Bankrupt Casey Anthony interviewed by KPHO CBS in Phoenix

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I wonder if she has been living with somebody---like a sugar daddy. My greatest fear is that she is trying to get pregnant. That will make me sick to my stomach for months.


:moo: If so, he must be one sick . . .

:waitasec: "sugar daddy" or a "sugar momma" ... hmmm ... like CA and GA who made over a half million from that Dr. Phil interview ... :furious:

:moo: It would NOT surprise me one bit if the A's are supporting her ...

Also, the spelling is atrocious in this filing and the Matrix (the last pages listing all the unsecured creditors) is a flipping mess as far as formatting. What an embarrassment. Good grief.

Very curious that everyone involved in this mess was listed as a debtor except Cheney Mason. Or maybe I missed him. I know he wasn't in alphabetical order and I tried to keep an eye open for his name. Things that make ya go hmmmm :innocent:

The (potential) creditors were alphabetized by first name or title! Notice that all of the doctors (Drs.) are listed in the D's, LOL! I'm surprised that all of the rest (the non-doctors) aren't listed in the M's by Mr. and Mrs. :floorlaugh:
I know what this means....someone is cutting a deal for some type of interview and she wants to pocket the money and she will. why not everything else has gone her way. I feel like I could puke!

I had no idea the IRS would let you off the hook for money owed if just 3 years passes? Please tell me this is not true........grrrrrrr

There is just no justice on this world and this latest development proves it to me
Hey wait a sec, I heard from that source involved with the video release that she had plenty of money, enough to live on for years!!! What happened to that? oh yeah i guess the family is hiding it for her right? this is not right........somebody please fix this mess please tell the IRS to look under their mattresses LOL
I am wondering why are all the expert witnesses on the list? Does that mean Baez didn't pay them?

It is pretty obvious he never paid Henry Lee because HL refused to testify and all but said he wasn't paid in full.

When you file a bankruptcy, you list anyone and everyone that could possibly come back claiming they are owed any money. I highly doubt Baez paid them all in full and, yes, they could eventually come to haunt Casey looking for payment from somebody. fwiw, I would have advised her to list them as well.
It is pretty obvious he never paid Henry Lee because HL refused to testify and all but said he wasn't paid in full.

When you file a bankruptcy, you list anyone and everyone that could possibly come back claiming they are owed any money. I highly doubt Baez paid them all in full and, yes, they could eventually come to haunt Casey looking for payment from somebody. fwiw, I would have advised her to list them as well.

I truly thought all could be discharged EXCEPT the IRS???? why is she getting away with this?
Thanks! But really, that should be listed or linked in the FAQ, doesn't any moderator agree? Also, it is missing many of the often-used abbreviations I have seen in practically every-other post in the Trials forums: DT, PA, SD, etc.
In each case, there are some of the same abbreviations. In this case, there were abbreviations allowed, kind of, on an ongoing basis. We had to get approval for most as the "different characters" appeared. So, you would have had to follow most of this case to get the specific abbreviations. But, everyone here is so kind, as you have asked, they have been provided. When I started following the Jodi Arias case, I was a little confused at first. You will find if you stick around long enough, it becomes second nature.
No, Baez did not get paid for his fees, just for costs (like expert witness fees).

Really? Hmmmm, I thought Baez got paid at least what a PD would have been paid. At any rate, he can take a business loss on his taxes (or his firm's) for any monies billed but not paid. And $500K is a nice, round number.

As for George and Cindy being listed, I wonder if they did in fact sign for Casey's rental, and gave her the money to pay the rent but she just kept it for herself. Or...maybe all the cash they have given her over the years was just a "loan" to be repaid once Casey scored her big payday. But, knowing what I know about GA and CA, I would list them too, just to CMA.

(ha ha)
If she is really bankrupt or low on money, I expect to see a sit-down hour-long national interview soon. I don't put it past any network to pay her, especially if they think it will bring in good ratings.

RBBM: This would NOT surprise me either :furious:

And I will NOT watch ANY interview with FCA !

I will NOT watch ANY interview with FCA ...

I will NOT watch ANY interview with FCA ...

I will NOT watch ANY interview with FCA ...

I know what this means....someone is cutting a deal for some type of interview and she wants to pocket the money and she will. why not everything else has gone her way. I feel like I could puke!

I had no idea the IRS would let you off the hook for money owed if just 3 years passes? Please tell me this is not true........grrrrrrr

There is just no justice on this world and this latest development proves it to me

repectfully snipped and BBM:

I know, right!! And to know she was not in jail at the due date of 3 years, the IRS did not swoop in for the $68,000 owed. Unbelievable!!
Well I see ole you know who has popped up to make a public appearance and do an interview (which I will not be watching or reading about).

I have steadfastly shunned this creature and discussing her. Her name does not pass my lips although I will allow myself to make general mention of the case, Caylee and the trial (should I call it what it was, a joke) on occasion.

I have watched this thread grow as the day has progressed into night and now into the wee hours and have finally come in to say this and only this.

