more remote prison to try to get him away from the easy access drugs in Kerobokan and Nikki had moved on. Now she's posting on HM's FB, giving advice?

I think HM has genuinely bonded with Stella. She'll use her as a pawn, sure, but I think there's more to it than that. I've posted before - it's like having a puppy or a kitten around. The hardest part about doing time in Kerobokan is the endless hours of mind-numbing boredom, particularly when you are surrounded mostly by people who don't speak your language well, if at all, and who are culturally completely different. Stella provides company, entertainment, always something new. I think HM is going to have a very hard time when she has to give her up - just like she'd have a hard time giving up a pet puppy or kitten she'd grown attached to.

I hear what you're saying ajaylee, and totally agree that the "friends" HM is making in Bali are only groupies and hangers on, but that is my point. That's pretty much all she had in Chicago too. She's always used the "millionaire heiress" ruse to get people to flock to her for the crumbs she can throw their way, she has absolutely nothing else to offer. Funny that she's latched on to another one seemingly just like her in Nikki Butler. I hope Nikki uses her for every bit of "fame" she can get. HM deserves to be used as much as she uses others. She still continues to have access to way more money than she needs for "Stella's care". And she is better at manipulating and using people than the average sociopath/psychopath. Once Stella is out of the prison, she will lobby hard to get out herself. Considering she's got most guards paid off and eating out of the palm of her hand, she will use the "Stella Funds" to pay for time out of the prison until she gets some kind of cut in her sentence and gets out on probation. In the meantime, the family that is taking care of Stella will likely bring her there everyday for visitation...probably all day. At best, Stella may get out of the prison only during the overnight hours. I do agree that the adjustment will be difficult for HM at first but she'll manage. She'll just find something else to fill her time in the evenings.

I also have no doubt that Favia and Elkin are still "working" for her (and Stella :rolleyes: ) behind the scenes to get her access to money and adding up their bills hoping for the big payday when either HM or Stella are awarded the rest of the trust fund. There's still a significant amount of court action going on and I believe we've seen their names on some of the filings.

I hope WW just keeps stalling and eating up all the trust fund in attorney fees. And that some GAL with a little backbone starts advocating for Stella and gets her out of that situation and into a good adoptive family before it's too late for her. But as long as HM can continue to play the "millionaire heiress" card, everything is in this little manipulators court at the moment. You'll notice how she continually posts about the media having everything all wrong and that they report lies. No doubt the picture the media paints of her actual situation does not jive with the lies she tells her "friends" in Bali. I bet they think she stands to inherit 11 million dollars too. ;)

What's curious about HM's original facebook page is that in the years leading up to the murder, she seemed like a normal teenager (albeit a wealthy one) with normal friends. What the hell happened there? I guess she just fell in with a bad crowd in the months leading up to the Bali vacation.
What's curious about HM's original facebook page is that in the years leading up to the murder, she seemed like a normal teenager (albeit a wealthy one) with normal friends. What the hell happened there? I guess she just fell in with a bad crowd in the months leading up to the Bali vacation.
No not really. Heather has problem child since she was a child. If you want an interesting read start at the beginning of these threads. And read the stories associated outside of Websleuths. I think normal teenager will not be what your thinking.
I won't give you the list but lets start with 80+ calls to the Oak Park, IL police involving Heather, either being violent and abusive to her mother, a runaway, stealing, fighting, etc.
Dont know if this has been posted - I havent been here for a while ...

No not really. Heather has problem child since she was a child. If you want an interesting read start at the beginning of these threads. And read the stories associated outside of Websleuths. I think normal teenager will not be what your thinking.
I won't give you the list but lets start with 80+ calls to the Oak Park, IL police involving Heather, either being violent and abusive to her mother, a runaway, stealing, fighting, etc.

I have read all the police reports. HM's relationship with her mother was certainly a toxic one. However, on that old facebook page, she doesn't bad-mouth her mother once. I have my own theories about the relationship between them, which is not to say that I think HM was justified in murdering her mother, because I don't. There is just more to it than we will ever know.
I have read all the police reports. HM's relationship with her mother was certainly a toxic one. However, on that old facebook page, she doesn't bad-mouth her mother once. I have my own theories about the relationship between them, which is not to say that I think HM was justified in murdering her mother, because I don't. There is just more to it than we will ever know.

