Book released by Defense Atty Nov 2015 #1

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The book makes is quite obvious that KN truly believes TA is a pedophile. He compares TA on the sex tape to Jared "Foggle" (I presume he means Jared Fogle.)

The writing is very circular, and the arguments are awful. My 10 year old shows far superior logic and reasoning skills than KN. He talks about how he believes the pedo letters were forged, but TA is still a pedophile because the state could not prove with 100 percent certainty that they were forged. I have to read sections several times to make sure it isn't me, LOL.

He spelled Deanna Reid's name as "Deana" (which I think is incorrect). He twice writes "by in large" when he means "by and large." His wife edited the work, according to KN. She should not quit her day job.

Thank You pinkandgreenmom, you gave me my second laugh of the day. ROFLOL
Yes, pathetic indeed. Especially considering that Willmutt, Knurmi, Dr. Fog, Alyce Lie-A-Lot (as well as Jodi herself!) ALL portrayed her as being a victim of one type of abuse or another, yet Jodi herself could NEVER be capable of being an abuseR. RIGHT, ALYCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Makes me so damn mad!! Did Juan pose the reverse hypothetical to Alyce? If so, I missed it.

I believe he did.
What does that even mean? "By in large?" It reminds me of the phrase "Before too long."

A new Nurmiism, apparently. By the way, great to see you here again, WM. :)
JA will not be amused. KN talks about how JW and MDLR quickly found out that JA "not only craved attention, she demanded it." And that she "needed attention almost to the degree that humans need air to breathe."
IMO, her older brother but with her, who knows. What do you mean by "she"?

She has no older brother. She has a half sister Julie, then there is her, Jodi 1980, Carl 1982, Angela 1992? and Joey 1993. IIRC somewhere in the trial sex abuse was brought up and that it happened when Jodi was around four or five and it was taken care in the family. I'm reading back through her secret testimony to find it, and see several differences
Summarizing some snippets.....he thinks if JM brought in the pedo letters the killer would he on death row because JM would have shredded her and revealed them as forgeries, but he also believes Travis was a pedophile.

He thought she deserved the DP -however brief the belief was-- and was sickened-- when he heard her on calls scamming folks, but...not when she lied about the man she tried to decapitate being physically abusive,etc.


Mind boggling isn't it Hope? I knew it was going to be a trash JM book and also a trash TA book. He thinks that will excuse his horrid slimy behavior of the trial. It doesn't. He is just what we thought he was before the book and after the book, a slimy, unethical, scum bucket of a lawyer. He enjoyed trashing TA and attacking Juan the whole time. I wouldn't use his book for anything but starting a fire, and I don't believe in book burning but in this case I would gladly burn his.
In Vegas, Jennifer impressed KN with her drinking skills. :facepalm:

I gotta stop reading this nonsense.
He did it, according to his book, because apparently the letter said TA was interested in their son. I had never heard that before. KN gets all high and mighty that he was such a great guy to tell them about the letters because they contained info on their child and he didn't want them blindsided. (Sorry if that is old news, it was the first I heard of it).

Nurmi wants it both ways. He wants us to know how smart he is for not falling for the pedo letters. But he wants to use the info they contained as fact.

Like I said, pinkandgreenmom, he is despicable. He hasn't changed one bit. I can't believe all the posters on the BK site talking about what a great book it is and they can't wait until the next one comes out. I had to get off there before I said something bad. LOL
I didn't see any sympathetic persona with ALV- she pissed me off worse! I thought she was goading him with the time-out comment. He was doing his job, and if it's with a "pitbull/bombastic" personality, so be it! He's excellent at his job, I love him. Best prosecutor I've ever witnessed.
I think Fonseca was the one hiding- she hid behind the language barrior, both of English being her 2nd language and her interpretation of Travis's words.
F.Y.I., I am a feminist and grew up in the 60's, but these two are just man-haters!

It drove my bonkers when she would say "Mr. Martinez".

I think ALV and Fonseca were old school psych's and Samuels/Geffner were older men, who JA reeled in.

I can hear JA now: "Oh, but look it at the women he was texting/sexting". SO? You and Travis were not in a relationship. :pullhair:
I don't have questions about specific things, but after you finish I'd love to hear about your take on why you think he is writing this 1,000 page wonder.

Is it a hatchet job on JM? Primarily an angry rant about an ex-client he hates? Both? Regardless of what he says about taking the high road and other high faluting reasons for writing, what is the under tone? Do you think he is being honest with himself about why? Does he say why he's so bothered with and disgusted by her? Is it because she viciously brutally slaughtered another human being , feels no remorse and still wants T's family to suffer? Or because she didn't listen to his legal advice and didn't like or respect him?

