Belgium - machete terror attack on police officers 6 August 2016

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Breaking news - Sky news UK two Belgian police officers attacked with a machete by man shouting "Allahu Akhbar"

"Two Belgian police officers have been injured after being attacked by an assailant with a machete in the city of Charleroi.

The assailant was heard shouting "Allahu Akhbar", according to Belgian police, and was shot and wounded at the scene of the attack, outside the city's main police station."

update sky news UK one female officer has suffered facial injuries, another male officer has moderate but not serious injuries and a third officer shot the perp.
Nah, nothing to worry about.

The guy was just playing the islamic version of a well known game: Infidel Go!

FYI they use machetes insted of a smartphone.

Just in: player has died
The assailant attacked two female police officers.

They are both out of danger.

The attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" while hitting with a big machete at the face of a policewoman.

Two policewomen were wounded with a machete on Saturday afternoon in the center of Charleroi by an individual shouting "Allahu Akbar," according to local police. The incident occurred near the Charleroi police station. The perpetrator was shot by a third policewoman who neutralized him.

Details of the attack remain unclear. Reportedly, the man was alone. He introduced himself to the security checkpoint of the Charleroi police station. As the police attended to him, he pulled out a machete from his gym bag and dealt a blow to the face of the first policewoman.. He then turned to hit at at the second.

One policewoman suffered deep wounds to her facel. She was taken to the hospital of Charleroi. Her colleague is only slightly affected. They are both out of danger. The author of the attack has succumbed to his injuries in hospital, police said.


Shot by a woman .... :shame: :shame: :shame: no ticket to paradise, no virgins
VRT ‏@vrtderedactie


@FuryBlazing Federal Prosecutor now investigating the case, which means they assume it's terror related. Attacker not yet identified.


After this attack, where the killer walked into the police station, requested assistance and started to chop, one wonders what will be next. Jihadists attacking ER in hospitals?

Corinne and Hakima are the two victims of the author of the machete attack that took place in Charleroi this afternoon.
Hakima Dhamna was wounded more severely than her colleague. She will have to undergo plastic surgery.
They have both been taken to hospital, together with the perpetrator who died on the spot. He was mortally wounded in the chest and leg.

His identity remains unclear. At 15h 58, the camera filmed the attacker who arrived at Check Point and attacked both policewomen present. A third policewoman, also present at the checkpoint but in the background, shot the attacker. Several shots were heard.

Following the attacks of March 22, a checkpoint had indeed been set up in front of the police station to search any person who wishes to enter.


Perp shouted Allah Akhbar and aimed to decapitate both women. #ReligionOfPeace

Corinne and Hakima are the two victims of the author of the machete attack that took place in Charleroi this afternoon.
Hakima Dhamna was wounded more severely than her colleague. She will have to undergo plastic surgery.
They have both been taken to hospital, together with the perpetrator who died on the spot. He was mortally wounded in the chest and leg.

His identity remains unclear. At 15h 58, the camera filmed the attacker who arrived at Check Point and attacked both policewomen present. A third policewoman, also present at the checkpoint but in the background, shot the attacker. Several shots were heard.

Following the attacks of March 22, a checkpoint had indeed been set up in front of the police station to search any person who wishes to enter.


Perp shouted Allah Akhbar and aimed to decapitate both women. #ReligionOfPeace

Thank you for all your updates ZaZara you are much better at sourcing info than I am. It is very sad to have to keep regularly posting new threads about yet more pointless attacks by these imbeciles.

The attacker shouted "Allahu Akbar" while hitting with a big machete at the face of a policewoman.

Two policewomen were wounded with a machete on Saturday afternoon in the center of Charleroi by an individual shouting "Allahu Akbar," according to local police. The incident occurred near the Charleroi police station. The perpetrator was shot by a third policewoman who neutralized him.

Details of the attack remain unclear. Reportedly, the man was alone. He introduced himself to the security checkpoint of the Charleroi police station. As the police attended to him, he pulled out a machete from his gym bag and dealt a blow to the face of the first policewoman.. He then turned to hit at at the second.

One policewoman suffered deep wounds to her facel. She was taken to the hospital of Charleroi. Her colleague is only slightly affected. They are both out of danger. The author of the attack has succumbed to his injuries in hospital, police said.


Shot by a woman .... :shame: :shame: :shame: no ticket to paradise, no virgins
Knife attacks are quick maybe they should start carrying a riot shield.
It sucks that some countries don't use lethal force this guy will get out of jail and be somebodies neighbor again. [video=youtube;cX5CPx4RKWw][/video]
The identity of the attacker is still unknown.

Martin Buxant ‏@Le_Bux


L'assaillant de Charleroi n'était pas connu des services de renseignement. Il serait d'origine algérienne. (Source gouvernementale)

The attacker of Charleroi was not known to the intelligence services. He would be of Algerian origin. (Government source)


The two policewomen wounded on Saturday in Charleroi are being kept in an artificial coma because of the severity of their injuries.

A meeting of the security services is held on Sunday morning at 10:30. hrs. After the assault where two policewomen were attacked in Charleroi, Prime Minister Charles Michel has returned from his vacation. He will reunite the different countries of the Security Service - State Security, police, military intelligence ... - and the responsible ministers, before traveling to Charleroi in the afternoon where he is expected to speak.

The federal prosecutor, usually in charge of terrorism cases, has officially taken up the investigation, indicating that the investigation of the attack track is considered very seriously.

"The first indications seem to point in that direction, but I want to be cautious enough since we are still busy, for now, to collect all the indications and information, the Prime Minister commented carefully. I will meet with the various security services. We will take stock of the situation, and we will certainly have, in the coming hours, more information."