A while ago I found her Ask. FM page where she was answering a bunch of questions.. and these questions were from when she was about 14 and beginning high school. Most were typical teenager stuff; gossip, boys etc. but several of them touched on her relationship with her mom. She stated at least once that she hated her mom and wanted her to die. I also remember her calling her mom a *****. I wish I could find it again, I'm pretty sure she deleted it.

In other related news, she just posted on IG that shell be back in Chicago in 9 months 😩
A while ago I found her Ask. FM page where she was answering a bunch of questions.. and these questions were from when she was about 14 and beginning high school. Most were typical teenager stuff; gossip, boys etc. but several of them touched on her relationship with her mom. She stated at least once that she hated her mom and wanted her to die. I also remember her calling her mom a *****. I wish I could find it again, I'm pretty sure she deleted it.

In other related news, she just posted on IG that shell be back in Chicago in 9 months ��

I wonder what is up and why she thinks that? Thanks for the IG updates and the facebook links everyone. I had not seen the FB pages before.
It sounds like she won the 'slayer statute' ruling, she's free to demand $200K from her trust to give Soenardi to pay the bribes to release her. She and TS already lost their standard appeal. I think she's going to appeal on the same grounds used to justify her low sentence - she's a mommy and Stella will suffer without her.

I don't imagine TS is too happy about this, especially since his cousin is going to court in November and could end up with a longer jail sentence for a few texts than HM got for actually participating in her mother's murder. Crazy.
It sounds like she won the 'slayer statute' ruling, she's free to demand $200K from her trust to give Soenardi to pay the bribes to release her. She and TS already lost their standard appeal. I think she's going to appeal on the same grounds used to justify her low sentence - she's a mommy and Stella will suffer without her.

I don't imagine TS is too happy about this, especially since his cousin is going to court in November and could end up with a longer jail sentence for a few texts than HM got for actually participating in her mother's murder. Crazy.

WHAT? :eek:verreaction: Where did you see that she won the slayer ruling? :notgood:
I thought she's been pretty unhappy in her recent posts. ... not thinking things are going her way lately.

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I can't see any way HM could possibly think she'd be free and clear without a 'slayer statute' judgment in her favor. I doubt that she has friends who can loan her the $200K she needs to get free.

OTOH, perhaps being free in 9 months is like her $11 million inheritance - just something she's made up.

Her last IG, she mentioned an 'n-word' talking to the '12'. I wonder if she's referring to TS's cousin, Ryan Bibbs, talking to the FBI. Or is TS possibly talking to the FBI? They went to Indonesia when this all started and HM and TS had just been arrested.
Neal Entertainment has secured the exclusive rights to the true story of notorious “bali suitcase” killer Heather Mack, with pre-production in motion on a nonfiction book, documentary, and TV film based on her life. Currently serving a ten-year prison sentence in Indonesia, Mack was convicted along with her boyfriend, Tommy Schaeffer, of killing her mother, Sheila von Weise Mack, while on vacation in Bali in 2014. They were caught after the body was discovered in the trunk of a taxi cab as Mack and her boyfriend attempted to flee the resort island.

The book is being written by New York Times best-selling author Peter Golenbock, along with Diana Roque Ellis, best friends for 30 years with von Weise Mack who has known Heather Mack since her birth. Examining the volatile relationship between mother and daughter, Neal Entertainment is currently in talks with publishers for a book deal. A TV movie, to be executive produced by P&L Media’s Peter Brennan & Lisa Lew along with Roger Neal and Ellis, is planned first with writers already in place. A broadcast partner for the telefilm will be announced in the coming months. Neal, Lew, Brennan and Ellis will also be producing a television documentary special about the case.
There is a continuance on 9/14. A bunch if agreed ordered entered.

Something seems to be happening.

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It certainly does look like all parties are trying to hammer out some type of agreement? I wonder what it is? :waitasec:

The timing of HM's comments about returning to Chicago do seem to coincide with approx the time that Stella would be turning 2. I suppose that AS has pretty much guaranteed her release from prison for a certain amount of money? Are they trying to decide if it would be in Stella's best interest to get that amount of money to HM for her release so that she and Stella can return to the U.S. before they have to be separated?