I find her return to the public eye very telling now that a certain Jodi Aries, murderous :censored: is dominating the news and so many similarities with the way the press just loves to tell how very beautiful she is, much like they did with the one you discuss here.

Methinks the creature being discussed is a bit jealous of Ms Jodi and all the attention she is getting right now and so, has crawled out from whatever rock she has been hiding beneath.

Can't wait til the creature goes back beneath it.


Rant over.
I recall a court meeting when Strickland still had the case and someone asked about the 200K from ABC seems like 60K or so was missing Jose was questioned but no answer was given, wonder where that went?
I truly thought all could be discharged EXCEPT the IRS???? why is she getting away with this?
posted a very good explanation and I followed up on it a bit here in [ame=""]this post [/ame]back thread.

I know it is maddening. Hope the explanations help a bit. :)
It is pretty obvious he never paid Henry Lee because HL refused to testify and all but said he wasn't paid in full.

When you file a bankruptcy, you list anyone and everyone that could possibly come back claiming they are owed any money. I highly doubt Baez paid them all in full and, yes, they could eventually come to haunt Casey looking for payment from somebody. fwiw, I would have advised her to list them as well.
But if the state paid him to pay them so to speak can't JB get in the trouble for misappropriating funds or something?
Errr so frustrating in addition to everything else I fully expected Baez to be sanctioned in some way after this trial. This case proves my grandmas favorite saying to the extreme.. Any time she ever heard me complain she would say "Angel baby, life ain't fair".
Well all I know is a Judge and Trustee will be assigned to the case. I hope they appreciate receiving documents, interviews and videos to help them sort through the bull. They can't allow Casey to make a mockery of every court in FL!
If the creditors know what they are doing, they will be providing the Trustee with all FCA's earnings, and any other documents, so she does not get everything discharged. They need to be at all the hearings and contesting everything with proof. From a personal experience, I had someone try to file bankruptcy on me, they owned 2 million dollar homes, was leasing one out, tried to keep both homes, 3 cars, harley, was only filing income of $45,000 a year, clearly their assets (not all listed) was not properly documented. I was a hawk in doing everything humanly possible to not have them skate again. It worked for me. Others, who did not put the effort in and didn't show up, the debt was discharged. They should have tossed the entire fraudulent bankruptcy and charged the person, but the courts aren't aggressive. You have to be your own advocate.

I have a feeling the Trustee and Judge will be/or should be getting an ear full and piles of paperwork. :please: I'm starting to think she really is teflon. :banghead::banghead:

In regards to the pictures...I want to smack that smirk off her face and somehow get her, FOR ONCE, to think about Caylee! The entire A Family disgusts me. I have lost faith in our justice system. The P12 should be ashamed. This case is just so outrageous! If I were to walk across the street, I get a jaywalking ticket! :furious:

Sorry for the rant...two text messages on this case in two days, and not an ounce of justice on the way. :moo:
Isn't the Jodi Arias trial held in Arizona? If so, that must be all over the murderer trying to steal another murderers thunder.
Yes! In Phoenix. I think you're onto something. Casey thinks Jodi's getting all the attention. Like that photo someone posted "Amateur!":floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
But if the state paid him to pay them so to speak can't JB get in the trouble for misappropriating funds or something?
Errr so frustrating in addition to everything else I fully expected Baez to be sanctioned in some way after this trial. This case proves my grandmas favorite saying to the extreme.. Any time she ever heard me complain she would say "Angel baby, life ain't fair".

ya know angel, 2 1/2 years ago I could have answered this succinctly but honestly, I've tried to put so much of this case out of my psyche that I can't recall all the details anymore. I will try but I'm going to defer to AZlawyer to fill you in and correct my memory because believe me, it is vague now. lol

I just recall that after Casey filed for indigency status, the JAC (some FL commission that I can't even recall what the acronym stands for now haha!) had to approve all those kind of expenses. Baez purported that his experts had agreed to work for whatever funds JAC approved which were FAR, FAR less than their usual fees. I have no idea what those experts really agreed to - only Baez knows. Anyway, I have no idea what, if anything, he paid them but yes, I would assume that the funds JAC gave him were expected to be distributed as he claimed they would be.

AZ, you still around to fill in the blanks or correct my memory? Please have at it!
you know when the Arias trial started I wondered if she would be jealous of the attention and thought I woulndt be suprised if we saw a new video or some other BS to divert attention back on her and look what happened! yep predictable as usual
No Cheney Mason or Liz Fryer or Michelle Medina .... and most glaring omission in my view is the Defense P.I. Pat McKenna, who did a lot of work on the case, and who FCA went to live with after her release, and who she was photographed with at Flanigan's recently.

And what about the mitigation specialist lady with Andrea Lyon?
And Mort the guy with Andrea Lyon?
And no Dot Sims?
I don't believe you are legally allowed to pick and choose whom you include as a creditor. If I recall correctly, you must include ALL creditors. Anyone?
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