BLUE VAN:Investigation**REVISITED**

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Croslin is talking about her nephew. The 19-year-old was in town a few weeks before Haleigh’s disappearance. She says before Haleigh was taken, her nephew got in a fight with Haleigh’s father, Ronald.
“What happened is he had stolen Ronald’s gun…and one morning on the porch he said Ronald would get what’s coming to him…then it was dropped, and he left," said Lisa Croslin.
Croslin says her nephew left the day Haleigh was abducted. She also tells us a light blue van her nephew might have drove was confiscated and analyzed by police. Croslin’s husband Hank says a mysterious gash appeared on the side of the van the night Haleigh disappeared.
The Croslins say they’re positive their daughter had nothing to do with Haleigh’s disappearance. They also say they’re putting their faith in the police to investigate everyone including their own family.

Misty has a 19 year old nephew??? I thought the guy visiting was the pervy cousin.
Could this be Mistys Van and the sister in law borrowing it for whatever reason and had the keys for the van and trailer on the key chain. The cousin could have taken the van used the keys then returned the keys. Or Has the brother of Misty been ruled out. A lot of SO/RSO have children, could he possibly done somethng. Things to toss around

You know that would make sense. If the van does belong to Misty and the reason it was as the cousin's house is because of the out of town visitor staying at the cousins. Then the key to the house would be on that key chain if the van belongs to Misty. I would say that the visitor went over to Misty's earlier that evening to visit do a little drugs and waited for Misty to pass out, came in took Haleigh and propped the back door open to make it look like someone broke in. We know for a fact that LE stated there was no sign of force entry. I also thought that cousin Joe went back to TN the night Haleigh disappeared?
PUTNAM COUNTY, Fla. -- She is the 17-year-old who hasn't had a lot to say about Haleigh Cummings disappearance until today.

"Thank you to everyone who's tried to help us," said Misty Croslin. Croslin is the girlfriend of Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings. She is also the last person to see Haleigh.

Croslin talked about how tired she was the night Haleigh disappeared. "I was over-exhausted. I was real tired. I had a long weekend," she said.

Croslin and Ronald Cummings reported Haleigh missing around 3:30 a.m. last Tuesday. The little girl's brother was also there.

"I remember him being up...I was half asleep...That was right after I laid down...Got up and walked out of my room...And the next thing I know I was out. I don't remember nothing after that," Croslin said.

Some are questioning whether or not Croslin was home the evening Haleigh disappeared. In response to those who question her, Croslin said, "They're lying...Wish they could come to me and tell me I wasn't home that night."

I don't remember seeing this article. Seems Misty is letting it out, little by little, things will come to light. Seems she was passed out while Haleigh was taken, so she is not even sure of a timeline. She's inconsistent due to not truly knowing. So now I ask who else was there while Ronald was at work? Does this go on all the time?

If she was so afraid of this cousin, how the heck do you allow him to be in the company of your children? LE had spoken with this cousin and were satisfied, for the moment with his anwers and whereabouts but all the world is still a suspect, no one has been cleared.

In the meantime, we have a beautiful child, Haleigh who has not been seen in 6 weeks.

When was this article released? Seriously, I'm more confused than ever.
I wouldnt imagine that LE would have released the van had they found any evidence of foul play in it. As far as the blanket goes, if it is true that Misty was gone the few days prior to Haleigh being taken, then her blanket could have been put in that van on any one of those days. Her and Ron could have had a fight, she called her sister-in-law to come get her, Misty tosses some things in the van including her blanket and leaves. Her and Ron make up and she goes back to the mh but her blanket is still in the van. JMO
What they didn't say was how did Misti find out that the van had a scratch. Did police point it out or did she have an opportunity to find and mention it first? Unless the visitor ( the cousin?) innocently snuck out with the van to go someplace, then this is a big part of the puzzle and answers my theory.

In the words of stink, "Whoever smelt it, dealt it."

I think Misty knew about the scratch...
Doom?! C'mon now. No evidence at least indicates that we can't place Haleigh in that vehicle which means that hopefully she is alive somewhere. Unfortunately, it also sounds more and more to me she is somewhere with a SO.

I know I have just about driven everybody crazy w/my ChRey bone, but take a look at some of the last day's stuff. S. may have a son who served w/ChRey for same type of offense that ChR was convicted of [and that Snod the elder is going on trial for.]

Get up tomorrow with your sleuthing hats on.


Thanks! Excellent idea. It is also super hinky that a SO showed up at command center...
In the words of stink, "Whoever smelt it, dealt it."

I think Misty knew about the scratch...

which is why LE keeps going back to her & her holes in her story.

Lets see now, some more facts......

Misty, her SIL & around the corner, their van apears to have been in a different spot than it was when SIL parked it, Misty calls "her" and asks about a scratch?? I think SIL is lying for Misty...I think SHE called Misty and asked about the scratch? Maybe......this is where Im confused. :crazy:

Lets just say someone that night, walked over there using that route that the dogs hit Haleighs scent on (the back way) & took that light blue van and more than likely haleigh in it, dumped her and then put the van back and then walked back....therefore the blanket was in the van? :mad: I dont like that scenero, but it seems a likely thing to have occured, "if" Haliegh met with foul play.
We can't place Haleigh (yet) in that van, but we CAN place Misty in that van that night, since her blanket was in it. She's stated that over and over again. "My blanket was in the van that they took."