I wondered about book/tv deals before. I was surprised Elkin or Favia weren't trying to help HM set something up to get $$ for her appeal. Both she and TS keep saying that the 'truth' hasn't come out yet, and I assumed they were waiting for the right offer to tell us all what 'really' happened.

A remote possibility to keep in mind: appeals don't always go well. When Scott Rush appealed his life sentence the first time, the court decided his sentence had been too lenient. The result of his appeal was that he got a death sentence (later reversed back to life, but only after another costly appeal).

Soenardi could take the $200K, split it with the judges, and not set her free. It's not like she could demand a refund.

One other thing that I'm wondering about: HM planning to come back to the US. She had said in the past that she intended to stay in Indonesia with Stella after she served her sentence. Of course, she was assuming Indonesia would allow her to stay. I wonder what changed her mind: Indonesia won't let her stay or she's done with TS or ???
A couple thoughts.

Kamille, I wonder what 'exclusive rights to the true story' means in your link?

I don't know how anyone can get exclusive rights to tell a true, non-fiction story. I hope (agh!) it doesn't mean that HM or TS are the ones who are hoping to benefit from this deal.

As I noted above, sometimes appeals in Indonesia go wrong. Only fantasy, but imagine if AS took HM's $200K and she lost the appeal - or worse, lost and got a longer sentence. AS could just publicly say that it's proof that justice can't be bought in the Indonesian system. Privately, he could tell HM the appeal failed because of government pressure. Either way, he'd have the $$$ and she would have nothing and there would be nothing she could do about it.

No new pics of Stella in a month?
A couple thoughts.

Kamille, I wonder what 'exclusive rights to the true story' means in your link?

I don't know how anyone can get exclusive rights to tell a true, non-fiction story. I hope (agh!) it doesn't mean that HM or TS are the ones who are hoping to benefit from this deal.

As I noted above, sometimes appeals in Indonesia go wrong. Only fantasy, but imagine if AS took HM's $200K and she lost the appeal - or worse, lost and got a longer sentence. AS could just publicly say that it's proof that justice can't be bought in the Indonesian system. Privately, he could tell HM the appeal failed because of government pressure. Either way, he'd have the $$$ and she would have nothing and there would be nothing she could do about it.

No new pics of Stella in a month?

The only thing that stands out to me is that the book is being written from the perspective of a long time friend of Sheila, and this "Neal Entertainment" doesn't seem to be a big player in the entertainment biz, so I'm wondering if this is just news of a deal with someone who has info about SWM and HM and their lives together, who is selling it to a small time entertainment firm who is hoping to spark some interest in the story and make some money off of it. Maybe banking on TS's cousin's trial generating some interest in the case? I really don't think there would be much interest in a book, documentary or movie on a national or global scale TBH. This is nothing more than a typical Dateline true crime story. And unfortunately there's way too many of them for this one to stand out IMO.

I guess the real story here is more about the corruption in the Indonesian court and prison system. Not sure anyone would be planning a book, documentary or movie about that who would find HM's story more interesting than the Bali Nine and others. Or perhaps this is the biggest US based crime that shines a light on the corruption? But if it is being told from the perspective of a friend of Sheila's, not sure this is a deal made by any of HM's attorneys for her benefit.

And why is your scenario of HM finally receiving bribe money from her daughter's estate, only to be ripped off by an unscrupulous Indonesian attorney and finding herself with more time in prison, so appealing? ;)

I think HM is using her IG now just to antagonize her "haters". I guess Stella takes a back seat to what is most important to HM at the moment.

That said, a producer from LA appears to be trying to contact HM via her IG to set up a "big interview" so perhaps the story is generating more interest for some reason. Please. No one needs to hear from that lying liar who lies about anything. I hope she's being set up to be used and manipulated into making herself look worse than she already does.

I wish someone would decide to present the story from TS's point-of-view. I'd like to hear KW explain what she meant when she said HM was willing to trade Stella for the cash for her appeal.

I also really hope the FBI doesn't offer RB (TS's cousin) a plea deal.
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