The prosecution will communicate this Sunday information regarding the identity of the perpetrator. They say that for now they continue to gather evidence in order to identify him.

The OCAM, the Coordinating Body for Threat Analysis, maintained the level of the terrorist threat to 3 on a scale of 4 on Saturday. With respect to police officers, it is kept at 2 with continuing enhanced security measures for the police. [ The Police Union is unhappy with this, sinde the police is becoming more and more of a target ]


Both women are kept in an artificial coma .... the wounds of the second woman are apparently more severe than was reported at the time
Pressco Belgian PM:

Security for police will be UP, PM announces additional security measures for police officers.

The targeted police "have responded perfectly" when faced with the aggressor (shot), avoiding a drama of greater magnitude.


The man who wounded yesterday two female police officers with a machete in Charleroi would be an Algerian from France. This is reported by political journalist Martin Buxant and VTM journalist Nathalie Dyck today.

"The prosecution does not want to give information at the moment," Dyck said. "As long as they are not one hundred percent sure of what they have discovered, they will not communicate it yet. We hear from several other sources that the perpetrator may be an Algerian who would have come to Belgium from France. He would be in his thirties. But that has not yet officially been confirmed."

The two female victims are still in hospital in Charleroi. They are both stable. A police spokesman said today on VTM news that the woman who was hit with the machete in her face was doing badly. "A surgeon had to reconstruct her face. But the operation went well. Her colleague has lighter injuries, she was hit in the neck. She had surgery yesterday but was back in surgery today because a nerve in the face had been damaged."


The investigation into the assault on two policewomen in Charleroi is progressing.

The federal prosecutor, usually in charge of terrorism cases, took up the investigation and does already know more about the perpetrator.

The man is of Algerian nationality and was residing illegally in Belgium. He was carrying no identification, not even cell phone at the time, which means he did not want to leave traces. His home was searched and his circle of acquaintances was questioned throughout the night from Saturday to Sunday.


Not even a cell phone? This is beginning to look a bit strange. If you don't want to leave traces, it is indeed wise not to carry a cell phone, BUT do stick that wisdom and don't go places where they have security cameras and don't attack policewomen with a machete at these places.

I wonder if the phone will turn up. If not, ot will be very difficult to trace his network. Makes me speculate that he might be part of a jihadist network that the police in some other country is already working on.
Bojan Pancevski ‏@bopanc


Machete attacker named as K.B., 33 year old Algerian with criminal record who resided in Belgium since 2012

Michael S. Smith II ‏@MichaelSSmithII
COO, Kronos Advisory ● Expert, Congressional Taskforce on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare


#Charleroi #Belgium IS's Amaq Agency reports attack targeting police officers was executed by an IS soldier.


K. B., the man of Algerian origin who is behind the attack in Charleroi, was staying illegally in our country since 2012. Various sources confirm this to VTM NEWS.The man was not locked up in a closed detention center because, due to lack of space, priority was given to illegal immigrants who committed serious offenses, which was not the case with K. B.. His native Algeria did not want to take the man back .

The man attacked yesterday the police station in Charleroi. He wounded with a machete two policewomen in the face. The man was shot by a third agent, and died some time later in hospital.

Thomas Mayer @TomMayerEuropa


Belg Regierung sieht Attentat Charleroi in Konnex mit Mord an 2 frz Polizisten #Euro16 IS beansprucht Tat für sich

Belgium Government sees link between attack Charleroi and murder of 2 French police officers #euros16 IS claims act


Link to the murder of the police husband & wife:

Cases that come back to haunt you, and lone wolves that are neither lone nor mentally deranged at all.....

The man who wounded two policewomen with a machete in Charleroi yesterday was a 33-year-old Algerian who lived in our country since 2012. K. B. was known to the police for 'ordinary crimes', not for terrorism. The federal prosecutor has reported this.
Theo Francken [ Secretary for Asylum and Migration ] confirms that the perpetrator was an illegal who ignored two orders to leave the territory
IS meanwhile says that the attack was carried out "by a soldier of the Islamic State".

The two victims were kept in an induced coma for a while because they suffered too much pain. Meanwhile, they have woken up again. Their injuries are horrible.

The federal prosecutor gave more details about the attack. At the door of the police station near the security corridor, the two policewomen of the Charleroi Police Area were attacked by a man with a machete. Both cops were seriously wounded in the face and neck.

"In attempting to stop the intruder, the injured cops have shown great courage," according to Eric Van der Sijpt from the Federal Prosecutor's office. The attacker was finally shot by another police officer and taken to hospital where he later died."

According to a source from the investigation Hakima was able shoot twice at the attacker. She suffered a serious injury across her entire face and she will still have to undergo several major surgeries. "A surgeon had to reconstruct her face," according to a police spokesman on VTM News.
The second officer, Corinne, received three cuts in the jaw and neck. She was later transferred to another hospital for another operation. A third policewoman finaly shot the man. He died later that day in hospital.

The attacker also carried a backpack. The demining service DOVO examined the backpack, but no weapons or explosives were found. Since there are indications that the attack might be motivated by terrorist purposes, the Federal Prosecutor decided last night to take over the investigation from the prosecutor of Charleroi.

"Forced returns to Algeria have long been problematic, despite years of European and bilateral negotiations," Secretary Francken said. "Following the agreement reached with Morocco, now at last an agreement with Algeria must be reached. Preferably under European mandate, if not then bilaterally."
"I will presenta number of additional measures to further enhance the forced return of illegal immigrants," he added. "If the situation does not change, and despite the recent substantial increase in capacity, we will continue to face an acute shortage of places in detention centers for illegal immigrants. We must urgently further increase this capacity."


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