GUILTY Bali - Sheila von Wiese Mack, 62, found dead in suitcase, 12 Aug 2014 #5

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It just occurred to my coffee deprived brain that June 6th is a Saturday, isn't that the next Cook County court date?
Tapping my fingers waiting on today's court news - nothing :( But I did find a new Instagram ID. following VonMar she writes 10h ago miss you see you soon.

Just a name change I am guessing. Since it is ok in Bali to have cell phones and post instagrams from prison.
Tapping my fingers waiting on today's court news - nothing :( But I did find a new Instagram ID. following VonMar she writes 10h ago miss you see you soon.

Just a name change I am guessing. Since it is ok in Bali to have cell phones and post instagrams from prison.

Good catch! I'm betting TS doesn't know about this. Good picture of Stella, but I can't tell if HM is still wearing her ring.
Tapping my fingers waiting on today's court news - nothing :( But I did find a new Instagram ID. following VonMar she writes 10h ago miss you see you soon.

Just a name change I am guessing. Since it is ok in Bali to have cell phones and post instagrams from prison.

Looks like a new account. Only 2 posts?

Judge Cohen wants everyone (attorneys) to start thinking about Stella and her future. Progress has been made in that direction.

Total estate value is $2 million.

Kia would like to get Stella but thinks HM will give her to an Indonesian.

The interim trustee has been relieved.

Soenardi will get the remainder of his $150K fee now.

My takeaway: Not a word about the $200K for HM's appeal. If the special trustee has been relieved, does that mean WW is back in charge?
Tapping my fingers waiting on today's court news - nothing :( But I did find a new Instagram ID. following VonMar she writes 10h ago miss you see you soon.

Just a name change I am guessing. Since it is ok in Bali to have cell phones and post instagrams from prison.

I wonder why she said "see you soon". Is she that confident that she'll win her appeal, or is she trying to pretend 10 years is right around the corner?
I wonder why she said "see you soon". Is she that confident that she'll win her appeal, or is she trying to pretend 10 years is right around the corner?
Or does she realise that for as long as Stella is with her she can keep some drama swirling around her. I come here and I read. IMO that baby should be somewhere else, and Heather should be ignored for at least six months. She is a piece of work!
(just had to vent).
Welp, she accepted my follow request. On one of her pics someone asked if she was coming home anytime soon and her response was "yes we hope so"

Judge Cohen wants everyone (attorneys) to start thinking about Stella and her future. Progress has been made in that direction.

Total estate value is $2 million.

Kia would like to get Stella but thinks HM will give her to an Indonesian.

The interim trustee has been relieved.

Soenardi will get the remainder of his $150K fee now.

My takeaway: Not a word about the $200K for HM's appeal. If the special trustee has been relieved, does that mean WW is back in charge?

I had a feeling it would run this route, despite the IL Slayer Statute being Predeceased & Stella being non-existent, Cohen has decided to still allow HM $ via Stella. Looks like Stella will be in prison for the full two years - So Sad. I have seen no word on appeal case in Bali yet.

Note from that NBC Link: He asked attorneys representing Mack, Stella and Mack’s uncle, William Wiese, to agree on a financial plan that provides for Stella now and in the future.


Next Court Date 06/12/2015

Edit: HM has not yet been found guilty towards the Slayer Statute, which still is to be determined. I am guessing the petition to move $ from HM to Stella has gone through listening to the video and re-reading the article.
This could get interesting.

Right now, the discussion is about settling trust funds on Stella, arranging for her welfare, and settling the current tab with Soenardi.

I do wonder why HM kept complaining that authorized money wasn't being paid, but that was Mackoff, not WW.

Cohen is worried that attorneys are taking too much of HM's money. Nothing has been said yet about the $126K owed to Favia or the $150K retainer HM promised Elkin. Elkin's still showing up in court, although I think he said he was just 'observing'.

I think HM firmly believes she will be home in the not-too-distant future. For $150K, Soenardi made sure neither she nor TS got the death penalty, and he got her a 1/3 sentence reduction, from 15 years to 10 years. For another $200K, he can either get her sentence further reduced or he can get the original charge reduced to the 'assisting' charge that carries a 10-month sentence. That would mean she'd be free to return to the US almost immediately, based on time already served. More importantly, it means she doesn't have to worry about the 'slayer statute' - unless a US court decides to retry her here for plotting her mother's death.

I think there's a good chance that will work. After all, justice will appear to be served - her allegedly 'psycho' boyfriend is taking the fall.

Meanwhile, Kia's hanging around hoping to hit the jackpot. What does TS know or think about latest developments? Does he realize that she's fixing to leave him high and dry.

Or is she going to go home, make sweet music and get rich with VonMar and then the two of them will fund TS's appeal?

If WW is the trustee, is Cohen likely to object if WW refuses to release funds for HM's appeal?
I think what gets to me, I listened to the NBC Video & know I can not count on media reports 100%, I thought they said HM already was making plans for Stella to stay with an Indonesian.

This is a bonus for HM & TS keeping the $ close. They both will get their McDonalds, cell phones, etc.
Provided the Indonesian Family shows up with the goods. Sadly probably delivered stashed on Stella during visitation. :facepalm:
Stella's a mixed blessing for HM right now. I think beyond her usefulness as leverage, HM is starting to bond with her. She's company, can't talk back, she's a distraction - not unlike a pet. In Kerobokan, I've read that the endless boredom is actually the hardest thing to deal with.

HM's crazy, but not stupid. If she turns Stella over to Kia, she'll never get her back. If she turns her over to a local Indonesian family, the odds are much more in her favor that she'll have control over the situation and she'll get Stella back.

Meanwhile, I would so like to hear an interview with TS. I'd like to know how much he knows. Does he realize HM has frequent access to a cellphone/internet? Does he know that she's trying to communicate with VonMar? Does he think they're still a couple? Does he even know about her appeal?

Kia hasn't said much. I wonder if she think TS should be getting an appeal.
@jadakushed fse thats why im home in five years cause.i murdered her obviously i quit think what you want to bottem line no one knows no matter what you think��"

I'm dying to know where this confidence is coming from.
@jadakushed fse thats why im home in five years cause.i murdered her obviously i quit think what you want to bottem line no one knows no matter what you think��"

I'm dying to know where this confidence is coming from.

HM's confidence comes from having $$$ and seeing what it can buy.
@jadakushed fse thats why im home in five years cause.i murdered her obviously i quit think what you want to bottem line no one knows no matter what you think��"

I'm dying to know where this confidence is coming from.

Link to the above conversation:
This is insane - 5 hours ago.

Additional Conversation Link:
12 hours ago
@bobbybucchae lmfao when im home swear im makin a documentary on this jail smh

Could always be a Troll, but seems more HM's style IMO. It just amazes me, I don't think I have ever seen anyone posting online and continuing to do so while trials are pending. Besides I think a Troll would do far more damage.
If you don't see any recent pics other than what was on her other account, I'd be cautious about believing this is her. Could be a troll faking it. What happened to the other IG account?
I'm inclined to think it is really HM. The picture looks recent, the attitude and language sound like HM - especially the part about making a documentary (starring herself, no doubt).

Talking to VonMar's pals: she mentions her mom, her uncle, her aunt, Stella, getting out and coming back home - but not a single word about TS.

I admit, I'm all for conflict between the two. I think Kia may be telling TS to keep a lid on it for now because she's hoping to get her hands on Stella. If HM appeals and gets a significant sentence reduction, I think we're going to be hearing more from TS - and it won't be favorable to HM.

That won't change things in Bali, but it opens the door to re-trying HM in the US, hopefully for pre-meditated murder.
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