Bio-Mom Crystal

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I think the bottom line is she could not prove to the judge in the custody issue that Ronald abused her at all. No photos. No police reports. No string of witnesses coming to her defense.

No one has proved it since either. I have not seen a single charge on him that says he is violent and this horrible person her family claims.

Revenge is a strong motive and her family is out for blood as we could see on Geraldo last night. Their revenge is more important than finding Haleigh and coming together for Rj. It speaks volumes to me. The heat is now on them and they are trying to draw the fire away by these actions, imo.
I'm sorry but I don't mean to taking up for anybody in this case lol.

It just bugged me that Rons dirty laundry gets aired, while hers was not. People actually said she had no record, so I felt the need to clarify.
I'm on the fence about the case, but come on, clearly she has shown a lack of interest in her kids from the get go. That also bugs me. I wish I could believe she loved and adored those babies more than anything, because that would mean to me that maybe she had Haleigh, and give me some hope for that baby girl. Frankly I don't think she cared enough to do anything like that.

But I am absolutely on nobodys side. IMO TN is the ONLY decent one in the bunch, from what I've seen.

Excuse me everyone, I am not trying to sound smug or better than the people who are involved in this tragedy but I think we have to look at the big picture of the people involved.
They all live in and have been raised in a sub-type culture where having a police record seems to be the norm.
The pattern is young people, under the age of 26, having several children at an early age. Uneducated and early unsavory life experience have formed their parenting skills. It's generational. Their own parenting skills copy how they themselves were raised.
Having children without the benefit of marriage is the custom and there seems to be very little stability in their lives. I doubt many have lived in the same rented place more than 9 months at a time.
They survive in a drug culture either by joining and using or perhaps both using and dealing. They are surrounded by characters who struggle to make ends meet in and out of unlawful activities. A drug culture exposes them to guns, lying, cheating and breaking the law at an early age to keep drugs in their lives if that is their choice.
School and education has never been something that their parents impressed upon them that is absolutely required. I don't think we are looking at a lot of high school graduates here. Their lower economical situations may have directed the absence of staying in school or seeking advance education.
They are not misguided, they are without guidence.
Regardless, a crime, a sad and possibly violent kidnapping has been committed. They suffer as much as anyone in a higher social economical class would suffer. They hurt just the same. It is highly possible their own lifestyles have made them all even more open to having a missing child.
I think when we judge them we need to take into account how their past life experiences have formed their behavior and outlook on what they are facing.
jmo of course.
If we base her driving record as basis for motherhood,many good moms would be in trouble.LOL But,she did have a major car accident and maybe that is where one of the tickets came from,pics on her myspace.

Although I guess if you put it in the context that her "reason" for not allowing Annette S. the great gramma drive her to the 12 missed doctor's appts was that she didn't think she was a safe driver... well... I didn't find any driving infractions for Annette S. LOL!
Excuse me everyone, I am not trying to sound smug or better than the people who are involved in this tragedy but I think we have to look at the big picture of the people involved.
They all live in and have been raised in a sub-type culture where having a police record seems to be the norm.
The pattern is young people, under the age of 26, having several children at an early age. Uneducated and early unsavory life experience have formed their parenting skills. It's generational. Their own parenting skills copy how they themselves were raised.
Having children without the benefit of marriage is the custom and there seems to be very little stability in their lives. I doubt many have lived in the same rented place more than 9 months at a time.
They survive in a drug culture either by joining and using or perhaps both using and dealing. They are surrounded by characters who struggle to make ends meet in and out of unlawful activities. A drug culture exposes them to guns, lying, cheating and breaking the law at an early age to keep drugs in their lives if that is their choice.
School and education has never been something that their parents impressed upon them that is absolutely required. I don't think we are looking at a lot of high school graduates here. Their lower economical situations may have directed the absence of staying in school or seeking advance education.
They are not misguided, they are without guidence.
Regardless, a crime, a sad and possibly violent kidnapping has been committed. They suffer as much as anyone in a higher social economical class would suffer. They hurt just the same. It is highly possible their own lifestyles have made them all even more open to having a missing child.
I think when we judge them we need to take into account how their past life experiences have formed their behavior and outlook on what they are facing.
jmo of course.

:clap: :clap:
Mary Pickford once said, “There is always another chance...
This thing called 'failure' is not falling down, but staying down.”
That's all I have to say about that.

ummm, doesn't this mean violation of parole? what was she on parole for?

