BLUE VAN:Investigation**REVISITED**

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DNA Solves
Sounds like everyone is getting their story out there much better to me in the's not straight to me yet by any means....

ETA at least it's a move in the right direction.
nurse wonders if there are any firebreak roads or back roads in the woods between Misty's and Chelsea's... any roads that would lead out of the area and be of such deciduism to put a nice long scratch on the side of the car at the level of the side mirror (in the article SS linked above it describes the location and length of the scratch)

Nurse also hope LE did complete testing on the undercarriage for any plantlife or dirt still sticking there

Hi, Nurse. I have been hard at it all, morning, trying to get
the Putnam County Property Appraiser's GIS [Geographical Information Service] map info up for you on the ABOUT PUTNAM COUNTY thread. Would you mind giving it a spin?

I don't know if there is a fire break/trail thing that could have left that scratch, but it does look like... well, I'll let you decide because I wasn't even thinking about the scratch on the van when I was messing around on there.

Go here:
So, what do you guys think?? they gave the van back - that gives me feelings of doom. As in no evidence....

Doom?! C'mon now. No evidence at least indicates that we can't place Haleigh in that vehicle which means that hopefully she is alive somewhere. Unfortunately, it also sounds more and more to me she is somewhere with a SO.

I know I have just about driven everybody crazy w/my ChRey bone, but take a look at some of the last day's stuff. S. may have a son who served w/ChRey for same type of offense that ChR was convicted of [and that Snod the elder is going on trial for.]

Get up tomorrow with your sleuthing hats on.

Doom?! C'mon now. No evidence at least indicates that we can't place Haleigh in that vehicle which means that hopefully she is alive somewhere. Unfortunately, it also sounds more and more to me she is somewhere with a SO.

I know I have just about driven everybody crazy w/my ChRey bone, but take a look at some of the last day's stuff. Snod may have a son who served w/ChRey for same type of offense that ChR was convicted of [and that Snod the elder is going on trial for.]

Get up tomorrow with your sleuthing hats on.


Oh LFlorida, I'm so hoping you are right about little Haleigh being alive. As bad as might be, if she's alive, she could be healed.
Doom?! C'mon now. No evidence at least indicates that we can't place Haleigh in that vehicle which means that hopefully she is alive somewhere. Unfortunately, it also sounds more and more to me she is somewhere with a SO.

I know I have just about driven everybody crazy w/my ChRey bone, but take a look at some of the last day's stuff. Snod may have a son who served w/ChRey for same type of offense that ChR was convicted of [and that Snod the elder is going on trial for.]

Get up tomorrow with your sleuthing hats on.



I assume Haleigh has ridden in that van numerous times and that her DNA, prints, etc would be there anyway.

I sure hope you are right on your theory!
The van thing has always been interesting....along with Misty's blanket being in it.

This really really bothers me. Why hasn't anyone (ie, the relative) come forward and say they used the van? My hubby has a new exhaust system on his car, and it's very loud, yet i can't hear it when I'm sleeping (he leaves very early in the AM).

Question: Did MC say she saw the van at the house the night HC disappeared?

Personally, I know where I park my car - if it's moved, I would know it!

I'm also confident that LE found HC's fingerprints and DNA in the van, as I'm sure she's been in it many times.

But the gun, and the nephew, and the "he'll get what's coming to him (to RC) still bothers the heck out of me. I wish I knew more about the nephew.

Not liking any of this, not at all --

It sounds to me like the family thought it was JO from the start, which would make Rons comments during that interview about Haleigh not being property make so much sense. JO aledgedly stole a gun and a car.
The van was in Daytona so we know Misty didn't go down there and get it. Chelsea believes JO drove it the van that night and then left the next day.
I totally believe LE told them all to keep their mouths shut about JO and that is why we didnt hear anything about him right away, until Misty let it slip.
I hope that the family did not get "tunnel" vision thinking it was JO and overlook something important.
I believe from Chelsea's myspace,Misty had lived with Timothy and Chelsea,many pics of them together and Misty with thier kids.So,that would have been her former home.Chelsea said the van wasn't how they parked it earlier that night,so it was at Chelsea's.Also on the Today Show,Matt asked Misty when she last saw JO,she said when he left to go back home.If Misty had went to get the van in the night,she would have had to have left Satsuma to Daytona where Chelsea lives.Misty's parents said JO left Monday.I am wondering about the story that Ronald did bring Misty back home that day,she would have seen JO before she went back home and her blanket could have been in van,because if she was gone for the three days,she would have a few of her basics,so it was left in the van,maybe.

Chelsea and Tim (Misty's Brother) live around the corner, or through the woods, in the same trailer park as Misty and Ron. You may be thinking of the other brother Tommy and his wife. The relative that was staying with them is Donald Lee S. and he is a reg. sex offender. I would bet he knows where Haleigh is...
No Chelsea and Timmy *Misty Brother, live in the same park as Misty and Ron in Satsuma. Right around the corner. Misty's other brother Tom and his wife may live in Daytona....
The artice could have been poorly worded, it may have been meant to mean the Mobile Home where Ron & Misty are no longer residing since they are staying elsewhere since Haleigh's disappearance.

yes, you're right it was worded poorly. They could mean the Cummings home - or they could mean the other home? Well, at least we know it was Misty's van now! That's something.
Doom?! C'mon now. No evidence at least indicates that we can't place Haleigh in that vehicle which means that hopefully she is alive somewhere. Unfortunately, it also sounds more and more to me she is somewhere with a SO.

I know I have just about driven everybody crazy w/my ChRey bone, but take a look at some of the last day's stuff. Snod may have a son who served w/ChRey for same type of offense that ChR was convicted of [and that Snod the elder is going on trial for.]

