Bond Revoked

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Another angle to consider is that whenever bond is granted, the Court will impose certain conditions of bond for the accused to abide by, if the accused is going to be extended the opportunity to remain in the community while the criminal charges are still pending. Here in Colorado, often conditions of bond include terms such as No use of alcohol or drugs, pre-trial services and monitoring (which often include random drug screens or alcohol testing, etc), Compliance with any exisiting terms and conditions of probation or parole, and, very often . . . NO NEW CRIMINAL OFFENSES! Perhaps LE chose to file the forgery/fraud/theft charges at this particular time, as a strategy to assist the bondsmen in FL in revoking the existing bond that LP arranged. While I'm not sure whether a bond agency has the right to revoke bond just because they want to, or because they don't like the defendant -- I can imagine a good defense attorney would claim that due process was denied if bail were revoked for a nebulous reason. However, were new criminal charges filed, it might provide a more legally sound precedent for revoking bond. That said, I would wonder, if the new charges were included or considered in the decision to revoke bond, whether it would matter if the alleged forgery/fraud occurred before or after Casey Anthony was charged in the present matter of little Caylee's disappearance. Well, food for thought!
At least she got to bake brownies for Jose while she was out. Maybe he saved a few to share with her in jail.
That is what I have been waiting to hear :clap: I realize she had a right to a bond but, she had it too good being out. She was at home using the internet, baking brownies for Jose, and totally enjoying all the media attention she was getting.

I wonder if she is in gen. pop now? That would be great. In her sick mind she would probably enjoy the harassment from the other inmates.

It wasn't that she was having it too good, or not.

-She was acting in bad faith with the people that bonded her out.

-Circumstances changed that increased her flight risk.

I think both Padilla's wanted to revoke the bond. But Tony insisted that it needed to be for a concrete and overt action. His business ethics did not want to revoke a bond based on leaked preliminary forensic data. He probably wanted something actual and official to happen before taking that action. While Leonard can operate on his gut, Tony's business is based on official documents, statements and papertrails. Once LE re-arrested her it gave them the reason to ethically revoke bond and they took it. I'm betting they had the paperwork ready to go since Thursday night.
I am glad she's back in jail. This is an unbelievable case. You never know what you're going to wake up to. I sit rivited by my computer and TV.

Bottom line----------------where is Caylee. She is all that matters.
Oh thank God!!!! Cindy & company insisted repeatedly from the day Casey was arrested, that Casey needed to be out of jail, and if she was, she would immediately tell where Caylee was. Also insisted repeatedly that Casey couldn't talk to LE because: she didn't trust them/Casey was in danger/Caylee was in danger/Cindy & George were in danger, but out of jail, Casey would immediately tell Cindy & George where Casey was, and be truthful about it.

When that didn't happen within 24 to 48 hours MAX, Casey should have been hauled back to jail. All letting her stay at home did was fuel Casey and grandparents' fantasies of kidnapping and abuse of Casey by the system and media and everyone else in the world. That's a very bad thing, because it just brings Casey further and further away of answering the question:


which is the most important thing regarding this entire case, and has gotten lost.

I am glad, though, that Casey got a taste of jail, then got to remember clearly and compare being in jail to being out of jail.

And now she'll be able to remember clearly and compare a comfy bed, using the internet, home cooked meals, etc etc etc, as she sits on a cold hard cot with no entertainment, no comforts, no tasty morsels.

Again, thank God!! This is indeed a wonderful day!! Hope you all enjoy your day too!

Also just want to say, as a newbie here, how very appreciative I am of WS and all of you. Having a place to get things off my chest about this sad case of baby Caylee, as well as to ask questions, get info, share thoughts, etc, is so very helpful to me.

Thank you,

Do you think her parents will be able to use the donation money they've received to bond her out?
Oh thank God!!!! Cindy & company insisted repeatedly from the day Casey was arrested, that Casey needed to be out of jail, and if she was, she would immediately tell where Caylee was. Also insisted repeatedly that Casey couldn't talk to LE because: she didn't trust them/Casey was in danger/Caylee was in danger/Cindy & George were in danger, but out of jail, Casey would immediately tell Cindy & George where Casey was, and be truthful about it.

When that didn't happen within 24 to 48 hours MAX, Casey should have been hauled back to jail. All letting her stay at home did was fuel Casey and grandparents' fantasies of kidnapping and abuse of Casey by the system and media and everyone else in the world. That's a very bad thing, because it just brings Casey further and further away of answering the question:


which is the most important thing regarding this entire case, and has gotten lost.

I am glad, though, that Casey got a taste of jail, then got to remember clearly and compare being in jail to being out of jail.

And now she'll be able to remember clearly and compare a comfy bed, using the internet, home cooked meals, etc etc etc, as she sits on a cold hard cot with no entertainment, no comforts, no tasty morsels.

Again, thank God!! This is indeed a wonderful day!! Hope you all enjoy your day too!

Also just want to say, as a newbie here, how very appreciative I am of WS and all of you. Having a place to get things off my chest about this sad case of baby Caylee, as well as to ask questions, get info, share thoughts, etc, is so very helpful to me.