Wish we knew, but I would take a gander to bet it was a drug related charge.
I see a mother who knows in her heart that Haleigh is already dead. She knows Ron and Misty and the stories do not add up. She knows Ron is abusive and I believe she doesn't think he intentionally killed her, but that his anger took over and he accidentally did it. She knows he loved Haleigh but he cannot control his emotions. He always calls Haleigh "my child". Detachment and he feels guilty for having killed her but his sense of self survival is taking over.
Here's another one for her and this was pretty recent.


Court Events
Date Event Judge Location
Progress Dockets
Image Date Description
10/22/2008 CASE CLOSED
10/06/2008 PAYMENT OF $221.00 RECEIVED ON CT02
10/06/2008 PAYMENT OF $50.00 RECEIVED ON COP
09/18/2008 VOP ARRAIGNMENT SET FOR 10/22/2008 AT 01:00 IN CRT/1,
07/02/2008 ASSESSED CRIMINAL TRAFFIC 221.00 DUE 09/30/2008
07/02/2008 ASSESSED CT PARTIAL PYMT $25 SETUP 25.00 DUE 09/30/2008
07/02/2008 ASSESSED COST OF PROSECUTION GROUP 50.00 DUE 09/30/2008
07/02/2008 ASSESSED $221.00 DUE 09/30/2008 - CNT 1
07/02/2008 CASE CLOSED
Same website scroll down to her name/criminal (There are two but the other one was already brought up-FALSE REPORT TO LAW AUTHORITY)

IMO Ron showed himself to be above Crystal last night on GR. He could have slung this mud back at Crystal but he didn't because he's focused on finding Haleigh.
I see a mother who knows in her heart that Haleigh is already dead. She knows Ron and Misty and the stories do not add up. She knows Ron is abusive and I believe she doesn't think he intentionally killed her, but that his anger took over and he accidentally did it. She knows he loved Haleigh but he cannot control his emotions. He always calls Haleigh "my child". Detachment and he feels guilty for having killed her but his sense of self survival is taking over.

This is what I see too, kkmiami. I'm hoping to be totally off on this.
I think at meth clinics we need to start giving out condoms too. She "stopped" (cold??) using cocaine and meth when she got pregnant - I'm going to call BS on that one.

These kids should have been placed in a foster home, let these 2 (+2 17 year olds) fight it out and leave the babies out of it.
I never liked bio mom. Sorry, I didn't. And now I absolutely despise her after that disgusting showing of her true colors last night.
However, even though I detest her on a personal level, I don't think she was directly involvd in Haleigh's disappearance, but I am leaning more towards an associate of hers being responsible. I think that if anyone (besides Misty) knows more than they are telling, it's Crystal.
I agree, Not! She needs to be hooked up to a LDT and they need to find out what she knows about this. Then they need to go right down the line in her family and friends to figure out who may be responsible.

This could be happening as we speak and the reason for the tirade last nite on Ron. Remember, they only filled out statement packets initially. Now it is about time for those hard hitting interrogations to begin to see who trips up on their statements.

ETA: CPS needs to take a serious look at her new baby situation, too. If she cannot regain or retain custody of two other children...she probably isn't a suitable candidate to raise another one, imo.
I see a mother who knows in her heart that Haleigh is already dead. She knows Ron and Misty and the stories do not add up. She knows Ron is abusive and I believe she doesn't think he intentionally killed her, but that his anger took over and he accidentally did it. She knows he loved Haleigh but he cannot control his emotions. He always calls Haleigh "my child". Detachment and he feels guilty for having killed her but his sense of self survival is taking over.

But when did he kill her? He was at work till 3AM,911 was called soon after he arrived home. there were people over there around 5PM or so, and then later someone from Ron's side of the family was there to drop off some clothes.
Bold is mine. That's what I want to know. I also want to know the definition of "hit". I have 2 little girls that like to embelish. I'm just sayin'...

Ron admitted he spanked the kids on their bottom for discipline, and that DCF said that was ok. Not saying i think that's right but just that the kids saying they were hit could just mean that and nothing more.