What I'd like to know is what was Misty doing snuggled in a blanket in that van that night.

Oh, come on, Debs. We're thinking the same damn thing. That van could have been a good place to have sex with a strange cousin when you have two sleeping children in the house. Just "brick the door" in order to hear them if they wake up yelling, put down your blanket inside the van, and...
That article is the WORST reporting I've ever seen!

The van is LINDSY'S! This is the URL (no longer available because it's private) of the BLUE VAN:

MySpace_com - ♥Lindsy SPN♥ My Photos - Photo 7 of 11.htm

Lindsy writes: "I am getting so old...this is what I am driving!"

And this is the picture:


which is why LE keeps going back to her & her holes in her story.

Lets see now, some more facts......

Misty, her SIL & around the corner, their van apears to have been in a different spot than it was when SIL parked it, Misty calls "her" and asks about a scratch?? I think SIL is lying for Misty...I think SHE called Misty and asked about the scratch? Maybe......this is where Im confused. :crazy:

Lets just say someone that night, walked over there using that route that the dogs hit Haleighs scent on (the back way) & took that light blue van and more than likely haleigh in it, dumped her and then put the van back and then walked back....therefore the blanket was in the van? :mad: I dont like that scenero, but it seems a likely thing to have occured, "if" Haliegh met with foul play.

I am totally confused about who called who about this scratch in on Misty's van. Why would they even care about a scratch on a van when Haleigh is missing??? The only reason I would think they would mention it is if the SIL, noticed the van in a different spot, then saw the scratch and thought it may mean something, otherwise; it would be the last thing I would care about.

If Misty did lend her van to these people, then the other poster has a great point that the house keys may have been on the key ring, but then I have to ask myself; wouldn't I think to take them off so I could get back in my own house? This just leaves me with more ??? I still feel like it was an accident and it is just being set up to look like the Nanny did it, I mean the cousin.
That article is the WORST reporting I've ever seen!

The van is LINDSY'S! This is the URL (no longer available because it's private) of the BLUE VAN:

MySpace_com - ♥Lindsy SPN♥ My Photos - Photo 7 of 11.htm

Lindsy writes: "I am getting so old...this is what I am driving!"

And this is the picture:



The article was quoting the video clip. She really does say this cra....uh, crud.
Oh, come on, Debs. We're thinking the same damn thing. That van could have been a good place to have sex with a strange cousin when you have two sleeping children in the house. Just "brick the door" in order to hear them if they wake up yelling, put down your blanket inside the van, and...

I'm getting too old for this, I was thinking doing drugs in the van, sex never entered my mind lol.
You know that would make sense. If the van does belong to Misty and the reason it was as the cousin's house is because of the out of town visitor staying at the cousins. Then the key to the house would be on that key chain if the van belongs to Misty. I would say that the visitor went over to Misty's earlier that evening to visit do a little drugs and waited for Misty to pass out, came in took Haleigh and propped the back door open to make it look like someone broke in. We know for a fact that LE stated there was no sign of force entry. I also thought that cousin Joe went back to TN the night Haleigh disappeared?

Bolded by me and thanks...........
my questions, nice could Misty (17, uneducated, jobless)
afford a van? WELFARE??? Dealing drugs???
the keys in van make sense to me forced entry.........door propped to carry baby out of house........used van, blanket.........
scratch..........yep to get into the bushes in forest?
Why is this the first we have heard of Misty owning the van? Even Player said nothing of Misty owning a van.
Why is this the first we have heard of Misty owning the van? Even Player said nothing of Misty owning a van.

No one knows yet who exactly owns the van. No one can figure out what Chelsea meant.
I think, and I woke up with my hat on, lol, I think the s.o. Donald Lee S. who was living with Tim and Chelsea in the trailer right around the corner, or through the woods, took Haleigh, took the van and he knows where she is. He wouldn't have been checked as a sexual offender because his address at the time was still Crescent City...

Do you have a link explaining these living arrangements, please?


I think, and I woke up with my hat on, lol, I think the s.o. Donald Lee S. who was living with Tim and Chelsea in the trailer right around the corner, or through the woods, took Haleigh, took the van and he knows where she is. He wouldn't have been checked as a sexual offender because his address at the time was still Crescent City...

??? Why do you believe S. was living with /T&Chelsea?
tehcloser, then I would like to see she and the cousin take a polygraph and the question be asked of what she knew of the van that night. Then ask the cousin the same thing. Ask them both about the scratch!

IMO, there is way too much covering up here! Caylee A's case is as convoluted as Haleigh C.'s is and LE along with the FBI got it figured out! Maybe we just need the Orlando detectives and the FBI to work on Haleigh's case!


I wonder if JO was given a polygraph when LE "checked him out". Anyone heard anything about that?
Put them in the same room and rough em up.Just kidding.But,I think they should be questioned together and put pressure on them,they're teens.I'm going to check out his sister's ms for comments and the Tenn cty records for any changes.

Put them on the Steve Wilkos show. He'll get the truth out of them, throw a chair at them or something!:woohoo:

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