Large perspective questions, please. :)

BBM ~ I am not sure if it's easy for a criminal defense lawyer to not put emotion into a crime.
He thinks she made up tests that had no basis in reality, that she misused diagnostic tests to fit big, bad JM's theories, she refused to see TA's name calling as abuse, and that it seemed to him Dr. D was only trying to *advertiser censored* shame JA. To name a few... Oh, and that Dr. D misspoke when she said JA jumped from boyfriend to boyfriend. He will have us know that she waited several months between Matt and Daryl.

And I guess while we have some nerve to question ALV, Dr. D is fair game.
Just goes to show he wouldn't know real competence if it sat on the stand and testified.
He thinks she made up tests that had no basis in reality, that she misused diagnostic tests to fit big, bad JM's theories, she refused to see TA's name calling as abuse, and that it seemed to him Dr. D was only trying to *advertiser censored* shame JA. To name a few... Oh, and that Dr. D misspoke when she said JA jumped from boyfriend to boyfriend. He will have us know that she waited several months between Matt and Daryl.

And I guess while we have some nerve to question ALV, Dr. D is fair game.
* Didn't Dr. D say something like she didn't consider Travis' words as being truly abusive because she didn't see a consistent pattern of use? (only in that one text/chat fight?)

I just think she got under Knurni's voluminous amount of skin because she didn't "return his salute" that one morning. I don't remember if his childish "so you're sort of a Dr. Death" remark to her came before or after her not saying "good morning" back to him, but it seemed to me like one was payback for the other.

I also think what really ticked-off Knurmi was he couldn't rattle Dr. D. She had JA's number in a third the number of hours as the two defense experts who spent time treating, I mean interviewing, I mean testing the killer, and everyone in court knew it. Even Jodi herself, who put her blinders on and colored while Dr. D was on the witness stand testifying.

La la la la la la la la... I don't hear you... la la la la....
I don't agree with this about women, because in my experience it's not true. Most women who classify themselves as feminists (they tended to come of age in the '60's and '70's) are not hostile to men, they just want things to be more fair. This is understandable.

Ironically, in the court, because he kept pointing out gender-bias, Martinez was much closer than ALV to the traditional run-of-the-mill feminism that spends most of its energy on non-discrimination. Funny thing about that. Equally ironically, ALV and Fonseca tried to smackdown this "feminist" view of world, by scoffing at Martinez when he went in this direction.

This feminist drive to be equal plays in to what I'm going to say next.

What was despicable about Fonseca and ALV is that their feminist background had them insisting: a) women are victims of men and b) they should be treated equally to men. This is where the fraud comes in, IMO: if they believed men and women are equal, then they had to believe that men can be victims of women. There is a basic dishonesty to their brand of "feminism", and they are highly sexist.

Let me be clear, ALV's and Fonseca's brand of feminism (not all feminist expression, which is often right on), and its premise is profoundly discriminatory and unjust. If we hypothetically switched the genders around and asked Fonseca and ALV to imagine their expert positions in reverse, they would say the reverse is not possible. Just because. They would assert this despite the statistical evidence to the contrary.

A respectable expert, someone perhaps with an above average Ph.D. would routinely examine their assumptions this way, by hypothesizing a flip side.

And recall, JM repeatedly asked ALV to hypothesize. She almost didn't know the concept or the word. She was incapable of imagining any point of view other than her position. This is rank incompetence and reflects a total lack of empathy or the ability to see someone else's perspective and have fellow feeling. Sure, she got sucked in by Jodi, but that's seduction or projection, not empathy:it's about ALV subsuming herself into Jodi. And she certainly had no fellow-feeling for anyone else, especially the Alexanders, the judge, and JM.

And, let me point out, finally, that lack of empathy is a major ingredient in relationship violence (not to mention psychopathy). One wonders what ALV's own life has been like and what role she might herself have played in destructive relationships.

Also ALV luuuuurves herself some power, again an ingredient of domestic violence. She clearly luuuurves to smackdown the men in her groups. She luuurved having her fan club in court. She luuurved the idea of being traumatized by the media (sound familiar?). She luuurves to be right. When her "rightness" has no basis in fact, she simply maintains everyone else is stupid if they can't see it. She must have killed herself that JSS was a woman (not a man) with more power than she: what's to complain about if you're her brand of feminist and a woman is in the power position, when your whole life you've declared men to be in the power position, so you could smack them down? (I tell you, she's sexist as all get out.)

And then there's the manipulation in "It's not a yes or no answer." By this statement, ALV's insisting no one can argue with her and be right. This again, is a craven power play, all the dodging, the whole web of pseudo-expertise, twisting facts to suit her needs, trying to put everyone in thrall to her.... The only thing that held her up was the intervention of the law (under the label perjury) and even then, she tried to get around it, narcissistically excusing herself from her obligation to be at court. (Terse correction by JSS: another of JSS's several gems, IMO).