Get up tomorrow with your sleuthing hats on.


I think, and I woke up with my hat on, lol, I think the s.o. Donald Lee S. who was living with Tim and Chelsea in the trailer right around the corner, or through the woods, took Haleigh, took the van and he knows where she is. He wouldn't have been checked as a sexual offender because his address at the time was still Crescent City...
Chelsea and Tim (Misty's Brother) live around the corner, or through the woods, in the same trailer park as Misty and Ron. You may be thinking of the other brother Tommy and his wife. The relative that was staying with them is Donald Lee S. and he is a reg. sex offender. I would bet he knows where Haleigh is...

Relative or no relative, Why iin the world would Misty's brother and his wife allow a RSO to stay in their home or have any contact with him if they have children?

Also, how is he related to them?
I think, and I woke up with my hat on, lol, I think the s.o. Donald Lee S. who was living with Tim and Chelsea in the trailer right around the corner, or through the woods, took Haleigh, took the van and he knows where she is. He wouldn't have been checked as a sexual offender because his address at the time was still Crescent City...

Where are you getting this from? :waitasec:
PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- She is the 17-year-old who hasn't had a lot to say about Haleigh Cummings disappearance until today.

"Thank you to everyone who's tried to help us," said Misty Croslin. Croslin is the girlfriend of Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings. She is also the last person to see Haleigh.

Croslin talked about how tired she was the night Haleigh disappeared. "I was over-exhausted. I was real tired. I had a long weekend," she said.

Croslin and Ronald Cummings reported Haleigh missing around 3:30 a.m. last Tuesday. The little girl's brother was also there.

"I remember him being up...I was half asleep...That was right after I laid down...Got up and walked out of my room...And the next thing I know I was out. I don't remember nothing after that," Croslin said.

Some are questioning whether or not Croslin was home the evening Haleigh disappeared. In response to those who question her, Croslin said, "They're lying...Wish they could come to me and tell me I wasn't home that night."

I don't remember seeing this article. Seems Misty is letting it out, little by little, things will come to light. Seems she was passed out while Haleigh was taken, so she is not even sure of a timeline. She's inconsistent due to not truly knowing. So now I ask who else was there while Ronald was at work? Does this go on all the time?

If she was so afraid of this cousin, how the heck do you allow him to be in the company of your children? LE had spoken with this cousin and were satisfied, for the moment with his anwers and whereabouts but all the world is still a suspect, no one has been cleared.

In the meantime, we have a beautiful child, Haleigh who has not been seen in 6 weeks.
PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- She is the 17-year-old who hasn't had a lot to say about Haleigh Cummings disappearance until today.

"Thank you to everyone who's tried to help us," said Misty Croslin. Croslin is the girlfriend of Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings. She is also the last person to see Haleigh.

Croslin talked about how tired she was the night Haleigh disappeared. "I was over-exhausted. I was real tired. I had a long weekend," she said.

Croslin and Ronald Cummings reported Haleigh missing around 3:30 a.m. last Tuesday. The little girl's brother was also there.

"I remember him being up...I was half asleep...That was right after I laid down...Got up and walked out of my room...And the next thing I know I was out. I don't remember nothing after that," Croslin said.

Some are questioning whether or not Croslin was home the evening Haleigh disappeared. In response to those who question her, Croslin said, "They're lying...Wish they could come to me and tell me I wasn't home that night."

I don't remember seeing this article. Seems Misty is letting it out, little by little, things will come to light. Seems she was passed out while Haleigh was taken, so she is not even sure of a timeline. She's inconsistent due to not truly knowing. So now I ask who else was there while Ronald was at work? Does this go on all the time?

If she was so afraid of this cousin, how the heck do you allow him to be in the company of your children? LE had spoken with this cousin and were satisfied, for the moment with his anwers and whereabouts but all the world is still a suspect, no one has been cleared.

In the meantime, we have a beautiful child, Haleigh who has not been seen in 6 weeks.

She got up and walked out of her room only to be out right after that???? And she remembers Jr being up before she went to bed?
tehcloser, then I would like to see she and the cousin take a polygraph and the question be asked of what she knew of the van that night. Then ask the cousin the same thing. Ask them both about the scratch!

IMO, there is way too much covering up here! Caylee A's case is as convoluted as Haleigh C.'s is and LE along with the FBI got it figured out! Maybe we just need the Orlando detectives and the FBI to work on Haleigh's case!

Just a gentle reminder.

31 days and 'the nanny did it' pretty much served up the Anthony case to Orlando LE on a silver platter. Dead Caylee remains in KC's trunk clinched it, and Florida discovery laws have kept us well supplied with juicy tidbits to ponder ever since.

Until there is some actual cause to think otherwise I believe that "covering up" is too strong a phrase to use here. It might be wiser to give LE credit for managing to keep their mouths shut and carry on with their job in the middle of such a media sh*tstorm.
Doom?! C'mon now. No evidence at least indicates that we can't place Haleigh in that vehicle which means that hopefully she is alive somewhere. Unfortunately, it also sounds more and more to me she is somewhere with a SO.

I know I have just about driven everybody crazy w/my ChRey bone, but take a look at some of the last day's stuff. Snod may have a son who served w/ChRey for same type of offense that ChR was convicted of [and that S. the elder is going on trial for.]

Get up tomorrow with your sleuthing hats on.


We can't place Haleigh (yet) in that van, but we CAN place Misty in that van that night, since her blanket was in it. She's stated that over and over again. "My blanket was in the van that they took."

What I'd like to know is what was Misty doing snuggled in a blanket in that van that night.

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