Thank you,


Let's just hope this makes her want to talk now....
While I respect the part of the system that permits people to get out of jail on bail pending trial, it absolutely drives me crazy that parents in our country can have their children go missing, with no rational explanation, under conditions that make it look like fowl play has occurred and continue walking around free. They seem to be reaping the benefits of the judical system while their victims, their own precious children, in most cases, literally rot. There should be justice for the children too, and sometimes it seems our current laws don't provide that. Casey has Jose to protect her rights. Where's Caylee's lawyer. I know the police are doing their best to provide justice for this child, but it seems like our system too often hog-ties them. I think the Orlando cops are doing a great job, as Caylee's own mother obstucts witht he help of her lawyer, while an out of state bounty hunter obstructs, as well-meaning as he may have been, as they have to deal with hostile family members understandably in denial. Personally, I'm glad this woman is back in jail. She may or may not stay there. Someone else may very well come up with enough to get her out again for their own personal agenda, but I think there should be a law that requires parents obfuscating under these circumstances to be denied access to bail. It's completely unjust when parents roam free while refusing to co-operate to find their children.
Do you think her parents will be able to use the donation money they've received to bond her out?

I know Cindy has been doing Inside Edition and Access Hollywood. They pay, by using licensing rights to photos. I saw this in the ANS case. So, we'll see.
Let's just hope this makes her want to talk now....

I think that will depend on how many times and from how many people, she hears in a factual way that she has lots more of the jail and then prison lifestyle ahead of her, and that she may be able to cut that time back, and return to her preffered lifestyle sooner, if she just answers:


But I also think no promises or deals should be made with her on that point. Just simple, unemotional, factual statements that she *may* be able to reduce her time spent in jail/prison lifestyle by answering that one simple question with a few simple, *truthful* words.

The only thing about this is that I didn't hear on any of her jail phone calls any complaints from her about the jail lifestyle. Every time she was asked, she said she was okay. So it may not bother her at all, as difficult as that is to understand. She may very well enjoy it for its total lack of responsibility and demands placed on her.
Great! She had a whole week at home to talk with her parents, LE, EQUUS, TP, and anyone else who could've assisted in bringing this nightmare to a conclusion. But that wasn't happening. The parents were talking about everything else but Caylee, and she was manipulating the entire situation. :rolleyes:

Don't get me riled, Cindy and George. I'll throw a tantrum, and you know how much you hate that.

Sure, Casey dear. You just keep right on laying those eggshells on the floor and we'll try very hard not to crack them.

On top of that, she victimized a 12 year-old over the internet. :furious::furious:

Thank you for the card and the gift, sweetie. I named the stuffed animal after you. Now you and I will share an eternal bond. WELCOME TO MY WEB .

And the pressure cooker outside the home was reaching the red zone. Someone was going to get hurt.

This is good news. I hope they keep her butt in jail. Now maybe I can turn off the computer and finish my evacuation plans.
Woohoo! I expected to hear she was released on her $3k bond when I logged on this morning, not such wonderful news as this!
The only thing about this is that I didn't hear on any of her jail phone calls any complaints from her about the jail lifestyle. Every time she was asked, she said she was okay. So it may not bother her at all, as difficult as that is to understand. She may very well enjoy it for its total lack of responsibility and demands placed on her.

Interesting point, like sociopaths are sort of naturally institutionalized. Really they are completely cared for, and structured, and powerless, which is how they feel to begin with. Makes gruesome sense.

I thought about her bopping out of jail for a week and then bopping back in. You know, that seems harder to deal with than a straight run in jail, a little taste of what she may not "have" for oh say the next forty years :behindbar
If nothing else, I'm glad she is back in jail to keep her off the internet and corresponding with the 12 year old girl that lives in Leesburg.

These sites sure don't have their story straight. Leonard put up the 50,000, not the bond company. Leonard also put up assets worth 500,000. The bond company revoked the bond worth 500,000 (the surety company). Now someone would have to come along with 500,000 worth of assets, not 50,000 to get a new bond for Casey. I really really doubt Leonard is going to put up the 500,000 or the 50,000 again. Leonard already lost the 50,000. He does not get that back. Leonard did get his 500,000 in assets released because casey is safely back in jail. The Anthony's might come up with 50,000 but the were UNABLE to come up with 500,000 in assets to insure the bond. Casey will stay in jail until her trial unless some new idjit comes along with 500,000+

Also overnight, the bond company that posted her original bond, revoked it.Cindy Anthony echoed those statements Saturday. She said deputies arrived at the house without a warrant and told her they were taking Casey to a safe place.

Early Saturday morning, the Tampa bonding company that had put up $50,000 to get Casey out of jail on original charges of child endangerment and lying to authorities about the disappearance of her young daughter Caylee, revoked that bond.That action means someone will have to come up with another $50,000 to get Casey out of jail. The Anthony family was unable to do that when Casey was first arrested.

:clap::clap:Hope its true!!
Does that mean there will not be a new bond hearing this morning since the old bond is revoked?? I was hoping to find a link to a court hearing but can't find one. Anyone else?
If nothing else, I'm glad she is back in jail to keep her off the internet and corresponding with the 12 year old girl that lives in Leesburg.


ya an aticle said she was crying over this little girl ? but NOT her own daughter that pisses me off bigtime ..
Also overnight, the bond company that posted her original bond, revoked it.Cindy Anthony echoed those statements Saturday. She said deputies arrived at the house without a warrant and told her they were taking Casey to a safe place.

Early Saturday morning, the Tampa bonding company that had put up $50,000 to get Casey out of jail on original charges of child endangerment and lying to authorities about the disappearance of her young daughter Caylee, revoked that bond.That action means someone will have to come up with another $50,000 to get Casey out of jail. The Anthony family was unable to do that when Casey was first arrested.

:clap::clap:Hope its true!!
When out on bond or probation or parole or anything similar, you can be searched, yanked, whatever, without any warrants on anything. You can be walking down a street and cops can stop and search you. You have NO civil rights underr those conditions. They could have broken down the door to get her if they chose to.

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