The person in the room ALV was most like—the only one she felt sorry for—was Jodi: narcissist, manipulator, victim-cryer, incapable of empathy. She adored Jodi like she adored herself, and Jodi was her gravy train to special-snowflakedness, indulgent, grifting, income earned from BS. The Perryville Princess's every little foible: that's ALV's style. With the boys in thrall: Ryan, Abe, Matt, Travis, the guy on the plane on the one hand, the seven dwarfs on the other. Oh, and I even forgot the trips out of state: Jodi and ALV both, so important the two of them are. Oh, and the bucket list of famous places: Grand Canyon and the media circus Arias trial. Check and check.

I wonder if ALV is borderline....

Gosh, I've off the cuff in 5 minutes generated quite a profile, patterns I haven't paid attention to before. I'm especially proud of ALV's seven dwarfs being analogous to Jodi's "boyfriends". Bwahahaha! I'd love to hear additions, two cents, elaborations, or total "I'm not buying that"...

What a great post!!! You've summed up succinctly why I hate ALV so much more than Fonseca. Besides the desire to slap her, I wanted to yell back at her, "You're the one who needs a time-out witch!!!" She gives feminists a bad name.:clap::clap::clap::goodpost:
Dropping in to thank everyone for the ongoing discussion. Looking forward to our members’ takes on the KN book (which I’m not buying, but appreciate those who have). In the snippets so far divulged, I’m surprised by KN’s distrust of Mommy; (as described by readers), KN would not meet with her in his office. Did not want her to see any of his personal photos/info. To me, this is very telling. And (IMO) flies in the face of sexual abuse claims: Mom enabled JA’s behavior: rage, anger, entitlement. IMO.

Shades of Cindy Anthony...:rolleyes:
He did it, according to his book, because apparently the letter said TA was interested in their son. I had never heard that before. KN gets all high and mighty that he was such a great guy to tell them about the letters because they contained info on their child and he didn't want them blindsided. (Sorry if that is old news, it was the first I heard of it).

Nurmi wants it both ways. He wants us to know how smart he is for not falling for the pedo letters. But he wants to use the info they contained as fact.

So she also tried to explode Travis's relationship with the Hughes's by pretending he was interested in their son??? There is no depths to her evil depravity!!
I can't believe I was gonna buy this book if/when it came out on Kindle. So, according to Nurms, everyone was SOMETHING, yet, he was the "victim" of everything and everyone. Just like his client.
Why not add, "I, L. Kirk Nurmi, was a "reclinating", nose picking, finger smelling, slob who thought my socks were cute and couldn't string together a comprehensive question to save my life."
And, yes, I almost started feeling sorry for him....ALMOST.
Thanks for all the snippets and analyses of KN's 1/3 book. For me, it's not worth the investment in even a kindle version. I'm saving my allowance to order JM's hardcover so it can join the rank and file in my true mystery portion of my personal library.

Martinez (as did John Ashton) sought a ghost writer who worked with him to keep his book honest and professional. It's not a negative thing at all. Juan has the ideas, the facts; in effect, the rough draft. A ghost writer also smooths out and corrects timelines and so on. He or she is a super-editor.
About the nude photos, he says poor JA in her braids looked "like a lifeless blow up doll" while TA looked like he was "having the time of his life." Did he see the same pictures we did? Oh and TA has a butt fetish to take photos of JA's anus (he says these are not pictures of her butt, they are pictures of her anus and then uses the word anus about a million times), photos that looked more like a proctology exam.

Sorry to ruin anyone's breakfast.

We had a few more "by in larges" thrown in for good measure, and he said he picked JW as co-counsel off some county approved list because he knew she would not "go rouge". Yes, he said rouge, not rogue.

Because I'm feeling particularly snarky I went to my Goodreads account to enter this book. Except even searching by ISBN number it isn't there. LOL. So much for this being a huge #1 hit.
I just caught up - I've been away for a while and reading on a couple of other cases so I missed a lot!

Thank you to PandGMom (and everyone else) taking one for the team and reading the nurmi book! It sounds awful and the fact that he had to self-publish says a lot. I'm not surprised by the content and it's pretty much exactly what I expected- all about poor, poor nurmi and how he is always right and everyone else is wrong. He's just as despicable as the rest of the defense team.

One thing I don't understand is why BK and others are convinced that Juans book is going to be a factor in the appeal and/or get the convicted murderer a new trial. I thought the appeal could only take into account errors made in the trial and that's it. And I find it very hard to believe that Juan is going to ruin his stellar career because of CMJA. He's way smarter than that - he's not going to divulge anything that will get him into trouble. Once you are convicted of murder it's extremely difficult to get that overturned, even if you really are innocent - just ask Ryan Ferguson. And CMJA is certainly NOT innocent.

Also, someone said that nurmi's book talked about the pedo lie which is ridiculous considering according to JW's statement after the trial - they never said that Travis was a pedophile. That really upset me when I saw that - they should at least be ethical enough to own the fact that that was their strategy. The defense team are liars and disgusting. I don't know how they even sleep at night.
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