I'm sorry, but saying it depends upon what definition of "hit" one uses is a little like Bill Clinton parsing the meaning of the word "is," and how he defines "alone." Even to a child, being "HIT," and being "SPANKED," are two profoundly different things--a distinction which dad evidently needed to have defined for him at some point by CFS. JMO :rolleyes:

I see a mother who knows in her heart that Haleigh is already dead. She knows Ron and Misty and the stories do not add up. She knows Ron is abusive and I believe she doesn't think he intentionally killed her, but that his anger took over and he accidentally did it. She knows he loved Haleigh but he cannot control his emotions. He always calls Haleigh "my child". Detachment and he feels guilty for having killed her but his sense of self survival is taking over.

(Bolded by me)
Well I think Ron made a pretty good display of controlling his emotions last night and not popping GR right in the kisser!!! If someone was prone to uncontrollable rages, my guess is he wouldn't have been able to contain it last night with GR within inches of his face. And I believe that is EXACTLY what GR was trying to do, provoke him. Then he would have made it a self fulling prophecy per his saying on Bill O'Reilly Ron was a horrible abuser or whatever he said. I think it backfired tho.

I've heard him call Haleigh by name many times.
I agree, Not! She needs to be hooked up to a LDT and they need to find out what she knows about this. Then they need to go right down the line in her family and friends to figure out who may be responsible.

This could be happening as we speak and the reason for the tirade last nite on Ron. Remember, they only filled out statement packets initially. Now it is about time for those hard hitting interrogations to begin to see who trips up on their statements.

ETA: CPS needs to take a serious look at her new baby situation, too. If she cannot regain or retain custody of two other children...she probably isn't a suitable candidate to raise another one, imo.

I've been trying to figure out how, if she isn't legally fit to raise two older children, she is considered fit to raise a completely helpless infant. I'm not quite sure how that happens. :waitasec:
But, there may have been a CPS visit, which set off her tirade last night.
I'm sorry, but saying it depends upon what definition of "hit" one uses is a little like Bill Clinton parsing the meaning of the word "is," and how he defines "alone." Even to a child, being "HIT," and being "SPANKED," are two profoundly different things--a distinction which dad evidently needed to have defined for him at some point by CFS. JMO :rolleyes:


Crystal's word was "hit". Since none of us were there at the time we really don't know whether the kids really said the word "hit" or described it in their one childlike terms. We don't even know if it's true that anything was said. Apparently WHATEVER they said didn't cause alarm in either Crystal or her mother because their next sentence was... "everything appeared fine" or something like that.
Excuse me everyone, I am not trying to sound smug or better than the people who are involved in this tragedy but I think we have to look at the big picture of the people involved.
They all live in and have been raised in a sub-type culture where having a police record seems to be the norm.
The pattern is young people, under the age of 26, having several children at an early age. Uneducated and early unsavory life experience have formed their parenting skills. It's generational. Their own parenting skills copy how they themselves were raised.
Having children without the benefit of marriage is the custom and there seems to be very little stability in their lives. I doubt many have lived in the same rented place more than 9 months at a time.
They survive in a drug culture either by joining and using or perhaps both using and dealing. They are surrounded by characters who struggle to make ends meet in and out of unlawful activities. A drug culture exposes them to guns, lying, cheating and breaking the law at an early age to keep drugs in their lives if that is their choice.
School and education has never been something that their parents impressed upon them that is absolutely required. I don't think we are looking at a lot of high school graduates here. Their lower economical situations may have directed the absence of staying in school or seeking advance education.
They are not misguided, they are without guidence.
Regardless, a crime, a sad and possibly violent kidnapping has been committed. They suffer as much as anyone in a higher social economical class would suffer. They hurt just the same. It is highly possible their own lifestyles have made them all even more open to having a missing child.
I think when we judge them we need to take into account how their past life experiences have formed their behavior and outlook on what they are facing.
jmo of course.

Yes it certainly is generational, if nothing is ever done to break the pattern. Each of us as parents has at any time, the option of either perpetuating the cycle--or choosing a better way, and thus a healthier, safer, more stable and secure future for our own children. I won't even bother to explain the sorry, foolish, irresponsible, neglectful, deceitful and sad modeling of my own upbringing--to which I in turn chose not to subject my own children. My empathy is for the children who are left to fend and to try and make sense of the confusing mess in which they're being raised, some of whom will survive like me to spend a lifetime recovering and others, like my brother, who won't. Please, somebody remove Junior from this before it's too late. Still praying for Haleigh. JMO

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